
【小题1】   If you have a p___________ for Impressionist paintings, you can go to Museum of Modern Art.
【小题2】As they had no children of their own, they a________ an orphan.
【小题3】The car accident has done p________ damage to his leg, and he will never be able to walk.
【小题4】There is no c__________ evidence showing the relationship between H7N9 and the dead pigs in Huangpu River.
【小题5】After 30 years’ struggle, China has been t_________ from an under-developed country to the second biggest economy in the world.
【小题6】I am willing to do anything in e__________ for my freedom.
【小题7】The woman waited for her husband at the mountaintop year after year and e_________ became stone.
【小题8】We should not hold p_______ against homosexuals, for it is just a personal choice.
【小题9】If you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do it a_________________.
【小题10】The human activities have seriously threatened the e__________ of many species.
【小题11】Some environmental activists a___________ that nuclear energy should be massively developed to replace the traditional sources of energy.
【小题12】Some scientists still believe that global warming is just a natural p__________.
【小题13】The UN has already b____________ the use of nuclear weapons in the war.
【小题14】Galileo put forward the heliocentric theory and made great c_________ to our understanding of the universe. 


【小题1】preference 名词偏爱preference;构成固定词组have a preference for…偏爱…
【小题2】adopted   动词adopt收养;还可以表示“采纳,采用”。
【小题4】concrete 形容词实在的,有力的;
【小题5】transformed  动词转换,转变transform;本句是一个被动语态的形式。
【小题6】exchange   固定搭配in exchange for…交换…。
【小题7】eventually 副词最后eventually,相当于finally, in the end.
【小题8】prejudice 名词偏见prejudice,要注意该词通常与介词against连用。
【小题9】automatically 副词自动地automatically。注意构词法automatically.
【小题10】existence  名词存在existence,是由动词exist转换。
【小题11】 advocated   动词提倡advocate,这些环境专家建议大量使用核能。
【小题12】 phenomenon  名词现象pehnomenon,注意其复数形式为pehnomena。
【小题13】banned   动词禁止ban,该词固定词组ban sb from doing sth禁止某人做某事。
【小题14】 contributions 固定搭配make contributions to…对…做出贡献。


【小题1】You can’t use father’s car without his p_________.
【小题2】Having a b________ diet is good for our health.
【小题3】The math problem is so c_________ that no one in the class can work it out.
【小题4】I was wondering if you could do me a f_________, that is , to help me take care of my pets.
【小题5】The scientists spent 3 months g_________ information for the biological experiment.
【小题6】She left a very c________ message on my answering machine. I really couldn’t understand what she was trying to say.
【小题7】All the tourists were f__________ by the beautiful scenery of the city.
【小题8】Teaching is a tiring but a r___________ job, especially when you see the difference you’ve made in the life of your students.
【小题9】You are expected to a_______ to your parents when you made a mistake.
【小题10】Drinking too much is h_________ to one’s health.
【小题11】When he was a little boy, Tony usually __________(寻求)help from his parents and friends in time of trouble.
【小题12】Everyone sang and danced, enjoying the happy and relaxed __________(气氛) at the party.
【小题13】Hard work is ___________(基础的) to success.
【小题14】Customers who buy 10 at a time will get a 50% __________(折扣)。
【小题15】People in different countries have different customs and _________(宗教的) beliefs.
【小题16】The letter wasn't addressed to me but I opened it out of ___________(好奇).
【小题17】Working as a _____________(实习生) helped him to earn extra money.
【小题18】Dinosaurs ____________(存在) on the earth millions of years ago.
【小题19】_________(退休) at the age of 40 sounds boring.
【小题20】There are many __________(理论) about how the universe began.

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