
Fatness is one of the serious problems which have a bad effect on our health.                .

分析 本文属于提纲作文,动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题.平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果.
亮点句型一:Fatness is one of the serious problems which have a bad effect on our health.肥胖是严重影响我们健康的严重问题之一.这是一个定语从句,先行词是problems,在定语从句which have a bad effect on our health中做主语.
亮点句型二:Some students think fatness does harm to our health,so it is necessary to be on a diet and take suitable exercise to prevent it.一些学生认为肥胖对我们的健康有害,因此有必要节食并采取适当的运动来预防肥胖.本句so引导的是结果状语从句,在从句中it是形式主语,动词不定式是真正的主语.

解答 Fatness is one of the serious problems which have a bad effect on our health.(亮点句型一)And at present the situation in the teenagers is even worse,As to this,a discussion was carried out in our class.
Some students think fatness does harm to our health,so it is necessary to be on a diet and take suitable exercise to prevent it.(亮点句型二)Those who are overweight should take measures to lose weight to be healthy.
But others have a different opinion.They say losing weight will be bad for the teenagers during their growth course,as well as their studies.So there is no doubt to leave it as it is.

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.

9.Around four years ago,I received a call from the principal of our school as to the"Parents View"talk the next morning.He asked me to speak to the group.After the call,I became feverish and panicky.The time from his call to the next morning seemed like years.The whole night,I could not sleep with many ominous apprehensions in mind.One of them was to call the principal with regret and tell him that I could not come.Finally,I gathered some courage.I thought,"If I miss this opportunity,surely the school will never invite me again to any of their programs."
I reached the school in time.Before my turn came,my whole body was trembling.When my turn came and I started speaking,my heartbeat increased and my mouth went dry.I wasn't even able to read the written speech properly.I was not aware of where I was standing and what I was reading.That was the day when I realized my biggest weakness,Public Speaking.
After my speech,I met with the principal and explained what happened to me.He told me that this happens to everyone.Even the great speakers faced the same thing when they started.He suggested that I come again next time.
Around one month later,I was invited to refer to a topic on Motivation.This time I was feeling comfortable.My speech was appreciated by the principal as well as the teachers,because I was able to get my idea across to them.They encouraged and praised my efforts.
After delivering it successfully,I became more confident.I said to myself,"If I can speak in front of such a learned audience,like the principal who educates others,I can now speak in front of others too."
I started delivering lectures in my plant,on various topics like Self-motivation,Personality Development,Personal Excellence,Spoken English and Presentation Skills.This has become a passion for me.I learned that everything is possible if we have the courage to take the first step.
25.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A
A.Practice Makes a Man a Better Speechmaker.
B.Public Speaking Makes a Man Embarrassed.
C.Principal Provides the Best Chances.
D.Spoken English Develops in Making Speeches.
26.The author had bad feelings before the speech becauseD.
A.he disliked the idea of giving a lecture  
B.he had got a high fever before that  
C.he regretted accepting the invitation  
D.he feared he couldn't perform it properly
27.What does the underlined part"ominous apprehensions"in the first paragraph mean?B
A.Unlucky opportunities.
B.Negative ideas.
C.Curious views.
D.Happy comments.
28.What can we conclude from the passage?C
A.Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.
B.Knowledge makes one humble;ignorance makes one proud.
C.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
D.Necessity is the mother of invention.
10.How to smile for a better health
   As a fun way to improve your physical and mental health,smiling is free of charge.This articles explores the ways you can smile to be healthy.
Smile to relieve stress.Stress is easily shown in our faces.(36)CWhen you're stressed,try to put on a smile,as it will make you feel happy,and you will appear happy.Your feeling of stress will be reduced.
Smile to help your immune system(免疫系统) work better.Smiling brings about a sense of relaxation which helps your immune system to work better.(37)GSmile to stay positive.Have a simple test.First,try to think of something negative,and then smile.(38)FWhen we smile,our body and mind are sending us a message that everything is okay,and that life is great.
Smile to live longer.Those who smile are thought to live an average of 79.9 years,while non-smilers live an average of 72.9 years.(39)ESmile to achieve success.(40)AThey will put their boss into a happy mood and are more likely to be approached by many people,they are more likely to be promoted.And it's an easy way to improve your relationships with others.

