


I was awoken at 4 a. m. the following morning by a telephone message from the Foreign Office to the effect that Germany had attacked Russia. The Prime Minister had always said that he was never to be woken up for anything but invasion (侵略) of England . I therefore put off telling him till 8 a. m. His only comment was, “Tell the BBC. I will broadcast tonight. ” He began to prepare the speech at 11 a. m. and except for lunch time, at which Sir Stafford Cripps, Lord Cranborne, and Beaverbrook were present, he devoted the whole day to it …. The speech was only ready at twenty minutes to nine.

1.The writer was probably ________.

[  ]

A.a secretary of the Prime Minister

B.a worker in the Foreign Office

C.an officer in the War Office

D.a BBC. reporter

2.Which of the following is ture?

[  ]

A.Germany attacked Russia and four hours later the Prime Minister of England knew it.

B.The writer knew invasion of England four hours earlier than the Prime Minister.

C.The writer was told that Germany had attacked Russia; so he told it to the Prime Minister immediately.

D.Although the writer knew invasion of Russia in the early morning, he didn't tell it to the Prime Minister right away because the Prime Minister was sleeping.

3.When the Prime Minister knew invasion of Russia, he first wanted ________.

[  ]

A.to tell the BBC about it

B.to tell his people about it

C.to write a speech

D.to meet Sir Stafford Cripps, Lord Cranborne and Beaverbrook

4.The Prime Minister ________with Sir Stafford Cripps, Lord Cranborne and Beaver brook .

[  ]

A.had a meeting to discuss the serious situation

B.broadcast at the BBC

C.heard the writer' s report

D.had lunch

5.The Prime Minister probably broadcast at the BBC  _________.

[  ]

A.at nine o' clock that night

B.at nine o' clock that morning

C.at twenty minutes to nine

D.at lunch time








第二部分 阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)
第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Not long ago, I faced an enjoyable yet formidable(难以对付的) challenge. I was returning to my old neighborhood in the South Bronx to speak the students of my old school, Morris High.  As we drove down streets where my friend Gene Norman and I used to race bicycles, I thought of the problems awaiting the kids living here, the drugs, the temptations, and the crime. What could I say to encourage them?
As we passed the hamburger place that I used to haunt, I remembered my growing-up years here, the joys, the sorrows, and the choices. Even then kids faced choices. There were drugs in my neighbourhood and a youngster could gain easy access to them if tempted. But in my family, the decision was simple: You just didn’t do it. We knew it was stupid and the most self-destructive thing you could do with the life God had given you.
At age of 17 I found a summer job in a local soft-drink bottling plant at 90 cents an hour. I was thrilled. On my first day of work, having joined the ranks of other newly hired teenagers, I was full of enthusiasm. The bottling machines caught my eye, but only the white boys worked there. I was hired as a porter and the foreman handed me a mop(拖把). I decided to be the best mop user there ever was. Right to left, left to right.
As our car rolled on, our driver’s voice broke my thought . “We are here, General.” I looked up at my old school; it hadn’t changed much. As I walked up its familiar stone steps I remembered racing up them to beat the bell. The setting for my talk to the student body was the gymnasium.
“I remember this place”, I told the students. “I remember it all. I remember running through Van Cortland Park with the track team, the victory I used to take each day from my home to Kelly Street to school.”
“I also remember, upon occasions, experiencing the feeling ‘you can’t make it’”, I continued. “But you can. When I was coming up, opportunities were limited. But now the opportunities are there to be anything you want to be. But wanting to be isn’t enough, dreaming about it isn’t enough. You’ve got to study for it, work for it, fight for it with all your heart energy and soul so that nothing will be denied you.
I wanted them to make the right choices, to work hard and not lose sight of a dream. And I wanted them to know that someone is always watching.
41.Why does the author say that he faced an enjoyable yet formidale challenge?Because_______
A.he was very much afraid of returning to his old neighborhood
B. his old neighborhood is problematic with drugs, temptation and crimes
C. he was going to make a speech to schoolboys and schoolgirls of Morris High
D. there are problems on the road his car was driven on and this worried him
42.The author thinks it was _________for kids to face choices when he was young.
A. very exciting     B. only natural     C. very easy      D. really a sad thing
43.According to the author, the stupid and the most self-destructive thing you could do with the life God had given you is __________.
A. to get easy access to choices           B. to hang around the hamburger place
C. to get addicted to drugs               D. to resist the temptation of drugs
44.Which statement is TRUE according to the article?
A. The author went back to his old school as a general
B. The author was the best mop user there ever was
C. The author was very excited about his first job
D.The author believed that you can become anything you want

