
In college, Spring Break (春假)is usually associated with the beach, parties and sleepless nights, bringing about relaxation, free time and friends. Students who wish to spend their break doing something productive and rewarding, however, may choose to participate in the Alternative Break Program. It places college students in communities both at home and abroad.
The Program allows students to take part in various projects dealing with issues such as literacy (识字), homelessness and the environment. It includes helping kids with their lessons, raising money for families in need and collecting data for environmental research.
The hope is that, by getting themselves involved in different environments, students will have the opportunity to learn about members of communities and broaden their view. In turn, they will incorporate (融合) their experiences and lessons learned into their own communities. In a word, the Program aims to encourage students to be active citizens nd engage themselves in making a difference in society.
In the spring of 2006, about 36,000 students in the USA participated in the Alternative Break Program.
Samantha Giacobozzi, now director of the Program, has been on five alternative break trips herself, including trips to New Orleans, India and Dominican Republic. “I was a student who went on alternative break trips and had my life totally transformed by that experience,” she said. “Every year, we meet many students who have attended the Program. You can see changes in their life that are connected with their alternative break experiences.”
The Program began in 1991.Today, it has become increasingly popular with college students in the United States.
小题1:Who mat choose to participate in the Alternative Break Program?(No mare than 10 words)
小题2: is the aim of the Program?(NO more than 15 words)
小题3:What is the meaning of the underlined word "transformed" in Paragraph 5? (1 word)
小题4:What is Samantha's attitude toward the Program?(No more than 10 words)
小题5:If you take part in the Program, which project are you interested in? And why?(No more than 25 words)


With parents who taught at school, Sophia received a fairly good education. She would have achieved   36   in a career, but she   37   to spend most of her marriage in the  38   role of wife and mother,   39   herself to her husband and her three children.
At the beginning of their family life, Sophia took on the   40  for running the house in order for her husband to   41   his personal interest: writing novels. However, things weren’t going as   42   as expected. Nate’s writing failed to     43  the whole housekeeping. He had to take a position in the government to    44   for his family. Sophia tried to persuade Nate to give up his    45   for full-time writing, but he didn’t listen to her. He took his job   46    because it promised the family would be prevented from being   47 . That accounted for the shocking   48  he suffered when he lost his job. That day, he said to Sophia in a    49  , “I got fired. I am a    50   failure.”“Now you can focus your mind   51 your writing.” she responded. To make Nate believe money was no longer the major   52  , Sophia took out a box that was full of   53  . She explained that she got the money for their hand-painted lampshades.
The unemployed husband did   54   a book that was a(n)   55  hit and is a long-lasting literary masterpiece. The story of Sophia’s turning her husband into a world famous writer has been widely talked about ever since then.
A.only a littleB.quite a lotC.quite a fewD.a great number
A.provedB.requiredC.selected D.preferred
A.well offB.badly offC.straight awayD.right now



A.pick outB.react toC.turn outD.build up
Everyone in business has been told that success is all about attracting and retaining (留住) customers. It sounds simple and achievable. But,     , words of wisdom are soon forgotten. Once companies have attracted customers they often   
  the second half of the story. In the excitement of beating off the competition, negotiating prices, securing orders, and delivering the product, managers tend to become carried away. They forget what they regard as the boring side of business— 
      that the customer remains a customer.
    to concentrate on retaining as well as attracting customers costs business huge amounts of money annually. It has been estimated that the average company loses between 10 and 30 per cent of its customers every years. In constantly changing     , this is not surprising. What is surprising is the fact that few companies have any idea how many customers they have lost.
Only now are organizations beginning to wake up to those lost opportunities and calculate the     
implications. Cutting down the number of customers a company loses can make a big   
  in its performance. Research in the US found that a five per cent decrease in the number of defecting (流失的) customers led to      increases of between 25 and 85 per cent.
In the US, Domino’s Pizza estimates that a regular customer is worth more than $5,000 over ten years. A customer who receives a poor quality product or service on their first visit and      never returns, is losing the company thousands of dollars in   
  profits (more if you consider how many people they are likely to tell about their bad experience).
