
  Tim Becker and his neighbours are doing some?thing to make their neighbourhood a trouble-free area.

  When Tim Becker gets in his car to go shopping,he doesn't 4      drive to a store and back home. He always looks 5        up and down the streets of his neighbourhood. He looks for anything 6        such as strange cars,loud noises,7       windows,or people gathering on street corners.

  Tim 8        to a neighbourhood watch group in Stoneville,Indiana <, USA. The neighbourhood watch group 9        on the third Wednesday of every month. That's 10        Tim gets together with about ten of his neighbours to discuss community 11      . Members of the neighbourhood watch group want to help the police 12        their streets and families safe.

  Tina Stedman,president of 13        neighbourhood watch group,agrees with Tim. "People seem to think that crime (犯罪) happens to other people but not

14 them. Well,it's never happened to me," she said, "but I don't think anyone has the 15        to steal from other people or to make them feel 16        sitting in their own homes.” Alex,a member of the group,said that all the neighbours 17        out for one another. " We 18     each other's homes. We keep watch on the neighbour?hood at night and on weekends. Usually a 19      of four or five of us go out together. If something doesn't look right,then we call the 20      .For example,if we notice a group of teenagers who seem to be looking for 21        ,or someone destroying property (财产) , we report to the police." Alex feels the neighbourhood watch group 22      a lot in keeping crime down. Her husband Jim agrees "Police are good people,but they can't do 23     ."

4. A. yet   B. still   C. just   D. rather

5. A. carefully   B. clearly   C. nervously   D. coldly

6. A. familiar   B. unusual

   C. expensive   D. interesting

7. A. curtained   B. open   C. old   D. broken

8. A. attends   B. belongs   C. goes   D. turns

9. A. meets   B. quarrels   C. sings   D. searches

10. A. where   B. why   C. when   D. how

11. A. politics   B. wealth   C. health   D. safety

12. A. keep   B. hold

   C. let   D. protect

13. A. its   B. his   C. their   D. your

14. A. round   B. on   C. about   D. to

15. A. right   B. chance   C. courage   D. mind

16. A. unlucky   B. unsafe

   C. disappointed   D. discouraged

17. A. set   B. let   C. hold   D. look

18. A. care   B. enter   C. watch   D. manage

19. A. group   B. set

   C. number   D. crowd

20. A. judges   B. police   C. firemen   D. doctors

21. A. work   B. burden   C. service   D. trouble

22. A. produce   B. find   C. get   D. help

23. A. anything   B. everything   C. harm   D. wrong

4. C Trni Becker和他的邻居正在尽力使他们的邻里免受烦扰。因此每当Tim Becker开车出门购物时,他不仅仅只是 (just) 开车去开车回,而且还有别的事情要做。

5. A他总是在邻里的街道上上下下仔细地 (carefully) 查看。carefully小心地,谨慎地;clearly明显地,无疑地; nervously神经紧张地,不安地;coldly冷淡地。

6. B查看是否有任何异常的 (unusual) 事情。familiar熟悉的,常见的;unusual不平常的,与众不同的,异常的; expensive昂贵的;interesting有趣的。

7. D与前面strange cars,loud noises构成并歹i]意义的不应是开着的 (open) 、旧的 (old) 、挂着窗帘的 (curtained) 窗

户.Ifll—是打碎的 (broken) 窗户。

8. B Tim Becker是邻里监护队的一员。

9. A邻里监护队每月第一个周-:碰头开会 (meet) ,而不是争吵 (quarrel) ,唱歌 (sing) 和调査 (sea rch) 。

10. C根据前文的on the third Wednesday of every month 可以得出答案。

11. D从前文Tim Becker的行为可以看出、他们聚集在一起研讨社区的安全(safety) 问题,而非政治(politics) 、健康(health) 和财富(wealth) 问题。

12. A帮助警察保持 (keep) 他们的街道和家安全。keep sb-+ "力.使某人保持某一状态;hold保存,保留;let允许,让;protect保护,保卫。后三者均不用于此结构。

13. C他们的 (their) 邻里监护队的队长。

14. D sth happen to sb为固定结构,but not表示并列,后跟相同搭配。

15. A任何人都可能有机会 (chance) 、勇气 (courage) 和心思 (mind) ,但却没有权利 (right) 去偷别人的东西或使别人感到不安全。

16. B没有权利使别人坐在自己家里而感到不安全。

17. D所有的邻居都相互注意 (look out) ,提髙警惕。set out出发,开始,摆出,陈列;let out放宽(衣服) ;出租 (车、马等) ;hold out给予,坚持,忍耐,伸出;look out注意,留神。

18. C我们看护 (watch) 每个人的家。前文已有所暗示,与hi义keep watch on—致。t'are注意,照料,关心;enter 进人;watch注视,注意,看守,守护,监视;manage管理,控制。

19. A前文已有所暗示。四五个人形成一组/队 (group) , group"组,团,群",通常指人组成的群体,成员可多可少;set"套,副,批",通常指成套组装的东西;number 数,数字;crowd"人群,群众,一堆(东西) ",通常指拥挤的人群。

20. B如果看到有什么事情不对劲,就叫警察 (police) 。前文的"…help the police "- their streets and families safe." 和后文"…we report to the police.”已经有所暗示。

21. D如果发现一群十几岁的孩子似乎想找麻烦 (tromble) 。

22. D在减少犯罪方面,邻里监护队起到了辅助 (help) 的作用:

23. B警察是好人,但他们不可能做每件事情(every-thing;) 。anything与not连用表示全部否定;everything 与not连用表示部分否定。


  I just had one of the most interesting experiences of my life,and wanted to share it with my dearest friends.

  One cold evening,I drove home and was stuck in a traffic jam,when my car started to die. I managed to coast into a gas station in order not to get in others' way. Before I made the call to ask for help,I found a crying woman. T walked towards her and asked her if she needed help. She said she was driving to California and that things were very hard for her right now.

  I helped her fill up her car completely,walked to the McDonald's and bought 2 big bags of food,some gifts and a big cup of coffee. She gave the food to the kids in the car. They ate them quickly. And we stood eating fries and talking a little.

  She told me her name,and that she lived in Kansas City. Her husband left 2 months ago and she was not able to support her family. So she went to California to find her parents. She packed up everything she owned in the car. She told the kids they were going to Califor?nia for Christmas,but not that they were going to live there.

  I gave her my gloves,a little hug and said a quick prayer (祈祷) with her for safety on the road. As I was walking over to my car,she said, "So,are you like an angel or something?"

  It was so incredible (不可思议的) to be part of someone else's miracle (奇迹) .And of course,you guessed it,when I got in my car it started right away and got me home with no problem.

1. The writer did all the following things for the woman EXCEPT_________ .

   A. helping her fill up her car

   B. buying some drinks and food

   C. feeding the food to her children

   D. buying some gifts

2. According to the passage,the woman's children were very_________ before eating the food the writer bought them.

   A. lovely   B. hungry   C. cold   D. worried

3. The woman went to California to_________ .

   A. ask her parents for help

   B. spend Christmas with her parents

   C. look for her husband

   D. make a living by herself

4. The woman thought the writer an angel because_________

   A. the writer was too kind and did everything he could to help her

   B. the writer was kinder than any other people in this world

   C. the woman didn't get any help from others be?fore she met the writer

   D. the writer didn't ask for payment for what he had done for the woman

5,According to the passage,we can infer that_________ .

   A. the writer thought helping others could get an?other name

   B. the writer hoped that the woman could pay him back soon

   C. the writer often helps other people who need help

   D. helping others may bring you a surprise

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