
A little boy was visiting his grandparents on their farm.He was given a slingshot (弹弓) to play with out in the woods.He  36  in the woods, but he could never hit anything.Getting a little  37   , he headed back for dinner.As he was  38   back he saw Grandma's pet  39   .Just out of impulse (冲动), he let the slingshot  40  ,

hit the duck right in the head and killed it.He was shocked and  41   .

In a panic, he hid the  42   duck in the wood pile, only to see his sister watching! Sally had seen it all, but she said  43   .After lunch the next day Grandma said, "Sally, let's wash the  44   ." But Sally said, "Grandma, Johnny told me he  45 to help in the kitchen." Then she 46   to him, "Remember the duck?" So Johnny washed the dishes.Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing.Before they left, Grandma said, "I'm sorry but I  47   Sally to help me make supper."Sally just smiled and said, "Well, you needn't worry about it  48   Johnny told me he wanted to help."She whispered again, "Remember the duck?" So Sally went  49   and Johnny stayed to help.After several days of doing both his  50   and Sally's, he finally couldn't  51   it any longer.He came to Grandma and admitted that he had  52   the duck.

Grandma knelt down(蹲下), gave him a  53   , and said, "Sweetheart, I know.You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the  54   thing, but because I love you.I forgave you.I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make a  55   of you.If you make a mistake, just be brave to admit to it and promise not to make it again.In that way, everyone will forgive you."

A.worked        B.practiced   C.climbed    D.searched

A.pleased        B.worried    C.puzzled     D.discouraged

A.turning       B.looking     C.walking    D.falling

A.dog           B.duck        C.cat         D.rabbit

A.rise           B.leave       C.stop        D.fly

A.sad         B.lucky       C.angry       D.excited

A.happy         B.hungry     C.fat         D.dead

A.anything       B.something C.nothing     D.everything

A.clothes        B.dishes       C.hands       D.floors

A.wanted        B.managed C.tried       D.willing

A.shouted        B.explained C.talked       D.whispered

A.command     B.request     C.need        D.allow

A.until          B.because    C.while       D.although

A.fishing        B.swimming C.climbing  D.shopping

A.exercise        B.lesson      C.problem    D.housework

A.accept         B.afford       C.stand(忍受)D.support

A.hurt           B.killed       C.hidden      D.wounded

A.kiss           B.surprise    C.gift         D.suggestion

A.strange        B.terrible     C.serious      D.whole

A.enemy         B.winner      C.slave        D.leader

Last year, two days after Christmas, we kicked China out of the house. Not the country obviously, but bits of plastic, metal, and wood with the words “Made in China”. We kept what we already had, but stopped bringing any more in. because it had coated our lives with toys, and useless stuff. Sometimes I worried about jobs sent overseas, but price triumphed over virtue at our house. We couldn’t resist what China was selling.
But on that dark Monday last year, an unease feeling washed over me as I sat on the sofa. It wasn’t until then that I noticed a fact: China was taking over the place.
It stared back at me from the empty screen of the television. I spied it in the pile of tennis shoes by the door. It glowed in the lights on the Christmas tree and watched me in the eyes of a doll lying on the floor, I slipped off the couch and sorted gifts into two piles: China and non-China. The count came to China, 25, the world, 14. Christmas, I realized, had become a holiday made by the Chinese. Suddenly I wanted China out.
I persuaded my husband, and on Jan. 1 st, we started a-year-long household embargo on Chinese imports. The idea wasn’t to punish China. And we didn’t fool ourselves into thinking because we wanted to measure how far it had pushed in. We wanted to know what it would take in time, money, and worry to kick our China habit!
In the spring, our 4-year-old son started a campaign to support “China things”. “It’s too long without China,” he cried. He kept at me all day. I have discovered for myself that China doesn’t control every aspect of our daily lives, but if you take a close look at the underside of boxes in the toy department, I promise it will give you pause. “When we can buy China things again? Let’s never stop.” My son said.
After a year without China I can tell you this: You can still live without it, but it’s getting costlier by the day. And a decade from now I may not be brave enough to try it again.
【小题1】 The best title for the text could be _______.

A.China Free Living: A Trouble One
B.A Year without “Made in China”
C.Why I Choose “Made in China”
D.“Made in China”: Good or Bad
【小题2】 According to the passage, why did the author stop bringing in things “Made in China”?
A.Because she wanted to bring back job opportunities for her natives.
B.Because she has a strong sense of nationalism against “Made in China”.
C.Because she wanted to learn what life would be like without “Made in China”.
D.Because too much stuff made in China was take over her house.
【小题3】 The Underlined word “embargo” in the forth paragraph means ________.
【小题4】The writer’s purpose in writing this passage is ________.
A.to tell the readers an interesting experience
B.to describe the trouble facing a housewife
C.to explain the importance of Chinese goods
D.to show the difficulty without Chinese goods

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