
Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born.

    One day the child asked God: “You are going to send me to   21   tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and   22 ?” God replied:“  23   the angels, I have chosen 24   for you, she will be waiting there and   25   you.”

“But,” said the child:” Leave me here in Heaven. I don’t want anything else   26 sing and smile. That’s what I need to be happy!” God said: “Your angel will sing and smile for you. And you will feel your   27’ s love and be happy.” How am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, if I don’t know the language that   28   talk?” “That’s easy”, said God: “Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet   29   you will ever hear, and  30  much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to   31  .”

The child looked up at God   32  : “And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?” God smiled: “Your angel will place your   33   together and will teach you how to pray.” The child said: “I’ve heard on earth there are 34   men. Who will protect me?” God put his arm around the child, saying: “Your angel will defend you-  35   it means risking life!” “But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.” God   36 the child: “Your angel will always talk about me and will teach you the way to   37    to me, even though I will always be   38   you.”

    At that moment there was much peace in Heaven. But voices from earth could already be heard. The child, in a hurry, asked softly: “Oh God, if I   39   leave now, Please tell my Angel’s name!” God replied: “Your angel’s name is of no importance…you will  40 call her MOMMY!”

21. A. the earth                   B. earth                C. heaven                    D. the heaven

22. A. helpless                     B. alone                C. sad                          D. tiny

23. A. in the middle of        B. in                    C. among                     D. between

24. A. the one                     B. ones                 C. the ones                   D. one

25. A. make fun of             B. take care of       C. do with                   D. arrange with

26. A. besides                      B. none other than C. but                          D. except for

27. A. angel                        B. mother             C. father                      D. parents

28. A. women                      B. boys                 C. girls                        D. men

29. A. voice                        B. words               C. songs                      D. poems

30. A. in                             B. through            C. by                           D. with

31. A. dance                        B. write                C. speak                      D. sing

32. A. said                          B. saying              C. to say                      D. say

33. A. hands                        B. legs                  C. fingers                    D. toes

34. A. ugly                       B. considerate       C. bad                         D. criminal

35. A. though                    B. in spite of         C. no matter how          D. even if

36. A. shook                     B. hugged             C. slapped                    D. patted

37. A. call back                 B. look back         C. come back               D. go back

38. A. next                        B. on              C. in front of                D. close to

39. A. was going to             B. have to           C. will                         D. would

40. A. simply                    B. largely             C. proudly                   D. happily

There are reasons why a middle-aged woman who has been away from the work for her children’s sake decides to go back to work. The  16 reason for me was: years ago my job was that of a bookkeeper(会计)----- it was then that I worked for  17  , and now with my children working, I wanted to do something  18  , something new and exciting.
Money wasn’t too important now, as my husband made a very  19  living for us. But what should I do? What sort of   20  should I look for? I knew I needed to be  21  as to what I became involved with. I am not a "quitter"(容易放弃的人) and so I hoped to  22  becoming responsible to an employer in a job that might turn out to be a mistake for me.
While I made painful efforts thinking over what to do, I was  23  of a past incident where I needed to replace my original engagement ring  24  the gold was wearing thin. My husband and I shopped and shopped for one,  25 we went, even when we were on vacation.  26  this nonstop searching got my poor  27  to ask, "Just what kind of ring do you want, what exactly are we looking for?" My reply was, "I honestly don’t  28, but when I see the correct setting, I will know it." That was the  29  I felt about the new career I wished to start; I didn’t have an exact idea as to what I wanted to do, but knew there was a perfect fit for me, if I would  30  be patient.
Fortunately, that summer while I  31  my twenty-fifth high school class reunion(重聚), I heard a former classmate  32  what she did for a living. She was a travel agent, and she and her husband had just  33 from a trip to Hawaii where they acted as guides for a group of travelers. WOW, that  34  like fun, considerably more fun and exciting than being a  35  : I know what to take up!
16. A. possible                  B. obvious             C. believable              D. good
17. A. money                B. fun                   C. children                   D. employers
18. A. valuable              B. reasonable         C. worthy                     D. different
19. A. interesting           B. comfortable              C. successful             D. meaningful
20. A. pleasure                     B. place                 C. job                     D. man
21. A. careful                B. useful           C. joyful                 D. painful
22. A. finish                 B. miss                  C. avoid                       D. forget
23. A. recalled                     B. reminded           C. warned                    D. robbed
24. A. where                 B. while                C. if                D. as
25. A. nowhere             B. somewhere        C. wherever                  D. everywhere
26. A. Actually              B. However           C. Finally                     D. Once
27. A. children                     B. classmates         C. employer                  D. husband
28. A. care                    B. know                C. understand            D. find
29. A. way                    B. time                  C. style                        D. thought
30. A. really                 B. ever                  C. just                          D. certainly
31. A. joined                 B. left                   C. started                  D. attended
32. A. complaining        B. explaining         C. describing            D. considering
33. A. returned                     B. rested                C. came                        D. stayed
34. A. looked                B. seemed              C. sounded                   D. felt
35. A. travler                B. wife                  C. employer                  D. bookkeeper

