
Choose one of the phrases below to complete the statements.(15points)

1.Whether she will be present at the meeting ________.

2.When I said somebody was lazy, I ________ you.

3.Teachers with a thinking mind are ________.

4.Anything you do ________ stay idle may contribute to the improving of the situation.

5.The students ________ what their teachers had warned them of, resulting in their getting into trouble.

6.If you don't behave yourselves, you are sure ________ what you do in future.

7.The west part of Sichuan is now ________ tourism, attracting thousands of people to drive there to spend their holidays and vacations.

8.Don't you ever say anything like that against your father.He is your father ________.

9.The law was passed ________ public pressure.

10.I am sorry for my being late.I ________ on my way here.

11.All the employees in that company enjoyed a pay raise, some got more while others got less, but, ________, their income has doubled.

12.________ 2012, the movie tells us how the earth experiences a fatal disaster, which is beyond human power to help.

13.His hard work finally ________ his success, making him one of the most outstanding figures in human history.

14.After a long argument, the two parties came ________ most issues, ignoring those of minor importance.

15.________ the coming examination and its significance, the students worked hard on what they had learned, and as a result, most of them did a very satisfactory job.


To Whom It May Concern:

My husband and I got married in 1965 and for the first ten years of our marriage I was very happy to stay home and raise our three children. Then four years ago, our youngest child went to school and I thought I might go back to work.

My husband was very supportive and helped me to make my decision. He emphasized all of the things I can do around the house, and said he thought I could be a great success in business.

After several weeks of job-hunting I found my present job, which is working for a small public relations firm. At first, my husband was very proud of me and would tell his friends , "My clever little wife can run that company she's working for."

But as his joking remark approached reality, my husband stopped talking to me about my job.I have received several promotions and pay increases , and I am now making more money than he is. I can buy my own clothes and a new car. Because of our combined incomes, my husband and I can do many things that we had always dreamed of doing , but we don't do these things because he is very unhappy.

We fight about little things and my husband is very critical of me in front of our friends. For the first time in our marriage, I think there is a possibility that our marriage may come to an end.

I love my husband very much, and I don't want him to feel inferior, but I also love my job.I think I can be a good wife and a working woman, but I don't know how .Can you give me some advice? Will I have to choose one or the other or can I keep both my husband and my new career?

Please help.


The letter was most probable written ________.

       A.in 1975    B.around 1980   C.four years ago  D.in 1965

Her husband ________ when she first found her present job.

       A.was very critical of her   B.felt disappointed

       C.was proud of her     D.was happy but critical

What does the underlined word "promotion" mean?

       A.scolding   B.criticism C.prize D.advancement

As her income increased, ________.

       A.she found a gap emerged between her and her husband

       B.she bought more clothes and a house

       C.she did the many things she and her husband dreamed of

       D.she felt very proud of herself

■Ruffi Ruff! Where's Scruff?
Reading level: Baby—reschool
Hardcover: 16 pages
Language: English
Availability: In Stock.Sold by Amazon-com.Gift—wrap available.
Book Description: It's bath time for Scruff.But does anyone know where he's hiding? Have the cows seen him? Moo—no! How about the pigs? Oink—no! But not for toddlers.If they look carefully, they'll find Scruffhiding on every pop—up page!
■You and Me, Baby
Reading level: Baby—Grade 1
Hardcover: 40 pages
Language: English
Availability: In Stock.Ships from and sold byAmazon.com.Gift—wrap available.
Only 4 left in stock—rder soon.
■The Giving Tree
Reading level: Ages 4~8
Hardcover: 64 pages
Language: English
Availability: Sold all the year round and choose One—Day Shipping at checkout.
Book Description: Once there was a tree...and she loved a little boy.Every day the boy would come to the tree to eat her apples, swing from her branches, or slide down her trunk...and the tree was happy.
■Where the Wild Things Are
Reading level: Ages 6~10
Hardcover Comic: 62 pages
Language: English
Availability: In Stock.Ships from and Sold by Amazon-com.Gift—wrap available.Order it at once, and choose One—Day Shipping at checkout.
■Goodnight Moon(Board book)
Reading level: Baby—Preschool
Board book: 30 pages
Language: English
Availability: In Stock.Ships from and sold by Amazon-com.
Book description: Perhaps the perfect children's bedtime book.Goodnight Moon is a short poem of goodnight wishes from a young rabbit.He says goodnight to every object in sight and within earshot, including the "quiet old lady whispering hush."
【小题1】If you want a book for an eight-year-old, which one will you choose?