A.People who smile appear more confident.
B.Smiling is a good way to make new friends.
C.Smiling prevents people from looking too tired.
D.When someone is sad,try to make him laugh to cheer him up.
E.The only conclusion to be reached from this is to smile every day.
F.You can reduce the risk of sickness such as the cold and the flu by smiling.
G.You will see that it is hard to combine the negative thought with the smile.
7.Blue-eyed people have been living in Europe for at least 7,000years,scientists have discovered.
A man who lived on the Iberian Peninsula before Europeans became farmers probably had blue eyes but dark hair and skin,according to scientists who have sequenced (排序) his DNA.This surprising combination of eye,hair and skin coloring may not have been unusual during his lifetime,but it is no longer seen among modern Europeans,the team reported Sunday in the journal Nature.
The man,a Neolithic hunter-gatherer known to scientists as La Bra?a 1,is of great interest to scientists because he offers a photograph of what was in Europeans'DNA before agriculture (农业) spread through the continent.Experts have understood that certain genetic (基因的) features spread quickly among humans after they led the farming lifestyle.La Bra?a 1shows that at least some of their expectations were correct.
The man's skeleton,along with that of a male companion,was discovered in 2006in a cave in what is now northeastern Spain.The site,known as La Bra?a-Arintero,sits about 5,000feet above sea level,and the cave provided a cold,refrigerator-like environment that preserved his DNA.
In the lab,scientists were able to take out enough DNA from a single tooth to reconstruct La Bra?a 1's entire genome (基因组).They compared it to the DNA of other ancient Europeans and determined that he was a closer match with hunter-gatherers than with farmers.
When it came to genes that would influence La Bra?a 1's appearance,the researchers found that their 7,000-year-old subject had versions of two skin pigment (色素) genes that are either very rare or nonexistent among Europeans today.Then they looked at other places in the genome that influence pigmentation and found a mix of ancient and modern gene variants (变体).Taken together,La Bra?a 1's DNA"is likely to have resulted in dark skin pigmentation and dark or brown hair,"they wrote.
However,his DNA indicates that his eyes were most likely blue,the scientists found.This suggests that gene variants for light-colored eyes and skin did not spread together,they wrote,adding that La Bra?a 1's combination"of dark skin and non-brown eyes is unique and no longer present in contemporary European populations."Today,a blue-eyed person would usually have fair skin.
To get some idea of whether La Bra?a 1's coloring was unusual for his day,the researchers will try to sequence the DNA of his companion,who has been named La Bra?a=2.
25.Why scientists are interested in La Bra?a 1?B
A.They can know Europeans'DNA.
B.They can know European hunter-gatherers'DNA.
C.They can know the ancient agriculture in Europe.
D.They can know some of their expectations were correct.
26.La Bra?a 1was well preserved due toD.
A.dry weather        
B.a high cave     
C.proper protection          
D.cold conditions
27.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A
A.La Bra?a 1's DNA influenced his appearance.
B.La Bra?a 1's appearance influenced contemporary Europeans.
C.La Bra?a 1's gene variants spread together.
D.La Bra?a 1's genes are completely different from contemporary Europeans'.
28.The last paragraph suggests thatD.
A.La Bra?a 2has the same genome with La Bra?a 1
B.Blue-eyed people were common in Europe 7,000years ago
C.Bra?a 1's combination of dark skin and non-brown eyes is unique
D.It's not certain that La Bra?a's appearance was common at his time.
14.It was a very foggy day in London.The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so.Buses,cars and taxis were not able to run and were standing by the side of the road.People were trying to find their way about on foot but were losing their way in the fog.Mr.Smith had a very important meeting at the House of Commons and had to get there but no one could take him.He tried to walk there but found he was quite lost.Suddenly he  bumped into a stranger.The stranger asked if he could help him.Mr.Smith said he wanted to get to the Houses of Parliament.The stranger told him he would take him there.Mr.Smith thanked him and they started to walk there.The fog was getting thicker every minute but the stranger had no difficulty in finding the way.He went along one street,turned down another,crossed a square and at last after about half an hour's walk they arrived at the Houses of Parliament.Mr.Smith couldn't understand how the stranger found his way."It is wonderful,"he said."How do you find the way in the fog?"
"It is no trouble at all to me,"said the stranger,"I am blind."
21.According to the passage,we can infer that bump into meansB.
A.knock off                       
B.meet by chance
D.traffic accident
22.Which of the following statements are NOT true?A
A.The stranger has a better sight than Mr.Smith.
B.Heavy fog can cause traffic accidents.
C.It's easy to get lost in a foggy day.
D.The fog was getting thicker and thicker.
23.Why is it no trouble at all to the stranger to find the way in the fog?D
A.Because he is a local inhabitant of London.
B.Because he lives next to the Houses of Parliament.
C.Because he isfamiliar with the route.
D.Because he finds the way not by sight but by heart.
24.This article mainly tells us thatC.
A.London is a foggy city.
B.Mr.Smith works for the government.
C.A blind stranger led the way for Mr.Smith in a foggy day.
D.Mr.Smith had a very important meeting and lost his way in the fog.
4.In this section we consider what you can do to train your brain to improve your game playing skills.
1.Daily workout
It is very easy to find tactical puzzles and train.However,you must try to solve them.Don't just stare at the position for 10seconds and then turn to the solution.You won't learn anything.Have a go at trying to solve the puzzle.If you got it right then great----well done.However,if you got it wrong,then have another look.Ask yourself questions such as the following:
•Why did I get it wrong?
•What was wrong with my solution?
•What was the weakness that the tactic exploited?
Where can you find tactical puzzles?
It's easy.They are everywhere.Many newspapers,including Independent,and magazines have a daily or weekly chess puzzle.Key"chess puzzles"into Google and you'll find a whole load of them.There are plenty of puzzle books.
2.Use software
Nowadays chess software is terribly cheap.World Champion Vladimir Kramnik recently lost a match 4-2against a software program.This program is available for about£30.
In general,people use chess software for the wrong reasons.They often play game after game against the machine and get beaten every time.Bored with this,they turn the playing level right down so that the program is almost playing random moves and then they can beat it every time and feel better.
Neither method will help you improve.However,chess software can be a fantastically useful learning tool if used in two particular ways.
The first is if you have tried to solve a puzzle but it's a bit too difficult and you don't really understand the solution.Never mind----well done for trying.Now set the position up on the program and try different moves.Chess software is faultless at tactical play.It will instantly tell you the right and wrong moves and why they do or don't work.
Secondly you can run over games you have played to learn where you have gone wrong and where you could have improved.Get into the habit of keeping the score (i.e.writing down the moves) of games that you play.This will help you to improve and refine your understanding of tactical themes and patterns.

