
I had decided to give it up ,but on _____second thoughts,I decided to try _____third time.

A.不填;a(三思后,晚些时候做出决定)  B.不填;the  C.the;the  D.the;a



本题考查冠词。On second thoughts 是习语,意思是:三思后,晚些时候做出决定。序数词的前面加上不定冠词,表示再一,又一。 A third time 表示再一次,又一次。


“When one of the doctors criticizes(批评) me, I get defensive. I feel like a child again, being scolded, and I want to explain that I’m not wrong,” says Viola, a nurse. This is a common reaction(反应) to criticism, but not a good one. There are better ways of dealing with criticism.
Try to be objective(客观的).When Sol was criticized by his new employer for not having made a sale, Sol’s reaction was to feel sorry for himself. “I had put everything I had into making that sale,” Sol says. “And I felt that I had failed as a person.I had to learn through experience not to react like that to each failure.”
Take time to cool down. Rather than react at once to criticism, take some time to think over what was said. Your first question should be whether the criticism is fair from the other person’s position. The problem may be a simple misunderstanding of what you did or your reasons for doing it.
Take positive(积极的) action. After you cool down, consider what you can do about the situation. The best answer may be “nothing”. “I finally realized that my boss was having personal problems and taking  them out on me because I was there ,” says Sheila. “His criticisms didn’t really have anything to do with my work, so nothing I said or did was going to change them.” In Sheila’s case, the best way to deal with it was to leave her job However, that’s an extreme(极端的) reaction.
You may simply explain your opinion without expecting an in-depth(深入的) discussion. You may even decide that the battle isn’t worth fighting this time. The key, in any case , is to have a reasonable plan.
64. When Sol was criticized by his employer, he________.
A. argued bitterly with his employer
B. was angry and gave up his job
C. was sorry for what he did
D. was sad and self-pitying
65. According to the writer, you should take time to think about criticism because ________.
A. people may have a mistaken idea of what you did
B. you should welcome other people’s opinions
C. people may discuss it with you in depth
D. you need time to understand yourself
66. When the writer says that “The best answer may be ‘ nothing’ ”,he means you may
decide _________.
A. to take no notice of the criticism          B. to argue with your boss    
C. you need to change your job             D. you’ve done nothing wrong
67.The writer thinks Sheila might decide to leave her job because her boss______.
A.didn’t like her appearance         B. refused to change his opinion
C.made an unreasonable critcism    D.refused to talk to her about the criticism

After two classes, I started to recognize several of the faces in each class. There was always someone braver than the others who would introduce themselves and ask me questions about how I was liking Forks. I tried to be diplomatic, so mostly I just lied a lot to appear to be skilled at dealing with people. At least I never needed the map.
One girl sat next to me in both Trig and Spanish, and she walked with me to the cafeteria for lunch. She was tiny, several inches shorter than my five feet four inches, but her wildly curly dark hair made up a lot of the difference between our heights. I couldn't remember her name, so I smiled and nodded as she gossiped about teachers and classes. I didn't try to keep up.
We sat at the end of a full table with several of her friends, who she introduced to me. I forgot all their names as soon as she spoke them. They seemed impressed by her bravery in speaking to me. The boy from England Eric, waved at me from across the room.
It was there, sitting in the lunchroom, trying to make conversation with seven curious strangers, that I first saw them.
They were sitting in the corner of the cafeteria, as far away from where I sat as possible in the long room. There were five of them. They weren't talking, and they weren't eating, though they each had a tray of untouched food in front of them. They weren't staring at me, unlike most of the other students, so it was safe to stare at them without fear of meeting an over interested pair of eyes. But it was none of these things that caught and held my attention.
I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all extremely, inhumanly beautiful. They were faces you never expected to see except perhaps on the airbrushed pages of a fashion magazine, or painted by an old master as the face of an angel. It was hard to decide who was the most beautiful -- maybe the perfect blond girl, or the bronze-haired boy.
【小题1】What does the underlined word “diplomatic” mean?

【小题2】From the passage, we can infer that _______________.
A.“I” was really liking the new place.
B.“I” had a bad memory, so it’s hard to remember names.
C.“I” was good at making friends.
D.“I” was not interested in what the girl said.
【小题3】 According to the last two paragraphs, why did “they” catch “my” attention?
A.Because “they” looked incredibly beautiful.
B.Because “they” weren’t talking.
C.Because “they” sat in the corner.
D.Because “they” didn’t eat the food.
【小题4】According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?
A.The girl walked with “me” was a little short.
B.“I” saw the five students for the first time.
C.Those students sitting in the corner had finished their food.
D.“I” probably wanted to know more about those five students.

