
  Family stories are amazing to me.You hear of family members long ago and by hearing about their stories, you can find timeless wisdom that can apply to your own life.

  I'll never forget the story my mom told me about Grandma.Grandma cooked for a crew of 24 farmhands so most of her days were taken up cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a bunch of(一群)loud complaining men coming in from hunting or farming.She took care of five children as well so her house was a busy little place, but where you would find Grandma the most would be in front of her stove, stirring(搅拌)a pot of something.

  The kids would run in and she'd give them a hug and then she'd go back to stirring.The men would come in and clean up all the biscuits and bacon and then she'd start on the next meal, once again standing and stirring at the stove.They'd tell her how wonderful her food was and then pour out their troubles to her as she listened and stirred.

  One time Ruth watched as the farmhands ate quickly and went back out to work, hearing all of them grumbling about their lives.Then one by one the children came in to tell Grandma their own worries.She would smile, give them some kind of advice, and keep stirring.Ruth watched sitting at the table and when everyone left she said,“Mother.How can you just sit there and stir?Everyone tells you how bad their life is and you just smile and stir?Why don't you just tell them that you've had enough and you can't take anymore?Do something…Stop stirring!”Grandma looked up at Ruth and smiled…and kept stirring.

  “Ruth, don't you know that the stirring is very important?You see, when I'm stirring I'm putting all my thoughts and dreams into that pot.As everyone comes in and tells me about their life I put the love and positive thoughts into my pot and stir.Then when they eat it they have been given a pot full o hope.If we have any kind of problems I envision(想象)a solution and put it in my pot and stir.My stirring is what keeps me focused on what is good in the world.So instead of worrying about all that is around me I keep stirring knowing that all is well.”


From the passage we know ________.

[  ]


women's position was very low in those days


lots of people lived in the author's family


the author's grandma lived a very busy life


women could not find jobs outside at that time


The underlined phrase“grumbling about”in the passage means“________”.

[  ]


talking about


complaining about


showing off


commenting on


Why did Ruth ask her mother those questions?

[  ]


She believed her mother was so great and helpful.


She thought her mother treated the workers badly.


She thought it was unfair for her mother to do so much work.


She complained her mother was doing nothing but stir.


Which of the following words can describe the author's grandma?

[  ]










According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

[  ]


Grandma always put her tiredness and troubles into the pot.


Grandma was always worried about people's troubles and problems.


Grandma was unconcerned with other people's complaint and troubles.


Grandma was always keeping a positive attitude to anything good or bad.


  Have you ever played the game “Telephone” ? You sit in a circle with a group of people and one person whispers a phrase to the person next to him or her.Then, each person keeps whispering the phrase around the circle until it reaches the last person, who repeats the whispered statement out loud.What started out as "Pizza tastes great" can end up as "Pete's a great ape! " It's funny to laugh at how twisted the sentence became as it got passed around.Gossip can work the same way, but it's not so funny.In fact, it can be very hurtful.

  When you say cruel things, tell stories that you're not sure are true, or let out information that you know is supposed to remain private, you're spreading gossip.What if you saw funny Jake go into the principal's office and you started wondering if he was in trouble.There's nothing wrong with wondering that, but what if you started telling other people you think Jake's in big trouble.You really don't know why he was in the principal's office, right?

  But before you know it, everyone is talking about how Jake is in trouble and imagining why.Maybe he put his rubber snake in the teacher's desk, someone says.Maybe he hit a kid who didn't laugh at one of his jokes, another person suggests.Jake doesn't come back to class for a long time, but when he does, everyone wants to know what happened in the principal's office.Jake might be a little angry or confused about all the questions, especially when he explains, "I went to the principal's office because my mom was there to take me to a doctor appointment."

  That's how rumors work.They start small and often blow up into something different from the truth.


The first paragraph is written to ________.

[  ]


give an example of gossiping


show how the game Telephone is played


discuss the difference between a game and gossip


show how gossip works


Jake's example is to show that gossip can start when you ________.

[  ]


say bad things about somebody


tell something you are not sure about


are curious about what somebody is doing


let out private information about somebody


We can infer from the third paragraph that ________.

[  ]


gossip can hurt one deeply


gossip can hurt no one if everyone knows the truth finally


gossip is always started by several causes together


gossip can turn into reality finally


The underlined word “twisted” in the first paragraph probably means ________.

