
  The world changed on Aug. 9, 1995. That was the day the initial pubilc-stock-offering for Netscape Communications, a company that had yet to turn a profit, instantly garnered 2billiononthestrengthofoneidea.TheidealwastheWorldWideWeb,anditsgatekeeper,fortheforeseeablefuture,isJimClarkwhoseSiliconGraphics,with7,200employeesand2billiononthestrengthofoneidea.TheidealwastheWorldWideWeb,anditsgatekeeper,fortheforeseeablefuture,isJimClarkwhoseSiliconGraphics,with7,200employeesand 2.2 billion in annual revenues in 1994, rules its own lucrative roost. By that time, the desktop generation was yielding to the networked, interactive generation. But while his peers were debating how to build the Infobarn Clark decided it already existed. He'd met Marc Andreessen, who as an undergraduate programmer had helped create the then obscure browsing software Mosaic, which made it easy to navigate the World-Wide Web. Navigating the infant Web, which transforms the Internet's isolated, text-based sites in one vast, hyperlinked, multimedia-capable network, got Clark thinking--and acting, He set up Mosaic Communications (soon renamed Netscape) which built a business around an improved Web browser. The result was one of history's headiest corporate ascents, as the ubiquitous Netscape Navigator browser helped spawn the world's startling on-line stampede.“The Internet was the information highway everyone was looking for,” says Clark.“They just hadn't recognized it.”

  Clark and Andreessen did, and today they find themselves riding the decade's surging economic waves, counting their stock options and cutting deals with everyone from telephone companies to Hollywood. Virtually the entire date-intensive world has concluded that the Web is the future of communications, and is now retooling to stay in lockstep with Netscape (and vice versa: Netscape perpetually updates its browser to accommodate new Web applications). “The list of business being transformed,” says Clark, “includes broadcasting, publishing, software, finance, shopping, entertainment services, consumer electronics...it's a massive, massive change. We just happened to see it first and set the commercial agenda.”

  And to the agenda setters belong the spoils. His peers were skeptical when Jim Clark decided to colonize the Web. Well, today Netscape's value has jumped to 5billion,Clarksownnetworthstandsat1.3 billion, and he escapes often to enjoy a lush life while sailing to sun-drenched paradises like Tahiti. He has left his impact on the development of the Internet, even though others share the high-tech glory. After all, Columbus may have discovered the new world, but it was Isabella and Ferdinand who represented he royal court to put up the money.

(1) What is the main idea of this passage?

[  ]

A.Jim Clark's contribution to the future of communications.

B.Jim Clark's pioneering impact on the Internet.

C.Jim Clark's share in the high-tech glory.

D.Jim Clark's role in creating the Mosaic.

(2) Which of tile following conclusions about Jim Clark is supported by the passage?

[  ]

A.He explores the cyberspace together with Bill Gates.

B.He is the most powerful business leader in the computer industry.

C.He is one visionary on the light-speed development of the Internet.

D.He is the one who initiated the Internet.

(3) What was the key in Jim Clark's successful operation?

[  ]

A.He yielded the desktop generation to the networked generation.

B.He counted his stock options and lured enough investors.

C.He cut deals with telephone companies as well as Hollywood.

D.He built a business around an improved Web browser.

(4) What is the underlying parallel in the analogy between Jim Clark and Isabella/Ferdinand?

[  ]

A.They trusted the talent and emulated the genius in a technical drive.

B.They knew the value of science and technology.

C.They had the same business acumen of a historical initiative.

D.They helped spawn the world's startling stampede


(1) 通读全文就会发现本文主要介绍了Clark创立“网景”及其取得的成就,另外文章还指出了ClarkInternet发展中所起的作用,所以B正确。

(2) 首段最后一句引用Clark说的话“Internet是每个人都在寻找的信息高速公路,他们仅仅是没有认识到它”,从而推断Clark是预见了Internet的高速发展前景的,所以选C

(3) 首段后面的几句话指出Clark建立了Mosaic Communication公司(后来改为“网景”),这个公司的产品是网络游览器。结果是出现了历史性的领导公司,因为“网景”的导航浏览器帮助实现了全球性的在线冲浪“,所以可推断D正确。

(4) 文章最后以比喻的方式提到,“IsabellaFerdinand代表哥伦布利用金钱建造了一个辉煌的(中心)帝国”,说明他们和Clark的相似点就是都具有敏锐的商业头脑,所以选C


  The Indian Ocean is the third-largest ocean in the worl D.Only the Pacific and the Atlantic are larger.More than one-fifth of all the world’s water supply is in the Indian Ocean.

  The Indian Ocean touches four different continents.To the south is Antarctica and to the east is Australi  A.Africa lies to the west and Asia lies to the north.There are several important islands in the Indian Ocean.These include Madagascar,the largest one,which is near Africa,and Sri Lanka,which is near Indi  A.There is also a group of islands called the Seychelles near the African coast.

  The Indian Ocean is extremely important to the countries in Southeast Asi  A.Strong winds from the Indian Ocean bring warm weather and heavy rains which are necessary for growing foo D.

1.We may conclude that ______.

[  ]

 A.India is larger than Antarctica

 B.the Indian Ocean is to the east of Australia

 C.Madagascar is larger than Sri Lanka

 D.the Indian Ocean is larger than the Atlantic

2.Sri Lanka lies near ______.

[  ]



 C.the African coast


3.Of all the oceans in the world,the Indian Ocean contains more than ______.

 A.5 percent of the world’s water

 B.15 percent of the world’s water

 C.20 percent of the world’s water

 D.50 percent of the world’s water

4.The word supply in the third sentence means ______.

[  ]

 A.liquid or wet

 B.big or large

 C.store or saving

 D.amount or quantity

5.A good title for this passage is ______.

[  ]

 A.The Indian Ocean

 B.An Interesting Continent

 C.Warm Weather from an Ocean

 D.The World’s Water Supply

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