
More than four decades ago British scientist Robert Edwards first witnessed the miracle of human life growing inside a test tube at his Cambridge lab. Since that ground-breaking moment, more than four million babies have been born through IVF and in 2010 his great contribution to science was finally recognized as he was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine.

The prize for Dr. Edwards, who was given a Daily Mirror Pride of Britain Award in 2008, includes a £900,000 check. The Nobel Assembly described IVF as a “milestone in modern medicine”.

With the help of fellow scientist Patrick Steptoe, the Manchester-born physiologist developed IVF - leading to the birth of the world’s first test tube baby. Dr. Steptoe died 10 years later but their work has transformed fertility treatment and given hope to millions of couples.

It was a scientific breakthrough that transformed the lives of millions of couples. They said: “His achievements have made it possible to treat infertility, a disease which makes human unable to have a baby. This disease has been afflicting a large percentage of mankind including more than 10% of all couples worldwide.”

Louise Brown, the world’s first test tube baby, made international headlines when she was born in Oldham, Manchester, in 1978 to parents Lesley and John who had been fruitlessly trying for a baby since 1969.

IVF-----in-vitro fertilization is the process whereby egg cells are fertilized outside the body before being implanted in the womb. After a cycle of IVF, the probability of a couple with infertility problems having a baby is one in five—the same as healthy couples who conceive naturally.

Professor Edwards, who has five daughters and 11 grandchildren, began his research at Cambridge University in 1963, after receiving his PhD in 1955. He once said: “The most important thing in life is having a child. Nothing is more special than a child.” With the help of fellow scientist Patrick Steptoe, Prof. Edwards founded the Bourn Hall clinic in Cambridge shire, which now treats more than 900 women a year. Each year, more than 30,000 women in Britain now undergo IVF and 11,000 babies are born as a result of the treatment.

But his work attracted widespread criticism from some scientists and the Catholic Church who said it was “unethical and immoral”.

Martin Johnson, professor of reproductive sciences at the University of Cambridge, said the award was “long overdue”. He said: “We couldn’t understand why the Nobel has come so late but he is delighted - this is the cherry on the cake for him.”

Professor Edwards was too ill to give interviews but a statement released by his family said he was “thrilled and delighted”.

1.What is Robert Edwards’ contribution to science?

A. Enabling millions of couples to live a better life.

B. Seeing the wonder of the first tube baby growing

C. Helping couples with infertility to have tube babies.

D. Challenging a disease which stops human having a baby.

2.What does the underlined word “afflicting”(Paragraph 4)most probably refer to?

A. Troubling B. Developing

C. Improving D. Confusing

3.Why did Professor Edwards begin his research on tube baby?

A. Because he thought it of great significance to have a child in life.

B. Because the birthrate around the world was unexpectedly low then.

C. Because a special child did make a difference to an ordinary family.

D. Because his fellow scientist wanted to give hope to the unlucky couples.

4.It can be inferred from Paragraph 8 and Paragraph 9 that ___________.

A. Professor Edwards deserved the prize for his breakthrough.

B. different opinions were voiced on Professor Edwards’ achievement.

C. some people envied Professor Edwards for his being awarded.

D. the prize was late because the finding was first considered immoral.

5.What might be the best title for the passage?

A. Life Stories of Robert Edwards

B. Preparations for Having a Baby

C. Nobel Prize for IVF Expert Edwards

D. Treatment of Infertility in a Lab


Statue of Liberty Basics:

Statue of Liberty Phone:212-363-3200

Statue cruise phone:877-LADY-TIX

Nearest subways to Statue of Liberty :4/5 to Bowling Green; N/R to Whitehall Street;1 to South Ferry (you must be in the first 5 cars of the train to exit at South Ferry). Follow the signs to Castle Clinton to buy tickets for the ferry(轮渡) to the Statue of Liberty.

There is plenty of room for running around and relaxing on Liberty Island.

For children 7-12 there is a Junior Ranger Program available. Pick up a free booklet on Liberty Island.

Admission to Liberty State Park is free, but you must buy a ferry ticket to get there.

