
We convince ourselves that life will be better once we are married, have a baby, then another.Then we get frustrated because our children are not old enough and that all will be well when they are older.Then we are frustrated because they reach teenage years and we must deal with them.Surely we'll be happier when they grow out of the teen years.
We tell ourselves our life will be better when our spouse (配偶) gets his/her act together, when we have a nicer car, when we can take a vacation, when we finally retire.The truth is that there is no better time to be happy than right now.If not, then when? Your life will always be full of challenges.It is better to admit as much and to decide to be happy in spite of it all.
For the longest time, it seemed that life was about to start—real life.
But there was always some obstacles (挫折) along the way, an ordeal (苦难) to get through, some work to be finished, some time to be given, a bill to be paid.Then life would start.It finally dawned on me that those obstacles were part of life.Little by little, that point of view also helped me see that there isn't any road to happiness.
Happiness is the road.So, enjoy every moment.And bear in mind that__________.So stop waiting for school to end, for a return to school, to lose ten pounds, to gain ten pounds, for work to begin, to get married, for Friday evening, for Sunday morning, waiting for a new car, for your mortgage(借款) to be paid off, for spring, for summer, for fall, for winter, for the first or the fifteenth of the month, for your song to be played on the radio, to die, to be reborn… before deciding to be happy.
Happiness is a voyage, not a destination.There is no better time to be happy than… NOW! Live and enjoy the moment.
60.The most proper title for the passage should be______.
A.Happiness Is a Frustration   B.Happiness Is a Destination
C.Happiness Is a Dream         D.Happiness is a Process
61.The first two paragraphs mainly tell us_______.
A.life is a worthwhile but challenging voyage
B.so long as you believe you can, you can
C.people tend to think the future will be brighter than now
D.people feel at a loss about their life
62.The writer thinks _______is a real happiness
A.setting our imagination free    B.enjoying our present life
C.finding our own shortcut to success       D.facing obstacles and challenges bravely
63.Which of the sayings can fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph?
A.Time waits for no one     B.Time is money.
C.Tomorrow is another day.    D.Time can work wonders.

阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I’ll never forget my first job interview. It was a  36  position at an elementary school in my hometown. I was very  37  and worried, but I thought I had an “in” 38  I knew many people in this district. I felt  39  that the interview would be a piece of cake. I had  40  well for my interview; I had been  41  interview questions in front of my mirror for days. I wore my navy blue suit and took my  42 of lessons I had taught during student teaching. There was  43  I would not face this interview.
After arriving at the school about half an hour early, I waited  44  in the office. The secretary told me not to be nervous.“ Just  45   ,”he advised. When the time for my interview  46  came, I was so nervous that I didn’t think I could 47 any questions. Inside the interview room,  48  people sat at a round table: two teachers, two principals(校长),and a member of the school board .I had been 49  there would only be three people at the interview, and was overwhelmed(不知所措的)by the presence of  50  interviewers.
Once the interviewers started asking questions,  51  ,I answered with ease. Everyone smiled and we even  52  .After they finished asking questions, the  53  told me they would call me in two weeks. Two years later ,I ‘m still waiting for the 54  ! I eventually found out that it was my lack of  55  that kept me from getting the job offer.
A.no doubt
B.no way
C.no worry
D.no wonder
A.help yourself
B.be yourself
C.enjoy yourself
D.behave yourself
C.think of
D.put forward

