
--- ______ news?

    --- No. No news is ______ good news.

   A. Some; a         B. No; the        C. Any; 不填       D. What; 不填





    News (March 6, 2008) that Microsoft was making a $44.6 billion bid to buy Yahoo was greeted with heated discussion by many Internet users on Friday. Here are some responses:

    Mark Galeassi of Kansas City, Missouri

    This is the best move for both parties. Yahoo has the ideas and Microsoft has the money to finally market these ideas correctly. Microsoft and Yahoo are a perfect fit and the deal will be good for consumers.

    Scott G. of New Jersey  

    I was a Yahoo user for years along with Hotmail from Microsoft. Then Google came along... Google Earth, Google Toolbar and Gmail. Google is so innovative (创新的) with everything they do. Yahoo and Microsoft... same old story... I don’t think the merger(合并) will do anything for either company except improve the Yahoo shareholders’ bank accounts:

    Michael Glosser of Estero, Florida

Right now, Yahoo offers a lot of features and tools at no cost for all different levels of Intemet users. Microsoft seeks nothing but profit. Undoubtedly, they’ll do nothing other than find ways to start removing Yahoo’s formerly non-priced features. Microsoft’s greed will ruin the great thing that Yahoo currently is.

    Toni Suarez of Hacienda Heights, California

    Perhaps it would bring better high technology innovations to e-mail and help in researching and developing a better Internet!

    Antonio Simmons of Parkville, Maryland

    Microsoft purchasing Yahoo would be nothing more than an attempt from Microsoft to further impose upon the users their poor-quality software and obtain more wealth for the company. In my opinion, they will never be able to compete with Google because Yahoo and Microsoft’s current search engines are too inferior (差的) to compete. Even if combined, they still lack.

77. Who is in favor of the merger of Microsoft and Yahoo?

 A. Antonio Simmons.  B. Michael Grosser.    C. Scott G.      D. Mark Galeassi.

78. In the opinion of Scott G.,   

 A. the merger will contribute to Microsoft

 B. Yahoo and Microsoft are lacking in innovation

 C. Google is getting short of management experience

 D. the merger will allow Microsoft to overtake Google

79. Michael Grosser is afraid that

 A. the merger will cost Yahoo’s free features

 B. the merger will lead to Microsoft’s monopoly (垄断) of the market

 C. the increased competition will force Google out of the game

 D. Intemet users will have to buy Microsoft’s costly software

80. What is Antonio Simmons’ attitude towards Google?

 A. Doubtful.          B. Disapproval.    C. Positive.       D. Negative.


The Monster of Lake Tianchi

The "Monster of Lake Tianchi" in the Changbai Mountains in Jilin province, northeast China, is back in the news after several recent sightings. The director of a local tourist office, Meng Fanying, said the monster, which seemed to be black in colour, was ten metres from the edge of the lake during the most recent sighting. "It jumped out of the water like a seal—about 200 people on Changbai's western peak saw it," he said. Although no one really got a clear look at the mysterious creature, Xue Junlin, a local photographer, claimed that its head looked like a horse.

In another recent sighting, a group of soldiers claim they saw an animal moving on the surface of the water. The soldiers, who were walking along the side of the lake, watched the creature swimming for about two minutes. "It was greenish-black and had a round head with 10-centimetre horns", one of the soldiers said.

A third report came from Li Xiaohe, who was visiting the lake with his family. He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water. After three or four hundred metres it dived into the water. Ten minutes later the monster appeared again and repeated the action. Mr Li Xiaohe said that he and his family were able to see the monster clearly because the weather was fine and the lake was calm.

There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century, although no one has seen one close up. Some photos have been taken but they are not clear because it was too far away. Many people think the monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland. They also think that there might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world. Scientists, however, are sceptical. They say that the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures.

Lake Tianchi is the highest volcanic lake in the world. It is 2,189 metres high and covers an area of about ten square kilometres. In places it is more than 370 metres deep.

76. How many sightings of the monster does the article report?


77. Who saw the monster clearly, and why?


78. Which description of the monster is most detailed?


79. When was the monster first sighted?


80. What is special about Lake Tianchi?


Brave Frenchman Found Half-way Around the World (NEW YORK)

A French tourist highly praised for rescuing a two-year-old girl in Manhattan said he didn’t think twice before diving into the freezing East River.

Tuesday’s Daily News said 29-year-old Julien Duret from France is the man who left the spot quickly after the rescue last Saturday.

He lifted the little girl out of the water after she fell off the bank at the South Street Seaport museum. He handed the girl to her father, David Anderson, who had dived in after him.

“I didn’t think at all,” Duret told the Daily News. “It happened very fast. I reacted very fast.”

Duret, an engineer on vacation, was walking with his girlfriend along the pier (码头) when he saw something falling into the water. He thought it was a doll, but realized it was a child when he approached the river. In an instant, he took off his coat and jumped into the water.

When he reached the girl, she appeared lifeless, he said. Fortunately, when she was out of the water, she opened her eyes.

Anderson said his daughter slipped off the bank when he was adjusting his camera. An ambulance came later for her, said Duret, who was handed dry clothes from onlookers. Duret caught a taxi with his girlfriend shortly after.

The rescue happened on the day before he left for France. Duret said he didn’t realize his tale of heroism had greatly moved New York until he was leaving the city the next morning.

“I don’t really think I’m a hero,” said Duret. “Anyone would do the same thing.”

Why was Duret in New York?

A. To meet his girlfriend.              B. To work as an engineer.

C. To spend his holiday.               D. To visit the Andersons.

What did Duret do shortly after the ambulance came?