Statue Cruises Ferry Ticket Prices: Adult:$13; Senior Citizens (62+) $10; children (4-12)$5; Children 3 and under free. You can buy your tickets for the ferry online at http//:www.statuecruises.come/ferry-service/welcome.aspx.

Ferry ticket included with the New York Pass----- present New York Pass in Castle Clinton bookstore for ticket.

Statue of Liberty Tour Hours

Ferries to the island leave from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Liberty Island closes at 6 pm and the last ferry returns to Battery Park by 6:30. Schedules are updated and revised frequently, so please check the official ferry schedule.

Statue of Liberty Tour Reservation

? Climb the Crown of the Statue of Liberty with a Crown Ticket, which costs an additional $3 and includes access to the Museum and Pedestal as well.

Museum/ Pedestrian Tickets are free (with ferry ticket purchase).

Order your tickets in advance: 877-LADY-TIX or online when you purchase your ferry ticket.

Tour tickets are time specific.

1.How much is the ferry fee for a family of two adults and two children aged 3 and 6?

A. $ 26 B.$ 31 C.$32 D.$36

2.You can get a ferry ticket EXCEPT__________

A. at Castle Clinton

B. with New York pass

C. when you pay admission to Liberty Statue Park

D. online at http//:www.statuecruises.come/ferry-service/welcome.aspx.

3.In order to catch the last ferry back to downtown, you should ______.

A. take the ferry back by 4:30

B. arrive at Battery Park by 6:30

C. check first in case of any change

D. take the first ferry to the island at 8:30

4.If you want to buy a tour ticket in advance, you should _____

A. call 212-363-3200

B. call 877-LADY-TIX

C. go to Castle Clinton `

D. get a booklet on Liberty Island

Sam, an unemployed man, said it was only the second thing he had ever won in his life. The first thing was a blanket at a church raffle(抽奖) when he was 25 years old. But this was much bigger: it was $120,000! He had won the Big Cube(骰子), a state lottery(彩票) game. To win, a contestant must first guess which number a spinning cube will stop on. The cube has six numbers on it: 1X, 10X, 50X, 100X, 500X, and 1000X. If he is correct, the contestant must then guess which of two selected variables(变量) is going to be greater. So, just guessing which number appears on the cube does not guarantee that you will win any money. Sam correctly guessed 1000X, but he still had to choose between two variables. One variable was the number of cars that would run the stop sign at Hill Street and Lake Avenue in six hours. The other variable was the number of times that a teenage boy would change TV channels in a three-hour period. This was a tough decision.

Finally, Sam flipped(翻转) a coin. It came up heads, so Sam picked the teenager. He picked right. The stop sign was run only 76 times, but the teen clicked 120 times. Sixty-year-old Sam jumped for joy, for he had just won 1000 times 120, or $120,000. Sam dreamily left the lottery studio. Talking excitedly on his cell phone while crossing the street, he got hit by a little sports car.

Sam is slowly getting better. He was in the hospital for a month. His hospital bill was $110,000. And the insurance company for the little sports car's owner sued(起诉) Sam for $9,000 worth of repairs. Also, Sam still has to pay taxes on his winnings. Sam doesn't play the state lottery any more. He says it's better to be unlucky.

1.Sam won the blanket ________ years ago.

A. 25 B. 60 C. 35 D. 76

2.Sam won the lottery because ______.

A. he was lucky B. he was good at math

C. he was smart D. he was tough

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The lottery game was a complete lie.

B. Sam was quite familiar with the boy.

C. The owner of the car is now in hospital.

D. Sam will have none of the prize money left.

4.Sam’s experience shows that ______

A. everything has its time and that time must be watched.

B. he who risks nothing, gains nothing.

C. everything comes to him who waits.

D. he who laughs on Friday will weep on Sunday.

Through the following four cultural relics, the world has known about Korea’s cultural treasures.

Pulguksa Temple

Pulguksa Temple plays an important part in the history of Korean temples. The building of Pulguksa Temple began in 751. In the year 774 the large temple was finished, becoming an important center for Korean national-protection Buddhism(佛教). The way used to create the store structure gave the temple a look of beauty. The building thus represents the excellent Korean sculpting(雕刻).

