
1.It's important for a firm tokeep pace withchanges in the market.

分析 对一个公司来说,能跟上市场的发展是很重要的.

解答 答案是keep pace with.考查词组keep pace with 并驾齐驱,保持同步,跟上;和句型it is important for sb./sth.to do sth.对…而言,做某事是很重要的.句意是:对一个公司来说,能跟上市场的发展是很重要的.故答案是keep pace with.

点评 本题考查单词填空.首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法决定正确答案.

13.I'm seventeen.I had worked as a box boy at a supermarket in Los Angeles.People came to the counter and you put things in their bags for them and carried things to their cars.It was hard work.
While working,you wear a plate with your name on it.I once met someone I knew years ago.I remembered his name and said,"Mr.Castle,how are you?"We talked about this and that.As he left,he said,"It was nice talking to you,Brett."I felt great,he remembered me.Then I looked down at my name plate.Oh,no.He didn't remember me at all.He just read the name plate.I wish I had put"Irving"down on my name plate.If he'd have said,"Oh yes,Irving,how could I forget you?"I'd have been ready for him.There's nothing personal here.
The manager and everyone else who were a step above the box boys often shouted orders.One of these was:you couldn't accept tips.Okay,I'm outside and I put the bags in the car.For a lot of people,the natural reaction is to take a quarter and give it to me.I'd say,"I'm sorry,I can't."They'd get angry.When you give someone a tip,you're sort of being polite.You take a quarter and you put it in their hand and you expect them to say,"Oh,thanks a lot."When you say,"I'm sorry,I can't."they feel a little put down.They say,"No one will know."And they put it in your pocket.You say,"I really can't."
It gets to a point where you almost have to hurt a person physically to prevent him from tipping you.It was not in agreement with the store's belief in being friendly.Accepting tips was a friendly thing and made the customer feel good.I just couldn't understand the strangeness of some people's ideas.One lady actually put it in my pocket,got in the car,and drove away.I would have had to throw the quarter at her or eaten it or something.
I had decided that one year was enough.Some people needed the job to stay alive and fed.I guess I had the means and could afford to hate it and give it up.

24.What can be the best title for this text?B
A.The Art of Taking Tips
B.Why I Gave up My Job                  
C.How Hard Life Is for Box Boys
D.Getting along with Customers
25.From the second paragraph,we can infer thatA
A.the writer didn't like the impersonal part of his job
B.Mr.Castle mistook Irving for Brett
C.with a name plate,people can easily start talking
D.Irving was the writer's real name
26.The box boy refused to accept tips becauseC.
A.customers only gave small tips
B.he didn't want to fight with the customers
C.the store didn't allow the box boys to take tips
D.some customers had strange ideas about tipping
27.The underlined phrase"put down"in the third paragraph probably meansD.
11.It doesn't matter if books are delivered in print or by smart phone,and the main thing is to get lost in reading them.
Why should we bother reading a book?All children say this occasionally.Many adults with reading difficulties repeat it to themselves daily.In a world of accelerating technology,increasing time poverty and decreasing attention lengths,should they devote precious time sinking into a good book?
The discovery is that an extraordinary book has a transformative,effect on the way we view the world.This transformation only takes place when we lose ourselves in a book,abandoning the emotional and mental chat of the real world.That's why studies have found deep reading makes us more attentive to the inner lives of others.
We know reading is the foundation stone of all education,and an essential strength of the knowledge economy.But perhaps even more significant is its emotional role as the starting point for individual development and pleasure.Books can open up emotional,imaginative and historical views that equal and extend the corridors (通道) of the web.
If reading were to decline significantly,it would change the very nature of our species.If we,in the future,are no longer wired for our own reflection and creative thought,we will be weaker.However,technology throws up solutions as many as challenges:for every door it closes,another opens.So the ability,offered by equipments like e-readers,smart phones and tablets,to carry an entire library in your hand is an amazing opportunity.We should concentrate on the message,not worried about the medium.
We must also get better at controlling the ability of the internet to inform readers,and potential readers,about all the new books that are published every year,and to renew their acquaintance with the best of rich literary tradition.If we stop reading,we will be different people:less complex,less interesting.There can hardly be a better reason for fighting to protect the future of the book.

32.Why does deep reading make us more attentive to the inner lives of others?D
A.Because we have varieties of resources of reading.
B.Because we are in a world of accelerating technology.
C.Because it will weaken the very nature of human beings.
D.Because an extraordinary book makes our outlook brighter.
33.According to the text,the author thinksC.
A.reading on the internet is more important and convenient than books
B.we should focus on the means of gaining information rather than the content
C.with the help of the internet,people can access the best of rich literary tradition
D.the web is better at shaping emotional,imaginative and historical views than books
34.The underlined word"tablets"is closest toBin meaning.
35.What is the author's attitude towards reading?D

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