第二部分:阅读理解(共15小题:每小题2分, 满分30分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
The ability to do several things at once has become one of the great measures of self-worth for 21-century Americans. It is called multitasking, and it takes many forms. As one example, why go out to lunch when you can eat at your desk, talk to a client on the phone, scroll through your e-mail, and scan a memo simultaneously? And why simply work out on treadmill (单调的工作) when you could be watching television and talking on a portable phone at the same time? What a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment --- three activities for the time commitment of one! Ah, such efficiency. No wonder those who turn “to do” lists into a time-management art form tend to boast (自夸): “Look, me, how many things I can accomplish at once. If I’m this busy, I must be important.”
Yet last week the New York Assembly struck a blow against multitasking, at least behind the wheel, when it approved a bill banning drivers in the state from using handheld cellular phones. Too dangerous, the assembly said, citing research showing that drivers are four times more likely to have a collision when they are talking on a cellphone.
No one can argue against using time effectively. But accompanying the supposed gains are losses. Consider the woman out for an early-morning walk in a suburban neighborhood. She strides briskly, head down, cellphone clamped to her ear, chattering (喋喋不休) away, oblivious of the birds and flowers and glorious sunshine. Did the walk have any value?
More than a decade ago, long before multi-tasking became a word in everyday use, a retired professor of theology(神学) in Indiana with whom I corresponded (通信) made a case for what might be called uni-tasking — the old-fashioned practice of doing one thing at a time.
Offering the simplest example, he said, “When you wash the dishes, wash the dishes.” Good advice, I’ve found, whatever the task.
Perhaps, too, the ban on phoning-on-the-road will even spark a move away from other forms of dual activity. Who can tell? It could mark the first step in a welcome reconsideration of what really constitutes productivity and accomplishment.
1. The author thinks that multitasking has become one of the great measures of self-worth because ________.
A. it helps people to use time effectively                   
B. it makes people feel they are important
C. it means the ability to do several things at once     
D. people worship speed and desire
2. The bill approved by the New York Assembly is mentioned in the second paragraph in order to ________.
A. demonstrate the danger of multitasking                
B. show the high efficiency of multitasking
C. introduce the legislation system in America   
D. argue against using time effectively
3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “oblivious” in the third paragraph?
A. serious                     B. absorbed deeply      
C. not noticing                     D. forgetting
4. We learn from the passage that uni-tasking is ________.
A. the new fashion for 21-century Americans            
B. accepted by most residents in Indiana
C. created by a retired professor of theology
D. the traditional act of doing one thing at once
5. In the eyes of the author, multi-tasking ________.
A. could not be avoided in this fast-changing age
B. should be taken the place of by uni-tasking
C. robs people of time to focus and reflect
D. should not become a word in everyday use




We used to go into different chat rooms on different websites . If you wanted to meet someone on the net , you had to go into the same chat room . But now regular net surfers chat on OICQ .

OICQ is an online chat software which is invented by Tencent Computer System Company of Shenzhen in February , 1999 . Since then it has swept the country . Its symbol is a penguin wearing a red scarf .

Net friends can be divided into a buddy list (for good friends ) , a stranger list ( for people you want to avoid on the Net ) . You can also build family lists , co-worker lists , etc .

You can know whether listed friends are online as long as you use it . The cartoon portrait(肖像,画像) of the person turns bright if he is online . And the portrait turns dim(灰暗的) if he is not there .

Traditional public chat rooms are chaotic . It is difficult to focus on a conversation . OICQ can conduct a focused talk without interruptions by other chatters . OICQ has become a regular daily communication tool . “What is your OICQ number ? ” has become a modern topic .

