Andrew Carnegie, once the world’s richest person, was born in 1835 to a weaver’s family in Scotland. As a child, he was expected to follow his father’s profession. But the industrial revolution destroyed the weavers’ craft, and the family had to leave for new possibilities in America.
In 1848 the Carnegies arrived in Pittsburgh, then the iron-manufacturing center of the country. Young Carnegie took odd jobs at a cotton factory and later worked as a messenger boy in the telegraph office. He was often asked to deliver messages to the city theater, where he would stay to watch plays by great playwrights. He also spent most of his leisure hours in a small library that a local benefactor(捐助者) made available to working boys.
After the Civil War, Carnegie saw great potential in the iron industry. He devoted himself to the replacement of wooden bridges with stronger iron ones and earned a fortune. He further introduced a new steel refining process to convert iron into steel. By 1900, Carnegie Steel produced more of the metal than all of Great Britain.
However, Carnegie often expressed his uneasiness with the businessman’s life. Wishing to spend more time receiving instruction and reading systematically, he once wrote, “If I were to continue much longer in the state of being overwhelmed by business cares and with most of my thoughts wholly upon the way to make more money in the shortest time, it would degrade me beyond hope of permanent recovery.” The strong desire for intellectual(智力的) pursuit led him to sell his company and retire at 64.
Fond of saying that “the man who dies rich dies disgraced,” Carnegie then turned his attention to giving away his fortune. He abhorred charity; instead, he used his money to help others help themselves. He established over 2,500 public libraries, and sponsored numerous cultural, educational and scientific institutions. By the time he died in 1919, he had given away 350 million dollars.
1.Andrew Carnegie moved to the United States because .
A.his father was offered a good job in Pittsburgh
B.he did not want to follow his father’s profession
C.there were serious political problems in Scotland
D.his family could not make a good living in their hometown
2.When did Carnegie begin to show his interest in artistic and intellectual pursuit?
A.After he retired from his business.
B.When he was a young boy back in Scotland.
D.When he worked as a messenger boy in Pittsburgh.
3.Which of the following best characterizes how Carnegie managed his business?
A.He was willing to make new changes.
B.He set out to beat all t he other competitors.
C.He was happy to make more money in the shortest time.
D.He did not hesitate in making investments in his hometown.
4.The underlined word “abhorred” is closest in meaning to .
A.hated B.enjoyed C.practiced D.encouraged
5.How did Carnegie handle his fortune after his retirement?
A.He left it to his family and friends after he died.
B.He gave it to poor people and charity organizations.
C.He used it to support organizations of higher learning.
D.He invested it in developing new technology in steel refinement.

Welcome to your future life!
You get up in the morning and look into the mirror.Your face is firm and younglooking.In 2035,medical technology is better than ever.Many people your age could live to be 150,so at 40,you're not old at all.And your parents just had an antiaging(抗衰老的) treatment.Now,all three of you look the same age!
You say to your shirt,“Turn red.” It changes from blue to red.In 2035,“smart clothes” contain particles(粒子) much smaller than the cells in your body.The particles can be programmed to change your clothes' color or pattern.
You walk into the kitchen.You pick up the milk,but a voice says,“You shouldn't drink that” Your fridge has read the chip (芯片) that contains information about the milk,and it knows the milk is old.In 2035,every article of food in the grocery store has such a chip.
It's time to go to work.In 2035,cars drive themselves.Just tell your “smart car” where to go.On the way,you can call a friend using your jacket sleeve.Such “smart technology” is all around you.
So will all these things come true?“For new technology to succeed,” says scientist Andrew Zolli,“it has to be so much better that it replaces what we have already.” The Internet is one example—what will be the next?
【小题1】We can learn from the text that in the future______
A.people will never get old |
B.everyone will look the same |
C.red will be the most popular color |
D.clothes will be able to change their pattern |
A.Milk will be harmful to health. |
B.More drinks will be available for sale. |
C.Food in the grocery store will carry electronic information. |
D.Milk in the grocery store will stay fresh much longer. |
A.Nothing can replace the Internet. |
B.Fridges will know what people need. |
C.Jacket sleeves can be used as a guide. |
D.Cars will be able to drive automatically. |
A.Food and clothing in 2035. |
B.Future technology in everyday life. |
C.Medical treatments of the future. |
D.The reason for the success of new technology. |
According to Andrew, it never would have happened if he had not had a flat tire on Highway 10 last night at about 7:30. He was on his way to attend a three-day sales meeting when he had the flat. tyre. Unfortunately, he did not have a spare, so he pushed the car off the road, locked it up, and managed to thumb a ride back to Pine Grove. It was after eleven o'clock when he finally got home, and it was then that his real problems started.
When Andrew left home at about 5:30, he had told his wife not to expect him back until Thursday or Friday. Knowing that his wife was nervous about staying in the house alone at night, Andrew took the precaution of checking all the windows in the house to be sure they were locked, so that he could report to his wife that the house was secure. He convinced his wife that the house was burglar-proof, and that she would be perfectly safe, providing she bolted (闩上)the front door as soon as he drove away.
Andrew's only thought as he made his way in the dark to his front door was how surprised his wife was going to be to see him, since he was not supposed to be back until Thursday or Friday. He had forgotten about the bolt on the front door. When he turned his key in the lock and the door wouldn't budge, he remembered the bolt. And he remembered that he had carefully locked all of the windows.
Although Andrew didn't know it at the time, a next-door neighbor had seen him approaching the house and had watched him go up the steps to the front door. In the dark, it was impossible for the neighbor to recognize Andrew, and, besides, the neighbor knew that Andrew had gone out-of-town for a three-day meeting. As a matter of fact, Andrew had asked the neighbor to keep an eye on the house while he was gone.
Finding that he couldn't get in, Andrew began pounding(砰砰地敲) on the front door to get his wife to open the door. According to Andrew, however, his wife is a very sound sleeper, and he knew it was going to be hard to wake her up. In the meantime, because of all the noise he had been making, the neighbor was convinced that somebody was trying to break into the house; so she called the police.
When we talked to Andrew at the country jail this morning, he said that he still didn't understand how the police managed to circle the house without his seeing them. He stated that he had decided the only way to get in was to break one of the dining room windows, and that he was about, to hurl his briefcase into the window to break it when two of the officers grabbed him from behind.
Andrew could not make the officers believe that he lived there; so they took him off to jail. Apparently, he did succeed in convincing them that they ought to wake up the woman in the house to check his story. But there was no answer when they knocked at the door. He tried to explain to them that his wife was a very sound sleeper, but they concluded there was nobody in the house.
【小题1】As Andrew had a flat tyre on the way, he .
A.had to take another car to attend the meeting |
B.rode on a bike to attend the meating |
C.asked for a lift to go back home |
D.borrowed a car to go back home |
A.he was sure he would pleasently surprise his wife |
B.he was deep in thought |
C.he was sure that his neighbor would help him |
D.he was worried about how to wake his wife up |
A.move slightly | B.lock tightly | C.knock lightly | D.close tightly |
A.It was too late for them to contact Andrew’s wife. |
B.Andrew did not explain clearly why he broke into the house. |
C.They thought it unnecessary to check Andrew’s story. |
D.they concluded that Andrew’s story was a complete invention. |