










Dear Mr.Black,

I am glad that there will be some new columns in our English website._______________







Best wishes.


Li Hua


A blog can be a very effective way of spreading the words about yourself,and your other writing.It can unshroud your knowledge,and create an ongoing relationship with your readers.A good blog is more than just a marketing tool;it’s also an expression of your personality.

An obvious starting point is to post samples of your work that not only show off your skills and writing ability but also leave people wanting more.Post elections from the most exciting parts of your stories but end them just as the action reaches its peak.If you write nonfiction(写实文学),show people what they can achieve,and give them a few steps to get them started.

Give tips,information and advice about the subjects you cover.For example,something about struggling with difficulty and many other issues like this.Your writing tips can also be included,as well as interesting,strange or funny things you discovered during your research.Whenever you contact an expert,ask if he or she has any interesting stories you could use.You may also give background information about your stories and locations.

Give details of Coming posts on your blog,so people can watch out for you,or come and meet you.Personal news will help people feel better connected to you.Include photos of objects and locations in your writing,famous people you meet,the views from your window,and your favorite things—with a note about where they come from and what they mean to you.Look out for things that will help your readers get to know you better,know the subject better,or anything else you think they might find useful,inspiring or entertaining.

If you only occasionally post things on your blog,people have a tendency to forget you.As a writer you shouldn’t ever run out of interesting materials to fill your blog with—and your readers will love you for it.

1.Which is the best title for the text?

A.What to Blog about?

B.How to Start a Blog?

C.Why to Launch a Blog?

D.How to Make Website Attractive?

2.What does the word“unshroud”in the first paragraph refer to?

A.Put on. B.Turn up.

C.Show off. D.Write down.

3.What can we know about personal news on your blog?

A.It can make people watch out for you.

B.It can make people easily get in touch with you.

C.It helps to leave your privacy known.

D.It helps you improve your writing.

4.What does the author suggest for keeping a blog?

A.Posting things on your blog once in a while.

B.Adding new stories to it every day.

C.Filling it with attractive things frequently.

D.Loving it as your life.


“The way we choose to respond when others make mistakes can cause them to feel ashamed or can allow them to remember our kindness and share our stories with future generations.”

——Michelle Sedas

When I read the above quote I couldn’t help but Doris.She had been a science teacher by ,but she also was a very person.All around her room were dolls that she had made.They were the most interesting dolls I’d ever seen;each was very from the other.

By talking to Doris I learned she’d a class in doll making.One day while I was in her room she took one of the dolls out of the case to me.This doll was very with fine artistic work.I was that anyone could do such unique work.

As Doris was the doll carefully in her hand,I could see a slight break in the skirt.I was to know what happened. Doris said that on the way to class she the side of the skirt.She expressed how scared she was and almost didn’t go to at all.When it came her to show the doll to the teacher,she had to point out the in the skirt.Doris felt for sure that the doll would be because of it.Much to her surprise the teacher told her she was just going to this break and grade the doll on the other good it had.Doris shared that this remark and from the teacher changed her life.

This teacher could have made Doris feel by her mistake.But her willingness to ignore the mistake,Doris was sharing her kindness with the next generation.

1.A.give up B.think of C.turn down D.call on

2.A.birth B.accident C.profession D.mistake

3.A.creative B.generous C.energetic D.conservative

4.A.far B.different C.free D.safe

5.A.prepared B.quitted C. taken D.organized

6.A.flatter B.upset C.comfort D.show

7.A.common B.cheap C.expensive D.unusual

8.A.disappointed B.annoyed C.terrified D.amazed

9.A.turning B.bending C.mending D.shaking

10.A.sorry B.proud C.curious D.content

11.A.burned B.decorated C.replaced D.bumped

12.A.class B.church C.hospital D.work

13.A.honor B.task C.turn D.choice

14.A.spot B.break C.hole D.patch

15.A.rejected B.appreciated C.destroyed D.removed

16.A.value B.ignore C.notice D.assess

17.A.talents B.quantities C.varieties D.qualities

18.A.responsibility B.habit C.attitude D.standard

19.A.ashamed B.shocked C.puzzled D.overjoyed

20.A.as for B.because of C.in spite of D.apart from


1. elderly builder was ready to retire.He told his 2. (employ) of his plans 3. (leave)the house building business to live a more comfortable life with his wife.He would miss the pay-check, 4. he wanted to retire.They could manage.

The employer 5. ( be )sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a 6. (person) favor.The builder said yes, but at that time 7. was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He built it 8. (care) and used poor materials. It was an 9. (fortunate ) way to end his career(working life).

When the builder finished his work, the employer came 10. handed the front-door key 11. the builder.“This is your house”.he said.“my gift to you.”

The builder was 12. (shock) ! 13. a shame! If he 14. (know) he was building his own house, he would have done it all differently.Now he had to live in the home he 15. (build)none too well.

16. it is with us. We build our lives carelessly, a day at a time, often 17. (put) less than our best into the building. Then with a shock we find that we have to live in the house 18. we have built.If we had realized, we would have done it differently.

Think of 19. (you )as the builder.Think about your house.Each day you hammer a nail, place a board, or set up a wall.Someone once said,” Life is a do-it-yourself project.” Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past. 20. , build wisely.

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