

  Top lists are lecturing people on everything from"100 books to read ".

  Aren't you just tired of being told what to do with your time?

  Now you have a list to end all lists!

  Take a look at the following two examples from the list of "101 things not to do":

  Swim with Dolphins(海豚)?

  Swimming with dolphins is one of the world's most profitable tourist activities.However, every dolphin will welcome having their busy, tiring day interrupted by tourists screaming pushing around them in the water.Worse yet, when dolphins get too near to the boats loaded tourists, they could get caught up in ropes and killed by propellers(螺旋桨).

  Here's a little secret.Dolphins look like smiling at you, but actually they're just opening mouths.

  Go to See the Mona Lisa?

  There must be something about the mysterious(神秘的)smile.The 6 million people who the lady in the Louvre every year can't all be wrong, after all.But they can be quite anno standing in front of you, holding up their cameras to prevent you from seeing anything.In fact hard for you to see the painting clearly because you have to stay away from it for security read.After queuing for hours, many tourists can remain in front of the painting only for 15 secor most.

  If the mysterious lady in the picture knew her fate, she wouldn't just be smiling, she laughing.

  So, still long to see the Mona Lisa? If you want to find out more about the list, read 101 Tings NOT to Do Before You Die.Visit www.not2dobeforeidie.co.uk and buy the book at a 20% disc.


According to the passage, swimming with dolphins ________.

[  ]


is the world's most popular tourist activity


gives fun to both tourists and dolphins


will make tourists busy and tired


can cause danger to dolphins


what does the author think about going to see the Mona Lisa?

[  ]


Tt is wrong to go and see the mysterious smile.


It is not as satisfying as expected.


Fifteen seconds in front of the painting is enough.


Queuing for hours is worthwhile.


The list of “101 things not to do”is made most probably because its author ________.

[  ]


thinks it boring to do the things suggested by other lists


believes other lists are not humorous enough


intends to persuade people to read more lists


wants to provide a list different from other lists


What is the main purpose of the passage?

[  ]


To advertise a book


To introduce a website


To comment on popular lists


To recommend tourist activities.



       Cape Town lies on Table Bay, near the Cape of Good Hope at the   southern tip of America. The parliament(议会) of South Africa meets in   Cape Town.  


      The city is well known for Table Mountain. This mountain has a   flat top like the top of a table. It is often covered with low cloud.   Table Mountain rises more than a thousand metres above the city.   Botanical gardens (植物园) line its slope(斜坡) and cable cars(缆车)   carry people to the beautiful top of the mountain.     

      Cape Town was founded in 1652 and is the oldest city in South   Africa. It was built as a port that could be used by ships on their   way to India. Today, it is still one of the busiest of South Africa's   ports. It became more important when the Suez Canal was closed in 1967.   Cape Town is also a center of light industry.     

(1) The city was named Cope Town because it is _______.


[  ]

A. near Table Bay      

                 B. at the southern tip of Africa     

C. at the foot of Table Mountain    

  D. near the Cape of Good   Hope   

(2) Table Mountain was named after its _______.


[  ]

A. shape  B. slopes  C.height  D.plants   

(3) In South Africa, Cape Town is _________.

[  ]

A. the oldest city as well as the oldest port   

B. the oldest city but not the oldest port   

C. the oldest port but not the oldest city       

D. neither the oldest city nor the oldest port   

(4) If a ship sails south along the Suez Canal, it may sail toward ______.


[  ]

A. the Indian Ocean   B. the Pacific Ocean   

C. the Atlantic Ocean  D. the Arctic Ocean   

(5) Which of the following is NOT true?


[  ]

A. Cape Town was first set up in the sixties of the seventeenth century.   

B. Cape Town is an important city in South Africa.   

C. Cape Town is a famous city for people to go sightseeing.   

D. Cape Town is the busiest port in Africa.


  This August has seen athletes doing their sweaty part in the“Good Luck Beijing”sports events.Some foreign athletes have commented on the passion of Chinese spectators(观众).

  Not all the spectators, however, came out looking exactly good.Girls holding umbrellas on beach volleyball stands.Spectators crying sharply during the hockey matches.These can be unintended disturb.To avoid them, we'd keep in mind some special manners:

Beach volleyball

1.Dress down for beach volleyball.It's also a good time to show off your colorful top and sexy shorts.

2.Use protective cream for your skin.Wear sunglasses and bring something to drink.But don't carry something that blocks others' view.

3.Look all you want at the body shapes around you, but save some attention for the players' skills.

Archery & shooting

1.Sit at the back or on either side of the field.For safety's sake, do not risk out of there.

2.Above all, keep quiet during the match.Put your cellphone on vibrate or turn it off.

