
New York City was dealing with a growing public health threat Sunday after tests confirmed (证实) that eight students at a private Catholic high school had contracted(感染)the same strain of the AH1N1 flu that has ravaged (重创) Mexico . Some of the school’s students had visited Cancun on a spring break trip two weeks ago .
Officials reported 68 U.S. cases of AH1N1 flu in five states so far , with the latest in Ohio and New York . Unlike in Mexico , cases in the United State have been mild – and U.S. health authorities can’t yet explain why .
In New York City , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that there were 45 cases , Mayor Michael Bloomberg said .
About 100 students at St. Francis Preparatory School complained of flu-like symptoms(症状) ; further tests will determine how many of those cases are AH1N1 flu. St. Francis is the largest private Catholic high school in the nation , with 2, 700 students . The school canceled classes on Monday and Tuesday in response to the outbreak .
Bloomberg stressed that the New York cases were mild and many are recovering , but said that some family members of students also had flu symptoms .
In Mexico , health officials say a strain of AH1N1 flu has killed up to 160 people and sickened over 2, 000 . New York officials said the flu strain discovered in the patients here is the same strain as in Mexico , though all the New York cases are mild .
AH1N1 flu is a respiratory (呼吸道) disease of pigs caused by type A flu viruses . Human cases are uncommon but can occur in people who are around pigs . It also can be spread from person to person . Symptoms include a high fever , body aches , coughing , sore throat and respiratory congestion .
49.The passage seems to suggest that _________ .
New York City hasn’t done enough to prevent the disease
the AH1N1 flu in the U.S. likely came from Mexico
people appear to have immunity (免疫力) to the virus
children are likely to be infected with the AH1N1 flu
50. What did St. Francis do in response to the outbreak ?
A. The school called off courses .
B. The school handed out masks to every student .
C. The school planned another trip to Cancun .
D. The infected students were required to stay at home .
51.Compared with cases in the U.S. cases in Mexico are _________ .
A. milder      B. more typical     C. more severe      D. more gentle
52. Which is the main idea of the article ?
A. AH1N1 flu is spreading quickly globally .
B. Many people died of AH1N1 flu in Mexico
C. How does AH1N1 flu spread ?
D. AH1N1 flu is confirmed in New York City

49---52   BACD  

第三节 回答问题(共3小题;每小题2分,满分6分)
If you do not use your arm or your legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the same way. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong. If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame, and few of us know that it is just his own fault. Have you ever found that some people can’t read or write but usually they have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things; they cannot write down in a little notebook. They have to remember days, names, songs and stories; so their memory is the whole time being exercised. So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people: Practice remembering.
58. What is the main reason for one is poor memory? (回答词数不超过8个)
59. What will happen if you do not use your arms or legs for some time? (回答词数不超过5个)
60. What is the best title for this passage? (回答词数不超过6个)
I know what you’re thinking: pizza(比萨饼)? For breakfast? But the truth is that you can have last night’s leftovers in the a.m. if you want to.
I know lots of women who skip breakfast (不吃早饭), and they have a ton of different excuses for doing it. Some say they don’t have time, others think they’re “saying” calories (卡路里),still others just don’t like breakfast food.学科But the bottom line is that eating in the morning is very important when you’re trying to lose weight .“Eating just about anything from 300 to 400 calories would be better than nothing at all,” says Katherine Brooking, R.D. ,  who developed the super-easy eating plan for this year’s “SELF CHALLENGE”. And even pizza can be healthy if it’s loaded with vegetables, and you stick to one small piece.学科Breakfast is one meal I never miss, and the same goes for most weight loss success stories. Research shows that eating breakfast keeps you from overeating later in the day. Researchers at the University of Southern California found that breakfast skippers have a bigger chance of gaining weight than those who regularly have a morning meal.
So eat something in the morning, anything. I know plenty of friends who end up having no breakfast altogether, and have just coffee or orange juice. I say, try heating up last night’s leftovers – it may sound crazy, but if it works for you, do it! I find if I tell myself, “You can always eat it tomorrow.” I put away the leftovers instead of eating more that night. Try it … you may save yourself some pre-bedtime calories. And watch your body gain the fat-burning effects.
小题1:The word “leftovers” in paragraph I probably means  ______.
A.food remaining after a mealB.things left undone
C.meals made of vegetablesD.pizza topped with fruit
小题2:What can we infer from the text?
