
     LOS ANGELES-Once in a blue moon there is one on New Year's Eve.Revelers (狂欢者) ringing in
2010 will be treated to a socalled blue moon.According to popular definition, a blue moon is the second
full moon in a month.But don't expect it to be blue-the name has nothing to do with the color of our
closest space neighbor.
     A full moon occurred on Dec.2,2009.It will appear again on Thursday in time for the New Year's
     "If you're in Times Square, you'll see the full moon right above you.It's going to be that brilliant, " said
Jack Horkheimer, director of the Miami Space Transit Planetarium and host of a weekly astronomy TV
      The New Year's Eve blue moon will be visible in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America
and Africa.For partygoers in Australia and Asia, the full moon does not show up until New Year's Day,
making January a blue moon month for them.
     However, the eastern hemisphere can celebrate with a partial lunar eclipse (月偏蚀) on New Year's
Eve when part of the moon enters the Earth's shadow.The eclipse will not be visible in the Americas.
      A full moon occurs every 29.5 days, and most years have 12 ones.On average, an extra full moon in
a month-a blue moon-occurs every 2.5 years.The last time there was a blue moon was in May 2007.
New Year's Eve blue moons are rarer, occurring every 19 years.The last time was in 1990.
     Blue moons have no astronomical significance, said Greg  Laughlin, an astronomer at the University
of California, Santa Cruz."' Blue moon' is just a name in the same sense as 'a hunter's moon'  or 'a
harvest moon', "  Laughlin said in  an email.
     The popular definition of blue moon came about after a writer for, Sky & Telescope magazine in
1946 misinterpreted (误解) the Maine Farmer's Almanac (历书) and labeled a blue moon as the
second full moon in a month.In fact, the almanac defined a blue moon as the third full moon in a season
with four full moons, not the usual three.Though Sky & Telescope corrected the mistake decades later,
the definition caught_on.

1. According to the popular definition, "a blue moon" means________.

A. the second full moon in a month
B. a moon which looks blue
C. a partial lunar eclipse
D. the second full moon in a year

2. In Japan, people can see a blue moon in________.

A. December,2009  
B. January,2010
C. May,2010  
D. July,2011

3. The next New Year's Eve blue moon is most likely to appear in________.

A. 2013  
B. 2018  
C. 2026  
D. 2028

4. The underlined phrase "caught on" means________.

A. understood  
B. got rare
C. became popular  
D. was out of date

5. Which of the following is the best title?

A. Blue moons have no astronomical value
B. Rare New Year's Eve "blue moon" to ring in 2010
C. Rare New Year's Day "blue moon" to celebrate New Year
D. A blue moon comes again


Struggling in the US? Move to China!
I graduated from the university with a degree of civil engineer. It is a good field but my heart was not in it. I wanted to be an actor or work in the entertainment industry…living a creative life. My choice of civil engineering was really a mistake but I realized too late. As soon as I graduated, I move straight to Los Angeles----the home of the film and television industry!
For three years, I tried to get a job in that field. I often worked as an extra in movies and TV shows----standing in the background while actors are in the foreground. This was fun for a while, but I wanted a real acting job, where I was speaking! Sadly, in Los Angeles, there is too much competition. Every race and age is represented: old, young, black, white, Asian, and thousands of blondish-red haired Midwestern types like me. Being an extra couldn’t make enough money for me to live in LA. I had to do something else for money.
After three years of trying, I gave up my dream of being an actor and started a different career. I then tried network-marketing, but in the end, that failed. Seven years after graduating from college, I was still in debt, still searching for a satisfactory life. I decided to go back to civil engineering.
However, I was starting to get very disappointed with my life. Why is life not like what I expected?
I expected to have made a lot of money, gotten married, with a house and nice cars, kids, time freedom, etc. Millions of people lead lives with their dreams shelved, existing but not really living. I want my life to be different, more satisfactory, more alive. America was not providing that for me…
In addition, America was too expensive----always worrying about money was a headache. I wanted a life filled with adventure, romance, friendships, successes, and dreams realized.

