

第二节:Bill, George, Franklin, Louisa 和 Nana 想今年夏天外出旅游。阅读下面有关六个旅游目的地的介绍(A、B、C、D、E和F),选出适合他们去的地方,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余的。

         Bill: I want to go to visit a country with a relatively short history, where I can not only enjoy fun things but also see some national parks.

         George: I wish I could go to a place with a very long history where I can enjoy warm beaches.At the same time, I can also visit cities well known as romantic ones.

         Franklin: I like hunting and fishing.However, this summer I want to do something for a change.I hope to visit a place with wonderful beaches and also see some ruins left by ancient people.

         Louisa: My purpose of traveling is to meet more friendly people, who are easy to get along with.Meanwhile, I want to enjoy their special music.

         Nana: I have travelled to a lot of inland places.This summer I want to have some adventures on wonderful beaches where I can enjoy a variety of water sports.


         Canada is known for great hunting and fishing, as well as major cities such as Toronto and Vancouver.It also has many interesting natural wonders like Niagara Falls.With two major cultures and languages, French and English, Canada offers a unique cultural experience.


         The United States has many of the top tourist locations in the world.Visiting the US offers a historical view of a relatively young country.Its youth is marked by fun things to do in cities like Orlando, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and New York where theme parks, museums, and entertainment are the top America tourist attractions.The states in New England offer a good deal of locations that are great to visit if a tourist is looking to learn about US history.The western United States is home to many national parks and natural geologic formations.When looking for a relaxing tropical vacation Hawaii is the destination many Americans choose.


         Mexico is an excellent place to visit for the traveler looking to both relax and explore.The country offers fantastic beaches and ancient ruins.The city of Cancun is a major city with both ancient Mayan ruins and a large beach.When looking to learn about history, Mexico is a great place to visit as it has ruins left by several different Native American tribes such as the Aztecs and the Mayans.The various resort hotels of Mexico are a great place for the traveler looking to mix relaxation with exploration.


         Greece, Italy, and Spain offer warm beaches and thriving cities for the person looking to relax.The warm beaches and resorts along the Mediterranean are perfect for relaxation and fun.The Romantic cities of Venice and Paris are excellent for tourists looking to go on a romantic getaway.The exciting and historical sites of Vienna and London can be great for the traveler looking to have fun and just do some sightseeing.The colder regions of Norway, Switzerland, and Sweden are great for travelers looking for winter activities like skiing, snowboarding, or relaxing near the fireplace while the snow falls.


         The splendid tourist destination of Pattaya in Thailand offers travelers a range of attractions.The Pattaya tourist attractions highlight the rich history and culture of this beautiful beach resort.Travelers will have endless pristine beaches to sunbathe or relax.There are also various types of water activities.Tourists can enjoy the various water sports such as water skiing, scuba diving, windsurfing and snorkeling.Elephant Village has in store for you all the fun you ever dreamed of.You can enjoy thrilling expeditions on elephant back, trekking though the jungle, rafting on the lake, riding on ox cart and enjoying elephant shows.


         Rio de Janeiro, the city itself being one of the world’s tourist attractions, is extraordinary.Just taking in the eye candy of a city surrounded in green mountains, covered in Atlantic rainforest, and the samba music on all the happy faces of the cariocas (people born and raised in Rio) is revitalizing! The Brazilian population.They are quite something else.They are curious, open- minded, helpful and smiling people, easy to get into contact with.You can enjoy the most famous beach in the world.




61-65 BDCFE





第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Our vicar(牧师) is always raising money for one cause or    31     , but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock   32    (repair). The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and     33   (be) silent ever since.
One night,    34   , our vicar work up with a start: the clock was striking the hours! Looking at
his watch, he saw that it was one o'clock, but the bell struck thirteen times     35    it
stopped.   36    (arm) with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see    37      was going on. In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer.
'Whatever are you doing up here Bill?' asked the vicar in surprise.
'I'm trying to repair the bell,' answered Bill. 'I've been coming up here night after night for weeks now. You see, I was hoping to give you a surprise.'
'You certainly    38    give me a surprise!'  said the vicar.
'You've    39    (probability)woken up everyone in the village as well. Still, I'm glad the bell is working again.'
That's the trouble, vicar,' answered Bill. 'It's working all right, but I'm afraid that   40   one o'clock it will strike thirteen times and there's nothing I can do about it."
We'll get used to that, Bill,' said the vicar. "Thirteen is not as good as one, but it's better than nothing. Now let's go downstairs and have a cup of tea.'




Before my recent graduation,the last project of the term was called “Smile”.The class was asked to go out and  26  at three people and record their  27 .

Soon after we were given the  28 ,my husband and I went out to McDonald’s one cold morning.We were standing in   29 ,waiting to be  30  ,when suddenly everyone around us began to back away.A feeling of  31   rose up inside of me as I wondered what happened.

As I   32   around I smelled a horrible dirty smell.Behind me were two poor homeless men.As I looked at the short man close to me,he was smiling and his blue eyes searched for   33 .

He said“Good day”as he   34  the few coins.The waitress asked him what they wanted.He said,“Coffee is all,Miss.”That Was all they could   35 .

I   36   felt the urge and actually hugged him.That was  37   I noticed all the eyes in the restaurant were set on  38 .I smiled and asked the waitress for two more breakfast meals on   39  trays.I then walked to the table that the men had   40   as a resting spot.I put the trays on the table and laid my  41  on the short man’s cold hand.He said“Thank you” with tears in his eyes.