My teeth screamed. I couldn’t  21   them any longer. I finally   22   my fear of dentists and decided to get them fixed. But   23  ? I was a college student and barely   24   myself with part-time jobs.
Maybe I could  25   the worst one. I opened the Yellow Pages and called the first   26   within walking distance. The receptionist told me to come right over.   27   I hurried across the campus, I forgot the   28   in worrying about how I would pay the   29  .
In a few minutes I was in a chair being examined by a dentist who said, “Hmm!” as he examined my teeth. “Your teeth are in bad  30  .”
“I already knew that,” I  31   him and answered quickly to hide my   32  .
“But don’t worry. I’m going to fix them.”
“No, you’re not. I can’t  33   to pay you.” I started climbing out of the chair.
“You’re a student at the university, aren’t you?”
What  34   did that make? “Yes...”
“You’re going to graduate in a few years, aren’t you?”
“I hope so.”
“And then you expect to get a job, don’t you?”
“That’s my  35  .”
“Well, then you’ll pay me.  36   you concentrate on your classes and    37    the dentistry to me.”
I stared at him. He really  38   it. He calmly picked up his tools and fixed my aching teeth.
From that day on, I saw him every week until I had good teeth again. After graduation, I got a job and  39   his bill in a few months.
In the 40 years following, I’ve learned to call this man a “woodwork angel.” They are strangers who appear out of nowhere when I need help. They’ve lent and given me money, materials or equipment; they’ve taught me skills and helped me organize groups; sometimes they’ve rescued me  40   danger or making a big mistake.
21.   A. bear                        B. take                         C. treat                         D. forget
22.   A. identified                 B. admitted                   C. ignored                    D. expressed
23.   A. where               B. who                         C. why                         D. how
24.   A. changed                   B. provided                  C. supported                 D. enjoyed
25.   A. visit                         B. fix                           C. call                          D. cover
26.   A. teacher                     B. dentist               C. driver               D. operator
27.   A. As                          B. After                        C. Since                       D. Though
28.   A. class                        B. time                         C. address                     D. pain
29.   A. bill                          B. debt                         C. tax                           D. visit
30.   A. shape                       B. order                       C. size                          D. situation
31.   A. directed                   B. comforted         C. stopped                    D. advised
32.   A. anger                       B. fear                         C. hope                        D. trick
33.   A. agree                       B. wait                         C. afford               D. remember
34.   A. effort                       B. use                          C. difference                 D. offer
35.   A. plan                         B. picture                     C. purpose                    D. procedure
36.   A. As a result         B. In the meantime C. After that                 D. Ever since
37.   A. present                     B. show                        C. bring                       D. leave
38.   A. appreciated        B. meant               C. approved                  D. made
39.   A. passed               B. had                          C. settled               D. filled
40.   A. to                           B. in                            C. against                     D. from

When I was a small child, during the war, we were very poor and we lived in a faraway village. One day, on the road, I found the   51   pieces of a mirror. There was a Garman motorcycle accident.
I tried to find all the pieces and put them   52  , but it was not possible, so I kept only the  53    piece and I made it round. I could   54  with it as a toy and became greatly attracted by the   55  that I could reflect(反射)light to dark places where the sun would never shine—in  56 holes and some other dark places. It became a   57   for me to get light into the darkest places I could find.
I   58  the little mirror, and, as I   59  up, I would take it out when I had nothing to  do and  60  the game, As I became a   61  , I grew to understand that this was not    62  a child’s game but a metaphor(象征)for what I might do with my life. I came to    63  that I am not the light or the source of light. But light—truth, understanding, knowledge—is  64  , and it will shine in many dark places only if I reflect it.
I am just a single piece of a mirror whose   65   design and shape I do not know.    66  , with what I have I can reflect light into the dark places of this   67  —into the black places in the    68    of men—and change some things   69    some people. Perhaps others may see and do the same. This is what I am about. This is the    70  of my life.
51. A. broken                  B. dropped                   C. pointed                    D. sharpened
52. A. back                   B. down                       C. together                   D. up
53. A. best                   B. longest                        C. smallest                    D. largest
54. A. talk                    B. play                         C. flash                        D. share
55. A. idea                    B. fact                          C. decision                   D. reason
56. A. deep                   B. big                          C. pretty                       D. empty
57. A. job                       B. task                         C. game                       D. trouble
58. A. kept                   B. hid                          C. forgot                     D. lost
59. A. came                  B. stood                       C. grew                        D. went
60. A. watch                 B. continue                   C. remember                 D. change
61. A. man                   B. boy                          C. father                       D. grandfather
62. A. always             B. completely               C. really                       D. just
63. A. announce            B. doubt                       C. understand                  D. expect
64. A. absent                 B. home                      C. far                           D. there
65. A. whole                 B. most                        C. half                         D. other
66. A. So                     B. However                  C. Besides                    D. Certainly
67. A. country              B. village                     C. world                         D. city
68. A. hands                 B. brains                      C. eyes                         D. hearts
69. A. on                     B. in                         C. with                        D. like
70. A. way                    B. standard                   C. quality                       D. meaning