某网站上组织了一次讨论,其中David, Joe, Sophie, Michael与Bauer的观点颇具代表性。以下是他们各自的观点。阅读下面发表在该网站上的6段留言(A、B、C、D、E和F),选择与其观点一致的表述,并在答题纸上将该项标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多途选项。
【小题1】David believes people shouldn't smoke in public places as it harms others.
【小题2】Joe insists that smokers should put the cigarette ends where they should go.
【小题3】Sophie holds that this question should call for a further argument.
【小题4】Michael thinks cigarette taxes should be raised for free healthcare for nonsmokers.
【小题5】Bauer thinks that victims of second - hand smoking should leave smoking areas to avoid harm.
The stupid thing is, I often see people smoking and then they throw the cigarette ends away from them when they have finished, not even stopping them but it just seems like once they have finished, they don't want it near them, perhaps they ought to have to carry their own ash trays in their pockets.
In many places, there are no non - smoking bars or restaurants.Unless people refuse to go out with friends who smoke, they cannot avoid passive smoking.Society accepts that adults can decide to harm themselves.so long as they do not harm others.This is why the suggestion is not arguing that people should be banned from smoking in private.Passive smokers do choose to breathe in other people's smoke.If they do not want to smoke passively, they do not need to go to places where smoking is allowed.There is therefore no reason to prevent smoking in public.
I'm only for smoking because not only do nice people and many friends and family of mine smoke, but this debate needs someone to take the side of the smoker.Otherwise we're just picking on a set of people.The only comment so far for smoking has been that clever one about how they pay for it.Smoking has its good points, whether it is giving job opportunities to millions of people, or getting extra breaks at work.Anyway, I do have a lot to say against smoking too, but again, debate.
What I care about is whether people can get free healthcare.Some people deliberately take dangerous toxins into their bodies because they're "addicted" while there are other people like my uncle who died of lung cancer and he never smoked in his life.It makes you wonder why cigarettes are so cheap.Surely all the taxes from cigarettes ought to go to help people who don't smoke.Perhaps we ought to sort things out.
Completely against it.I work in a bar and 1 get so sick of coming home smelling like a bonfire. And if that isn't enough, I'm probably going to get lung cancer from those idiots that decide to excite themselves.However,! do understand that for some older smokers it is a habit because they may have been smoking long before they knew it was bad for them.I do think there's no excuse for my generation to do it though and if they want to die, then go to do it in your own home.
Phil and I had a good argument today in the pub.He made the comment, "If he wants to smoke and kill himself, he can!", about which I said "You want to get on your motorbike and risk death, fine", which are basically the same thing.He made the point that he's a good driver and it's not his fault if he gets hurt, but at the end of the day, his fault or not, he knows he could get killed, and he's still taking the risk of being on a bike.I think it's a sick thing to say, being honest! If people want to put something in their mouth and blow on it, they should be allowed without having things like that being said ! It's a free country!

 “What is the most important thing you’ve done in your life?” The question was put to me during a presentation I gave to a group of lawyers.

The answer came to me in an instant. It’s not the one I gave, because the situation was not right. As a lawyer in the entertainment industry, I knew the audience wanted to hear some amusing stories about my work with well-known people. But here’s the true answer:

The most important thing I’ve ever done occurred on October 8, 1990. I began the day playing tennis with an old friend I hadn’t seen for a while. Between points we talked about what had been happening in each other’s lives. He and his wife had just had a baby boy, who was keeping them up at night.

While we were playing, a car came screaming up the road toward the courts. It was my friend’s father, who shouted to my friend that his baby had stopped breathing and was being rushed to the hospital. In a flash my friend was in the car and gone, disappearing in a cloud of dust.

For a moment I just stood there, paralyzed(呆若木鸡). Then I tried to figure out what I should do. Follow my friend to the hospital? There was nothing I could accomplish there, I convinced myself. My friend’s son was in the care of doctors and nurses, and nothing I could do or say would affect the outcome. Be there for moral support? Well, maybe. But my friend and his wife both had large families, and I knew they’d be surrounded by relatives who would provide more than enough comfort and support, whatever happened. All I could do at the hospital, I decided, was to get in the way. Also, I had planned a full day with my family, who were waiting for me to get home. So I decided to head back to my house and check in my friend later.

As I started my car, I realized that my friend had left his truck and keys at the courts. I now faced another problem. I couldn’t leave the keys in the truck. So I decided to go to the hospital and give him the keys.

When I arrived, I was directed to a room where my friend and his wife were waiting. As I had thought, the room was filled with family members silently watching my friend comfort his wife. I went in and stood by the door, trying to decide what to do next. Soon a doctor appeared. He approached my friend and his wife, and in a quiet voice told them that their son had died.

For a long time the two held each other and cried, unaware of the rest of us standing around in pained silence. After they had calmed themselves, the doctor suggested they spend a few moments with their son.

My friend and his wife stood up and walked past their families. When they reached the door, my friend saw me standing in the corner. He came over and hugged me and started to cry. My friend’s wife hugged me, too, and said, “Thanks for being here.”

