
Bowen was grown-up, and for his birthday that year his father gave him a     without any pictures in it!

Bowen’s father found he was not     about it, and told him, “Son, this isn’t just any     book; it’s a magic (有魔力的) book. But to discover its magic you’ll have to     it.”

Well, that was better. Bowen liked     to do with magic. He started reading it,     he wasn’t very willing to.

The next morning, his     asked him, “Have you found the magic     ?”

So… there was a key to find! Bowen flicked through (快速翻阅) the book, but there was no     of the key.

And then his father     him, “You won’t find it like that. You have to read the book. ”

Bowen didn’t have much patience (耐心) , thinking his father just told a     .A little later, his little sister, Rainer, asked him      the book. After several days, she     shouted, “I’ve found the key! ” And she wouldn’t stop     all the places she had visited using the magic key.

This made Bowen read the book again. At first it was a     ; there wasn’t even one single     in the book. But, gradually, Bowen became     the adventurous (冒险的) prince’s life. Then, suddenly, he was there.

The book     was the key!

It was true that every time he     it, he felt going to its valleys and seas, and he lived the adventures of the prince.

From then on, with every new book, Bowen never     being attracted by the letters and words inside.

1.A. diary       B. book           C. box             D. bag

2.A. sad        B. surprised      C. happy D. angry

3.A. ordinary  B. special        C. new     D. famous

4.A. keep     B. take          C. read    D. value

5.A. somebody  B. everything        C. nothing       D. anybody

6.A. though     B. so                C. and          D. or

7.A. uncle       B. father           C. mother               D. aunt

8.A. key        B. page              C. word        D. stick

9.A. mark       B. signal             C. sign          D. way

10.A. asked       B. praised        C. told        D. followed

11.A. will         B. story           C. joke         D. lie

12.A. for          B. of            C. to           D. back

13.A. badly        B. happily               C. slowly         D. quickly

14.A. working out  B. turning down          C. talking about         D. looking for

15.A. pity         B. pleasure              C. success      D. pain

16.A. note         B. picture              C. text          D. title

17.A. interested in  B. busy with   C. tired of      D. good at

18.A. it          B. yourself                C. itself         D. himself

19.A. put        B. opened                C. threw        D. covered

20.A. stopped    B. tried                   C. felt          D. began


























1.考查名词。根据“Son, this isn’t just any  33  book; it’s a magic (有魔力的) book,故选B。

2.考查形容词。 根据Bowen was grown-up, and for his birthday that year his father gave him a  31  without any pictures in it!可知Bowen的父亲发现他不高兴,故选C。

3.考查形容词。根据it’s a magic (有魔力的) book.可知这里想说这并不是一本普通的书,故选A。

4.考查动词。根据He started reading it,故选C。句意:想要发现魔力,你必须要去读这本书。

5.考查代词。句意:Bowen喜欢一切和魔力有关的事情。somebody 某人;everything每件事物;nothing没有东西;anybody任何人,故选B。


7.考查名词。根据And then his father     him, “You won’t find it like that. You have to read the book. ”故选B。

8.考查名词。根据So… there was a key to find! Key钥匙;page页;word单词;stick棍棒,故选A。

9.考查名词。这里想说Bowen快速翻阅这本书,但却没有找到钥匙的符号。Mark痕迹; signal信号 ;sign符号;way,故选C。

10.考查动词。根据And then his father     him, “You won’t find it like that. You have to read the book. ”可知这里想说然后他的父亲告诉他。故选C。

11.考查名词。根据Bowen didn’t have much patience (耐心) , thinking his father just told a     .可知这里想说Bowen没有很多耐心,认为他的父亲在说谎话。Tell a lie是固定用法,意思是说谎,故选D。

12.考查介词。根据After several days, she     shouted, “I’ve found the key! ”可知这里想说一会儿以后,他的小妹妹把这本书要走了。故选A。

13.考查副词。 根据“I’ve found the key! ”可知这里想说几天以后,她高兴地喊道:“我已经找到钥匙了。”故选B。

14.考查动词词组。根据all the places she had visited using the magic key.可知这里想说她不能停止谈论她用魔法钥匙参观过的所有地方。working out解决;turning down拒绝;talking about谈论;looking for寻找,故选C。

15.考查名词。根据there wasn’t even one single     in the book.可知这里想说起初,这是一件痛苦的事,故选D。

16.考查名词。根据Bowen was grown-up, and for his birthday that year his father gave him a  31  without any pictures in it! 故选B。

17.考查动词短语。根据But, gradually, Bowen became     the adventurous (冒险的) prince’s life. Then, suddenly, he was there.可知这里想说,但是逐渐地Bowen开始对冒险王子的生活感兴趣。Become interested in对……感兴趣,故选A。


19.考查动词。根据It was true that every time he     it, he felt going to its valleys and seas, and he lived the adventures of the prince.可知这里想说每当打开书,他就感觉去了山谷和大海,故选B。

20.考查动词。根据From then on, with every new book, Bowen never     being attracted by the letters and words inside. 可知这里想说从那时候起,每遇到一本新的书,Bowen永远停止不了被书中文字的吸引,故选A。




阅读下面的短文(Bo Wen的故事),然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。

  A report was shown in the yesterday’s newspaper, which made all the families moved deeply.This report was about a seven-year-old boy, named BoWen, suffered from blood cancer and the doctor said he would die soon.But he said he didn’t want to die before his dream came true.

  Bo Wen has stayed with his father all the time since his mother divorced with his father five years ago.But as soon as his mother heard that Bo Wen was seriously sick, she came to Bo Wen in a flash and was willing to donate her blood to Bo Wen.