56.What would be the best title of this passage?D
A.How to Train Your Brain
B.Where to Find Tactical Puzzles
C.Daily Workout and Use of Software
D.How to Improve Your Chess-Playing Skills
57.The underlined part"tactical puzzles"in the second paragraph most probably meansB.
A.puzzles making us better understand themes and patterns of difficult games
B.puzzles showing us how to train our brains to think more effectively
C.puzzles teaching us some skills to play more difficult games
D.puzzles only teaching us how to play chess games well
58.Which of the following would be the right way of using chess software?C
A.Playing as many games against the machine as possible.
B.Always trying difficult puzzles to improve your chess skills.
C.Running over games you've played to learn from mistakes and improve.
D.Turning the playing level down to build your self confidence and feel better.
59.What does the writer think about chess software?A
A.Chess software will help a lot if properly used.
B.Chess software below 30pounds is too cheap to use.
C.Chess software is a fantastically useful learning tool in daily work.
D.Chess software helps improve understanding of tactical themes and patterns.
11.Explore the possibility of using the iPad App Store in the classroom.
App Name:Bridge Constructor/Cost:$1.99
Bridge Constructor lets players build increasingly challenging bridges over deep valleys,canals and rivers.Stress tests reveal whether the bridge kids build can withstand continual use from cars.trucks,and more recently,super-heavy tank trucks.Players can choose from among a range of bridge-building materials such as wood,steel,cables or concrete pillars(混凝土柱).Each bridge also has a budget,and there are numerous ways to successfully complete each challenge.
App Name:Tap the Cat/Cost:$2.99
Tap the Cat appeals to younger students'natural sense of playing with a wide variety of
activities.Students can match spaceship letters,drag letters to make words,match words to pictures and build their vocabulary.Each activity will keep them motivated and engaged with colorful animations,catchy music and reward screens.
App Name:Pyramids 3D/Cost:$13.99
The interface allows users to fly around the plateau where the pyramids and the Sphinx are located at Giza near Cairo.Interactive,three-dimensional maps let students wander around the labyrinthine tombs and passageways.Users can examine wall paintings in detail,or view royal statues and o:bjects with a 360-degree feature.
App Name:Grammar Up/Cost:$ 4.99
Grammar Up is a multiple choice quiz system for English grammar.Kids and adults can learn most quickly when playing learning games with real-time error feedback,which Grammar Up provides.The app also offers students practice tests so they can see how much they've learned.A summary is presented at the end of each test,showing time spent,score,and questions answered correctly and incorrectly.The results are also emailable.