I decided to move to China.
51. How can we describe the writer’s attitude toward life?
A. Practical.                 B. Passive.                    C. Disappointed.           D. Positive.
52. What does the underlined sentence mean?
A. A lot of people are living but they are not enjoying their life.
B. A lot of people are living with dreams though their life is not that enjoyable.
C. A lot of people give up their dreams and yet are living a good life.
D. A lot of people don’t have dreams, nor do they want to live either.
53. What did the writer do before he finally decided to move to China?
A. Engineerextramarketingengineer.           B. Extramarketingengineer.
C. Engineerextramarketing .                           D. Extraengineermarketing.




WHAT can help you make a fortune in the future? Graduating from a top university might not be enough.A new study from the University of Essex in Britain has shown that the more friends you have in school, the more money you'll earn later.

The idea that popularity could have a serious influence on one's earning potential shouldn't come as too much of a surprise.The researchers noted that if you want to get ahead in life, social skills and networking are easily as powerful as talent and hard work.

"If a person has lots of friends, it means that he or she has the ability to get along with others in all kinds of different situations," said Xu Yanchun, 17, from Nantou High School in Shenzhen, who totally agreed with the recent finding." Also, friends always help each other.They not only create wider social circles for you but lift your mood when you are occasionally in low spirits," said Xu.She believed that all this helps you “earn a higher salary”.

Maybe that's why some people think the younger generations are in the age of Friendalholism (交友狂症)?A woman even complained that the networking website Facebook's 5,000-friend limit was too low for her large reserve of social contacts.

But what does a friend mean? Should friends be regarded as a form of currency?

" Call me uncool, but I think of a friend as an actual person with whom I have an actual history and whom I enjoy actually seeing.It seems, however, .that this is no longer the definition of ' friend'," said Meghan Daum, who works with The Los Angeles Times in the US.

Daum dislikes the idea that quantity trumps quality in the age of friendaholism.She thought the idea of friendship, at least among the growing population of Internet social networkers, was to get as many of not-really -friends as possible.For example, a friend might be someone you might know personally but who could just as easily be the friend of a friend of some other Facebook friend you don't actually know.Although she agreed that social ties grease (润滑) the wheels of life, she also warned, "Too bad one thing money can't buy is a real friend."

56.What can friends do in the eyes of Xu Yanchun?

         A.They can help you with your schoolwork.

         B.They teach you how to make more money.

         C.They introduce their friends to you.

         D.They help you to get rid of sadness and cheer up.

57.What will be needed if you are to achieve success according to the researchers?

         A.Social skills, friends, good mood and fortune.

         B.Social skills, talent, hard work and the facebook.

         C.Social skills, networking, potential and fortune.

         D.Social skills, networking, talent and hard work.

58.We learn that Meghan Daum's attitude towards friends-is somewhat____.

         A.up-to-date             B.traditional        C.confused    D.optimistic

59.What does the word "trumps" in the last paragragh mean?

         A.is worse than          B.is equal to C.is better than        D.is similar to


      LOS ANGELES---BYD is a rapidly developing car-maker in China. It makes green cars and other
green products, and the company said on Friday it would open a North American branch in Los Angeles, with plans to begin selling cars in the U.S. by the end of 2010.
     BYD was started in 1995 and moved into the car business in 2003. The company now employs
150,000 people.
     Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governor of California, says the arrival of BYD Inc, of Shenzhen, China, will create about 150 high-paying jobs, since the company has to employ managers and engineers. Once
it begins to sell cars in the United States, several hundred more jobs will be created in service and sales.
He also praised it as part of green-energy programs in U.S. The city is attracting high-tech, clean-energy
companies that will help reduce pollution. “As I’ve always said, what is good for the environment is also
good for development,” he adds.
     Wang Chuanfu, BYD’s president, says, “BYD stands for building your dream. Our dream is a green
one, and we also wish to make your green dream come true. We have been working for a greener
environment. We hope that we will lead to a cleaner and nicer future.” The company introduced its latest
model earlier this year. It is what BYD plans to begin to sell in the United States by the end of this year.