3.Do not use the flash on your camera, because it can disturb the athletes.

4.When the athletes are aiming at the target, keep your voice down.

Baseball, basketball & football

1.Drinks in glass bottles or cans are not allowed.

2.Don't bring a whistle.Referees use them and you can puzzle the players.

3.Players can be tense when taking a shot.Keep the cheering down at critical moments.Do not use the camera flash.

4.If you easily get nervous, bring some snacks.Keep your mouth moving to calm you down.

Cycling & marathon

1.Spectators should keep off the track.Control your pets.

2.Cyclists or runners might look tired, sweaty and thirsty, but, do not hand them a bottle of water, a cool towel or anything else.Any help from spectators can disqualify(剥夺资格)an athlete.

3.Again, if a cyclist or runner falls, do not rush over to help.The best thing to do is to contact medical personnel.


When watching beach volleyball matches, you should not ________.

[  ]


bring anything to drink


use an umbrella on stands


wear sunglasses


look at the body shapes


You’d better not ________.

[  ]


eat anything when watching matches


use camera flash when watching cycling


shout loudly when watching archery


stay where you sit when watching shooting


If you go to watch marathon, you can not ________.

[  ]


bring your pets


give athletes something to drink


cry sharply


ask medical personnel to help athletes


The passage mainly tells us ________.

[  ]


how spectators disturb athletes


how spectators help athletes


dos and don’ts while watching matches


some rules for sports events


  Grandpa Nybakken loved life-especially when he could play a trick on somebody.At those times, his large Norwegian frame shook with laughter while he pretended innocent surprise, exclaiming, “Oh, forevermore!” But on a cold Saturday in downtown Chicago, Grandpa felt that God played a trick on him, and grandpa wasn’t laughing.

  Grandpa worked as a carpenter.On this particular day, he was building some boxes for the clothes his church was sending to an orphanage abroad.On his way home, he reached into his shirt pocket to find his glasses, but they were gone.He remembered putting them there that morning, so he drove back to the church.His search proved fruitless.

  Suddenly, he realized what had happened.The glasses had slipped out of his pocket unnoticed and fallen into one of the boxes, which he had nailed shut.His brand new glasses were heading for China!

  The Great Depression was at its height, and Grandpa had six children.He had spent twenty dollars for those glasses that very morning.

  “It’s not fair,” he told God as he drove home in frustration.“I’ve been very faithful in giving of my time and money to your work, and now this.”

  Several months later, the director of the orphanage was on vacation in the United States.He wanted to visit all the churches that supported him, so he came to speak on Sunday night at my grandfather’s small church in Chicago.Grandpa and his family sat in their usual seats among the small congregation(教堂会众)

  “But most of all,” he said, “I must thank you for the glasses you sent last year.”

  “Even if I had the money, there was simply no way of replacing those glasses.Along with not being able to see well, I experienced headaches every day, so my co-workers and I were much in prayer about this.Then your boxes arrived.When my staff removed the covers, they found a pair of glasses lying on the top.” After a long pause, he continued, “Folks, when I tried on the glasses, it was as though they had been custom-made just for me! I want to thank you for being a part of that!”

  The people listened, happy for the amazing glasses.But the director surely must have confused their church with another, they thought, there were no glasses on their list of items to be sent overseas.

  But sitting quietly in the back, with tears streaming down his face, an ordinary carpenter realized the Master Carpenter had used him in an extraordinary way.


Which of the following is NOT true about Grandpa Nybakken according to the passage?

[  ]


He was an outgoing man and held an active attitude towards life.


He had a large family to support.


He was a carpenter working in the church.


He was a loyal Christian.


The people in the church but Grandpa felt confused at what the director said because _________.

[  ]


Grandpa didn’t tell the director that he was the owner of the glasses


the director wanted to return the glasses even though he liked it


the director could not get such glasses in their own country


the glasses were not included in the donation list


Who does “the Master Carpenter” in the last paragraph probably refer to?

[  ]


Grandpa’s master.


One of Grandpa’s friends.




Grandpa’s co-worker.


Which can be the best title of the passage?

[  ]


Grandfather’s life


The Helpful Donation


The Perfect Mistake


An Impressive Speech


  Below is a web page from http://www.tvguide.com/.

  Tonight's TV Hot List:Sunday January 31, 2010

  Grammy Awards       8/7c CBS

  Beyoncé and Taylor Swift are ready to take home a lot of hardware tonight as they lead all artists with 10 and eight nominations.The ladies also perform, along with fellow Album of the Year nominees the Black Eyed Peas, Lady Gaga and the Dave Matthews Band.In addition, Bon Jovi, Green Day, Lady Antebellum, Maxwell, Pink and Zac Brown Band will also take the stage.But perhaps the most expected moment is the Michael Jackson tribute(吊唁礼物), which features the 3-D mini-movie "Earth Song" and will be highlighted by performers Celine Dion, Jennifer Hudson, Smokey Robinson, Carrie Underwood and Usher.