21.By playing Bridge Constructor,you canA.
A.advance your ability of building
B.build a real bridge any time you like
C.save a large amount of money
D.try many ways to become suecessful
22.1f someone is interested in Egyptian culture,he/she may chooseD.
A.Bridge Constructor     B.Tap the Cat      C.Grammar Up      D.Pyramids 3D
23.The text is meant toC.
A.show the development of modem technology
B.compare the differences among the iPad Apps
C.introduce some practical Apps to the students
D.offer some helpful tips to buying some cheap apps.
8.People,like all living things,need food.Food gives us the nutrients our bodies need.(36)AEnergy is needed to carry out the life processes.
Our bodies cannot use the nutrients or energy in food unless the food is changed.The changing of food into a form the body can use is called digestion.
What does digestion do?(37)E Digestion also changes the chemicals of food.It changes large,complex food molecules (微粒) into smaller,simpler ones.
 (38)C Digestion takes place in the digestive tract.The digestive tract is a long,winding tube in your body.If stretched out,the digestive tract would be more than 9 meters (30 feet) long.
What are the parts of the digestive tract?The parts of the digestive tract are:the mouth,the foodpipe,the stomach,the small intestine(肠),and the large intestine
There are many organs along the digestive tracts,such as the liver.(39)F The digestive tract and the other digestive organs make up your digestive system.
Food enters the body through the mouth.Waste materials (undigested food) leave the body through the anus(肛门).The anus is at the end of the large intestine.
Digestion is a step-by-step process.(40)B It takes food from one to two days to pass through the entire digestive tract.

A.It also gives us energy.
B.It does not take place quickly.
C.Where does digestion take place?
D.Does the food also give us much strength?
E.Digestion breaks down large pieces of food into smaller pieces.
F.These organs are not part of the digestive tract,but they help in digestion.
G.Although they don't belong to the digestive tract,they help us fight diseases.
11.Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways.(36)G  Second,your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test.Third,note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.
You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report.(37)E Whenever or however you take notes,keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process.(38)F
The following methods may work best for you.
•Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.
•Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.
•Write your notes in your own words.
•Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.
As you take notes,you may want to use your own shorthand (速记).When you do,be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time.(40)D

A.Use words,not complete sentences.
B.There are three practical note-taking methods.
C.You must write your notes on separate paper.
D.Otherwise,you may not be able to read your notes later.
E.You will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.
F.That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.
G.First,the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.

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