
Encouraging your high school student to do their best isn't as hard as you may think.It does take time and effort, but it should become part of a daily routine that both you and your teen can enjoy more than dread.1.This is excellent dinner table conversation if you can keep it light and positive.And these suggestions can help you along:

◆Set the expectations.

Teens need a clear map of what you want them to do.You wouldn't do your teen any favors by not telling him/her what grades you'll be expecting.Send a clear message to your teen about the grades you expect to see in each class.2.Keep your expectations in line with what your teen feels he/she can do.


While your teen will need to keep his/her goals in line with your expectations,he/she may need your assistance. Learning to establish goals teaches independence,one of the things your teen needs to learn to become a successful adult.Have what they need at home,or a way to get it.Resources are important for high school students.Your family should have library cards and a way to access the Internet for homework.4.It's also a good idea to set up a mobile homework center.

◆Stay involved.

Show support for your teen's school by attending parents' nights and other activities or functions.Sign up for the school's online grade reports and/or have a list of teacher's email addresses.Always be respectful to your teen's teachers.5.Learning in a classroom is a two-way street.Please be your teen's advocate when necessary.

A.Help him/her set goals.

B.Praise your teen for a job well done.

C.You can talk to your teen about school.

D.But don't be afraid to ask them tough questions.

E.Without these things,your teen could be at a disadvantage.

F.Set consequences for poor grades as well as rewards for good grades.

G.Tell your teen school is just the beginning and gaining knowledge should be enjoyed.


When Ronald Reagan, who was President of the USA from 1982 to 1989, died in 2004, many people remembered his good sense of humor. Reagan enjoyed a good joke and often made fun of himself. He was very old, almost 70 years of age, when he became President of the USA. Because of this, people often joked about his age. Once, during a meeting, President Reagan was complaining about some reporters who said that he could not hear very well. He wanted to prove that he was healthy and could hear well, so he took out his hearing aid, and said to the people at the meeting, “Say something.” One man pretended to speak. He moved his mouth and made movements with his hands. Everyone thought Reagan would be angry, but he laughed and listened for a very long time.

President Reagan not only enjoyed a good joke when he was relaxing, but he also liked to joke during serious situations. In 1981, he had a shot accident. At the hospital, he joked to the doctors that he hoped they supported him in the government and would let him alive. He was able to keep his sense of humor even when he was hurt.

1.Ronald Reagan was ______in the year 1985.

A. a reporter B. an actor

C. a doctor D. a president

2.The reason why people joked about Reagan's age was that______.

A. he became President of the USA at the age of almost 70

B. he was not old enough to be President of the USA

C. he could not live a normal life at his age

D. he lacked a sense of humor at his age

3.During a meeting, Reagan took out his hearing aid to prove ______.

A. there was something wrong with his ears

B. he was able to make a good speech

C. he was healthy enough to hear well

D. he had a good sense of humor

4.What sent Ronald Reagan to hospital in 1981?

A. His poor hearing. B. His accident.

C. His overwork. D. His illness.

If you've been to Europe a few times already,chances are that you've hit all the big destinations: London, Paris, Rome,Berlin.On your next trip you can either visit those same cities a second time,or instead you can take a chance and walk the streets of some cities that are a little bit smaller,a little bit less famous,but still full of European grace and charm.Here are four European cities to visit that you probably haven't been to yet.


This hidden French city has had a long reputation for being a well-kept secret.It can be at once sleepy with few tourists but abundant galleries,restaurants,and a wonderful Beaux Arts museum whose collection is second only to the Louvre.The city is wound by the River Doubs and also touts (吹捧) its own UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Citadel,home to several small museums and a zoo.


For the tourist who is already tired of Barcelona and Madrid,Seville offers a different take (意见) on Spain. Located on the Southern coast,it keeps beautiful signs of the long period of Moorish rule,nowhere more than in the Alcázar palace building,just one of the city's UNESCO World Heritage Sites.Seville has over a dozen museums, tropical parkland,and probably the best tapas (餐前小吃) culture in all of Spain.


Ghent is a city that looks like it should be the setting for a fairy tale. All of the typical Belgium features abound here-waffles and beer.Every year from Saturday before July 21,Ghent hosts a ten-day festival.This music and theater festival draws almost 2 million visitors,as the city streets transform into performance spaces for performers,buskers (街头艺人) and musicians.


Palermo is the capital city of Sicily,the southern island off the coast of mainland Italy.The city has an ancient history,and the various cultures that have controlled the island through the years have all left their marks on it. You can see winding street markets,antique (古玩) fairs,and open air nightclubs here.

1.Where can visitors enjoy art collections quietly?

A. Besancon. B. Barcelona.

C. Ghent. D. Palermo.

2.What can visitors do in Seville,Spain?

A. Visit antique fairs and clubs.

B. Enjoy a colorful nightlife.

C. Explore over 20 museums.

D. Hunt for Moorish influences.

3.Which country should a music and theater lover choose to visit?

A. France. B. Spain.

C. Belgium. D. Italy.

4.What do the four European cities have in common?

A. They were once ruled by various rulers.

B. They are less famous but worth a visit.

C. Visitors can enjoy seeing performances.

D. They're all UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

China’s largest water diversion project(引水工程) may start supplying water to Shandong Province by 2007 and Beijing by 2010, an official confirmed Tuesday.