A.Working women usually have breakfast in a hurry.
B.Many people have wrong ideas about breakfast.
C.There are some easy ways of cooking a meal.
D.Eating vegetables helps save energy.
小题3:According to the last paragraph, it is important to _______.
A.eat something for breakfastB.be careful about what you cat
C.heat up food before eating itD.cat calorie-controlled food
小题4:The text is written mainly for those _______.
A.who go to work earlyB.who want to lose weight
C.who stay up lateD.who eat before sleep
Everyone knows what a needle is. Of course there are needles and needles: Needles for sewing machines, needles for injection(注射), you name it. But few people think of the wonder : a needle works in the hands of those who practice acupuncture(针刺疗法).
During the past ten years or so, I have been suffering from terrible headache. It seems to be getting from bad to worse these days . Last night I got a sudden pain in my head. It was so terrible that I could hardly bear(忍受)it. Although I swallowed all kinds of pain-killers(止痛药), I didn’t feel any better, It seemed that there was nothing I could do but phone for a doctor.
One of our neighbours happened to be with us. He was not a doctor, but he timidly(胆怯地) offered his help, saying “Do you mind if I tried acupuncture on you? These needles may possibly do you some good.” I agreed. In a moment, he had taken out a few needles from his purse. Without a moment’s delay, he fixed a few needles into the skin on my head here and there, Before long, I felt thoroughly relieved(缓解疼痛).
Just then, the doctor sped through my house and said, “Where is our patient?”
“Sorry, Doctor, You are too late, It’s killed!” I answered in delight.
It’s miracle , isn’t it?
小题1:The underlined phrase from bad to worse in the second paragraph refers to the man’s   . 
小题2:Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.the neighbour fixed needles on his own head
B.The neighbour is a kind-hearted person.
C.The man’s pain was killed before the doctor arrived
D.Soon after the acupuncture, the man was completely recovered.
小题3:The sentences” You are too late. It’s killed .” mean that    .
A.the pain was killed because the doctor came late
B.the man was killed because the doctor came too late
C.before the doctor came the man’s headache was already cured
D.it was too late and the man had gone away
小题4:The passage tells us that     .
A.everyone knows that acupuncture is a miracle
B.the neighbour wanted to use acupuncture on every patient
C.the effect of acupuncture on the man was unbelievable
D.the patient did not believe in acupuncture

Although we already know a great deal about flu, and although the World Health Organization is constantly collecting detailed information from its chain of flu reference laboratories throughout the world, it is extremely difficult for epidemiologists, who study infectious diseases, to predict when and where the next flu epidemic will occur, and how serious it will be. 
There are three kinds of flu virus, known as A, B and C. Flu C virus is relatively stable and causes mild infections that do not spread far through the population. The A and B types are unstable, and are responsible for the epidemics that cause frequent concern. Following any virus attack, the human body builds up antibodies (抗体) which can be changed into immunity to that type of virus but a virus with the ability to change its character is able to bypass this protection. Variability(可变性) is less developed in the flu B virus, which affects only human beings. Flu B virus may cause a widespread epidemic but will have little effect if introduced into the same community soon afterwards, since nearly everyone will have built up antibodies and will be immune. The flu A virus, which affects animals also, is extremely unstable and is responsible for some of the worst outbreaks of the disease, such as the world epidemic, of 1918 and 1919, when about half the world’s population were infected and about twenty million people died, some from pneumonia caused by the virus itself and some from secondary complication caused by bacteria. Accurate prediction is difficult because of the complication of the factors. A particular virus may be related to one to which some of the population have partial involved immunity. The extent to which it will spread will depend on factors such as its own strength, or virulence (病毒性), the ease with which it can be transmitted and the strength of the opposition it encounters (遇到). Scientists, however, have a reliable general picture of the world situation. 
72. Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage? 
A. Symptoms of Flu                                                       B. Man VS Flu Virus 
C. WHO: The Major Organization against Flu Virus       D. Variability of Flu Virus 
73. What does the author say about the flu B virus? 
A. B Virus is relatively stable and causes mild infections that do not spread far through the population. 
B. B Virus is unstable, and is responsible for the epidemics that cause frequent concern. 
C. B virus is extremely unstable and is responsible for some of the worst outbreaks of the disease. 
D. B virus has a very developed variability, and it affects only human beings. 
74. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor contributing to the extent to which a virus spreads?
