
Word spelling(满分10分)

1.He did the work with his teacher's________(指导).

2.She is my n_______ from America, the daughter of my eldest sister.

3.Jane and Sarah used to be friends but now they are bitter e________.

4. The teacher _________(惩罚) the noisy children by making them stay after school.

5.He made a f_______ by selling houses.

6.If you make any more noise I shall o_______ you out of the hall!

7.The three goals we scored in the first half gave us a useful c________ against defeat.

8.There was a s_______ with trees and grass in it in the center of the city.

9. What is the _______(平均的)rainfall for August in your country

10. We all wore m_____ at the party and no one knew who we were.

1.guidance  2.niece  3.enemies  4.punished  5. fortune  6.order  7.cushion  8. square 9.average 10. masks


People turn to magic(魔力)chiefly as a form of insurance--that is, they use it along with actions that actually bring results. For example, hunters may use a hunting charm(咒语). But they also use their hunting skills and knowledge of animals. The charm may give hunters the extra confidence they need to hunt even more successfully than they would without it. If they shoot a lot of game(猎物), they credit the charm for their success. Many events happen naturally without magic. Crops grow without it, and sick people get well without it. But if people use magic to bring a good harvest or to cure a patient, they may believe the magic was responsible. 

People also tend to forget magic's failures and to be impressed by its surface successes. They may consider magic successful if it appears to work only 10 per cent of the time. Even when magic fails, people often explain the failure without doubting the power of the magic. They may say that the magician made a mistake in reciting the spell or that another magician cast a more powerful spell against the magician.

Many anthropologists(人类学家) believe that people have faith in magic because they feel a need to believe in it. People may turn to magic to reduce their fear and uncertainty if they feel they have no control over the outcome of a situation. For example, farmers use knowledge and skill when they plant their fields. But they know that weather, insects, or diseases might ruin the crops. So farmers in some societies may also plant a charm or perform a magic rite to ensure a good harvest.

16.From the passage, we can learn that the writer of the passage may be _______.

A. a hunter     B. a farmer     C. a magician    D. an anthropologist

17.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?

A. Magic and Hunting.          B. Magic and Farming.

C. Why Magic Works?          D. Why People Believe in Magic?

18. The underlined word “spell”(Paragraph 2) most likely means______.

A. magic words.    B. magic events.    C. words or expressions     D. magicians.

19. People believe in magic because________.

A. magic powers are greater than natural powers

B. magic can turn dreams into reality

C. they are not sure of themselves  

D. magic can bring good results

20. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Even though magic fails, believers in magic will explain the reason.

B. Believers in magic usually overstate the power of magic.

C. People use magic to reduce their uncertainty and give them extra confidence

D. Magic can solve problems people can’t deal with in a natural way.

People turn to magic(魔力)chiefly as a form of insurance--that is, they use it along with actions that actually bring results.For example, hunters may use a hunting charm(咒语).But they also use their hunting skills and knowledge of animals.The charm may give hunters the extra confidence they need to hunt even more successfully than they would without it.If they shoot a lot of game(猎物), they credit the charm for their success.Many events happen naturally without magic.Crops grow without it, and sick people get well without it.But if people use magic to bring a good harvest or to cure a patient, they may believe the magic was responsible.
People also tend to forget magic's failures and to be impressed by its surface successes.They may consider magic successful if it appears to work only 10 per cent of the time.Even when magic fails, people often explain the failure without doubting the power of the magic.They may say that the magician made a mistake in reciting the spell or that another magician cast a more powerful spell against the magician.
Many anthropologists(人类学家) believe that people have faith in magic because they feel a need to believe in it.People may turn to magic to reduce their fear and uncertainty if they feel they have no control over the outcome of a situation.For example, farmers use knowledge and skill when they plant their fields.But they know that weather, insects, or diseases might ruin the crops.So farmers in some societies may also plant a charm or perform a magic rite to ensure a good harvest.
66.From the passage, we can learn that the writer of the passage may be _______.
A.a hunter       B.a farmer       C.a magician    D.an anthropologist
67.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?
A.Magic And Hunting.       B.Magic And Farming.
C.Why Magic Works?         D.Why People Believe in Magic?
68.The underlined word “spell”(Paragraph 2) most likely means______.
A.magic words.               B.magic events. 
C.words or expressions          D.magicians.
69.People believe in magic because________.
A.magic powers are greater than natural powers
B.magic can turn dreams into reality
C.they are not sure of themselves
D.magic can bring good results
70.Which of the following statements is NOT ture according to the passage?
A.Even though magic fails ,believers in magic will explain the reason.
B.Believers in magic usually overstate the power of magic.
C.People use magic to reduce their uncertainty and give them extra confidence
D.Magic can solve problems people can’t deal with in a natural way.

People turn to magic chiefly as a form of insurance—that is, they use it along with actions that actually bring results. For example, hunters may use a hunting charm (咒语). But they also use their hunting skills and knowledge of animals. The charm may give hunters the extra confidence they need to hunt even more successfully than they would without it. If they shoot a lot of game (猎物), they credit the charm for their success. Many events happen naturally without magic. Crops grow without it, and sick people get well without it.But if people use magic to bring a good harvest or to cure a patient, they may believe the magic was responsible.
People also tend to forget magic’s failures and to be impressed by its surface successes. They may consider magic successful if it appears to work only 10 percent of the time. Even when magic fails, people often explain the failure without doubting the power of the magic. They may say that the magician made a mistake in reciting the spell or that another magician cast a more powerful spell against the magician.
Many anthropologists (人类学家) believe that people have faith in magic because they feel a need to believe in it. People may turn to magic to reduce their fear and uncertainty if they feel they have no control over the outcome of a situation. For example, farmers use knowledge and skill when they plant their fields. But they know that weather, insects, or diseases might ruin the crops. So farmers in some societies may also plant a charm or perform a magic rite (仪式) to ensure a good harvest.
1. From the passage, we can learn that the writer of the passage may be _______.
A. a hunter                                               B. a farmer
C. a magician                                      D. an anthropologist
2. Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?
A. Magic And Hunting.
B. Magic And Farming.
C. Why Magic Works?
D. Why People Believe in Magic?
3. The underlined word “spell” (Paragraph 2) most likely means ______.
A. magic words                             B. magic events 
C. words or expressions             D. magicians
4. People believe in magic because________.
A. magic powers are greater than natural powers
B. magic can turn dreams into reality
C. they are not sure of themselves
D. magic can bring good results
5. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Even though magic fails, believers in magic will explain the reason.
B. Believers in magic usually overstate the power of magic.
C. People use magic to reduce their uncertainty and give them extra confidence.
D. Magic can solve problems people can’t deal with in a natural way.