[  ]


being passed from one to another


being changed in a wrong way


being repeated several times


being corrected at last

Today, as I was relaxing at the beach, I couldn't help but eavesdrop(窃听,偷听) on a conversation four high school kids were having on the beach blanket next to me. Their conversation was about making a positive difference in the world. And it went something like this…
"It's impossible to make a difference unless you're a huge company or someone with lots of money and power," one of them said.
"Yeah man," another replied. "My mom keeps telling me to move mountains – to speak up and stand up for what I believe. But what I say and do doesn't even get noticed. I just keep answering to ‘the man’ and then I get slapped back(山谷回声) in place by him when I step out of line."
"Repression…" another snickered.
I smiled because I knew exactly how they felt. When I was their age, I was certain I was being repressed and couldn't possibly make a difference in this world. And I actually almost got fired from school once because I openly expressed how repressed(压抑) I felt in the middle of the principals’ office.
I Have A Dream.
Suddenly, one of the kids noticed me eavesdropping and smiling. He sat up, looked at me and said, "What? Do you disagree?" Then as he waited for a response, the other three kids turned around too.
Rather than arguing with them, I took an old receipt out of my wallet , tore it into four pieces, and wrote a different word on each piece. Then I crumbled the pieces into little paper balls and handed a different piece to each one of them.
"Look at the word on the paper I just gave you and don't show it to anyone else." The kids looked at the single word I had handed each of them and appeared confused. "You have two choices," I told them. "If your word inspired you to make a difference in this world, then hold onto it. If not, give it back to me so I can recycle the paper." They all returned their words.
I walked over quickly , sat down on the sand next to their beach blanket and laid out the four words that the students had returned to me so that the words combined to form the simple sentence,        "I have a dream."
"Dude, that's Martin Luther King Jr.," one of the kids said.
"How did you know that?" I asked.
"Everyone knows Martin Luther King Jr." the kid snarled. "He has his own national holiday, and we all had to memorize his speech in school a few years ago."
"Why do you think your teachers had you memorize his speech?" I asked.
"I don't really care!" the kid replied. His three friends shook their heads in agreement. "What does this have to do with us and our situation?"
"Your teachers asked you to memorize those words, just like thousands of teachers around the world have asked students to memorize those words, because they have inspired millions of repressed people to dream of a better world and take action to make their dreams come true. Do you see where I'm going with this?"
"Man, I know exactly what you're trying to do and it's not going to work, alright?" the fourth kid said, who hadn't spoken a word until now. "We're not going to get all inspired and emotional about something some dude said thirty years ago. Our world is different now. And it's more screwed up than any us can even begin to imagine, and there's little you or I can do about it. We're too small, we're nobody."
I smiled again because I once believed and used to say similar things. Then after holding the smile for a few seconds I said, "On their own, ‘I' or ‘have’ or ‘a’ or ‘dream’ are just words. Not very compelling or inspiring. But when you put them together in a certain order, they create a phrase that has been powerful enough to move millions of people to take action – action that changed laws, perceptions, and lives. You don't need to be inspired or emotional to agree with this, do you?"
The four kids shrugged and struggled to appear totally indifferent, but I could tell they were listening intently. "And what's true for words is also true for people," I continued. "One person without help from anyone else can't do much to make a big difference in this crazy world - or to overcome all of the various forms of repression that exist today. But when people get together and unite to form something more powerful and meaningful then themselves, the possibilities are endless.
Together is how mountains are moved. Together is how small people make a big difference.
1.Why were the kids repressed?

ABecause they were scolded by their teachers

BBecause they lacked confidence of making a difference in the world

CBecause they didn’t have lots of money or power.

DBecause one of them almost got expelled from school.

2.What did the writer do when one of the kids noticed him eavesdropping?

AHe argued with them.

BHe played a game with them.

CHe scooted over sat down on the sand next to their beach blanket .

DHe took an old receipt ,ripped it into four pieces, and wrote a different word on each piece.

3.Which of the following is not true?

A“I Have A Dream” was delivered by Martin Luther King.

BA national holiday was named after Martin Luther King to honor him.

CTeachers asked kids to memorize Martin Luther King’s famous speech.

DMartin Luther King made a difference because he is a man with power.

4.Give a proper Chinese translation to explain the underlined sentence.

A.车到山前必有路???????? B.从我做起

C.团结就是力量?????????? D.三人行,必有我师

5.Which of the following sentences is true according to the story.

AThe kids and the writer are complaining about their life.

BAll of the four kids don’t believe they can change the world.

CThe word on the paper inspires the four kids.

DThe writer’s purpose is to tell them to a faith in the life.

6.Which of the following can be the best title for the story?

AHow adults persuade kids

BHow small people make a big difference

CHow young adults build up their confidence

DHow create a better world to live in


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