
3.If you start by creating a bunch of simple test cases,you        before you create the powerful test cases. (run)


3.will probably run out of time


  Now the town of Grantham in Lincolnshire has produced a fiery export after a local produc?er grew the world's hottest chilli(红辣椒) .

  Measuring 1. 17 million on the Scoville Scale(史高维尔指示) 一an official 1 of spicy(辛

辣的) heat the chilli is so 2 that it is not good to health.

  3by Nick Woods, 39 , the chilli―which was planted in a  made it to the Guin?ness Book of World Records 5 it is much hotter than its previous title holder, the Bhut Jolo-kia,from India.

  Mr Woods said that he grew the record-breaking chilli 6 .

   He 7 ,"I did not set out to grow it. It is really easy for chillies to crossbreed(杂交) in a greenhouse. It tasted nice at first when I  8 ,like a strange fruity  9 . After a while, it hit me. All of a sudden I felt it 10 in the back of my throat so hot that I could not 11 . In the meantime,I 12 to shake uncontrollably. I had to sit down,and I felt physically.

  13 The burn on my tongue lasted half an hour and the 14 went on and on. I was real?ly 15   . I really don't suggest anybody 16 it raw like that."

He said, " We do feel quite 17 to get it because everyone in the world has heard of the Guinness Book of Worm Records. 18 someone else comes along and 19 it,they can never take it away from us that we once 20 the world record." 

(   ) 1.A. account   B. measure   C. assessment   D. analysis

(   ) 2.A. hot   B. big   C. red   D. smelly、

(   ) 3.A. Cooked   B. Improved   C. Grown   D. Created

(   ) 4.A. garden   B. forest   C. cave   D. greenhouse

(   ) 5.A. because   B. if   C. until   D. although

(   ) 6.A. secretly   B. accidentally   C. eagerly   D. bravely

(   ) 7.A. explained   B. argued   C. complained   D. announced

(   ) 8.A. listened   B. tried   C. watched   D. felt

(   ) 9.A. taste   B. smell   C. appearance   D. size

(   ) 10.A. swinging   B. burning   C. jumping   D. melting

(   ) 11.A. speak   B. write   C. remember   D. understand

(   ) 12.A. continued   B. pretended   C. began   D. avoided

(   ) 13.A. sick   B. tired   C. strong   D. excited

(   ) 14.A. adjustment   B. thought   C. effect   D. impression

(   ) 15.A. sorry   B. worried   C. guilty   D. careful

(   ) 16.A. describe   B. carry   C. eat   D. touch

(   ) 17.A. puzzled   B. depressed   C. satisfied   D. honored

(   ) 18.A. Even if   B. As if   C. Since   D. Unless

(   ) 19.A. proves   B. avoids   C. treats   D. beats

(   ) 20.A. supported   B. found   C. organized   D. held

  When I was a little boy,my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one evening 1 when she made breakfast after a long, 2 day at work. On that 3 so long ago,my mom placed a plate of eggs,sausage and extremely burn?ed biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if my dad 4

  5all my dad did was reach for his biscuit,6 at my mom and asked me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that evening, but I do remember watching him eat it happily!

  When I got up from the table to my room to prepare for tomorrow's 7   ,I heard my mom 8 to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I'll never forget what he said―"Baby,I  9 burned biscuits.”

  Later that night, I asked him if he 10 liked the burned biscuits. "Your mom put in a hard day at work today and she's real very 11    ," he said. " 12   ,a little burnt biscuit never 13 anyone!" Hearing that,I was very moved by the 14 of my father and the deep love between them.

  In bed that night,I thought about the 15 at dinner and the kindness my Daddy 16 to my Mom.

You know,life is full of 17 things and people:Fm not the best housekeeper or cook.What I've learned over the years is that learning to 18 each other's faults is one of the most important 19 to creating a healthy, permanent relationship. We could extend this to any 20 in fact. For example, we should show consideration to our friends. 