If you haven’t heard or seen anything about Road Rage in the last few months, you’ve probably been avoiding the media. There have been countless stories about this new and scary phenomenon, considered a type of aggressive driving. You have most likely encountered aggressive driving or Road Rage recently if you drive at all.

While drunk driving remains a critical problem, the facts about aggressive driving are surely as disturbing. For instance, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Association, 41,907 people died on the highway last year. Of those deaths, the agency estimates that about two-thirds were caused at least in part by aggressive driving behavior.

Why is this phenomenon occurring more than ever now, and why is it something that seemed almost nonexistent a few short years ago? Experts have several theories, and all are probably partially correct. One suggestion is extreme overcrowding. In the last decade, the number of cars on the roads has increased by more than 11 percent, and the number of miles driven has increased by 35 percent. However, the number of new road miles has only increased by 1 percent. That means more cars in the same amount of space; and the problem is severe in urban areas. Also, people have less time and more things to do. With people working and trying to fit extra chores and activities into the day, stress levels have never been higher. Stress creates anxiety, which leads to short tempers. These factors, when combined in certain situations, can spell Road Rage.

 You may think you are the last person who would drive aggressively , but you might be surprised .For instance , have you ever yelled out loud at a slower driver ,sounded the horn long and hard an another car , or sped up to keep another driver from passing ?If you recognize yourself in any of these situations , watch out !.

Whether you are getting angry at other drivers, or another driver is visibly upset with you, there are things you can do to avoid any major conflict. If you are easily influenced by Road Rage, the key is to release your emotion in a healthy way. If you are the target of another driver’s rage, do everything possible to get away from the other driver safely, including avoiding eye contact and getting out of their way.

1. The first sentence in Para. 1 implies that ______. 

A. Road Rage has received much media coverage in the last few months

B. the media created the term “Road Rage” only a few months ago

C. one may be angered by media reports and wants to avoid them

D. people not interested in the media know little about recent happenings

2.The underlined word “spell” in Para. 3 means ________.

A. relieve              B. cause             C. spread              D. prevent

3.Which of the following characterizes aggressive driving?

A. Talking while driving.               B. Driving at high speed.

C. Shouting at another driver.           D. Sounding the horn when passing

4.The last paragraph is intended to _________.

A. tell people how to deal with Road Rage

B. inform people how aggressive drivers could be

C. show people how to control themselves when angry

D. warn people against eye contact with another driver


If you haven’t heard or seen anything about Road Rage in the last few months, you’ve probably been avoiding the media. There have been countless stories about this new and scary phenomenon, considered a type of aggressive driving. You have most likely encountered aggressive driving or Road Rage recently if you drive at all.

While drunk driving remains a critical problem, the facts about aggressive driving are surely as disturbing. For instance, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Association, 41,907 people died on the highway last year. Of those deaths, the agency estimates that about two-thirds were caused at least in part by aggressive driving behavior.

Why is this phenomenon occurring more than ever now, and why is it something that seemed almost nonexistent a few short years ago? Experts have several theories, and all are probably partially correct. One suggestion is extreme overcrowding. In the last decade, the number of cars on the roads has increased by more than 11 percent, and the number of miles driven has increased by 35 percent. However, the number of new road miles has only increased by 1 percent. That means more cars in the same amount of space; and the problem is severe in urban areas. Also, people have less time and more things to do. With people working and trying to fit extra chores and activities into the day, stress levels have never been higher. Stress creates anxiety, which leads to short tempers. These factors, when combined in certain situations, can spell Road Rage.

You may think you are the last person who would drive aggressively, but you might be surprised. For instance, have you ever yelled out loud at a slower driver, sounded the horn long and hard an another car, or sped up to keep another driver from passing? If you recognize yourself in any of these situations, watch out!

Whether you are getting angry at other drivers, or another driver is visibly upset with you, there are things you can do to avoid any major conflict. If you are easily influenced by Road Rage, the key is to release your emotion in a healthy way. If you are the target of another driver’s rage, do everything possible to get away from the other driver safely, including avoiding eye contact and getting out of their way.

1.The first sentence in Para. 1 implies that ______.

A. Road Rage has received much media coverage in the last few months

B. the media created the term “Road Rage” only a few months ago C. one may be angered by media reports and wants to avoid them

D. people not interested in the media know little about recent happenings

2. The underlined word “spell” in Para. 3 means ________.

A. relieve               B. cause             C. spread              D. prevent

3.Which of the following characterizes aggressive driving?

A. Talking while driving.

B. Driving at high speed.

C. Shouting at another driver.

D. Sounding the horn when passing

4.The last paragraph is intended to _________.

A. tell people how to deal with Road Rage

B. inform people how aggressive drivers could be

C. show people how to control themselves when angry

D. warn people against eye contact with another driver


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