The logic behind cultivating customer      is impossible to deny. “In practice most companies’ marketing effort is focused on getting customers, with little attention paid to      them”, says Adrian Payne of Cornfield University’ School of Management. “Research suggests that there is a close relationship between retaining customers and making profits.      customers tend to buy more, are predictable and usually cost less to service than new customers. Furthermore, they tend to be less price     , and may provide free word-of-mouth advertising. Retaining customers also makes it   
    for competitors to enter a market or increase their share of a market.
A.in particularB.in reality C.at leastD.first of all
A.as a resultB.on the wholeC.in conclusion D.on the contrary
Experts do not really know when people began keeping fish as pets. But they say that people have been interested in fish for thousands of years. Some say the ancient Sumerians were the first civilization to keep fish in ponds more than four thousand years ago. The Chinese kept and studied carp and goldfish more than one thousand years ago. The ancient Romans kept eels as pets. And the Greek philosopher Aristotle made what is believed to be the first known study of sea life, including sharks and dolphins.
Keeping fish at home in small water tanks called aquariums is extremely popular today. And everyone seems to enjoy visiting huge public aquariums that have opened around the world.
By the middle of the eighteen hundreds, science had shown that plants, fish and other sea creatures could survive together under water. So it was no longer necessary to change the water in a tank for the fish to live there. This led to the building of the first public aquariums.
The first aquariums opened in London, England in 1853. in the next fifteen years, other aquariums opened in Europe and the United States. By 1928, there were about forty-five public aquariums.
The Monterey Bay Aquarium has been recognized as the first aquarium in the United States and it shows visitors the underwater life in the bay. The Georgia Aquarium opening in 2005 says it is the largest in the world. It has more than one hundred thousand sea animals in thirty million liters of water including two whale sharks---the world’s largest fish.
Another aquarium re-opened in 2005 in Camden, New Jersey. The Adventure Aquarium first opened in 1992. It spent about fifty million dollars expanding its building and improving its exhibits.
Aquariums provide the public with many chances to experience life under the sea. They can be found in most areas of the world. People might even want to start an aquarium at home and join the millions of people around the world who keep fish as pets.
小题1:Which aquarium opened again after its rebuilding ?
A.The Monterey Bay Aquarium.B.The Adventure Aquarium.
C.The Georgia Aquarium.D.The first aquarium in London.
小题2:Which of the following is NOT mentioned to have kept fish as pets?
A.The ancient Sumerians.B.The ancient Romans.C.The Chinese.D.The ancient Indians.
小题3:Which of the following is correct?
A.People were not interested in fish until the middle of the eighteen hundreds.
B.The Moneterey Bay Aquarium is regarded as the best aquarium in America.
C.Plants, fish and other sea creatures could not survive together under sea.
D.People have to change the water in a tank frequently for the fish to live there.
小题4: The passage is written mainly       .
A.to tell people the importance of keeping fish as pets
B.to explain why people want to visit aquariums
C.to let people know the development of the aquariums
D.to describe different aquariums
小题5:What does the underlined word “aquariums” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Exhibition centres where people can watch and enjoy different species of fish.
B.Small boxes made of glass, where people keep fish in, usually at home.
C.Places which shows visitors the underwater life in the bay.
D.Places which provides the public with many chances to experience life under the sea.
In the 1880s, people drank John Pemberton’s tonic to cure headaches. It wasn’t a very popular drink, and he sold only about a dozen drinks a day. That’s why Pemberton was willing to sell the rights to his medicinal drink. The buyer, Asa Griggs Candler, paid just $ 2,300 for the rights to Coca-Cola. Today, Coca-Cola (or Coke) is worth billions of dollars. It controls 50 percent of the world market in soft drinks.
How did Coca-Cola become so popular? One answer is that Asa Candler was a very clever businessman. He was one of the first people to use mass marketing. How did he do this? First, he made his product unique. When he bought the rights to Coca-Cola, it came in ordinary bottles. It looked like every other drink on the market. To make Coca-Cola look different, Candler modernized the bottles. He also made an eye-catching logo for his products. When other companies tried to imitate Coca-Colas name, Candler took them to court.