1. BYD’s new branch in the United States will _________.

A. employ managers and engineers from China  
B. produce a new model to sell there
C. sell car technology to the U.S.  
D. create many new jobs for the U.S.

2. From the passage we learn that ________.

A. only service and sales jobs will be offered.
B. BYD will only make cars in China
C. the governor welcomes BYD’s arrival
D. BYD will have finished planning by the end of 2010

3. The “green dream” in the passage means _______.

A. a new world with more green trees
B. a dream of high technology
C. a world with a better environment
D. a dream of fewer cars

4. The best title for the passage would be _________.

A. The Green Dream of BYD    
B. BYD Joins Green Energy Programs
C. New BYD Car Exhibition in Los Angeles  
D. Green BYD Putting Roots in Los Angeles

5. Where can you most probably read this passage?

A. a novel  
B. a research paper    
C. a student’s composition  
D. a newspaper report
     LOS ANGELES ----Disney's "The Lion King", one of the most successful animated (动画的) films
ever, will roar (咆哮) again this weekend with a 3D version that could put it back at the top of the box
office (票房) with a very proud $12million. The 1994 version was the second highest box-office earning
film of that year and ranks fourth on the all-time animated list with over $784 million.
     Hot on the heels of the box office success of "The Lion King 3D", Disney and Pixar are remaking
four of their classic animated films in 3D versions for movie theaters. Encouraged by the success of "The
Lion King 3D
", the movie studio said it would release a 3D version of 1991 animated film. "Beauty and
the Beast"
in January 2012 for a limited run in movie theaters.
     It will be followed by Pixar's sea-adventure "Finding Nemo" in September 2012, the classic 1989
Disney romance "The Little Mermaid" in September 2013, following "Monsters, Inc." In January 2013.
"Great stories and great characters are timeless, and at Disney we're lucky to have a treasure(财富) of
both," said Alan Bergman, president of the Walt Disney Studios. "We're excited to give audiences of all
ages the chance to experience these beloved stories in an exciting new way with 3D----and in the case of
younger people, for the first time on the big screen," Bergman said in a statement.
     Since 1994, "The Lion King " has earned some $883 million at the worldwide box office, including
recent sales from the 3D version of the beloved story of the African animal kingdom. Disney's "Beauty
and the Beast"
and "The Little Mermaid" have so far earned $380 million and $228 million worldwide.
Pixar's 2001 hit "Monsters, Inc." made $526 million worldwide and the 2003 Oscar winning film
"Finding Nemo" made more than $867million
1. By saying "Disney's 'The Lion King'…will roar again this weekend with a 3D version that…" ,
    the author means the film____.
A. will be popular with young people
B. will win success this weekend again
C. will be awarded a big prize this weekend 
D. will shock the people for the huge production cost
2. Which of the following is the right time order of these 3Dfilms to be released? 
A. The Lion King---Beauty and the Beast ---Finding Nemo--- The Little Mermaid--- Monsters, Inc.
B. Beauty and the Beast--- The Lion King---Finding Nemo--- The Little Mermaid--- Monsters, Inc.
C. The Lion King---Beauty and the Beast---Finding Nem--- Monsters, Inc. --- The Little Mermaid
D. Beauty and the Beast--- The Lion King---Finding Nem--- Monsters, Inc. --- The Little Mermaid
3. What advantage does The Walt Disney Studio have over the others?    
A. They have better recreation sources.
B. The first released 3D films in the world.
C. They earned the largest box office and worldwide.
D. They have a lot of money and rich experience.
4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  
A. The Lion King 3D is a larger box-office success than The Lion King in 1994.
B. The animated film The Lion King has ever won the Oscar film prize.
C. The five animated films mentioned will be or have been remade.
D. Most of the animated film audiences are young people

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