A. The strength of the virus.               B.The ease with which the virus can be transmitted.
C. The strength of the opposition. D.The immunity the virus can bring about.
75. This article is quite probably ________.
A. a piece of news                                    B. a special science report
C. an introduction to a disease             D. a scientific fiction 

Sports and Entertainment Marketing – Entry Level Sales and Advertising Reps
Are you a college graduate?
Are you looking for a career but have little or NO experience?
Are you having a had time getting your foot in a successful, proven firm?
Do you want a chance to test your work ethic, drive, and determination?
We may be just what you are looking for.
* Customer Service
* Event Marketing
* Sales / Promotions
* Public Relations
We share our decisions, not hand down. We have an intensive, high – energy, hands – on company that wants all individuals to succeed because that means our clients will too! We have an opportunity for people to enjoy real responsibility from the start, where payment is based on performance, not seniority!
If you are looking for such a team, respond IMMEDIATELY.
* Must be able to start within 2 weeks
* Able to work in a team environment
* Capable of leading and motivating others
* High energy and open to new ideas
* Be able to perform under little guidance
* Great attitude and cool
* Exceptional communication skills
64.Which group of people is the company’s job open to?
A.College graduates.   B.Senior sales people.
C.Experienced young people.     D.Entertainment and sports lovers.
65.Which of the following words can best describe the company’s environment?
A.Team – based.         B.Individual – based.
C.Seniors favored.             D.Youngsters favored.
66.Which of the four candidates best qualifies for the job?
A.One who is strong in leadership.    B.One who is imaginative.
C.One who is dependent.    D.One who is a good listener.
67. What can we infer from the advertisement?
A.The company is new.             B.The company is big.
C.The company doesn’t like old people.   
D.The company has its unique way of management.
 Eat healthier. Exercise twice a week. Read more books. Lose weight. We make the same resolutions(决心) every year, but most of us fail, dying out after only a few days or , at best, weeks. Even the most successful among us crash and burn when it comes to personal change. President-elect Barack Obama struggles to remove his cigarette habit.
Professionals who help people make changes in their lives suggest the change is determined not by one's surroundings, but one's mind. Beginning with small goals or steps usually leads to a bigger payoff later, they say. But they caution that the experience is different for everyone.
"People are more likely to make positive changes in their lives not only when their friends do, but when their friends of friends do, and when their friends of friends of friends do," said Nicholas Christakis, a professor of medical sociology at Harvard University. "People are better able to make changes in their lives - lose weight, quit smoking, become happy - when they do this with a large number of other people, and so taking advantage of your social network ties can result in a magnification of your own efforts."
Jhonny Augustin understands that well. His resolution for 2008 was to shed 30 pounds from his 237-pound frame. But the change didn't come easily. He said,"I'm a huge procrastinator, I kept putting it off until tomorrow. I didn't get to do it until the summer." However , Augustin got inspired when he saw his older brother working out. Today, Augustin weighs 190 pounds.
“Of course, change can happen only if people don't set their expectations too high or try to tackle too many changes at once; one of the biggest mistakes we make is setting unrealistic goals, ”said Dalia Llera, a psychologist and associate professor of counseling and psychology at Lesley University. "You can't accomplish in a few weeks what you haven't accomplished in a few years," said Llera.
46.From the first paragraph we can infer that      .
A.change for a person is challenging
B.famous people have great determination
C.most people don’t want to change themselves
D.personal change is beyond belief
47.It is known from Nicholas christkis that      .
A. making a change is easier with support from a cheerful group of friends
B. social networks have great effect on one’s change
C. people who have the same attitude often get together
D. people’s mood can contribute to their efforts
48.The word “procrastinator” in Paragraph 4 refers to those who      .
A. have great determination to make a change
B. have no desire to do something great
C. put off work especially because of laziness
D. have habitual carelessness and laziness
49.According to the passage, Dalia Liera suggested that      .
A. people should understand their goals well
B. people should try their best to change themselves
C. people should have confidence and positive habits
D. people should start with setting small goals to meet
50.The passage is mainly about      .
A. the reason why losing weight is so hard
B. the effect of the positive change
C. the attitudes towards change in life
D. the ways of making a change
When people lose legs after accidents or illnesses, emergency care and artificial limbs(假肢)often allow them to walk again. Newts (蝾螈) in the same situation, on the other hand, can grow limbs back on their own! Scientists have known for a long time that certain animals can re-grow limbs, but they haven’t quite figured out how these creatures do it.