A. He was interviewed by a newspaper.

B. He asked his girlfriend for his dry clothes.

C. He went to the hospital in the ambulance.

D. He disappeared from the spot quickly.

Who dived after Duret into the river to save the little girl?

A. David Anderson.                 B. A passer-by. 

C. His girlfriend.                   D. A taxi driver.

When was Duret most probably found to be the very hero?

A. The day when he was leaving for home.

B. A couple of days after the girl was rescued.

C. The first day when he was in New York.

D. The same day when he was interviewed.

Three Cups of Tea is the true story of our time. In 1993, a young American mountain climber named Greg Mortenson walks into a tiny village high in Pakistan’s beautiful and poor Karakoram Himalaya region. Sick, exhausted, and depressed after failing to climb the summit of K2, Mortenson regains his strength and his will to live due to the generosity of the people of the village of Korphe. Before he leaves, he makes a promise that will completely change both the villagers’ lives and his own—he will return and build them a school.

       The book describes how Mortenson kept this promise and many more in the high country of Pakistan and Afghanistan. The region is remote and dangerous as a breeding ground (滋生地) for terrorists. In the course of his work, Mortenson was taken prisoner and threatened with death. He suffered from local opposition, deep misunderstandings, jealousy, not to mention dangerous roads and extreme weather. But he believed strongly that balanced, non-extremist education, for boys and girls alike, is the most effective way to fight the violent discrimination that breeds terrorism. Today, Mortenson’s Central Asia Institute has constructed fifty-five schools, and his work continues.

       Mortenson first approached Karakoram as a climber and he never lost the mountaineer’s appreciation for the region’s simple beauty and incredible physical challenges. His coauthor(合著者) David Oliver Relin skillfully described high-altitude landscapes. Gradually he transformed himself from a poor climber to a director of a helpful institute.

       In the course of this description, readers come to know Mortenson as a friend, a husband and father, a traveling companion, a son and brother, and also as an imperfect human being. Relin does not shy away from describing the man’s annoying qualities—his impatience, disorganization and sleeplessness. But Mortenson never asks others to make sacrifices that he has not already made himself time and time again.

       Pakistan and Afghanistan appear in the news as the breeding grounds of terrorist training camps. In Three Cups of Tea, Mortenson and Relin take readers behind the headlines to reveal the true heart and soul of this region and to show how one man’s promise might be enough to change the world.

Greg Mortenson promised to build a school for the villagers of Korphe to _________.

A. show admiration for the region’s beauty         B. show appreciation for their generosity

C. remember his physical challenges                  D. promote his strength and will to live

Greg Mortenson has devoted so much to building schools because he believes that ________.

A. both boys and girls should be fairly educated

B. people there must suffer a lot from terrorist attacks

C. people there have to deal with opposition and misunderstandings

D. education is the best way to fight discrimination that leads to terrorism

The passage seems to think that the coauthor David Oliver Relin is ________.

A. straightforward and honest                          B. unhappy with Greg’s behaviours

C. good at describing a character                     D. embarrassed to admit Greg’s mistake

The writing purpose of the book Three Cups of Tea is to _______.

A. reveal the breeding grounds of terrorism       

B. share the true beauty of the region

C. show the great power of one’s promise  

D. inspire others to make sacrifices

This brief book is aimed at high school students, but speaks to anyone learning at any stage of life.

    Its formal, serious style closely matches its content, a school-masterly book on schooling.The author, W.H.Armstrong, starts with the basics: reading and writing.In his opinion, reading doesn’t just mean recognizing each word on the page; it means taking in the information, digesting it and incorporating it into oneself just as digests a sandwich and makes it a part of himself.The goal is to bring the information back to life, not just to treat it as dead facts on paper from dead trees.Reading and writing cannot be completely separated from each other; in fact, the aim of reading is to express the information you have got from the text.I’ve seen it again and again: someone who can’t express an idea after reading a text is just as ineffective as someone who hasn’t read it at all.

Only a third of the book remains after that discussion, which Armstrong devotes to specific tips for studying languages, math, science and history.He generally handles these topics thoroughly(透彻地) and equally, except for some weakness in the science and math sections and a bit too much passion(激情) regarding history.Well, he was a history teacher — if conveyed only a tenth of his passion to his students, that was a hundred times more than my history teachers ever got across.To my disappointment, in this part of the book he ignores the arts.As a matter of fact, they demand all the concentration and study that math and science do, though the study differs slightly in kind.Although it’s commonly believed that the arts can only be naturally acquired, actually, learning the arts is no more natural than learning French or mathematics.

My other comment is that the text aged.The first edition apparently dates to the 1960s — none of the references(参考文献)seem newer than the late 1950s.As a result, the discussion misses the entire computer age.

These are small points, though, and don’t affect the main discussion.I recommend it to any student and any teacher, including the self-taught student.

According to Armstrong, the goal of reading is to________.

A.gain knowledge and expand one’s view        

B.understand the meaning between the lines

C.express ideas based on what one has read             

D.get information and keep it alive in memory

The author of the passage insists that learning the arts_________.

A.requires great efforts           B.demands real passion

C.is less natural than learning maths       D.is as natural as learning a language

What is a shortcoming of Armstrong’s work according to the author?

A.Some ideas are slightly contradictory.

B.There is too much discussion on studying science.

C.The style is too serious.

D.It lacks new information.

This passage can be classified as________.

A.an advertisement            B.a book review        

C.a feature story                   D.a news report

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