We often talk about ourselves as if we have permanent genetic defects (缺陷) that can never be changed.“I’m impatient.” “I’m always behind.” “I always put things   36  !” You’ve surely heard them.Maybe you’ve used them to describe   37 .
These comments may come from stories about us that have been   38   for years—often from   39  childhood.These stories may have no   40   in fact.But they can set low expectations for us.As a child, my mother said to me, “Marshall, you have no mechanical (操作机械的) skills, and you will never have any mechanical skills for the rest of your life.” How did these expectations   41   my development? I was never   42   to work on cars or be around  43 .When I was 18, I took the US Army’s Mechanical Aptitude Test.My scores were in the bottom for the entire nation!
Six years later,   44  , I was at California University, working on my doctor’s degree.One of my professors, Dr.Bob Tannbaum, asked me to write down things I did well and things I couldn’t do.On the positive side, I   45    down, “research, writing, analysis, and speaking.” On the   46   side, I wrote, “I have no mechanical skills.”
Bob asked me how I knew I had no mechanical skills.I explained my life   47   and told him about my   48  performance on the Army test.Bob then asked, “  49   is it that you can solve  50   mathematical problems, but you can’t solve simple mechanical problems?”
Suddenly I realized that I didn’t   51   from some sort of genetic defect.I was just living out expectations that I had chosen to   52 .At that point, it wasn’t just my family and friends who had been   53   my belief that I was mechanically hopeless.And it wasn’t just the Army test, either.I was the one who kept telling myself, “You can’t do this!” I realized that as long as I kept saying that, it was going to remain true.  54   , if we don’t treat ourselves as if we have incurable genetic defects, we can do well in almost   55   we choose.
36.A.away       B.off    C.up    D.down
37.A.them B.myself      C.yourself    D.others
38.A.said   B.spoken      C.spread      D.repeated
39.A.as long as B.as far back as   C.as well as  D.as much as
40.A.basis B.plot   C.cause D.meaning
41.A.lead  B.improve    C.affect       D.change
42.A.encouraged     B.demanded C.hoped       D.agreed
43.A.means      B.tools  C.facilities   D.hammers
44.A.therefore  B.somehow  C.instead      D.however
45.A.settled      B.turned      C.took  D.got
46.A.passive     B.active       C.negative    D.subjective
47.A.experiences      B.trips  C.roads D.paths
48.A.unexpected      B.poor  C.excellent   D.average
49.A.When      B.What C.How        D.Why
50.A.complex   B.advanced  C.common D.primary
51.A.arise  B.separate    C.suffer       D.come
52.A.believe     B.suspect     C.adopt D.receive
53.A.weakening       B.strengthening   C.abandoning      D.accepting
54.A.As a result       B.At the same time     C.In addition       D.On the contrary
55.A.anything B.something C.nothing     D.all