“Hurry, Mommy! Let’s go trick-or-treating!” My daughter waited by the door in her pink princess skirt while I prayed in the living room. Usually I liked taking her out on Halloween, but this year I was sad. I was worried about my mother, who was in China on vacation. I got a call that afternoon that she had slipped and fallen on the hard floor of her hotel and broken her leg. She was taken to a hospital in Beijing. Mom was nervous because she couldn’t understand any of the doctors. If only I could do something to help her!
I knew I couldn’t let my worries spoil my daughter’s fun. There was nothing I could do for Mom except pray, I thought. We left the house and went down the block. I was so upset that I hardly took notice of the kids around me. There came the man to whose son I’d once given piano lessons. “Hello there,” I said, greeting him and the boy at his side.
“Hello,” the father answered. “Having fun?”“I’m trying,” I said. “Why, what’s wrong?” he asked. I told him the whole story. “My mother, in China, broke her leg and didn’t understand any of the doctors. And I’m too far away to do anything!” I said.
He raised his eyebrows. “Beijing, you said?” he asked. I nodded. He smiled. “Believe it or not, my sister is a doctor at an English-speaking hospital there. If you want, I’ll make a call right away and we’ll try and get your mom transferred (转移).”
A few days later I sat in the living room with my daughter as she finished the last of the candy. “Mommy, how far away is China?” she asked. “Not as far as I thought,” I said.
【小题1】What did the author’s daughter want to do?

A.Pray with the author.B.Enjoy herself outside.
C.Play a trick on her mom.D.Go to the theatre to see a play.
【小题2】What was the author’s mother worried about most?
A.She couldn’t get used to the life in Beijing.
B.She was hurt in the leg badly while travelling.
C.She was too old and weak to pray for her daughter.
D.She couldn’t make herself understood by the doctor.
【小题3】The author hardly took notice of the kids around because _____ .
A.she was calling her motherB.she felt very sad at that time
C.she was about to give a lessonD.she couldn’t find her daughter
【小题4】 We can infer from the text that _____ .
A.the man’s sister would help the author’s mother
B.the author would come to China to see her mother
C.the author was a famous music teacher in the town
D.the author’s daughter wanted to travel in China


Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born.

    One day the child asked God: “You are going to send me to   21   tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and   22 ?” God replied:“  23   the angels, I have chosen 24   for you, she will be waiting there and   25   you.”

“But,” said the child:” Leave me here in Heaven. I don’t want anything else   26 sing and smile. That’s what I need to be happy!” God said: “Your angel will sing and smile for you. And you will feel your   27’ s love and be happy.” How am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, if I don’t know the language that   28   talk?” “That’s easy”, said God: “Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet   29   you will ever hear, and  30  much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to   31  .”

The child looked up at God   32  : “And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?” God smiled: “Your angel will place your   33   together and will teach you how to pray.” The child said: “I’ve heard on earth there are 34   men. Who will protect me?” God put his arm around the child, saying: “Your angel will defend you-  35   it means risking life!” “But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.” God   36 the child: “Your angel will always talk about me and will teach you the way to   37    to me, even though I will always be   38   you.”

    At that moment there was much peace in Heaven. But voices from earth could already be heard. The child, in a hurry, asked softly: “Oh God, if I   39   leave now, Please tell my Angel’s name!” God replied: “Your angel’s name is of no importance…you will  40 call her MOMMY!”

21. A. the earth                         B. earth                     C. heaven                           D. the heaven

22. A. helpless                           B. alone                     C. sad                                  D. tiny

23. A. in the middle of  B. in                            C. among                           D. between

24. A. the one                            B. ones                      C. the ones                        D. one

25. A. make fun of                  B. take care of         C. do with                          D. arrange with

26. A. besides                            B. none other than C. but                                   D. except for

27. A. angel                                B. mother                 C. father                             D. parents

28. A. women                              B. boys                      C. girls                                D. men

29. A. voice                                 B. words                   C. songs                             D. poems

30. A. in                              B. through                C. by                                    D. with

31. A. dance                               B. write                     C. speak                             D. sing

32. A. said                                   B. saying                   C. to say                             D. say

33. A. hands                               B. legs                       C. fingers                           D. toes

34. A. ugly                               B. considerate         C. bad                                 D. criminal

35. A. though                         B. in spite of             C. no matter how            D. even if

36. A. shook                            B. hugged                 C. slapped                          D. patted

37. A. call back                      B. look back              C. come back           D. go back

38. A. next                              B. on                 C. in front of              D. close to

39. A. was going to                B. have to             C. will                                  D. would

40. A. simply                 B. largely                  C. proudly                          D. happily


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