4. expectvt.期待,预期→.n 预期数额
4. expectancy
假定你是一名导游,你将接待一个外国旅游团。 请你拟订一份导游词向游客介绍青岛。要点如下:
1. 青岛市位于山东半岛南端,面积10,903平方千米, 总人口 871万;
2. 青岛三面环海,大海是青岛的魅力所在;
3. 名人如李白、蒲松龄、康有为等的足迹遍布青岛,留 下了华美的诗文;
4. 青岛是现代化城市,现代化的工厂和楼房林立。
3. Norway is at the top of the list, the US is at
number 7.
A. as B. when
C. before D. while
10. However,in other regions of the world,e. g. Eastern
Europe,water is now safe to drink.
A. most B. almost
C. mostly D. nearly
6. I can't what has happened to the vegetables for they were freshly picked this morning.
A. look out B. take out
C. go out D. figure out
2. The computer (make) in Qingdao and has a high quality.
5. v. : to find the size,length,or amount of something,using standard units
2. Thousands of people are dying from (饥饿) every day in the world.
4. I'd love to come (while,but) I can't make it till 8 o’clock.