
18.[1]William Butler Yeats,a most famous Irish writer,was born in Dublin on June 13,1865.His childhood lacked the harmony (和睦) that was typical of a happy family.Later,Yeats shocked his family by saying that he remembered"little of childhood but its pain".In fact,he inherited (继承) excellent taste in art from his family-both his father and his brother were painters.But he finally settled on literature,particularly drama and poetry.
[2]Yeats had strong faith in coming of new artistic movements.He set himself the fresh task in founding an Irish national theatre in the late 1890s.His early theatrical experiments,however,were not received favorably at the beginning. He didn't lose heart,and finally enjoyed success in his poetical drama.
[3]Compared with his dramatic works,Yeats's poems attract much admiring notice.The subject matter includes love,nature,history,time and aging.Though Yeats generally relied on very traditional forms,he brought modern sensibility to them.As his literary life progressed,his poetry grew finer and richer,which led him to worldwide recognition.
[4]He had not enjoyed a major public life since winning the Nobel Prize in 1923.Yet,he continued writing almost to the end of his life.______________,he would probably now be valued as a minor (不重要的) poet,for there is no other example in literary history of a poet who produces his greatest works between the ages of 50 and 75.After Yeats's Death in 1939,W.H.Auden wrote,among others,the following lines:
        Earth,receive an honored guest:
        William Yeats is laid to rest.
        Let the Irish vessel (船) lie
        Emptied of its poetry.
76.What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?(no more than 9 words )Brief introduction to his childhood.
77.Explain the underlined sentence in paragraph 2.( no more than 10 words)His theatrical ideas were not well received at first.
78.What does the underlined word"them"in paragraph 3 refer to?( no more than 3 words)traditional forms
79.Fill in the blanks in the last paragraph with proper words (no more than 10 words)Had Yeats stopped writing at age 58.
80.What can you learn from Yeats as a writer?(no more than 8 words)To succeed,we need faith,persistence..

分析 本文讲述是诺贝尔奖获得者爱尔兰著名作家William Butler Yeats的生平故事以及他的文学成就.

解答 76.Brief introduction to his childhood.主旨大意概括题.根据第一段大意,主要描述了William Butler Yeats小时候的一些情况,表现出具有艺术方面的天赋.
77.His theatrical ideas were not well received at first.在第二段"had strong faith in coming of new artistic movements"以及"He didn't lose heart,and finally enjoyed…"可以看出,他的一些想法期初没有被认可,但是没有放弃直至成功.
78.traditional forms.第三段主要讲述了他在诗歌方面卓越的成就,"Yeats generally relied on very traditional forms"意为"尽管Yeats一般依靠传统的形式",故"them"代指"traditional forms".
79.Had Yeats stopped writing at age 58.前文提到"winning the Nobel Prize in 1923"获得诺贝尔奖是在‘1923'年,后面继续说"he continued writing almost to the end of his life"可知,此处表达意思为"如果他就此停止创作".
80.To succeed,we need faith,persistence.浏览全文,可以发现主要讲述了Yeats 在对待自己的创作上有强烈的信心以及自我坚持.

点评 本文是人物故事类的阅读表达,要求学生在阅读理解的基础上,根据短文后的题目,在文中找到相关的内容,并用简洁、准确的句子,将理解的内容,书面表达出来.做题时,注意表达的内容不要超出规定的字数.

9.Mr.Jackson was blind from birth.He owned a fruit  (41)A  on a very busy street.(42)C  he was visually disabled,he ran his business pretty handsomely.He could see nothing and he could only  (43)D  the things within his reach.  (44)B,he was able to handle it and was content with everything he had.
One day his son came to him.He told Mr.Jackson in  (45)C  that he read in the newspaper of a  (46)A   who could operate on his eyes and allow him to see.The father and son traveled to the doctor and paid for the  (47)D.
After the operation,the doctor asked Mr.Jackson:"What is the first thing you are  (48)C to see when I take the bandages off?"He replied,"I really want to see my beautiful  (49)C  on my stand!"
The doctor and the son  (50)B   Mr.Jackson down to the busy street where his fruit stand had been located for so many years.The doctor (51)C  unwrapped the bandages  (52)A  he could lay his eyes on the beautiful fruit!Mr.Jackson was so full of  (53)B  that he could finally see his life's work-taking care of his fruit!After a few hours of  (54)A  his beautiful fiuit stand,he looked down the street both ways and saw there were quite a few fruit stands in both directions.He looked  (55)D  the street and saw many other fruit stands.He spent so much time looking at other people's fruit stands and  (56)C the competition that soon his own business   (57)B.
From Mr.Jackson's failure,we should know that everyone is a   (58)C   individual with different fingerprints,DNA and thinking.What we need to do is just be ourselves and (59)D  everyone else to be who they are.Mind our own business and we should never be afraid of   (60)A.

