
A.The engine in your body.

B.The location, size and heartbeat of a heart.

C.What happens when the heart beats?

D.How does your heart work?

E. How do we know about the heart?

F.What can a doctor tell by feeling your pulse?

1._______ Your heart is sometimes called the engine or the motor in your body and sometimes called the pump.It works away, both day and night.First it pumps out some blood, rests for a few seconds, and then it pumps some more.In a normal day, the heart pumps about 2,500 gallons of blood from the auricles and ventricles.

2.________ When your heart beats, it is pumping blood to all parts of your body.If you could examine your heart closely, you would see that it is really two pumps placed side by side, and working at the same time.Each pump has two parts, the upper part called the auricle(心房), and the lower part called the ventricle(心室).The auricles receive the blood as it comes into them after it has been pumped through the body.The ventricles pump the blood out.The right one pumps the blood to the lungs and the left one pumps the blood to all other parts of the body.At the top and bottom openings of each ventricle are valves(阀门) which make the blood go in only one direction.

3.______ Your heart is located in your chest, a little to your left.This heart of yours, which is about the size of your two fists held together, beats about 90 times a minute.A grown person’s heart beats about 60 to 80times a minute.The heartbeat is not just the same in all persons, and it is not the same in any one person at all times.

4._______ By using a stethoscope to listen to the heart, the doctor can tell whether your heart is beating evenly and whether the valves are closing tightly.The stethoscope makes these sounds so clear that the doctor can hear them easily.The stethoscope has an earpiece that he places on your chest and tubes that he places in his ears.The earpiece carries the sound of your heart’s beating along the tubes to the doctor’s ears, and it makes the sound seem much louder than it really is.The doctor could listen to your heartbeat by pulling his ears against your chest.

5._______ An easy experiment can help you understand what happens when the heart beats.You can do this experiment with a hollow rubber ball.Make a small hole in it, and fill the ball with water through the hole.When you squeeze the ball, you will notice how the water comes out in a spurt each time you squeeze.After each spurt the ball comes back to its round shape again.Something like this happens when your heart beats.The muscles in your heart grow smaller, or contract, and squeeze the blood out of the heart.Each time this happens, we say your heart is beating.Perhaps you have noticed that the doctor places his finger on the pulse in your wrist when you are ill.By doing this he can tell how fast your heart is beating.

Don’t talk to me; I’m busy with my iPhone Riding a London subway, a person from China will notice one major difference: in London, people do not look at each other.In fact, eye contact is avoided at all times.That’s not rudeness—people are just too busy to bother looking.

Busy doing what, you ask? Well, they’re certainly not using the time for a moment of quiet reflection, nor are they reading a book.New technology has replaced quiet habits.Today the only acceptable form of book on the London underground is an e-book.

Apple must earn a fortune from London commuters(乘车上下班的人).Since the launch of the iPhone in 2007, over 40,000—yes, that’s 40,000—“apps”(programs downloaded for the iPhone)have been designed.Commuters love them because they are the perfect time-killers.One “app”, called iShoot, is a game that features tanks(坦克).Another one, Tube Exits, tells passengers where to sit on the train to be closest to the exit of their destination.ISteam clouds the iPhone screen when you breathe into the microphone.You can then write in the “ steam” on your phone screen.

For those without an iPhone, another Apple product, the iPod, may be another choice.It’s not just teenagers who “plug in” to their music—iPods are a popular way to pass the time for all ages.

And if games, e-books and music aren’t enough to keep you occupied, then perhaps you would prefer a film.The development of palm DVD technology means many commuters watch their favorite TV show or film on the way to work.With all this entertainments, it’s amazing that people still remember to get off the train.

1.People in London do not make eye contact on the subway because ______.

A.they are busy reading books

B.they are not very polite

C.thinking about their private things

D.they are busy playing with their electronic equipment

2.Those who like war games can download _____ to their iPhones.




D.Tube Exits

3.The underlined word “occupied” in the last paragraph probably means _____.





4.The article tells us that _____.

A.London commuters are unfriendly to strangers

B.with all the new time-killers, London commuters often forget to get off the train

C.technology is changing the way London commuters spend their traveling time

D.Apple has earned a lot of money from selling 40,000 iPhones



All of us go through some difficult times as we approach teenage years.It's the age when we have to deal with the most ________ in our life.This transition (过渡) from childhood to adulthood is ________ for some, but rough for others.The most important thing about being a teenager is ________.When we are teenagers, we would get blamed or even punished for anything wrong we do.Unlike before when we were small kids, even if we made a big trouble, we didn’t need to pay anything for it.

It’s all not so ________about being a teenager though.We don’t have to have our ________ take us to somewhere we want to go or we couldn’t go before.We can have ________ with friends or even alone, which we couldn’t have because we were too ________ to know what pleasure is! It's a very enjoyable time of life.During this age, we are old enough to ________what is good for us, and make decisions by ourselves without ________ others.

But like the saying goes ‘‘All good things must come to an end, but all bad things can continue ________.” During this period, we are having much ________ for our studies.If we don't pass, we won’t get jobs, and things will take a turn for the ________ .With the present world economy in ________ , we have to do really, really well in our ________ for a job.Adults say that their ________is the hardest part of life.But I think the transition from a kid to an adult is much ________ than being already an adult.What we do in our teenage years will ________ what we become and how we lead our life in the future.

In conclusion, it is quite ________ that parents put much pressure on an already stressed out teenager.If they realized that, living condition for teenagers would be much better.________ for the teens ourselves we should get to know what is best for us.What's more, we should understand the right ________ of life we choose at this age can make us happy for the rest of our existence.

1.A.chances B.changes C.feelings D.expectations

2.A.smooth B.practical C.demanding D.necessary

3.A.knowledge B.independence C.confidence D.responsibility

4.A.easy B.strange C.bad D.interesting

5.A.guides B.partners C.parents D.friends

6.A.fun B.trouble C.relation D.business

7.A.proud B.young C.smart D.mature

8.A.predict B.remember C.imagine D.understand

9.A.guiding B.helping C.inviting D.consulting

10.A.occasionally B.temporarily C.forever D.increasingly

11.A.pressure B.passion C.motivation D.panic

12.A.better B.worse C.fewer D.more

13.A.decline B.hope C.increase D.debt

14.A.contribution B.education C.application D.qualification

15.A.promotion B.work C.experience D.age

16.A.harder B.happier C.easier D.lighter

17.A.reflect B.confirm C.determine D.identify

18.A.vital B.urgent C.common D.unnecessary

19.A.Or B.Otherwise C.But D.Because

20.A.experience B.way C.condition D.power

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