






Dear Andrew,

How nice to hear from you again!I think it is natural for you not to get used to live there.Here,I have some suggestion for you.

First of all,you should respect the local customs and try to involve yourself to the natives' lives.Secondly,don't be afraid to communicate with American students and make friends with us. Friendship will bring you happiness.What's more,it was better for you to join more outdoor activities with your friends.Those activities may help you relax and have a fun,that is of great benefit.Finally,mind your own manners and remain modest and honesty when getting along with your friends.

I sincere hope my advice will help.May you adapt to your new life and enjoy your stay there.


Li Hua


A 10-month-old dog named Picasso is exiting a very blue period in his life,thanks to an Oregon dog rescue group.

Picasso was born with a facial deformity(畸形)that makes it look as if his nose is going right while his jaw goes left. Exoept for that , Picasso is healthy,according to Lies! Wilhardt, director of Luvable Dog Rescue,“He cm eat sideways,but he's a very messy eater, ” she said. “Same with water. ”

Picasso was one of the five baby dogs born last year in Porterville,California. But his owner abandoned Picasso because he was unable to sell such an ugly dog, and it was taken to the Porterville Animal Shelter.

It was close jo being euthanized (使安乐死)before Wilhardt found out about it from Shannon Corbit, a volunteer at the shelter, I asked her if she had any dogs with special needs, because I felt we could take some on, ”Wilhardt said. “She said,‘Yeah, there's a dog with a facial deformity, ’ and I fell in love with his picture. ”

That was two weeks ago. Since then, Picasso’s unique look has made him widely known online. Even so, there are plans to have that upper canine (犬齿)removed in the near future. Once Picasso's tooth is fixed, he and Pablo, another dog, will fee put up for adoption.

“They are very attached,” she said. " These two have come to rely on each other for security, comfort and support. Both dogs are perfect for an active family with older kids. Picasso is outgoing, happy, curious and lovely. He’s so unaware of how different he is. ”

1.Why was Picasso abandoned by its owner?

A. Because of its poor health.

B. Because of its unusual look.

C. Because of its super aooetite.

D. Because of its fierce character.

2.What conclusion can he drawn from the last paragraph?

A. Picasso and Pablo are closely bonded.

B. Picasso is ashamed of his own appearance.

C. Picasso is a good playmate for young children.

D. Picasso knows the difference between him and other doge.

3.What can be inferred from the text?

A. What has made Picasso famous is his suffering.

B. Picasso and Pablo were born in an animal shelter.

C. Picasso wouldn’t be alive today without Wilhardt.

D. Wilhardt was really scared on seeing Picasso's picture.

Gold Coast family holidays are always great fun whether you are from Australia or from abroad. There are beautiful beaches, adventure parks, nature parks and so much more.

There are so many sights to see here. It is a pity to drive in a car and you’ll miss a great part of it. Australia is home to many animals and birds that can only be seen when moving slowly and going into the areas that they live. 

When you are on a bicycle, you have the advantage of being able to stop whenever you want to catch sight of (看见) an interesting animal or bird that you have never seen before. It is a quieter mode (方式) of transportation as well, so you might even be able to take a picture. When you are on the beach, you can breathe that clean air and view the beauty of the water and sand. It is a totally different experience from either simply sunbathing or passing it in a car.

There are many choices of hiring (租) a bicycle to experience the Gold Coast attractions. There are stores that will fit a bike perfectly to your size. These bikes for both adults and children are in many styles and colors to please any taste. If you have ever wanted to try a tandem bike (双人单车), now is your chance, because they have those too.

A bicycle hire on Gold Coast is something that everyone should try at least once. This is a wonderful chance for anyone who likes to cycle and it is also a cheap way to travel with your family.

1.You’d better not drive in a car on Gold Coast because.

A. you will break the traffic rules

B. you will cause much noise

C. you can’t enjoy the beautiful sights well

D. you can’t drive into some parks

2.What is paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. How to hire bikes on Gold Coast.

B. What kinds of bikes there are in stores.

C. What bikes are the most popular.

D. Who can hire bikes on Gold Coast.

3.What’s the author’s attitude towards a bike hire on Gold Coast?

A. He supports it very much.

B. He thinks it’s a personal choice.

C. He doesn’t like this way of traveling.

D. He thinks it’s only good for adults.

In most parts of Britain,the black cat is a symbol of good luck and owning a black cat may bring good luck to the family.But recently,black cats can no longer enjoy so much favor.

The British Royal for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals(英国防止虐待动物协会)announced a rise in the number of black cats being abandoned by their owners,due to not looking good in selfies(自拍).According to the RSPCA,more than 70 percent of the cats in its care are black.The biggest reason for that is black cats tend not to photograph as their lighter and brighter-colored fellows with more obvious markings.An RSPCA spokesman said, “This has become a national problem.And we are urging people to never judge a cat by its color but look at its personality instead.”

The Millwood Cat Rescue Centre has taken in nice black cats in the past two weeks.The founder of the rescue centre said,“We have had a lot of black cats because people don’t like black at the moment.Other look at the black cats and then just say ‘Oh,have you got anything else?’

Animal lover Gabriella Fletcher owns a 16-year-old black cat,Susie.She regularly takes selfies with her pet.She said,“It is hard to get a good picture as you can’t really see how beautiful Susie is.She is just as special as any other cat.”

1.Why are black cats less favored by people?

A. They are rising in number. B. They don’t bring good luck anymore

C. They are banned by RSPCA. D. They don’t look good in photos.

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 imply?

A. People want more black cats. B. People want to have something to eat.

C. People want more pet animals. D. People are unwilling to see so many black cats.

3.In Gabriella Fletcher’s eyes,black cats are_______.

A. Disgusting B. Unlucky

C. Ordinary D. Attractive

4.Which of the following can be the best title of this text?

A. Black cats out in “selfies”. B. Black cats abandoned in the UK.

C. Black cats in need of caring. D. Black cats favored again.

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