52.A.so thatB.in caseC.even ifD.if only
56.A.preparing forB.focusing onC.worrying aboutD.taking up.
6.However important we may regard school life to be,there is no denying the fact that children spend more time at home than in the classroom.Therefore,the great influence of parents cannot be ignored or discounted by the teacher.They can become strong allies of the school personnel or they can consciously or unconsciously hinder and frustrate curricular objectives.
Administrators have been aware of the need to keep parents informed of the newer methods used in schools.Many principles have conducted workshops explaining such matters as the reading readiness program,manuscript writing and developmental mathematics.Moreover,the classroom teacher,with the permission of the supervisors,can also play an important role in enlightening parents.The informal tea and the many interviews carried on during the year,as well as new ways of reporting pupils'progress,can significantly aid in achieving a harmonious interplay between school and home.
To illustrate,suppose that a father has been drilling Junior in arithmetic processes night after night.In a friendly interview,the teacher can help the parent sublimate (升华) his natural paternal interest into productive channels.He might be persuaded to let Junior participate in discussing the family budget,buying the food,using a standard or measuring cup at home,setting the clock,calculating mileage on a trip and engaging in scores of other activities that have a mathematical basis.
If the father follows the advice,it is reasonable to assume that he will soon realize his son is making satisfactory progress in mathematics,and at the same time,enjoying the work.Too often,however,teachers'conferences with parents are devoted to petty (不重要的) accounts of children's misdeeds,complaints about laziness and poor work habits,and suggestion for penalties and rewards at home.
What is needed is a more creative approach in which the teacher,as a professional adviser,plants ideas in parents'minds for the best utilization of the many hours that the child spends out of the classroom.
In this way,the school and the home join forces in fostering the fullest development of youngsters'capacities.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements with NO MORE THAN 14WORDS)

78.Why do parents also have great influence on children?Because their children spend more time with them than with the teacher.
79.Through which ways can the teacher play an important role in enlightening parents?Through informal tea,interviews and reporting pupil's progress.
80.According to the teacher,that parent should let the boyengage in activities that have a mathematical basis if he wants to sublimate his natural paternal interest into productive channels in teaching his son arithmetic.
81.A more creative approach is needed forthe best utilization of the many hoursof children out of classroom.
13.When I was a small boy my family was very poor.My father always used his savings to (21)C my mother to visit her parents who lived far away.There was just my younger brother and myself in the house.One evening Dad came home from (22)Band there was no food in the house,not (23)D a piece of bread.Although we were (24)B,my brother and I went to bed without eating anything.
My father had no money,but I knew from the(25)Aon his face that he could not let us have an empty stomach.He (26)Cthe house and about two hours later returned and quickly (27)Dus up.He had in his hand two small potato pies,which he gave us to eat.I don't know where he got the (28)Bbut somehow he (29)Ato get us something to eat.
My father had not eaten and had worked all day (30)Che sat there with great satisfaction watching us eat.This has (31)Bstayed in my mind and left more of an impression than any amount of(32)Dhe may ever have given me.
At that moment,I felt happy knowing that he was there and would not let us (33)A.
I guess the (34)C I am trying to make is that in difficult times it is (35)B not to show weakness but strength and character.If a (36)D is the cement (粘合剂) that holds a family together,then the father is (37)A that strengthens that cement.
It is his values and (38)Cand memories that have carried me forward and helped me to(39)Amy own problems in life.In my own (40)DI have learned that it is the valuable time you spend with your children and the values you give to them that will remain with them always.

39.A.work outB.carry outC.run intoD.look into
3.LOS ANGELES?"The Artist"won in 5 categories of the 84th Annual Academy Awards Sunday night including Best Picture,Best Director and Best Actor.
The film also got the Oscar statuettes for Costume Design and Original Score. It is the first time a mostly"silent film to win best picture since"Wings"won at the first Oscar ceremony in 1929.And it is also the first black-and-white movie to win best picture since"Schindler's List"in 1994.
The film beat out"The Descendants","Hugo","The Help","Moneyball","War Horse","Extremely Loud &Incredibly Close","Midnisht in Paris"and"The Tree of Life"to be the Best Picture.
Additionally,it is the first time in Academy Awards history that a French actor and a French filmmaker took the top acting and directing awards.
Michel Hazanavicius won the Best Director and Jean Dujardin,who plays the silent film star Georse Valentin won the award for Best Actor.
The film also won awards of the Producers Guild of America,the British Academy of Film and Television Arts and best motion picture musical or comedy from the Golden Globes.
    It was nominated in 10 categories of the Academy Awards.
41.Which of the following awards didn't The Artist win at the 84th Oscar ceremony in 2012?A
    A.The Best Foreign Language Film.
    B.The Best Costume Design.
    C.The Best Director.
    D.The Best Original Score.
42.Awon the Best Picture at the first Oscar ceremony.
    A.Wings                           B.Schindler's List
    C.The Tree of Life                D.Midnight in Paris
43.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?C
    A.Wings is a black-and-white film.
    B.Schindler's List won the Best Feature.
    C.The Artist won the award of the British Academy of Film.
    D.Schindler's List beat out The Descendants to be the Best Picture.
44.What can we infer from the passage?C
    A.The Artist won many other awards besides the Oscar Awards.
    B.French films seldom won Oscar Awards.
    C.The Oscar Awards is probably the most influential award in the film industry.
    D.Any film has to win other awards before winning the Oscar Awards.
10.When several people look at the same person,it is not unusual for each of them to see different things; when you are alone observing one behavior or a person at two different times,you may see different things.The followings are but some of the factors that lead to these varying perceptions(感知,认识):
(1)Each person's perceptions of others are formed by his or her own cultural conditioning,education,and personal experiences.
(2)Sometimes perceptions differ because of what we choose to observe and how we deal with what've observed.It is not necessarily true that person perception is based on observations of a particular person.Your observations may be totally controlled by what others have told you about this person; or you may focus primarily on the situation or role relationship.Most people do not use the same standard to measure their parents,their friends,and strangers.
(3)Sometimes we see only what we want to see or don't see what may be obvious to others because of our own needs,desires,or temporary emotional states.This is a process known as selective perception.Selective perception is obviously more difficult when contradictory information is particularly obvious,but it can be done.We can ignore the   stimulus--"He's basically a good boy so what I saw was not shoplifting(入店行窃)."We can reduce the importance of the contradictory information--"All kids get into mischief(顽皮).Taking a book from a bookstore isn't such a big deal."We can change the meaning of the contradictory information---"It wasn't shoplifting because he was going to pay for it later."…