III  完型填空       15%
Reports about stolen virtual property(虚拟财产), (for example, the money that is gained through Web games,) are becoming increasingly frequent.
Who is responsible(负责任的) for this?
“Virtual property theft(偷窃) is __31__ today all over the world,” __32__ professor Greg Lastowka, an American specialist in internet law.
Though a few cases have managed to make it to the courtroom(法庭), most of the time __33__ are not reported or not followed up. “local police are __34____ confused by virtual theft, thinking it has no real value,” says Lastowka.  “But virtual items(虚拟物) can be sold easily for__35___ money, making it a “lucrative(赚钱的) opportunity for criminals(罪犯).”
___36____“theft”, “users in China whose virtual property is stolen can report it to the Internet department of the local public security bureaus(公安局),” says Tencent Mao. “We can cooperate(合作)with officials and offer technical __37____.”
But lawyers suggest that the companies involved have the obligation(义务) to safeguard consumers’ virtual property.  “__38__ they can’t prove they have done __39___ to protect the virtual property, they should bear the responsibility (担责任),” says Guo Qing, of Beijing’s Yingke Law Firm.
_40__themselves are advised to __41__ their virtual property. Mao suggests “not __42___ files from strangers, __43___going to websites with a bad reputation(名声)”. Changing __44___ every three months can ___45___ help.
31. A. happening           B.    happened        C. occurred            D. appearing
32. A. speaks                B. says                         C .talks                 D. reports
33. A. when                  B. which               C they                   D. it
34. A. seldom               B. hardly               C. often                 D. usually
35. A. real                           B. more                   C. much                  D. many
36. A. In search of         B. In case of           C. In time of     D Instead of
37. A. support               B. advices                     C. request          D. demand
38. A. If                       B. When                C. Because             D. As
39. A. better                 B. enough                 C. more                 D. less
40. A. They                  B. Users                   C. Those         D. Companies
41. A. have                   B. own                     C. protect              D. keep
42. A. receiving            B. accepting              C. getting              D. accept
43. A. and                       B. but                  C. or                     D. so
44. A. passwords       B. keys                     C. answers             D. computers
45. A .even                   B. also                    C. as well              D. too

II. 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Sussie and I have been friends since primary school, for more than twenty years. Our friendship has   36  constant(不变的). We have seen each other through all the times when we really need a friend. In   37   of our friendship, Sussie and I took our first   38  trip together.
The first day of our trip ended in New Jersey.   39  with the long drive, we decided to go to the restaurant for dinner. We sat down and   40   our meal. As we talked, I noticed a(n)   41  couple sitting a short distance away from us. The look of  adoration on the woman’s face  42   me. She stared into the face of the man as he talked,   43   me of a teenager in love!
I called Sussie’s  44  to the couple. As we watched, the man reached   45  to place a gentle kiss on the woman’s cheek. She   46 . “Now that’s what I call real love! I imagine they’ve been married for a long time.” I said. “  47  maybe,” remarked Sussie, “They haven’t been together long.” “Well, whatever the case, it’s   48  they care much for each other,” I said.
Sussie and I watched and listened  49  to their conversation. She smiled and  50   whatever he said. We were touched by the warm scene we were witnessing. Then the  51  changed. The woman’s wrinkled but beautiful face was suddenly covered with a   52  look. She asked the man in a sweet voice, “Do I know you? What is this place?” “You know me. I’m Ralph, your husband. We’re in New Jersey, ” the man said. “Oh, I   53   to have forgotten. I’m not sure,” she said. “That’s okay, sweetheart. You’ll be all right,” he   54  her, kissing her cheek again. Tears coursed down our cheeks as Sussie and I looked at each other. “We were right,” she said   55 . “It is the real thing. That is love.”
36. A. become                B. grown                     C. remained                  D. developed
37. A. congratulation          B. terms                       C. favor               D. celebration
38. A. air                         B. car                      C. boat                         D. train
39. A. Bored                    B. Suffered                   C. Tired                  D. Excited
40. A. cooked                  B. ordered                    C. prepared                   D. finished
41. A. young                    B. elderly                            C. friendly                    D. rich
42. A. scared                    B. astonished                C. attracted                   D. bothered
43. A. showing                    B. reminding                C. telling                 D. introducing
44. A. attention                B. intention                  C. time                         D. idea
45. A. away                     B. off                           C. around                       D. over
46. A. smiled                   B. disagreed                  C. angered                    D. moved
47. A. Or                         B. Though                    C. Therefore                 D. Otherwise
48. A. natural                   B. obvious                    C. important                 D. moving
49. A. madly                    B. silently                C. unashamedly             D. carefully
50. A. picked up               B. stuck to                    C. agreed with                D. questioned on
51. A. place                     B. scene                       C. topic                        D. sense
52. A. discouraged            B. surprised                  C. disappointed            D. confused
53. A. need                      B. feel                         C. seem                        D. use
54. A. told                       B. answered                  C. comforted                D. encouraged
55. A. quickly                  B. eagerly                     C. cheerfully                 D. thoughtfully

