I was doing some last-minute Christmas shopping in a toy store. A nicely dressed little girl was 31 the teddy bears beside her father 32 she saw a little boy walk in and stop in front of the Pokémon toys. His jacket was obviously too small. He had money in his hand. 33 , it seemed to add up to five dollars at most. He was with his father as well, and kept 34 the Pokémon video games. Each time he showed one to his father, his father 35 his head, “No”.
Rather 36 , the boy gave up the video games and chose a picture book 37 . After they walked away, the little girl ran over to the Pokémon video games. She excitedly picked up one 38 on top of the others, and raced down toward the check-out. I picked up my purchases(购买物) and 39 the girl and her father.
Then much to her 40 , the little boy and his father got in line 41 her and me. After the video was paid for and bagged, the little girl 42 it back to the cashier(收银员) and said something secret to her. The cashier smiled and put the 43 under the counter(柜台). I was putting things in my bag when the little boy 44 the cashier. The cashier said, “Congratulations, you’re my hundredth customer today, and you win a(n) 45 !” and she handed the boy the Pokémon game. The boy could only stood there 46 . It was, he said, 47 what he had wanted! The little girl and her father had been standing at the doorway, and I saw the biggest and sweetest smile on her face I have 48 seen in my life.
I suddenly understood that the world is not 49 into the strong who care and the weak who are 50 . We must each in turn care and be cared.
【小题1】 |
【小题2】 |
【小题3】 |
【小题4】 |
【小题5】 |
【小题6】 |
【小题7】 |
【小题8】 |
【小题9】 |
【小题10】 |
【小题11】 |
【小题12】 |
【小题13】 |
【小题14】 |
【小题15】 |
【小题16】 |
【小题17】 |
【小题18】 |
【小题19】 |
【小题20】 |
【小题1】A 短语辨析。A浏览,仔细查看;B完成C盛装D收拾;指一个小女孩正在仔细看泰迪熊。
【小题2】D 固定句式。Be doing sth when…正在做某事在这时…;when后面的句子是意料之外的。
【小题3】C 副词辨析。A那时B因此C然而D否则,要不然;然而所有的钱加起来也不超过5元。
【小题5】A 动词辨析。A摇动B点头C移动D举起;指父亲摇头拒绝她的要求。
【小题6】B 形容词辨析。A焦虑B难过C恼怒D担心;很难过,这个男孩放弃了自己的选择。
【小题7】C 副词辨析。A也B最后C代替D真地;代替game,他选了一本图画书。
【小题8】B 动词辨析。A放置B躺,位于C依附D属于;她拿起了一个位于最高位置的一个bear.
【小题9】D 动词辨析。A带领B追赶C开车D跟随;指我跟随在她和她父亲后面。
【小题10】D 名词辨析。A满意B惊讶C兴趣D开心;让小女孩开心的是,那个男孩和父亲在后面。
【小题11】C 上下文串联。根据下文收银员把小女孩付了钱的game给男孩可知,男孩在后面。
【小题12】B 动词辨析。A放B递给C送D携带;小女孩把game递还给收银员。
【小题13】B 名词辨析。A篮子B包C熊D礼物;收银员把装玩具的包放在了柜台的下面。
【小题14】D 短语辨析。A跑到B跑开C摆脱D走过来;指小男孩朝收银员走了过来。
【小题15】C 名词辨析。A奖金B酬劳C奖品D价格;指小男孩是第100个顾客,得到了奖品。
【小题16】D 介词辨析。A在困境中B安静C轻松D怀疑;小男孩站在那里很怀疑是不是真的。
【小题17】C 副词辨析。A极其B仅仅C确切,的确D很棒;这的确是他所想要的。
【小题18】C 副词辨析。A很少B频繁C曾经D几乎不;这是一生中我曾经见过的最甜蜜的微笑。
【小题19】A 动词辨析。A分成B改变C包括D砍,切;这个世界不能简单被分成强者和弱者。
【小题20】A 短语辨析。A照料;B致力C求助D思考;指这个世界被分成了照顾别人的强者和被别人照顾的弱者。