The worsening water shortage in the two areas, caused by decades of drought, may be alleviated with water from the mighty Yangtze River in the South which will be diverted into the parched North, he said. The water diversion project consists of three 1,300-kilometre canals that will carry water from the Yangtze along the eastern, middle and western parts of the country.

Zhang Jiyao,director of the state Concil’s office in charge of the South to North Project, told a national conference that ground will be broken in more places along two of the lines of the ambitious water diversion scheme,the largest of its kind in the world.

Before next year’s flood season, construction of four new sections along the two lines will push the project further along the fast track. That would bring the total sections under construction to 13,since construction started in 2002 with an estimated investment of 124 billion yuan(about US $15 billion).

When finished, the two water diversion canals will be capable of transferring 13.4 billion cubic meters of water a year.

1.China’s largest water diversion project is being constructed to ________.

A. supply water to Shandong Province

B. remove the worsening water shortage in Beijing

C. alleviate the shortage of water in the North

D. break ground in more places

2.From the whole passage we can infer that ________.

A. the water diversion project is the biggest in China,but not in the world

B. the water diversion project is the largest both in China and in the world

C. the project will cost 124 billion dollars

D. the project will be finished by 2010

3.When the project is finished, ________.

A. it will solve the water problem once and for all

B. it will supply 13.4 billion cubic meters of water a year

C. the shortage of water in the North will be alleviated

D. the drought in Beijing and Shandong province will disappear

4.According to the passage, which one is TRUE?

A. The shortage of water in the North is only because there are too many people.

B. The whole project will be completed by the year 2010.

C. The total sections under construction will be 13 till the whole project is finished.

D. The whole water diversion project is made up of three canals.

You may be familiar with the following famous people, but have you heard of their graduation speeches, in which they either share their unforgotten experiences or give you some great inspiration(启迪).

●Michael Dell, University of Texas at Austin

And now you've accomplished something great and important here, and it's time for you to move on to what's next. And you must not let anything prevent you from taking those first steps. ... You must also commit to the adventure. Just have faith in the skills and the knowledge you've been blessed (赐予)with and go.

●J.K. Rowling, Harvard University

Half my lifetime ago ,I was striking an uneasy balance between my ambition and the expectation from my parents who were not rich...But what I feared most for myself at your age was not poverty(贫穷), but failure. The fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you know little about failure, you might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for success.

●Steve Jobs, Stanford University

Sometimes life's going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith...Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle.

●Bill Gates, Harvard University

We need as many people as possible to have access to the advanced technology to lead to a revolution in what human beings can do for one another. They are making it possible not just for national governments, but for universities ,smaller organizations, and even individuals to see problems, see approaches and deal with the world's inequities(不公平)like hunger, poverty, and so on.

1.What Michael Dell said is to urge us to     .

A. listen to our heart B. pursue our dreams

C. follow others' example D. learn from our mistakes

2.What did J.K. Rowling fear most when she was studying in university?

A. Poverty. B. Hunger.

C. Failure. D. Appearance.

3.Who wants to express "Keep looking for what you believe in"?

A. Michael Dell. B. J.K. Rowling.

C. Bill Gates. D. Steve Jobs.

4.What does Bill Gates suggest people do?

A. Make contributions to the environment.

B. Take responsibility for their own behavior.

C. Make joint efforts to rid some global problems.

D. Master as much advanced technology as possible.

Imagine looking out of your window and seeing a whale swim by.That's the sight that surprises New York City residents recently.In the past years,humpback whales have been spotted in the two rivers surrounding the island of Manhattan,the Hudson River and the East River.1.

Experts say that river cleanup efforts have improved water quality and led to an increase in the number of fish there.Fish are on the humpback's menu.2.The sighting is also an encouraging sign that conservation efforts are helping humpback whales come back.In 1973,the species was listed as the endangered.Now scientists say humpback whales are making a comeback.

By the middle of the 20th century,hunting whales for profit had nearly wiped out many whale species.In 1973, the U.S. set up the Endangered Species Act.People were no longer allowed to hunt them in the U.S. waters.In 1982, the International Whaling is illegal worldwide.3.Last September,it was announced that nine groups of humpback whales are no longer endangered.Four groups are still endangered and a fifth is threatened.

4.The number of them is growing particularly faster in the Southern Hemisphere like Tasman Sea and Coral Sea.And the number of humpback whales in Hawaii has made an amazing recovery.In 1966,there were fewer than 1,500 humpbacks there.Today there are about 10,000.But humpbacks in other parts of the world are still struggling.

5.“We still have a lot of work to do,”says Angela Somma,head of NOAAS Fisheries’ endangered Species division.“But with the right protection,the number of humpback whales should continue to grow.

A.Those efforts to save whales are paying off.

B.People are frightened when seeing whales in the river.

C.Last year,one even swam past where the mayor lives.

D.Today there are about 100,000 humpback whales worldwide.

E.The extra food in the rivers is mainly what’s attracting the whales.

F.Scientists have carried out further research on the number of the whales.

G.Scientists say that the focus needs to be on the whales that are still struggling.

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