  Seeing mother again, BoWen was very happy and excited.Gradually,he still found mother and father didn’t get on well with each other.How he hoped they would get together again!So he thought of a good idea.Every time when parents were not beside, he sent messages to mother with father’s mobile phone and to Father with mother’s in the same way which read:“I love you, I miss you, I am waiting for you to have dinner at home, I am mistaken, please forgive me and so on”.At the beginning, his parents misunderstood each other.However, realizing that all the messages were sent by Bo Wen, they felt very shocked and puzzled.They went to Bo Wen.To their surprise, Bo Wen said very difficultily“Sorry but I heartedly hope you will remarry and won’t let me alone again”.

  At last, they held a wedding happily.And Bo Wen became better and better.

读了这篇文章后,全班同学非常佩服Bo Wen的做法,孩子生命垂危之时,还为父母做了如此伟大的事情,请给Bo Wen写一封信,发表你的感言。信的开头已经写出来。




(1)小Bo Wen的伟大事迹感染社会;








Dear Little Bo Wen,

  Thank you for your doing everything for your parents.


  Wish you in good health soon!

Love yours,



A report was shown in the yesterday’s newspaper, which made all the families moved deeply. This report was about a seven-year-old boy, named BoWen, suffered from blood cancer and the doctor said he would die soon. But he said he didn’t want to die before his dream came true.

Bo Wen has stayed with his father all the time since his mother divorced with his father five years ago. But as soon as his mother heard that Bo Wen was seriously sick, she came to Bo Wen in a flash and was willing to donate her blood to Bo Wen.

Seeing mother again, BoWen was very happy and excited. Gradually, he still found mother and father didn’t get on well with each other. How he hoped they would get together again! So he thought of a good idea. Every time when parents were not beside, he sent messages to mother with father’s mobile phone and to Father with mother’s in the same way which read: “I love you, I miss you, I am waiting for you to have dinner at home, I am mistaken, please forgive me and so on”. At the beginning, his parents misunderstood each other. However, realizing that all the messages were sent by Bo Wen, they felt very shocked and puzzled. They went to Bo Wen. To their surprise, Bo Wen said very difficultly “Sorry but I heartedly hope you will remarry and won’t let me alone again”.

At last, they held a wedding happily. And Bo Wen became better and better.

读了这篇文章后, 全班同学非常佩服Bo Wen的做法,孩子生命垂危之时,还为父母做了如此伟大的事情,请给Bo Wen写一封信,发表你的感言。




(1)小Bo Wen 的伟大事迹感染社会;









Dear Little Bo Wen,

Thank you for your doing everything for your parents.



Wish you in good health soon!

                                                                        Love yours,


A report was shown in the yesterday’s newspaper, which made all the families moved deeply. This report was about a seven-year-old boy, named BoWen, suffered from blood cancer and the doctor said he would die soon. But he said he didn’t want to die before his dream came true.
Bo Wen has stayed with his father all the time since his mother divorced with his father five years ago. But as soon as his mother heard that Bo Wen was seriously sick, she came to Bo Wen in a flash and was willing to donate her blood to Bo Wen.
Seeing mother again, BoWen was very happy and excited. Gradually, he still found mother and father didn’t get on well with each other. How he hoped they would get together again! So he thought of a good idea. Every time when parents were not beside, he sent messages to mother with father’s mobile phone and to Father with mother’s in the same way which read: “I love you, I miss you, I am waiting for you to have dinner at home, I am mistaken, please forgive me and so on”. At the beginning, his parents misunderstood each other. However, realizing that all the messages were sent by Bo Wen, they felt very shocked and puzzled. They went to Bo Wen. To their surprise, Bo Wen said very difficultly “Sorry but I heartedly hope you will remarry and won’t let me alone again”.
At last, they held a wedding happily. And Bo Wen became better and better.
读了这篇文章后, 全班同学非常佩服Bo Wen的做法,孩子生命垂危之时,还为父母做了如此伟大的事情,请给Bo Wen写一封信,发表你的感言。
(1)小Bo Wen 的伟大事迹感染社会;
Dear Little Bo Wen,
Thank you for your doing everything for your parents.
Wish you in good health soon!
Love yours,


A report was shown in the yesterday’s newspaper, which made all the families moved deeply. This report was about a seven-year-old boy, named BoWen, suffered from blood cancer and the doctor said he would die soon. But he said he didn’t want to die before his dream came true.

Bo Wen has stayed with his father all the time since his mother divorced with his father five years ago. But as soon as his mother heard that Bo Wen was seriously sick, she came to Bo Wen in a flash and was willing to donate her blood to Bo Wen.

Seeing mother again, BoWen was very happy and excited. Gradually, he still found mother and father didn’t get on well with each other. How he hoped they would get together again! So he thought of a good idea. Every time when parents were not beside, he sent messages to mother with father’s mobile phone and to Father with mother’s in the same way which read: “I love you, I miss you, I am waiting for you to have dinner at home, I am mistaken, please forgive me and so on”. At the beginning, his parents misunderstood each other. However, realizing that all the messages were sent by Bo Wen, they felt very shocked and puzzled. They went to Bo Wen. To their surprise, Bo Wen said very difficultly “Sorry but I heartedly hope you will remarry and won’t let me alone again”.

At last, they held a wedding happily. And Bo Wen became better and better.

读了这篇文章后, 全班同学非常佩服Bo Wen的做法,孩子生命垂危之时,还为父母做了如此伟大的事情,请给Bo Wen写一封信,发表你的感言。




(1)小Bo Wen 的伟大事迹感染社会;









Dear Little Bo Wen,

Thank you for your doing everything for your parents.



Wish you in good health soon!


                                                                        Love yours,



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