
【小题1】Ted caught a cold and s________ from a headache last night.  
【小题2】After retirement(退休), he and his wife s________ themselves in the countryside.
【小题3】Tom’s bad a________ towards his parents disappointed them.
【小题4】A lot of buildings lay in r________ after the earthquake.
【小题5】It’s getting dark and she was c________ about the safety of her children.
【小题6】Mr. Smith has been _______ (埋头) in his research for more than 3 weeks.
【小题7】She made a ________ (请求) for some water.
【小题8】Of the six people injured in the crash, only two ________ (幸存下来).
【小题9】The big fire was terrible so everything was completely________ (毁坏) .
【小题10】He is still ________(康复) from his operation.

【小题3】 attitude

解析【小题1】suffer from 承受。。。句意:Ted感冒了,昨晚发烧了。
【小题2】settle neself 坐下,安顿下来 句意:退休后,他和他的妻子在乡村安顿了下来
【小题3】态度  attitude  句意:Tom对他父母的坏的态度使他们失望
【小题4】in ruins 成为废墟 许多建筑在的证后成为废墟
【小题5】be concerned about关心。。。 句意:天黑了,她很关心学生的安全
【小题6】be buried in埋头于。。。  Mr Smith埋头于他的研究以及3个星期了。
【小题7】请求request 她请求要一点水
【小题8】幸存 survived 句意:在6个在事故中受伤的人中,只有两个幸存了下来
【小题9】毁坏 destroy 句意:这场大火很可怕所以每一件东西都被毁坏了 且为被动destroyed
【小题10】康复 recover 句意:他依然正在从手术中康复过来 


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