A.You and Me, BabyB.Where the Wild Things Are
C.Goodnight MoonD.Ruffi Ruff! Where's Scruff?
【小题2】The sentence "But as the boy grew older he began to want more from the tree, and the tree gave and gave and gave…" most probably corns from       .
A.Where the Wild Things AreB.Goodnight Moon
C.Ruff! Ruff! Where's Scruff?D.The Giving Tree
【小题3】The sellers will provide the service of wrapping except _____.
A.Where the Wild Things AreB.You and Me, Baby
C.RuffS Ruff! Where's Scrufl?D.Goodnight Moon
【小题4】Which book has the most pages?
A.The Giving TreeB.You and Me, Baby
C.Goodnight MoonD.Where the Wild Things Are
【小题5】The expression "In Stock" in the above paragraphs probably means "____".

A.Learn about the Country
B.Learn about the University
C.Be Prepared for Adjustments
D.Know What to Do in an Emergency
E. Ensure You Have All the Documents(文件)
F. Develop Good Communication Skills
Studying Abroad
Are you planning to pursue a course from a foreign university? Well, then you certainly come to the right place. These tips for studying abroad will surely make you feel at home in a new city. Just have a look!
Before you leave for your destination country, make sure that you are well aware of its culture, customs and traditions. Every country has its own culture, which may be different from yours. Therefore, if you wish to get adjusted to the local way of living in a short time, you must be aware of what the people eat, how they dress up and also what their sensibilities are. Also, you can catch a few of the commonly used words of the local language there. In this way, not only will you be able to make yourself feel at home in the new city, but also will be spared from experiencing a major culture shock.
This is perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind before you set off to foreign shores to study. Make note of all the essential papers you would need before and during your stay abroad, especially the passport and the visa. It is recommended that you make copies of both, your passport and visa, in case you might be required to get a new one during the course of your stay there. Also, at least one other member of your family should have a passport made so that you can have somebody by your side if you fall sick or in case of other emergencies. Also, it is a good idea to carry a few copies of your photo, in case you need to use one. Another thing that’s necessary is to get a health insurance to cover the expenses of a medical emergency abroad.
When you decide to pursue a course abroad, it is extremely important that you should research well. Don’t just follow advertisements and choose one blindly. Instead, talk to people who have completed their studies from that country or who are planning to move to the same country. This way you’ll get some reliable information.
Not only will it make it easier for you to face personal interviews but also to interact with the local people and follow students. The more you speak to people, the more you’ll end up making friends quickly. What a way to drive the blues away!
Get the details of the Embassy(大使馆) in the city you’re moving to, including the phone number and register yourself and your family members with the Embassy. This way you’ll know whom to reach out to in case you are in trouble in a foreign location.

第二卷(非选择题, 共45分)

第三部分:写作 (共二节, 满分 45分)

第一节  阅读表达(共 5 小题, 每小题 2 分, 满分 10 分)

阅读下面的短文, 请根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)

There’s nothing wrong with turning your hobbies into business. We’re supposed to enjoy our work, right? Just turn something we already enjoy into our careers. Whether you’re turning into painting or building, you know you feel proud of the result of your efforts.

However, you should first explore the concept and do your market research and other planning. Don’t forget to consider what your day-to-day work life would look like.

There is one very positive aspect of doing a business plan based on your hobby. You may be highly motivated to do some planning and research, since this relates to an activity you know well and enjoy, and then you may be more likely to do the necessary planning. This is a big plus! And once you see how to do this research, you may be more likely to do it for other ideas you will come up with.

Something I’ve learned over the years is that creating business out of the first few ideas you come up with isn’t a good goal. If you are brainstorming ideas for your new career path, I suggest you list lots of ideas and choose one or two that have the most potential to explore, as well as those that really draw you in.                  

The evolution of your ideas is the best reason to explore those first ideas. The best careers come from exploring the first ideas and finding out what will and what won’t work for you.                                                    

Make sure the business plan you are creating based on your hobbies should be the one that you will enjoy and that will add to your quality of life. Then start with your hobbies, and enjoy the adventure of finding out where you will end up!

56. What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


57. Please explain the underlined word “plus” in English. (Please answer within 5 words.)


58. Why is it favorable to you to make a business plan based on your hobby? (Please answer within 25 words.)


59. What is the main idea of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


60.   What kind of business do you intend to start in the future? Why? (Please answer within 40 words.)



When I was fourteen, I earned money in the summer by cutting lawns(草坪), and within a few weeks I had built up a body of customers. I got to know people by the flowers they planted that I had to remember not to cut down, by the things they lost in the grass or struck in the ground on purpose. I reached the point with most of them when I knew in advance what complaint was about to be spoken, which particular request was most important. And I learned something about the measure of my neighbors by their preferred method of payment: by the job, by the month--- or not at all.