In addition to the unique bottle and logo, Candler spent a lot of time and money advertising his product. He used advertising to make a powerful image of Coca-Cola in the minds of his customers. He gave away free bottles of Coke. He put the name of his drink on pencils, trays, Japanese fans, matches, and many other things. Then he gave the things to people for free. He advertised Coca-Cola in the newspaper and painted the words “Drink Coca-Cola” on the sides of buildings and barns. By 1902, Coca-Cola was the best known product in the United States.
Candler was also able to make memorable advertisements. They often had catchy slogans such as “The Pause That Refreshes.” He also used famous athletes to advertise his product. They helped people to think of Coca-Cola as a delicious drink for everyone.
Today, businesses all over the world use mass marketing, but the makers of Coke were the first.
小题1:Candler bought the rights to Coca-Cola from _______. 
A.the inventor of a medicinal drinkB.a well-known businessman
C.a doctorD.a carpenter
小题2: The underlined sentence in paragraph 2 implies that __________.
A.he invited people from other companies to attend a court ball
B.he shared Coca-Cola’s name with other companies after they went back from the court
C.he played basketball with people from other companies on the basketball court
D.he took legal action to those who wanted to copy Coca-Cola’s name
小题3: Candler used slogans to advertise his product. Slogans are _______.
A.popular musicB.free productsC.memorable phrasesD.simple things
小题4: By using mass marketing, Asa tried many ways EXCEPT _______.
A.making Coca-Cola look different
B.paying $ 2,300 for the rights to Coca-Cola
C.advertising Coca-Cola a powerful image in the minds of the customers
D.using famous athletes to advertise his product
小题5:The passage is mainly to _______.
A.explain that it is easy to use mass marketing
B.advice people to spend a lot of money and time on mass marketing
C.tell how Asa changes Coca-Cola into a worldwide business by using mass marketing
D.describe different ways of using mass marketing
People often talk as if shyness is a disease or mental condition that can be cured. I prefer to think of it as an emotional disability. It’s something we are born with and something we carry with us in our entire lives. There are too many people, however, who seem to be determined to find some way of doing away with their shyness. In my opinion, it’s a waste of time. I don’t mean that we should do nothing about it; quite the contrary, I think we need to separate the basic fact of shyness from our ability to take part in a social environment.
Look at one of the most famous shy people of them all, Johnny Carson. This man is painfully shy, yet for decades he made a living talking and associating with different people every night, in front of a national audience. Carson has never done away with his shyness, but he has successfully found a way to deal with it to the extent that he could be, not just a talk show host, but a legend (传奇) among talk show hosts. Look also at Sally Fields, who has recently admitted her problem with shyness. This is a woman who has appeared in many films, TV shows and interviews, yet in her early years she was so shy that she turned down a lunch invitation from Jane Fonda because she was terribly afraid of meeting her.
I guess that our shyness is there because each of us is born with some insecurity (不安全感) and this insecurity prevents us from reading out to others the way people with a more open personality do. As we grow up and become adults, we allow our social skills to grow and develop. But we are still stuck in kindergarten or elementary school or wherever it was when our shyness took root in our soul.
小题1:. In the author’s view, shyness can be explained as _________.
A.a disease that can be easily cured
B.a not very normal mental condition
C.an emotional disability
D.something we pick up after birth
小题2:. The author believes it’s a waste of time to ____________
A.develop a healthy personality
B.talk with as many people as possible
C.study where shyness comes from
D.look for ways to do away with one’s shyness
小题3:. Which of the following is TRUE of Johnny Carson?
A.He dared to speak in front of a national audience.
B.He did away with his shyness carefully.
C.He was described as a hero in some legend books.
D.He failed to become a good talk show host.
