
(   ) 6. ―Sorry,I was caught in the rush hour for fifty minutes.

―There needs no        . The meeting has been put off.

A. excuse    B.promise    C. complaint    D. apology

6. D考查名词的词义。excuse借口,辩解;promise 许i若,希望;complaint抱怨,控诉;apology道歉,谢罪。句意:——对不起,我在交通高峰时期堵了 50分钟。——没有必要道歉,会议已经被延后了。


What happens inside the skull of a soccer player who repeatedly heads a soccer ball? That question motivate a challenging new study of the brains of experienced players and has caused discussion and debate among soccer players, and also some anxiety among those of us with soccer-playing children.

For the study,researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York selected 34 adults,men and women. All of the volunteers had played soccer since childhood and now competed year-round in adult soccer leagues. Each filled out a detailed questionnaire developed especially for this study to determine how many times they had headed a soccer ball in the previous year,as well as whether they had experienced any known concussions(脑震荡) in the past.

had their brains scanned,using a complicated new MRI technique which can find structural changes in the brain that can't be seen during most scans.

According to the data they presented at a Radiological Society of North America meeting last month, the researchers found that the players who had headed the ball more than about 1 ,100 times

in the previous 12 months showed significant loss of white matter in parts of their brains involved with memory, attention and the processing of visual information,compared with players who had headed the ball fewer times.

This pattern of white matter loss is "similar to those seen in traumatic(夕卜伤的) brain injury", like that after a serious concussion,the researchers reported, even though only one of these players was reported to have ever experienced a concussion.

The players who had headed the ball about 1 ,100 times or more in the past year were also generally worse at recalling lists of words read to them,forgetting or fumbling the words far more often than players who had headed the ball less.

(   ) 4. The passage is most probably a         .

     A. news report    B. research report

    C. story for soccer players    D. text for doctors

(   ) 5. From the passage we can conclude that frequent heading may have       .

     A.  significant effect on one's brain

    B.  little effect on one' s brain

    C.  nothing to do with the brain injury

    D.  one's memory improved

(   ) 6. What is likely to be the cause of memory loss?

     A. Playing soccer frequently.    B. Tests of their memory.

    C. White matter loss.    D. Information processing. 

(   ) 7. The underlined word "flimbling" is closest in meaning to         .

     A. remembering    B. misunderstanding

    C. recalling    D. missing

 There were no rush hours any more," said Charles M. McLean,who runs the nation' s busiest road. "We have rush periods, and they keep getting longer and longer."

McLean was describing Chicago' s 235 miles of expressway. But the same might be said about almost any of the expressways that have become an important part of American city life―and about the heavy traffic that often blocks them.

In Chicago,a computerized system has been developed that controls traffic on the city、s seven expressways. Now one man―a controller―can follow the movement of Chicago' s traffic by look?ing at a set of lights.

The system uses electronic sensors that are built into each expressway,half a mile apart. Several times a second,the computer receives information from each sensor and translates it into green,yellow, or red lights on a map in the control room.

A green light means traffic is moving forty-five miles an hour,yellow means thirty to forty-five miles an hour,and red means heavy traffic―cars standing still or moving less than thirty miles an hour.

"See that red light near Austin Avenue? " the controller asked a visitor. "That, s a repair truck fixing the road,and the traffic has to go around it."

At the Roosevelt Road entrance to the expressway,the light kept changing from green to red and back to green again. "A lot of trucks get on the expressway there, ”the controller explained. "They can't speed up as fast as cars."

The sensors show immediately where an accident or a stopped car is blocking traffic,and a truck is sent by radio to clear the road. The system has lowered the number of accidents by 18 percent. There are now 1.4 deaths on Chicago's expressways for each one hundred million miles traveled,while in other parts of the country there are 2.6.

Traffic experts say that the Chicago system is the "coming thing". Systems like Chicago's are already in use on some expressways in Los Angeles and Houston. "Chicago has taken the lead," says New York City,s traffic director;and he adds,"We are far behind!”

(   ) 8. By saying "Chicago has taken the lead” ,the director means         .

     A. Chicago has taken something very heavy

    B. they are under the control of Chicago

     C. Chicago is ahead of them in using the system

    D. Chicago is the center of all the systems in the US 

(   ) 9. Why did the controller ask a visitor?

     A. He wanted to tell him how the lights work.

    B. He cited it as an example to show the visitor what the lights tell.

    C. He showed the visitor what he does.

    D. He was teaching him how to control the system.

(   ) 10. Where is the passage most probably taken from?

     A. A science book.    B. A travel journal.

    C. A magazine.    D. A student text.

(   ) 11. What,s the main idea of the passage?

     A.   The computerized traffic control system greatly helps in Chicago.

    B.   Rush periods in Chicago are getting longer.

    C.   Chicago has the busiest road in the nation.

    D.   The expressways are faster now.

(   ) 12. What can we learn from the passage?

     A.  The controller follows Chicago,s traffic by waiting for the red light to turn to green.

    B.  The sensor can immediately deal with the accidents.

    C.  The system has greatly helped to reduce the deaths on the expressways.

    D.  At the entrance to the expressway,the lights can change only because of the speed of the trucks.

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