Researchers have now come up with some new ideas. Their work may give people the ability to re-grow lost limbs. The researchers started with two simple experiments:when you cut a newt’s leg at the ankle, only the foot grows back;when you cut off a leg at the very end, the whole leg grows back. In both cases, the re-growth begins with stem cells. Stem cells can develop into nearly any type of cell in the body.
How do a newt’s stem cells know when to grow only a foot and when to re-grow a whole leg?
This question relates to another mystery. In newt’s, a cut-off leg will grow back only if the nerve bundle(神经束)in it also grows back , but if something prevents the nerve bundle from growing, the stem cells at the wound won’t re-grow a new leg.
In its study, a British team focused on a protein called n-AG. When the team prevented nerves in a limb from growing, but added the n-AG protein to stem cells in the limb, the limb still re-grew. That protein seems to guide limb re-growth. People have proteins that are similar to n-AG. Further research into these materials may someday help human limbs recover by themselves.
40. In the experiments, the researchers cut off a newt’s foot or leg to find out _____.
A. what stem cells were                    B. whether they would grow back
C. how long it would take to re-grow    D. how they would re-grow
41. A newt will re-grow its leg if _____.
A. its ankle was cut off but the nerve bundle was good
B. its leg was cut off and the nerve bundle stopped growing
C. its leg was cut off and the nerve bundle could grow back
D. its ankle and the nerve bundle were cut off
42. What do the underlined words “these materials” refer to?
A. Nerve bundles and proteins.         B. Proteins similar to n-AG.
C. Stem cells and proteins.              D. Stem cells and nerve bundles.
43. The first sentence of the passage _____.
A. acts as a lead–in                      B. shows where researchers got their new ideas
C. states the author’s opinion           D. describes the result of researchers’ studies
Imagine your body is like the house you live in.Every day, your family creates rubbish.The rubbish builds up until it is put out for the weekly garbage collection.
Now, say you put three bags of garbage out.but because one of the collectors was away sick, only two bags are collected.You take the leftover bag inside to be put out again next week.The following week you put on another three bags.plus the leftover bag from last week.But again, only two bags are collected.Imagine this cycle is repeated over the following weeks.
This is a simple description of what happens to your body when your kidneys (肾脏)don't work efficiently.Your body is nol thoroughly emptied of waste products.Other areas of the bodv such as blood pressure and red blood cell production are affected and the insidious process that may lead to kidney failure begins.
It's not uncommon for people to lose up to 90% of their kidney function before deveoping any symptoms.There may be no warning signs. This makes early detection (诊查)difficult.
Kidney's main job is to remote toxins(毒素) and unwanted water from our blood.Every day our kidneys clean an average of 200 litres of blood.Kidney failure may be a gradual and silent process, going unnoticed because there is no apparent pain.
Research shows that more than 35% of the patients requiring dialysis (透析)do not see a kidney specialist before they have to do so.Some risk factors for kidney disease such as age and genetic make up are out of our control; however, some changes in lifestyle may help prevent kidney damage.Two major risk factors for kidney disease, diabetes (糖尿病)and high blood pressure, have been on the rise over the last few decades.Both conditions are chiefly affected by being overweight and not getting enough exercises, which are the potential risk factors for the kidney disease.
66.The author gives the example of the house we live in to indicate that ______.
A.it doesn't matter much if the waste in our body is not emptied in time
B.our body will not produce any waste if our kidneys work efficiently
C.it's important for our body to empty the waste in time every day
D.it's safe and harmless for our body to keep some waste
67.The underlined word “insidious” in Paragrap 3 means          .
A.smooth and safe                 B.apparent and fast
C.gradual and unnoticed       D.long and painful
68.We can infer that when we find some symptoms related to our kidneys,          .
A.the kidney failure begins
B.the kidneys can still work properly
C.we have lost about 10% of kidney function
D.the kidneys may have been seriously damaged
69.How many risk factors of kidney disease are mentioned in the passage?
A.Six.     B.Five.  C.Four.  D.Two.
70.Which of the following helps prevent kidney damage most effectively?
A.Go to see a kidney specialist shortly before dialysis starts.
B.Take enough exercise and make early detection of kidney disease.
C.Try to keep low blood pressure and a stable lifestyle.
D.Go to hospital whenever you find any warning signs.

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