1. OICQ is________.

A. a special chat room for all the cyber citizens(网民)

B. a cartoon portrait to make friends on the Internet

C. an online chat software that helps you talk on the Internet more freely

D. a modern phone number used by more and more people

2. If you don’t want to chat with someone , you can put him in_______with the help of OICQ .

A. a buddy list                   B. a stranger list      

C. family lists                    D. co-worker lists

3. The passage mainly tells us____________.

A. how to chat with people on the Internet

B. how to use OICQ

C. how to choose a regular daily communication tool

D. some advantages about OICQ



第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分)

       阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

       Making greener choices and encouraging healthy lifestyles can promote your health and benefit the environment.Here are some guidelines to follow:

Choose foods thoughtfully

       Americans have never had such a variety or abundance of food to choose from.Besides so many choices, we now hear about our “food print”, the amount of land needed to supply one person’s nutritional needs for a year.Do we buy cherry tomatoes from Mexico or tomatoes grown locally in a hothouse? Do we get the Granny Smiths from the farmers’ market or the supermarket? Is organic produce healthier for us and the planet?

       These are very complex issues that require analysis of many criteria, including the energy used in producing and transporting the food, as well as the type of soil and methods of raising the food.

       Despite the complexities, there are some general guidelines you can follow.For instance, eat less meat or eat low on the food chain.Your doctor may have recommended you to restrict your consumption of red meat because of its too much fat content.Beyond that, there are environmental reasons, too.Raising food animals contributes substantially to climate change because a meat-based diet requires more land, energy and water than a plant-based one.

       Drinking plenty of fluids is significant during hot weather or when exercising.But is bottled water the way to go? You may not think so when seeing the true costs.Based on a survey, manufacturing the 30-plus billion plastic water bottles can produce more than 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide and use three times the amount of water in the bottle.Adding in transportation, the energy used comes to over 50 million barrels of oil equivalent (等价物).Consequently, skip the bottled water and drink tap water, both at home and at restaurants.Additionally, bottled water is not necessarily cleaner than tap.

1.In Paragraph 2 the author puts forward three questions mainly ______.

       A.to prove Americans have less food to choose from

       B.to show us the shopping habits of most Americans

       C.to indicate Americans tend to buy food from abroad

       D.to remind people to reconsider their food purchase

2.The doctor recommends eating less red meat partly because ______.

       A.it contains too much fat 

       B.it costs a lot in transportation

       C.it is too low on the food chain 

       D.it isn’t related to climate change

3.According to the text, which of the following is true?

       A.Americans all prefer to buy cherry tomatoes from Mexico.

       B.The plant-based diet is responsible for the climate change.

       C.Americans have a variety of food to choose from.

       D.Organic produce is the only choice for Americans.

4.Based on the last paragraph, we know that ______.

       A.bottled water is cleaner than tap water

       B.tap water is economical as well as eco-friendly

       C.bottled water is more available than tap water

       D.tap water uses one-third the cost of bottled water

5.What is the best subtitle for the last paragraph?

       A.Skip bottled water, carry tap        B.Drink bottled water

       C.Produce plastic water bottles        D.Save water resources



阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该       项涂黑。

Reina  wrote in her blog (博客);“a few months ago I took my cat to the vet(兽医)because she was old and very sick . The vet injected her in the stomach and said she would die .She tried to stand but she couldn't .It took at least twenty minutes for her to die . I sat in the room with her and the vet came in a couple of times and finally he said she was gone . I will never forget how she died .Was she frightened ? What was wrong with the old way ?"

Dear Reina

My beloved cat Bugle was very sick with kidney (肾)failure and I took him to the vet . I stayed with him for 10 minutes , holding him in my arms and loving him as we always did ,and he look at me ,as if to say ,"It's ok ....I'm ready." After that the vet came in and injected him with the shot that would put him into a quiet sleep .All the while I held him and told him I loved him , then the vet said his heart stopped beating .They placed him in a little box and I took him home and buried him in the yard where we always run and played ,right under his favourite bush .I still cry myself to sleep ,even though I  am a grown man of 65 years of age ! That cat means everything to me .I have a little stone on his grave and it says ,"Bugle ,my beloved cat ,you were so smart and loving ,I shall miss you every   day for the rest of my life !"

I am sorry for your loss and I know you must feel.I hope this comforts you some .

Love COL Bright .

56  Why did Reina go to the vet ?

A To get some advice on pet care       B To give her cat some medical care

C TO have her cat's stomach examined  D To have her cat's life ended in Comfort

57.  It seemed that Bright treated his pet cat as ______

A a close neighbour B  a good helper  C a part of his family  D a new friend

58  According to the passage , we can learn that Reina and Bright ________

A both suffered pet loss B  both had an old sick pet cat

C are close friends    D have similar life experience

59  Bright replied to Reina in order to _______

A comfort her           B share his story 

C encourage her         D tell her to forget her past         


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