For the rest of that morning, I sat in the emergency room of that hospital and watched my friend and his wife hold the body of their infant son, and say goodbye.

It’s the most important thing I have ever done.

The experience taught me two lessons.

First: The most important thing I’ve ever done happened when I was completely helpless. None of the things I had learned in university, in three years of law school or in six years of legal practice were of any use in that situation. Something terrible was happening to people Icared about, and I was powerless to change the outcome. All I could do was standing by and watching it happen. And yet it was critical that I do just that—just be there when someone needed me.

Second: The most important thing I’ve done almost didn’t happen because of things I had learned in classroom and professional life. Law school taught me how to take a set of facts, break them down and organized them. These skills are critical for lawyers. When people come to us for help, they’re often stressed out and depend on a lawyer to think logically. But while learning to think, I almost forget how to feel. Today I have no doubt that I should have leapt into my car without hesitation and followed my friend to the hospital.

From that one experience I learned that the most important thing in life isn’t the money you make, the status you attain or the honors you achieve. The most important thing in life is the kids’ team you coach or the poem you write—or the time when you’re just somebody’s friend.

1.When he was asked about the most important thing he had done in life at a presentation, the author __________.

A felt it was not an interesting question           

B. thought for a while and spoke his mind

C. gave an answer from a lawyer’s point of view   

D. didn’t give the real answer

2.When he saw his friend rush to the hospital, the author could not decide whether to follow mainly because he thought _________.

A. he had to stay with his family             B. his friend did not need his help

C. he would not be of much help         D. the baby would be in the doctor’s care

3.The purpose of the author’s description of the scene at the hospital is to inform us that ______.

A. he found out that he was in the way            

B. he would have felt guilty if he had not been there

C. he regretted that he went too later

D. his friend would have felt better if he had not been there

4.Which of the following is conveyed in this story?

A. Family and relatives can not take the place of friends.

B. More people are a great comfort when one is in trouble.

C. It is best to be here when someone needs you.

D. You can certainly help a friend if you want to.

5.The author learned from his own experience that_______.

A. what is taught in school is usually of no use

B. a lawyer cannot learn much in classrooms

C. a lawyer should know people’s feeling first

D. he needs to be able to feel as well as think logically


When I was nine years old I lived in a small town. I found an ad for selling greeting cards in the back of a children’s magazine. I thought to myself I could do this. I begged my mother to let me send for the kit (配件). Two weeks later the kit arrived. The next three hours later, I returned home with no card and a pocket full of money shouting, “Mama, all the people couldn’t wait to buy my cards!” A salesperson was born.

When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Ziegler. I remember sitting in the dark hall listening to Mr. Ziegler raise everyone’s spirits up to ceiling. I left there feeling like I could do anything. When we got to the car, I turned to my father and said, “Dad, I want to make people feel like that.” My father asked me what I meant. “I want to be a motivational speaker just like Mr. Ziegler,” I replied. A dream was born.

Recently, I began pursuing(追求) my dream of motivating others. I realized that everything I had accomplished — the graduate degree, the successful sales career, speaking appointments, training and managing for a major fortune 100 company as a senior manager— had prepared me for this moment. I told my boss who was a great leader I would leave the company though I might not reach such a height in career. He told me to proceed(进行) and he believed I would succeed.

Having made that decision, I was immediately tested. One week after I gave notice, my husband was laid off from his job. We had recently bought a new home and needed both incomes to make the monthly mortgage (抵押) payment and now we were done to no income. I even planned to turn back to my former company, knowing they wanted me to stay but I was certain that if I went back, I would never leave. I decided I still wanted to move forward rather than end up with a mouth full of “if onlys” later on. A motivational speaker was born.

When I held fast to my dream, even during the tough times, the miracles(奇迹) really began to happen. In a short time period my husband found a better job. We didn’t miss a mortgage payment. And I was able to book several speaking appointments with new clients (客户). I discovered the incredible power of dreams. I loved my old job, my workmates and the company I left, but it was time to get on with my dream. To celebrate my success I had a local artist paint my new office as a garden. At the top of one wall she marked, “The world always makes way for the dreamer.

1.Why was the kit sent for?

A. Selling greeting cards.                  B. Collecting greeting cards.

C. Buying greeting cards.                   D. Sending greeting cards.

2. When did the author decide to become a motivational speaker?

A. After buying a new home by mortgage.

B. After giving notice to leave her safe position in the company.

C. After finding a job in a major fortune 100 company.

D. After listening to Mr. Ziegler’s inspiring speech.

3. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A. She was once an excellent manager.

B. She left her post at the height of her career.

C. She was not sure whether the former company could accept her.

D. She didn’t miss paying the monthly mortgage payment.

4. What does the underlined sentence mean in the last paragraph?

A. Carry on with your dreams and you will be successful.

B. Risk everything you have for a dream and you will succeed.

C. The world belongs to dreamers.

D. Everyone will find their dreams.



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