I  42  this story as my project.My instructor read it and said, “Can I  43  this with classmates?” I nodded.At that moment I found something more  44  than a simple smile.I graduated with one of the most important  45 I would ever learn-unconditional acceptance.

26.A.stare          B.aim          C.smile            D.shout

27.A.experiences         B.behaviors   C.reactions      D.feelings

28.A.task           B.degree     C.information            D.advice

29.A.public         B.turn          C.road          D.line

30.A.served            B.called     C.paid           D.checked

31.A.excitement    B.panic      C.satisfaction    D.disappointment

32.A.got             B.moved     C.turned        D.stayed

33.A.pleasure         B.attention      C.service          D.acceptance

34.A.counted         B.begged         C.saved        D.collected

35.A.accept                B.afford     C.drink        D.find

36.A.eagerly           B.probably      C.hardly           D.really

37.A.why           B.when       C.where        D.how

38.A.me             B.him          C.my husband   D.the waitress

39.A.separate         B.usual      C.clean         D.large

40.A.booked          B.hidden          C.chosen          D.ordered

41.A.meal          B.money     C.bill             D.hand

42.A.made up        B.handed in    C.went through  D.put away

43.A.believe           B.improve       C.share        D.evaluate

44.A.cheerful         B.practical      C.reasonable    D.valuable

45.A.courses           B.lessons         C.skills         D.rules


第二节信息匹配 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请把答案填写在答题卡上将对应题号上。(选E项,在答题卡上将A,B涂黑; 选F项,在答题卡上将C,D涂黑)   



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61. Bill travels a lot when he was younger. Now that he has stopped his work, he enjoys reading about foreign people, places and customs even if he has already visited that part of the world.

62. Emi is a university student studying Italian and Politics. She doesn’t have much time to read anything very detailed but she is looking for something with plenty of news and information.

63. Ben serves as an assistant to the general manager of an American company in Los Angeles. He is very interested in management and the use of high technology.

64. Up till now Brigitte has never traveled far so this year she has decided to go abroad for the first time. The travel agent suggests that she should read about various countries first before choosing her holiday.

65. Susan likes shopping. She is interested in buying clothes and she needs to be offered advice on clothes.


第二节:Bill, George, Franklin, Louisa 和 Nana 想今年夏天外出旅游。阅读下面有关六个旅游目的地的介绍(A、B、C、D、E和F),选出适合他们去的地方,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余的。

       Bill: I want to go to visit a country with a relatively short history, where I can not only enjoy fun things but also see some national parks.

       George: I wish I could go to a place with a very long history where I can enjoy warm beaches.At the same time, I can also visit cities well known as romantic ones.

       Franklin: I like hunting and fishing.However, this summer I want to do something for a change.I hope to visit a place with wonderful beaches and also see some ruins left by ancient people.

       Louisa: My purpose of traveling is to meet more friendly people, who are easy to get along with.Meanwhile, I want to enjoy their special music.

       Nana: I have travelled to a lot of inland places.This summer I want to have some adventures on wonderful beaches where I can enjoy a variety of water sports.


       Canada is known for great hunting and fishing, as well as major cities such as Toronto and Vancouver.It also has many interesting natural wonders like Niagara Falls.With two major cultures and languages, French and English, Canada offers a unique cultural experience.


       The United States has many of the top tourist locations in the world.Visiting the US offers a historical view of a relatively young country.Its youth is marked by fun things to do in cities like Orlando, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and New York where theme parks, museums, and entertainment are the top America tourist attractions.The states in New England offer a good deal of locations that are great to visit if a tourist is looking to learn about US history.The western United States is home to many national parks and natural geologic formations.When looking for a relaxing tropical vacation Hawaii is the destination many Americans choose.


       Mexico is an excellent place to visit for the traveler looking to both relax and explore.The country offers fantastic beaches and ancient ruins.The city of Cancun is a major city with both ancient Mayan ruins and a large beach.When looking to learn about history, Mexico is a great place to visit as it has ruins left by several different Native American tribes such as the Aztecs and the Mayans.The various resort hotels of Mexico are a great place for the traveler looking to mix relaxation with exploration.


       Greece, Italy, and Spain offer warm beaches and thriving cities for the person looking to relax.The warm beaches and resorts along the Mediterranean are perfect for relaxation and fun.The Romantic cities of Venice and Paris are excellent for tourists looking to go on a romantic getaway.The exciting and historical sites of Vienna and London can be great for the traveler looking to have fun and just do some sightseeing.The colder regions of Norway, Switzerland, and Sweden are great for travelers looking for winter activities like skiing, snowboarding, or relaxing near the fireplace while the snow falls.


       The splendid tourist destination of Pattaya in Thailand offers travelers a range of attractions.The Pattaya tourist attractions highlight the rich history and culture of this beautiful beach resort.Travelers will have endless pristine beaches to sunbathe or relax.There are also various types of water activities.Tourists can enjoy the various water sports such as water skiing, scuba diving, windsurfing and snorkeling.Elephant Village has in store for you all the fun you ever dreamed of.You can enjoy thrilling expeditions on elephant back, trekking though the jungle, rafting on the lake, riding on ox cart and enjoying elephant shows.


       Rio de Janeiro, the city itself being one of the world’s tourist attractions, is extraordinary.Just taking in the eye candy of a city surrounded in green mountains, covered in Atlantic rainforest, and the samba music on all the happy faces of the cariocas (people born and raised in Rio) is revitalizing! The Brazilian population.They are quite something else.They are curious, open- minded, helpful and smiling people, easy to get into contact with.You can enjoy the most famous beach in the world.

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