
2.A little boy's father was sitting on the couch,drinking a beer while watching (61)a basketball match.Seeing this,the boy rushed to his father and shouted,"Daddy,show me how to play catch!"The father,(62)staring (stare) at the television screen,replied,"Let me finish watching the match.Play outside and come back in five minutes.''
"Okay,Daddy!"said the boy.Five minutes later,the boy returned,screaming,"Daddy,let's play catch now!"
By this time,the father had opened another cold beer and another match was beginning.impatient with the boy's interruption,the dad (63)brought(bring) a magazine to his son.(64)onthe cover of the magazine was a large picture of the world.The father,(65)who was angry and bothered,began tearing the magazine cover into small (66)pieces (piece).Then,the father turned to his boy and said,"Son,once you put this picture back together,we can play catch,but do not interrupt me again (67)until you finish."
A few minutes later,the boy returned and said,"I have finished,Daddy!Can we play catch now?"(68)Surprised(Surprise),the father glanced towards the child,and there lay the magazine with the world pieced perfectly together in his small hands.The dad asked his child how he put the world together so (69)quickly(quick).
"(70)It is simple,"said the boy."On the back of the world is the picture of a person,and once I put the person together,that's when the world comes together."

分析 本文讲述了儿子想要和忙于观看比赛的父亲玩耍,父亲感到不耐烦,将杂志撕掉后让儿子拼接,拼好了再来找父亲.没想到儿子很快就拼接好了.原来杂志上是一个人物的照片,所以易于拼接.

解答 61.a   62.staring  63.brought  64.on  65 who 66 pieces  67 until   68 Surprised 69.quickly 70 It
61.a 考查冠词.根据后面的名词"basketball match"可知,该可数名词前面要添上一个冠词,且"basketball"不是以元音发音开头的,所以要用"a".故填"a".
62.staring 考查动词.该句是作为伴随状语,所以要用动词的ing形式.故填"staring". 
63.brought  考查时态.根据"began tearing the magazine"可知,本篇文章使用一般过去时.故填"brought".
64.on  考查介词.根据后面的"the cover of the magazine,杂志的封面",可知应当使用介词"on".故填"on".
65.who 考查代词.根据前面的"The father"可知,此处要用"who"来指代"The father".故填"who".
66 pieces  考查可数名词单复数形式."piece 块"为可数名词,且前面没有冠词,所以要填入复数形式.故填"pieces".
67 until  考查固定搭配.根据前面的"not"以及句意可知,填入"until".not…until,直到…才.故填"until".
68.Surprised 考查主动形式.surprise的主语是"the father",是父亲感到惊讶,所以是主动的关系.故填"surprised".
69.quickly 考查副词.这里要用一个副词来修饰前面的动词"put".故填"quickly".
70 It 考查代词.这里用"it"来指代前一句"快速把图片拼接好的方法".故填"it".

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析.要解决好语法填空,离不开坚实的语法知识,有了坚实的语法知识才能对语言进行正确的分析和判断,从而答对题目.

10.Yash GuptaYash Gupta has worn glasses for many years.When they broke one ay and he was not able to wear thenm to school,he had a big problem.(36)E  At the end of the day,he realized that he had learned nothing that day!
Yash quickly got his glasses fixed,but his experience changed his life.He realized that there were probably many kids around the world that did not have proper glasses to help them learn in school.(37)B  He found out that 13 million children around the world don't have proper glasses to help them see in class.Instead of just shaking his head at this problem,he decided to do something about it.(38)C   Its goal is to help find glasses for other kids and teens that need them.
He created Sight Learning in 2011 and since then he has changed the lives of thousands of young students around the world!The organization has tried to provide eyeglasses to students who need them but cannot afford them.It has collected and given away over $1,000,000 worth of eyeglasses.(39)GAs Dr.Seuss,a famous writer,once said,"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,nothing is going to get better.It's not."(40)A   He has taken action to not only improve his own life,but those of others.

A.Yash is such a teenager.
B.So,he did some research.
C.Yash started a small organization,Sight Learning.
D.Here is an easy way to help Yash and Sight Learning.
E.He could not see much of what was going on in his classroom.
F.He learned that not having glasses can cause a 20% loss in learning!
G.This has helped over 20,000 young people in 5 countries to see better!
7.Whenever something looks interesting or beautiful,there's a natural impulse to catch and own it-which means,in this day and age,that we can't help reaching for our phones to take a picture when seeing beautiful things.
Though this would seem to be a wonderful solution,there are two big problems about taking pictures.Firstly,we're likely to be so busy taking the pictures that we forget to look at the world whose beauty and interest inspire us to take a photograph in the first place.And secondly,because we feel the pictures are safely stored in our phones,we never get around to look at them.
These problems would seem to be very much of today,a consequence of the tiny phones in our pockets.But they were noticed right at the beginning of the history of photography,when the average camera was the size of a grandfather clock.The first person who noticed them was the English art critic,John Ruskin.He was a travelling lover who realized that most tourists failed to notice or remember the beautiful things they saw.
He argued that humans have a born tendency(倾向)to respond to beauty and desire to keep it,but that there are bad expressions of this desire.At worst,we get into buying souvenirs or taking photographs.But,in Ruskin's eyes,there's one thing we should do and that is attempting to draw the interesting things we see,and it doesn't matter whether we happen to have any talent for doing so.
Before the invention of photography,people used to draw far more than they do today.It was an active necessity.But in the mid-19th century,photography killed drawing.It became something only"artists"would ever do,so Ruskin spent four years on a campaign to get people drawing again.
So if drawing had value even when it was practiced by people with no talent,it was for Ruskin because drawing can teach us to notice properly rather than watch absent-mindedly(心不在焉地).When describing what lies before our eyes with our own hands,we naturally move from a position of observing beauty in a loose way to one where we acquire a deep understanding of its parts.

