
I ______ in the street when I met an old friend of mine  yesterday.

  1. A.
  2. B.
    was walking
  3. C.
    has walked
  4. D.
    had walked
试题分析:前半句是主句,沿街散步这个动作是延续性的动作,因而我们用过去进行时。后半句这个时间状语从句的动作,遇到,是个短暂性动作。因为when I met an old friend of mine  yesterday.用的是过去式。故排除C。句意:当我看到我的一个老朋友的时候,我正在沿着街道散步。故选B。
即学即练:—You haven’t said a word about my new coat,Brenda.Do you like it? —I’m sorry I ________ anything about it sooner.I certainly think it’s pretty on you.
A.wasn’t saying           B.don’t say   C.won’t say         D.didn’t say 

Years after throwing a bottle-up note into a lake for a class project and just one year after his death, a man’s childhood message was found and returned to his mother.
Eleven years ago, a then 10-year-old boy, Joshua Baker, wrote the message, folded and put it in an empty container, his mother, Maggie Holbrook said. He died last February in a motor vehicle accident in California. He had recently returned after a serving in the Middle East as a US marine. “I think he was just letting us know he was OK and keep doing what we are doing.” Holbrook said.
The message surfaced in White Lake in late April, just days after the 11th anniversary of its being thrown into the lake. It was found by one of Baker’s closest friends, Steve Lieder, she said. Lieder and two friends were chatting near the lake when Lieder looked down and saw the bottle. He broke it open and found the note inside.
“My name is Joshua Baker. I am 10. If you find this, put it on the news. The date is 4/16/98.” They immediately took it to Holbrook, who said she is now having the note preserved and will display it in her home.
She can remember when her son wrote the message for the school project. She said she always wondered why he didn’t put it in the nearby Wolf River, which has a much stronger current.
“I still remember the day he wrote it, ” Holbrook said. “I couldn’t understand why he threw I in the lake. No one would never see it again. Now I know.”
【小题1】What was Joshua Baker when he died in motor vehicle accident in California?

A.An officialB.A soldierC.A workerD.A teacher
【小题2】 Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?
A.The man threw the bottle into the lake without any purpose.
B.The man didn’t put the bottle into the nearby river because it had a strong current.
C.Not until recently did his mother understand why he put the bottle into the lake.
D.The man made the bottle-up note so as to let his parents know he was OK.
【小题3】The best title for this passage would be___.
A.A man’s Bottle Message Found After His Death
B.A Ridiculous and Unbelievable Bottle Message
C.A Strange Bottle-up Note Appearing In a Lake
D.An Important Childhood Message 11 Years After His Death

73. All of my friends like eating             (在户外) in summer.
74. He soon ___________ (恢复)his health after he came to the south.
75. He looks old, but a            he is only twenty years old.
76. Tom tried to p           his father to give up smoking, but he failed.
77. As is known to all, the news from CCTV is the most            (可信赖的).
78. The old man’s leg was i           in the traffic accident.
79. When the old man was in danger, the policeman came to r          her.
80. Give Mary my             (祝贺) and tell her I’ll come soon.
81. An earthquake left the whole city in____________(废墟).
82. The People’s Republic of China was f __________on October 1st,1949.
83. Mandela offered guidance to poor blacks on their (法律的) ________problems.
84. The young man was s           to death for killing the president.
85. When she heard the sad story , she b__________ into tears
86.. She had changed so much that I could hardly r___________ her when she came into my office.
They _____very ______  ______ his health now.
Then I told her I ______  _______  ______ help.
Nobody seems to understand ,so I have to _____ _____ Professor Wang for help.
Lei Lei always _________ his life ________ helping others.
I _______  ________  ________ you here last night.
The bad weather ________  ________ our difficulty that day.

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