Mr. Ballou fell into the last category, and he always had a reason why. On one day, he had no  change for a fifty, on another he was flat out of checks, on another, he was simply out when I knocked on his door. Still, except for the money apart, he was a nice enough guy, always waving or tipping his hat when he’d see me from a distance. I figured him for a thin retirement check, maybe a work-relayed injury that kept him from doing his own yard work. Sure, I kept track of the total, but I didn’t worry about the amount too much. Grass was grass, and the little that Mr. Ballou’s property comprised didn’t take long to trim (修剪).

Then, one late afternoon in mid-July, the hottest time of the year, I was walking by his house and he opened the door, mentioned me to come inside. The hall was cool, shaded, and it took my eyes a minute to adjust to the dim light. 

“ I owe you,” Mr Ballou, “ but…”

I thought I’d save him the trouble of thinking of a new excuse. “ No problem. Don’t worry about it.”

“ The bank made a mistake in my account,” he continued, ignoring my words. “ It will be cleared up in a day or two . But in the meantime I thought perhaps you could choose one or two volumes for a down payment.

He gestured toward the walls and I saw that books were stacked (堆放) everywhere. It was like a library, except with no order to the arrangement.

“ Take your time,” Mr. Ballou encouraged. “Read, borrow, keep. Find something you like. What do you read?”

“ I don’t know.” And I didn’t. I generally read what was in front of me, what I could get from the paperback stack at the drugstore, what I found at the library, magazines, the back of cereal boxes, comics. The idea of consciously seeking out a special title was new to me, but, I realized, not without appeal--- so I started to look through the piles of books.

“ You actually read all of these?”

“ This isn’t much,” Mr. Ballou said. “ This is nothing, just what I’ve kept, the ones worth looking at a second time.”

“ Pick for me, then.”

He raised his eyebrows, cocked his head, and regarded me as though measuring me for a suit. After a moment, he nodded, searched through a stack, and handed me a dark red hardbound book, fairly thick.

“ The Last of the Just,” I read. “ By Andre Schwarz-Bart. What’s it about?” “ You tell me,” he said. “ Next week.”

I started after supper, sitting outdoors on an uncomfortable kitchen chair. Within a few pages, the yard, the summer, disappeared, and I was plunged into the aching tragedy of the Holocaust, the extraordinary clash of good, represented by one decent man, and evil. Translated from French, the language was elegant, simple, impossible to resist. When the evening light finally failed I moved inside, read all through the night,

To this day, thirty years later, I vividly remember the experience. It was my first voluntary encounter with world literature, and I was stunned (震惊) by the concentrated power a novel could contain. I lacked the vocabulary, however, to translate my feelings into words, so the next week. When Mr. Ballou asked, “ Well?” I only replied, “ It was good?”

“ Keep it, then,” he said. “ Shall I suggest another?”

I nodded, and was presented with the paperback edition of Margaret Mead’s Coming of Age in Samoa ( a very important book on the study of the social and cultural development of peoples--- anthropology (人类学) ).

To make two long stories short, Mr. Ballou never paid me a cent for cutting his grass that year or the next, but for fifteen years I taught anthropology at Dartmouth College. Summer reading was not the innocent entertainment I had assumed it to be, not a light-hearted, instantly forgettable escape in a hammock (吊床) ( though I have since enjoyed many of those, too). A book, if it arrives before you at the right moment, in the proper season, at an internal in the daily business of things, will change the course of all that follows.

1..The author thought that Mr. Ballou was ______________.

A. rich but mean                         B. poor but polite

C. honest but forgettable                   D. strong but lazy

2.. Before his encounter with Mr. Ballou, the author used to read _____________.

   A. anything and everything                 B. only what was given to him

   C. only serious novels                     D. nothing in the summer

3.. The author found the first book Mr. Ballou gave him _____________.

   A. light-heated and enjoyable               B. dull but well written

   C. impossible to put down                  D. difficult to understand

4.. From what he said to the author we can gather that Mr. Ballou _______________.

   A. read all books twice                    B. did not do much reading

   C. read more books than he kept             D. preferred to read hardbound books


5.. The following year the author _______________.

   A. started studying anthropology at college    B. continued to cut Mr. Ballou’s lawn

   C. spent most of his time lazing away in a hammock

   D. had forgotten what he had read the summer before

6.. The author’s main point is that _____________.

   A. summer jobs are really good for young people

   B. you should insist on being paid before you do a job

   C. a good book can change the direction of your life

   D. a book is like a garden carried in the pocket.


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