
单词拼写(共 12小题;每小题 1 分,满分12分)
【小题1】His father is an a______ so he is always busy with designing buildings.
【小题2】We s_____, although others died in the disaster.
【小题3】There are many _____(古代的) buildings in Rome.
【小题4】It’s ______(绝对的) impossible for them to finish the task in just one day’s time.
【小题5】She is c_______ about her son’s future.
【小题6】The room _____(测量) five meters across.
【小题7】You’d better stop a_____ with Bill because he will never change his mind.
【小题8】Teaching him Greek was a painful _____(过程).
【小题9】The street was ____(拥挤的) with people and the traffic was held up.
【小题10】The flat can a_____ a family of five.
【小题11】Now, there is no library in our school, but it will be under _____ (建设) in a month.
【小题12】S_____ in the center of the city, the shopping mall is full of people even on weekdays.

【小题3】 ancient  
【小题9】 crowded 
【小题11】 construction 

【小题1】 architect 名词建筑师architect,根据下文: busy with designing buildings忙于设计建筑。
【小题2】survived  动词幸存survive,根据下文的:其他人都死于灾难中,可知我们幸存了下来。
【小题3】ancient   形容词古代的ancient。在罗马有很多古代的建筑。
【小题4】absolutely 副词absolutely修饰形容词ipmossible,指绝不可能。
【小题5】concerned   固定搭配be concerned about关心,担心…
【小题6】 measures   动词measure测量,面积为…;长度为…;该词没有被动语态。
【小题7】arguing   动词争论argue;固定搭配stop doing sth停止做某事。
【小题8】process   名词过程process,本句是指教他希腊语是一个很痛苦的过程。
【小题9】crowded   固定搭配be crowded with…挤满…;这里的crowded是一个形容词。
【小题10】 accommodate 动词提供食宿accommodate,该词是及物动词,后面可以直接加宾语。
【小题11】construction 固定搭配under construction在建设中。
【小题12】 Situated    形容词短语be situated in…位于…;本句中是形容词短语situated in the center of the city指这个购物中心位于市中心。


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