小题4:. The author thinks that our shyness is there because _______
A.we are not open enough
B.we don’t feel safe at heart
C.we try to reach out to others all the time
D.we lack certain social skills
For much of the world, vegetarianism (素食主义) is largely a matter of economics: Meat costs a lot more than beans or rice, so meat becomes a special-occasion dish. Even where meat is more plentiful, it’s still used in control, and it often provides a side note to a meal rather than taking center stage.
In countries like the United States where meat is not as expensive, though, people choose to be vegetarians for reasons other than cost. Parental preferences(父母亲的偏爱), religious or other beliefs, and health problems are among the most common reasons for choosing to be a vegetarian. Many people choose a vegetarian diet out of concern over animal rights or the environment. And lots of people have more than one reason for choosing vegetarianism.
Different people follow different forms of vegetarianism. A true vegetarian eats no meat at all, including chicken and fish. A lactoovo(乳制品)  vegetarian eats dairy products  and eggs, but keeps out meat, fish, and chicken. It follows, then, that a lacto(乳,乳汁) vegetarian eats dairy products but not eggs, and an ovo (蛋,鸡蛋) vegetarian eats eggs but not dairy products.
A stricter form of vegetarianism is veganism. Not only are eggs and dairy products excluded (排除) from a vegan diet, so are animal products like honey. Some macrobiotic (养生的) diets fall into the vegan category. Macrobiotic diets limit not only animal products but also refined(经过提炼的) and processed foods, foods with preservatives, and foods that contain caffeine or other stimulants (刺激物).
Following a macrobiotic or vegan diet could lead to nutritional deficiencies (营养不足) in some people. Teens need to be sure their diets include enough nutrients to fuel growth, particularly protein and calcium (钙). If you’re interested in following a vegan or macrobiotic diet it’s a good idea to talk to a registered dietitian(营养学家). He or she can help you design meal plans that include enough nutrients.
小题1:The underlined sentence in the first paragraph probably means ______.
A.there is usually a note beside the meat in a meal
B.meat often attracts people’s attention in a meal
C.meat is served only a small amount in a meal
D.meat should play an important part in a meal
小题2:Which of the following is NOT the reason for Americans being vegetarians?
A.They are environmentally friendly.
B.They are concerned about the rights of animals.
C.They worry about their own health.
D.They can’t afford to buy meat.
小题3: A vegan diet will include ______.
A.neither animal products nor diary products
B.diary products but no eggs
C.animal products like honey
D.processed food
小题4: According to the passage, the author would probably think that ______.
A.all the people should become vegetarians
B.teens should be careful to be vegetarians
C.vegetarianism is not a good thing for the world
D.vegetarianism can make a country develop faster
You want to know about my staying in America, right? Well, to tell you the truth, it is really an eye-opening experience study here.
In China, I had English classes five times a week since fifth grade. However, I didn’t know how different textbook English could be from everyday English until I came to Hotchkiss School, Connecticut.
When I first studied English, I was told to say, “I am fine.” when people say “How are you?” But in the US, I found that people say, “I am good.” or “I’m tired.”
One day, someone greeted me with “What’s up?” It made me confused. I thought for a moment and then smiled because I didn’t know what to say.
Since then, I have discovered more and more differences between Chinese and US cultures.
To my surprise, US girls spend a lot of time in the burning sun to get a tan. However, in China, girls try every possible way to get their skin paler, or “whiter.” I also surprised by how hard-working US students are. In China, schoolwork is almost everything, so we study hard and that’s it. But here, a “good” student gets good grades, does a lot for the public and plays sports or music.
The kids here are so talented, I am starting to be sorry that I gave up playing the piano at an early age and that I have never thought about sports.
小题1: What does the word “tan” in the sixth paragraph mean in Chinese?
小题2: A good US student spends his/her time ________.
A.only in doing homework
B.only on sports
C.only on music
D.on studies, sports or music and public work
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The writer is now in US.
B.American girls love to have white skin.
C.American girls love to have brown skin.
D.US students are talented and hard-working.
小题4: Which is the best title for the passage?
A.My Own Travel in the US
B.My Studying in the US
C.My Opinion about the US
D.My Studying in China

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