IN a 30-minute film called The Chase, a girl tries to catch a thief and finally takes him down with martial arts (武术) skills.
Anything special? Thirteen-year-old US girl Sophia Tran wrote, shot and performed in the film. She played the girl in the movie and her father, Steven, played the thief.
Now an eighth-grader at Ladera Ranch Middle School, California, Tran wrote The Chase over the summer of 2008. She shot the film in the fall of 2008 before holding the premiere (首映式) at her home in January the next year.
“It is important to have passion in filmmaking or you are not going to make it,” the quiet teenager said with a smile. “Also, you should read a lot of books about filmmaking.”
Tran thinks that many screenplays don't have any “suspense (悬念) as the film progresses.” She is now working on a movie which she says will be a suspense story.
Steven says his daughter has enjoyed drama and action movies since she was 7.
“She started to be interested in how stories are adapted (改编) to a screenplay,” Steven said. “And she wrote her own books when she was in second grade.”
But Tran also has a big heart. She sold DVD copies of her film The Chase for $10 each to family and friends. She then donated $400 from the DVD sales to her school to buy new computers.
57.   Sophia Tran played _____ in her movie.
A. a thief          B. a doctor                       C. a girl           D. a police woman
58.   Sophia Tran shot the film _____.
A. last year        B. in January                            C. last summer     D. less two years ago
59.   Sophia Tran thinks ______ are important for successful filmmaking.
A. characters         B. stories       C. passion and knowledge D. passion and experience
60. According to Sophia Tran, many screenplays are poorly written because _____.
A. they don't keep readers excited                      B. they mostly end in an unexpected way
C. their dialogues are not interesting                   D. they are not inspiring

Watson entered Mr Smith’s office. The Boss was a hard man. He fired people who didn’t do well without giving them a second chance.
“Watson,” said Mr Smith, “this past year your department hasn’t earned money. We’re going to drop that department. It’s finished. I’ m sorry, —but you’ll have to go.” “But, sir—if I just had a little more time. For the moment I need the job to keep my son at Riverside School.”
“What’s that!” said the Boss. “Riverside! I didn’t know you had a boy there. That’s an expensive school for a man with your salary.”
“1 know, sir. But he likes it there so much! He’s a star trackman(田径运动员) and the best boxer in the school. The boys call him Champ(冠军) there.”
The Boss sat perfectly still for a long time—a faraway (恍惚的) look in his eyes. Then, suddenly, he said, “We’ve got to close your department, Watson. But you’ll take over a new job in another department. It means longer hours—maybe more pay. Now get out. You’re here for life.”
Watson got out, with surprise in his face. Then the Boss took a letter from the top drawer of his desk. It was Herbie’s last letter from Riverside School —written a few days before he died. He had read it over and over again with sick pain. The letter read:
I can’t say the boys here are any nicer to me than the others were. I guess it’s the same everywhere when you’re a cripple (跛脚的人). But don’t worry about me, Dad. They’ve got a good chemistry department here. And there’s one boy here who is really great. He’s a track star and boxing champ and just tops in chemistry. The boys call him Champ. He made them stop throwing my books around. And he knocked a boy down who hit me. He is the best friend I ever had. Dad, when I grow up, I want to do something for Champ. Something big—that he won’t even know about.
Your son,
56. The underlined word “drop” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by ________.
A. fall                   B. close                        C. punish                      D. sell
57. It can be inferred from the text that Champ is_______.
A. Watson’ s son                                       B. Mr Smith’ s son
C. a teacher of Mr Smith’s son                           D. the son of Mr Smith’s friend
58. From the text we know that Herbie_______.
A. was a college student                    B. didn’t live to grow up
C. made friends with many boys                 D. died from a car accident
59. Watson was given a second chance because_______.
A. Mr Smith wanted to help Watson’s son
B. a man was needed in another department
C. Herbie told Mr Smith to do so in his letter
D. Mr Smith wanted to realize his son’s dream

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