
假设你是李华。下面是你正在Bayview Hotel 度假的相关信息,请你根据图画和文字提示,用英语给你的朋友Shirley写一封信,介绍你度假的情况并邀请他明年与你同来此地度假。?




Dear Shirley,

I’m now on holiday at the Bayview Hotel.



Li Hua

Dear Shirley,

I’m now on holiday at the Bayview Hotel. This is a nice family-run hotel on sea front. In the yard there’s a swimming pool. From the hotel windows you can see the sea and mountains. There’s also a restaurant which offers good food and there are nice bars, too. The people here are friendly and helpful.?

The holiday offers various activities. This is what I did: I went sailing in the sea on Monday. And on Monday evening I saw a new Spielberg film. On Tuesday I had a coach trip to an old town, which is a popular place of interest and in the evening I went to a disco party.

It’s the most enjoyable holiday I’ve ever had. I like it here so much that I’ve already decided that I must come again next year. I do hope you’ll come with me. I’m already looking forward to that!?


Li Hua




Hi, Li Hua

Congratulations on your great English mark. I’m proud of you. I wish I were doing as well in my Chinese class. I try really hard but I just don’t seem to get any better. I actually find speaking difficult in particular. Have you got any suggestions? I need HELP!

Best wishes,



Dear Stella,

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                                                  Li Hua

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
