Mr. Bean has made his first appearance in 1990 and since then he has been popular around the world. Why does he liked by people from different culture?One reason is that there is a little dialogue in the stories. Just like Charlie Chaplin, his sense of humor, what doesn’t need translating, make people laugh. So people have no problems understood him. But there is a deeper reason. Mr. Bean breaks social rules wherever she goes, for example, he jumps the queue, he tries to sleep exams — something we secret want to do but dare not.
Mr. Bean has made his first appearance in 1990 and since then he has been popular around the world.
Why does he liked by people from different culture?One reason is that there is a little is cultures
dialogue in the stories. Just like Charlie Chaplin, his sense of humor, what doesn’t need translating,
make people laugh. So people have no problems understood him. But there is a deeper reason.
makes understanding
Mr. Bean breaks social rules wherever she goes, for example, he jumps the queue, he tries to
sleep∧exams — something we secret want to do but dare not.
in secretly