32.What does the underlined word"impulse"mean?B
33.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?C
A.An effective solution to storing something nice.
B.Reasons for taking pictures in the first place.
C.Problems related with taking photos.
D.Methods of storing pictures in phones.
34.It can be inferred that John RuskinA.
A.lived at the origin of photography 
B.lived at the origin of drawing
C.studied the history of photography 
D.was an English literature critic
35.How did John Ruskin advise us to remember our travel?D
A.By taking photographs.
B.By buying meaningful souvenirs.
C.By writing some travel notes.
D.By trying drawing what we see.
14.How to give a good speechDo you want to give a speech like Obama talking in front of millions of people powerfully?(36)F.
When your thought that you want to give a speech in public is produced in your mind,you ought to think over and over again,which topic will you choose?Is it about human beings or nature?(37)A This is a very important part that you should think carefully.Once you make up your mind to talk one thing,immediately you should work out several parts about your topic.
Next you need to raise your hand to start writing.(38)C  Then you can let your pen dance in the paper.You should notice that some words are avoidable in a speech.For example,you should give a speech in a polite way,and avoid using rude words.When you come to an end with thank you for your listening",your paper is finished a half.The next thing you're able to do is to check your paper out.Make sure your usages of words are correct.Checking at least three times will help you reach perfect paper.
Then you can take both your hands and read it out loud until you can recite it.(39)E.If you're not sure the correct vocabulary you pronounce look up the dictionary at once and read it several times.
After you have a skilled recitation,you can stand in front of open ground and imagine the flowers and grass in front of you are your listeners or audience.(40)G.Practice makes perfect.Keep calm and free before your listeners.When you finish practicing your speech,ask your listeners which part you should improve,pronunciation,manner or usage in some words?After listening to their advice,the next step you should do is to correct the wrong part and improve your speech skills.
If you've read those steps carefully and make your mind to give a good speech,ten to one you'll be an excellent speechmaker.

A.Is it about something around us or alien from other planets?
B.Giving a good speech is not as simple as eating an apple.
C.Make sure you have a complete plan in your mind before writing.
D.Sometimes we can imitate famous politicians'speeches.
E.Pay attention to every word you pronounce being correct and fluent.
F.If your answer is yes,just hold your breath and go on reading this article.
G.Or you can find some friends and families to listen to your practicing speech.
14.Teachers want to get along with students.(71)E  The clashes (冲突) can happen between any two people.
Show your teacher that you want to make the situation better.(72)F  By handling a problem like this,you learn something about how to get along with people who are different from you.
(73)G  Just like your parents have business relationships with the people they work with or the people who deliver the mail to your house,kids also can have these kinds of relationships.They are different from your family relationships and friendships,which are built on affection and love.In a business relationship,each of the two parties gets something out of the relationship,but does not necessarily need to be good friends or like each other a lot.(74)B
When you act this way,and remember that you're not the only kid in the class,you are helping your teacher.(75)C  Teachers also like it when students follow directions and when they learn and obey the rules of the classroom.For instance,there may be rules about listening when another student is talking,or about taking turns,or about raising your hand when you want to say something or ask a question.

A.So they will be happy when you do well in exams.
B.In other words,they need to"get down to business".
C.Your teacher is likely to notice this and appreciate it.
D.However,they may develop friendship with each other.
E.But teachers and students sometimes have personality clashes.
F.Then he or she will probably do everything possible to make that happen.
G.Your relationship with a teacher is often your first chance to develop a"business relationship".
2.How can you make a million dollars in one month?I'm sure I am going to get the(41)Aof many readers with the question.The(42)Cnews is that you are not going to make a million dollars in one month(43)Byou win the lottery (彩票) or some other prize.
We all want to be millionaires.However,if you try to(44)Ahow they became that rich,you will learn that they worked very(45)Cfor the money.That is what most(46)Ahave had to do,including Bill Gates and Andrew Carnegie,and they often went(47)Chardships before they succeeded(48)B.
There are many reasons why the millionaires have made it(49)Dfor themselves.In this article,I am going to(50)Apassion (热情) which I think is the most(51)Bquality to have in order to succeed.I am sure that if one were to(52)Dthe people who made millions in their lifetime,this would be found in all of them.
Take J.K.Rowling for(53)C.Her first Harry Potter book was sent to twelve publishing houses,all of which(54)Cto publish it.A year later,she was finally given the chance by a small(55)B,which paid£1,500.And the(56)Afrom that company was that she should get herself a job since she had little(57)Dof making a living by writing children's books.
If you want to make a million dollars,find something that(58)Dyou really passionate and work hard at it.It doesn't(59)Awhat it is.Let me know how you(60)C.

44.A.find outB.think upC.bring upD.care about
48.A.as wellB.at lastC.on purposeD.by chance
50.A.talk aboutB.show offC.pick outD.carry out

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