26.The first factor given by the author that affects our perception isB.
A.our hearing and visual abilities        B.cultural background and personal experiences
C.the experience one learns from others   D.critical measures taken by other people
27.While observing a particular person,D.
  A.one is likely to take all aspects into consideration      
  B.one pays more attention to his/her advantages
  C.children often differ from grown-ups in perception       
  D.one tends to choose certain aspects to look at
28.Observation of the same person by two people at the same time may differ becauseA.
  A.they follow different standards                          
  B.either of them may be slow to catch information
  C.the time for observation is not long enough
  D.each of them uses different language to express his/her impressions
29.The underlined word"stimulus"in Paragraph 4refers toC.
 A.something attractive             B.selective perception      
 C.contradictory information        D.shoplifting
30.The worst thing in selective perception is thatB.
A.the information received runs against your desire
B.facts can be twisted or totally ignored
C.importance of the contradictory information can be overrated (估计过高)
D.misbehaved children may not be punished.
8.Because Sue was away on holiday abroad,Mathew was very happy.Expecting all day to relax,he was thinking if he should read the newspaper or watch his favorite TV talk show on his first day off in months."It's a piece of cake,"he said to his wife."I'll take care of our children,and you can pay a visit to your mother."
    Things worked well at first,but just after 8 o'clock,his three little"nice children"-Tom,John,and Jack-came downstairs in their night clothes and cried out"Is breakfast ready,daddy."When food had not come to the table within 30 seconds,John started using his silver spoon on Jack's head as if it were a drum.Jack began to shout loudly in time exactly to the beat(节拍).Tom chanted"I cannot find my bread,where is it?"in the background.Mathew realized his newspaper would have to wait for a few seconds.
    Life was getting worse and worse after their breakfast.Tom wore John's underwear on his head.John shut himself in the bathroom,and at that moment Jack cried out again because he was going to wet his trousers.None of the three could find clean socks,although all the socks were just before their very eyes.Someone named"Not Me"had spilled a whole glass of orange juice into the basket of clean clothes.Mathew knew the talk show had already started.
    By 10 o'clock,things were much worse,and later even out of control.Jack was just wondering why the fish in the jar didn't eat his bread and butter.Tom was showing off his talent by decorating the kitchen wall with his color pencils.John,thankfully,appeared to be reading quietly in the family room,but closer examination showed that he was eating apple jam straight from the bottle with his hands.Mathew realized that the talk show was over and reading would be impossible.
    At exactly 12:22,Mathew phoned the daycare centre."All of a sudden I must go into work and my wife not at home.Can I bring my children over in a few minutes?"The answer was obviously"yes"because Mathew was smiling.
56.The time his wife left home,Mathew expected toA.
A.enjoy his first day off work    
B.watch TV talk show with his children
C.go out for a walk in the park       
D.read the newspaper to his children
57.Which of the following did John do?D
A.Drew on the wall.B.Read in a room
C.Fed the fish.D.Ate apple jam.
58.Which of the following is"Not Me"(underlined in Para.3)?D
A.One of the family's neighbors              
B.The father  
C.The mother                              
D.One of the three kids   
59.For what reason did Mathew ask the daycare centre for help?C
A.Because of his wanting to clean up his house
B.Because he suddenly had to go to his office.
C.Because his finding it hard to manage his boys.
D.Because he had to take his wife back home.
60.This text is developedC.
A.by space       B.by comparison        C.by time           D.by process.

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