(   ) 1.A. in particular   B. on purpose   C. by accident   D. at first 

(   ) 2.A. hungry   B. tough   C. unique   D. strange

(   ) 3.A. holiday   B. midnight   C. morning   D. evening

(   ) 4.A. imagined   B. sensed   C. noticed   D. stared

(   ) 5.A. Yet   B. Thus   C. Otherwise   D. As

(   ) 6.A. aimed   B. glared   C. shouted   D. smiled

(   ) 7.A. interview   B. classes   C. breakfast   D. housework

(   ) 8.A. agree   B. refer   C. apologize   D. complain

(   ) 9.A. love   B. miss   C. forget   D. cook

(   ) 10.A. just   B. already   C. recently   D. actually

(   ) 11.A. unhappy   B. tired   C. careless   D. nervous

(   ) 12.A. Therefore   B. Besides   C. So   D. However

(   ) 13.A. disappoints   B. changes   C. hurts   D. worries

(   ) 14.A. humour   B. consideration   C. motivation   D. attention

(   ) 15.A. scene   B. comment   C. emergency   D. struggle

(   ) 16.A. promised   B. supplied   C. showed   D. pointed

(   ) 17.A. uncertain   B. useless   C. unusual   D. imperfect

(   ) 18.A. discover   B. accept   C. remove   D. doubt

(   ) 19.A. commands   B. ideas   C. keys   D. rules

(   ) 20.A. generation   B. experience   C. environment   D. relationship

  A hunter went into the forest and found an eagle's egg that had fallen from its nest. Surpris?ingly ,it remained 1The hunter took the egg and put it 2 the nest of a prairie chick?en. The eagle's egg 3 along with the other eggs in the prairie chicken's nest,and the little eagle grew up with the other baby birds. The young eagle 4 he was a prairie chicken.

  And he 5 to do what prairie chickens did.

  The years passed and the young eagle became fully 6 . One day he 7 and saw a huge bird high above in the cloudless sky.

  "What a beautiful bird," he exclaimed. "What is it? That's an eagle―the 8 of birds," one of the chickens said. "But don't give it a 9 thought, you can 10 be like him."

  The eagle might have11 after living the life of a chicken, but 12 ,he couldn't forget the big bird and thought about it all the time. On another day,as he  13 in the dirt for seeds and insects,he saw that same huge bird again as it flied high above with its huge wings outstretched against the sky.

" 14   ," he said to himself. " I too,have giant wings,and my feet have huge 15 that could be used for 16 getting insects from dirt."

   17 the eagle got a running start and leaped(跳跃) into the 18 working his huge wings rhythmically(有节奏地) and steadily as he had seen the huge bird did. 19 of rising only a few feet as usual, he flied into the sky and found his true 20 and destiny. 

(   ) 1.A. unbroken   B. unchecked   C. unfound   D. undone

(   ) 2.A. outside   B. above   C. in   D. near

(   ) 3.A. broke   B. smelled   C. changed   D. hatched

(   ) 4.A. admitted   B. thought   C. found   D. hoped

(   ) 5.A. learned   B. refused   C. pretended   D. desired

(   ) 6.A. valuable   B. disappointed   C. grown   D. old

(   ) 7.A. got up   B. turned up   C. showed up   D. looked up

(   ) 8.A. chief   B. enemy   C. example   D. friend

(   ) 9.A. more   B. third   C. second   D. meaningless

(   ) 10.A. always   B. never   C. often   D. sometimes

(   ) 11.A. regretted   B. changed   C.died   D. slept

(   ) 12.A. fortunately   B. unluckily   C. hopefully   D. sadly

(   ) 13.A. lay   B. ran   C. flied   D. scratched

(   ) 14.A. Interesting   B. Impossible   C. Silly   D. Strange

(   ) 15.A. covers   B. claws   C. skin   D. feathers

(   ) 16.A. more than   B. other than   C. less than   D. rather than

(   ) 17.A. Or   B. But   C. Yet   D. So

(   ) 18.A. lake   B. air   C. forest   D. ground

(   ) 19.A. Ashamed   B. Ahead   C. Instead   D. Proud

(   ) 20.A. character   B. potential   C. personality   D. source

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