  Maurer                   9/8c NBC

  A mysterious company named Sabre, headed by an attractive, stubborn CEO(Kathy Bates), appears out of nowhere and buys out(买断股份)Dunder Mifflin.As Michael is unwilling to follow Sabre's new policies, Andy and Erin write a welcome song to greet the company.Meanwhile, Pam and Jim hope to get accepted into a desired local day-care center.

  Surviving Survivor              8/7c CBS

  It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since the first season of Survivor.But tonight ten of the game's most iconic players, including previous winners Richard Hatch, Parvati Shallow and Tom Westman, discuss the series in detail and provide insights into how the game is actually played and the impact it's had on their lives.In addition, updates on beloved former castaways, like Ethan Zohn, Rupert Boneham and Elisabeth Hasselbeck, are given.

  Private Practice               10∶01/9∶01c ABC

  So Maya's pregnant and wants to have the baby.What to do now? Dink(Stephen Lunsford), the boy who did his part to get her into this mess, has a solution:He wants to marry her.You can imagine how Sam and Naomi will feel about that.And if that won't raise the histrionic level enough for you, how about this:A couple has two dying daughters, and only one can be saved.Their choice.And Brian Benben is back, so expect more Pete-Violet- Sheldon angst.


Edna is crazy about pop stars, so she will most likely choose ________ to enjoy.

[  ]


Grammy Awards




Surviving Survivor


Private Practice


From the passage, we can learn that Dunder Mifflin is ________.

[  ]




a company


an employee in the company


a piece of office equipment


According to the passage, Surviving Survivor is most probably ________.

[  ]


a musical play


a game show


a love story


a cultural documentary


The above programs ________.

[  ]


are loved by all viewers


are on the top list for the week


are broadcast on the same channel


are accessible on the same night


  Careercast.com is out with its list of best and worst jobs of 2012.It's bad news for the writer of this story, but much brighter for the folks who program the code that keeps this website busy.

  Using a method that looked at physical demands, work environment, income, stress and hiring outlook, career Website Careercast.com, ranked the top 200 jobs.They also ranked the jobs with the most stress.Not surprisingly, none of the most stressful jobs show up on the best jobs list.

  At the top is software engineer and at the bottom is the lumberjack.Cutting trees failed to skate above the bottom 10 percent in all ranking categories, except income.“Unemployment for lumberjacks is very high, and the demand for their services is expected to continue to fall through 2016.And while working outside all day may seem like a great job perk(有额外津贴的工作), being a lumberjack not only is considered the worst job, but also one of the world's most dangerous,” according to Careercast.com.And, for that most dangerous job, a lumberjack earns a little more than $32,000 a year.That's about $56,000 less than the easy job of a software engineer, which has the average salary at $88,000 a year, according to Careercast.

  Here's a complete look at the best and worst jobs.And, take a look at the most stressful jobs.You may be surprised.

Best Jobs        Worst Jobs      Most Stressful Jobs

Software Engineer     Lumberjack      Enlisted Soldier

Actuary         Dairy Farmer      Firefighter

Human Resources Manager Enlisted Military Soldier  Airline Pilot

Dental Hygienist     Oil Rig Worker      Military General

Financial Planner     Reporter(Newspaper)   Police Officer

Audiologist       Waiter/Waitress     Event Coordinator

Occupational Therapist  Meter Reader     Public Relations Executive

Online Advertising Manager Dishwasher     Corporate Executive Computer Systems Analyst

Butcher         Photojournalist    Mathematician

Broadcaster       Taxi Driver      


Who might be most interested in the passage?

[  ]




Net surfers.






Which of the following was not considered when Careercast.com ranked the top 200 jobs?

[  ]


Hiring outlook.




Mental demands.




What do we know about the lumberjack?

[  ]


Although the lumberjack has high unemployment, it isn't considered the worst job.


On the best jobs list, the lumberjack isn't at the bottom.


More lumberjacks' services will be needed after 2016.


A lumberjack earns less than half of a software engineer's salary a year.


According to the passage, the list is good news for ________.

[  ]


Online Advertising Managers.






Dairy Farmers.


What is the main purpose of the passage?

[  ]


To describe the advantages of different careers.


To provide career information.


To explain why a software engineer is the best job.


To analyze why a lumberjack is the worst job.

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
