






Last week I noticed Jack coughing on our math class. See this, I offered to take him to a clinic. There the doctor asked Jack how he had coughed sometimes for long time. Jack nodded his head immediate. The doctor then wrote a prescription with instruction on how to take the Chinese medicine. When Jack tasted the medicine, he almost brings it up. I comforted him with an old saying ¡°Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth¡±. Jack managed to swallow them unwillingly. But when he had recovered three days later, he felt amazing at the effect of the Chinese medicine.





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You don¡¯t have to spend money or even leave your desk to protect the environment. Here¡¯s how to do your bit.

¡ñ Buy nothing

¡°Stop shopping¡ªstart living¡¯¡¯ is the slogan (¿ÚºÅ) of the Buy Nothing Day ( BND) movement. Every 24th or 25th November, activists take a 24-hour retail (ÁãÊÛ) break and¡­ stop shopping!

BND was founded in 1992 by Canadian artist Ted Dave and it has been a great success ever since. People stop shopping on the day, expressing their concern about the environmental problem. So if you are used to shopping every day, BND gives you a chance to have a break! You might change your habit not just for one day, but for life!

¡ñ Stop eating prawns

You¡¯ve probably got prawns ready for a quick and easy meal. But how are they produced? Well, most prawns come from Asia and Latin America, where they are fished or farmed.

Unfortunately, prawn fishing causes harm to marine (º£ÑóµÄ) life because huge nets are pulled along the sea bottom. 10 kilos of dead fish are thrown away for every kilo of prawns caught. Prawn farming is no better¡ªa lot of forests are destroyed to make room for the farms. So think again about the prawns on your plate!

¡ñ Save the rainforest

Now only 2 million square miles of rainforests are left, and another 1% is being destroyed every year. The trees are being cut down for their wood, and the remaining rainforests could have been used by 2050. Over half of the world¡¯s plant and animal species are found in rainforests. It is believed that extinctions (Ãð¾ø) take place every day due to cutting down trees.

Why not go to www. worldlandtrust. org? Donate the price of a cinema ticket for a piece of rainforest. It will be saved with your simple click of the mouse. If we don¡¯t act£¬in 30 years from now the rainforests will have been destroyed.

¡¾1¡¿What do people do on BND? (²»¶àÓÚËĸöµ¥´Ê)

¡¾2¡¿Why is prawn farming bad for the environment? (²»¶àÓÚÊ®¸öµ¥´Ê)

¡¾3¡¿How long will the remaining rainforests be used? (²»¶àÓÚÈý¸öµ¥´Ê)

¡¾4¡¿What does the passage mainly talk about? (²»¶àÓڰ˸öµ¥´Ê)

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