Sokkuram Cave

Sokkuram Cave is a man-made cave, which has been sculpted from white stone in special sculpting ways. In the cave, a seated Buddha is the main statue. On the walls around him are found 38 other statues and the Four Heavenly Kings. This stone cave is one of Korea’s greatest places, built when Shilla’s religion, science and sculpture were at the height. It shows Shilla’s knowledge of math, physics and art.

Haeinsa Temple

Haeinsa Temple’s Changgyong Panjon (藏经板库) is a world-class cultural treasure. It has 81,340 wooden blocks. Millions of Chinese characters were caved on the blocks. In addition to its artistic value, it is famous as the oldest Buddhist canon(教义)in the world today. The building is beautiful. What’s more important is that its design allows for natural wind as well as temperature control. Each book is 69.5cm in width and 23.9cm in height. There are 23 lines on each of the blocks and each line contains fourteen characters.

Changdokkung palace

Changdokkung palace, one of the five places of the Chosen Dynasty, was built in 1405. The oldest structure is Tonhwammun Gate. Other ancient buildings include Injongjon hall, Sonjongjon Hall and Taejojon Hall. The back garden for kings remains a great example of the ancient Korean scenery.

1.What do we know about Pulguksa Temple?

A. It is the largest temple in the world.

B. It allows for temperature control.

C. It was built with white stone.

D. It took more than 20 years to build it.

2.Which of the following cultural relics is among the best in the world?

A. Pulguksa Temple B. Sokkuram Cave

C. Haeinsa Temple D. Changdokkung palace

3.What can we learn from the text?

A. Haeinsa Temple has millions of stone blocks.

B. Tourists can learn about ancient king’ lives in Changdokkung palace.

C. Koreans learnt from Chinese to build all the four cultural relics.

D. The Four heavenly kings are the main statues of Sokkuram Cave.

4.The best title for the text could be __________.

A. Korea’s Four Cultural Relics

B. Buddhism in Korean

C. Temples in Korea

D. Palaces in Korea



My 12-year-old daughter,Lauren,came home from school yesterday.She _________ waved her grade book to me.She had been _________ A-1 in most subjects such as mathematics,language arts and science—a great_________! Then she sadly pointed out that her perfect score was damaged by a B-1 in _________ and a C-1 in Playsical Education.

I asked her what the scores_________.She said that the _________ showed the achievement and the number showed the effort.That moment I _________ that the grades were misleading.I reached out my hands and gave her a big _________ and told her in my mind she had a perfect score.It didn’t ________ that her grade in French was a“B”—“l” _________ that she had tried her best.That is something to make any parent proud.

Everybody is_________ .Everybody has different potential.Not all of us will become scientists or sports _________ .But without 100%effort no _________ can be achieved.If I see a salesperson fail at sales,the _________thing I want to examine is the effort being put in.If there is a problem with _________,the salesperson has no future.But if I see a salesperson isn’t_________ with l00%effort,he or she is worth my effort in helping.Maybe a bit of training or some_________ from a more successful person will _________

I know that 100%effort,focus in the right direction,will always bring a _________ whether that is an“A”or a“C”.As long as you make 100%effort,you are_________

1.A.seriously B.patiently C.cautiously D.proudly

2.A.handed B.awarded C.sent D.promised

3.A.favor B.relief C.1esson D.achievement

4.A.Politics B.English C.French D.Science

5.A.needed B.attracted C.affected D.meant

6.A.score B.1etter C.figure D.word

7.A.realized B.checked C.recognized D.remembered

8.A.hug B.shake C.kiss D.smile

9.A.bother B.work C.matter D.suffer

10.A.said B.showed C.warned D.included

11.A.energetic B.independent C.different D.curious

12.A.trainers B.salesmen C.fans D.stars

13.A.safety B.principle C.experience D.potential

14.A.1ast B.first C.best D.1atest

15.A.ambition B.confidence C.effort D.attitude

16.A.cheerful B.careful C.successful D.hopeful

17.A.advice B.money C.expectation D.protection

18.A.help B.decide C.appear D.match

19.A.competition B.result C.task D.choice

20.A.great B.diligent C.famous D.Reliable

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