
【题目】Sam was a greedy and selfish man.He never hesitated to cheat others to earn money.The selfish man1(actual) wanted to own everything in the world.One day,he lost a small bag2(contain) 50 gold coins.He searched3the bag day and night.He also sent his workers in search but none could find it.

After a couple of days,4ten year old girl told her father that she found a small bag with 50 gold coins.The family was rather poor but the honest man decided to give the bag to its owner.He gave it back to Sam and asked him to check5the bag had 50 gold coins.Sam,who was only happy to get the coins,decided to play a trick.He shouted,“There were 75 gold coins in this bag and you gave me only 50!Where are the other coins?You6 (steal) them!"The poor man was7(shock) to hear this and they finally took the issue to court to get the right judgment.

The judge heard both the sides.He examined the daughter and the poor man about the number of coins they had found in the bag and they assured8was only 50!He asked Sam,"Are you sure you had 75 coins?"Sam nodded his head.Then the judge made his decision,"Since Sam lost a bag of 75 gold coins,the bag found by the girl9had only 50 coins doesn't belong to Sam.In addition,there were no claims against the10(lose) of 50 coins and I order the girl and his father to take those 50 coins as appreciation for their honesty!"







6have stolen






1actually 考查副词。修饰动词wanted,用副词actually

2containing考查非谓语动词。containing 做后置定语。

3for考查介词。search for 为固定搭配。



6have stolen考查时态。根据前句There were 75 gold coins in this bag and you gave me only 50!,可知,偷这个动作发生在之前,应用现在完成时。






【题目】The tradition of birthday parties started in Europe a long time ago. It was feared that evil spirits were particularly attracted to people on their birthdays. 【1】 Giving gifts brought even more good cheer to keep away from the evil spirits. This is how birthday parties began.

The following are some countries’ birthday traditions:

Canada —Greasing the nose with butter. In Atlantic Canada, the birthday child’s nose is greased for good luck.

China 【2】 .The birthday child pays respect to his/her parents and receives a gift of money. Friends and relatives are invited to lunch and noodles are served to wish the birthday child a long life.

England Fortune telling cakes. Certain symbolic objects are mixed into the birthday cake as it is being prepared. 【3】

Italy —Pulling ears. The child’s ears are pulled as many times as how old they are turning.

Japan —New clothes. The birthday child wears entirely new clothes mark the occasion.

New Zealand 【4】 .After the birthday cake is lit, the happy birthday song is sung loudly and often out of tune and then the birthday person receives a clap for each year they have been alive and then one for good luck.

The United States Cake, candles and song. 【5】

A. A cake is made, and candles are put on top based on how old the person is.

B. In China, on a child’s second birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child.

C. If your piece of cake has a coin in it, then you will be rich.

D. To protect them from harm, friends and family would come to stay with the birthday person and bring good thoughts and wishes.

E. Noodles for lunch.

F. The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago.

G. Birthday claps.

【题目】A Notice of Delnor Hospital (the “Hospital”)


If you have any questions about this notice, please contact:

The ASIFlex Privacy Office

PO BOX 6044

Columnbia MO 65205- 0858

We understand that medical information about you and your health is personal. We are committed to protecting your medical information. We create a record of the care and services you receive at the Hospital. We need this record to provide you with quality care and to comply (遵从)with certain legal requirements.

This notice explains the ways in which we may use and disclose medical information about you. We also describe your rights and certain obligation( 义务 ) we have regarding the use and disclosure of medical information.


The following categories describe different ways that we use and disclose your medical information. Not every use or disclosure in every category is listed. However, all of the ways we are permitted to use and disclose information will fall within one of the categories.

For Treatment. We may use your medical information to provide you with medical treatment or services. We may disclose your medical information to doctors, nurses and technicians. In addition, the doctor may need to tell the dietician if you have diabetes so that we may arrange appropriate meals. Different departments within the Hospital also may share your medical information.

For Payment. We may use and disclose your medical information so that the treatment and services you receive at the Hospital may be billed and payment may be collected from you, an insurance company or a third party. We also may tell your health plan about a treatment you are going to receive to obtain prior approval or to determine whether your plan will cover the treatment.

For Health Care Operations. We may use and disclose your medical information for the Hospital operations purposes. These uses and disclosures are necessary to run the Hospital and to make sure that all of our patients receive quality care. We also may combine your medical information with those of many Hospital patients to determine whether additional services should be offered, what services are no longer needed and whether certain new treatments are effective.

【1】From the notice, we can learn _______may read your medical information.

A. doctors B. nurses

C. dietician D. all above

【2】Which of the following isn’t mentioned in the notice?

A. The patient will be told how soon he can recover after an operation

B. The Hospital creates a record of the care and services.

C. The patient can be told his health plan about a treatment

D. The Hospital can arrange appropriate meals for patients.

【3】What can be inferred from the notice?

A. Patients couldn’t be informed of his medical information

B. All persons in the Hospital know patients’ information

C. Patients in the Hospital could receive proper care and treatment

D. The Hospital could never combine your medical information with those of many Hospital patients.

【题目】【原创】A good friend of mine passed away in June. John had cancer. Before you offer , you should know that he didnt want to be mourned(哀悼). Its been a hard request to follow, but he felt he had lived a life. As the cancer progressed, we fell into a(n) of exchanging semi-regular emails. We generally talking about his illness until the very end, we talked about everything else: from baseball to snowstorms, to my garden and his art. We talked as if nothing would . I’d mention a beach trip and John would tell me about surfing there when he was younger. I’d talk about some press(新闻) that I would be attending and hed tell me about the time he went to a party by JPMorgan’s descendants(后代). In this way, John gave me a(n) view of my world; it became layered with his stories.

One of our favorite things to do was email the other if we happened to find an interesting movie on television. The other night, I a very good movie, and without thinking about it I for my laptop to send him an email, and then I he wasnt there to receive it. I put my laptop down with a small of uneasiness --- and found something else to watch.

Its hard not to have a digital presence today. While John wasnt an active social media ,he did have at least two email addresses, a LinkedIn account, and a website where he shared his art. Now that hes , these thing still exist, though unattended. I’m sure his work email has been closed, but I have no idea if anyone is his other email address, or has the intention of contacting LinkedIn, or has to his website. I’m sure at some the registration will come to an end and his site will be closed, but until then, John has a(n) online.

【1A. sympathy B. assistance C. money D. information

【2A. poor B. special C. full D. common

【3A. trap B. pattern C. arrangement D. experience

【4A. avoided B. allowed C. hated D. hesitated

【5A. and B. since C. so D. but

【6A. exist B. change C. stop D. continue

【7A. misunderstanding B. performance C. event D. problem

【8A. hosted B. included C. participated D. cooperated

【9A. wiser B. richer C. clearer D. easier

【10A. frequently B. immediately C. directly D. properly

【11A. made up B. thought of C. came across D. brought in

【12A. handed B. paid C. made D. reached

【13A. realized B. reminded C. analyzed D. checked

【14A. thought B. sense C. piece D. matter

【15A. communicator B. supporter C. participant D. researcher

【16A. finished B. departed C. gone D. disappeared

【17A. collecting B. monitoring C. looking D. treating

【18A. approach B. route C. method D. access

【19A. point B. length C. situation D. level

【20A. home B. place C. address D. friend

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
