
A new campaign to ban smoking in taxis is part of a wider push to clean up the city’s image before the 2010 World Expo(2010年世界博览会). The Shanghai Dazhong Taxi, a taxi company, said drivers _1._(find) smoking in their cabs could “possibly” be fined or even temporarily banned __2._ working. Signs __3.(place) in all of the taxi company’s 9,100 strong fleet (车队) saying “No Smoking in Taxis. Welcome to Shanghai World Expo”

“We hope the sanitation(卫生环境) of cabs in the city will be improved through our no-smoking campaign__4._ is a mutual benefit for __5._ drivers and passengers. ”

Dazhong said it would __6._(close) monitor the campaign’s progress.

Drivers caught smoking will undergo the company’s training and inspection program. “Cabs found to have cigarette smell will be called back”Zhao said.

Many taxi drivers smoke __7._(relax) from working long hours. The official admitted __8._ would not be an easy task to achieve a total smoke ban in a short time.

“Promoting non-smoking taxis in the whole city is _9.__ long journey” Zhao said. “_10.__ having a long way to go, we are confident of fulfilling our ‘smoke-free taxi’ program in the city through our diligence.”



1. found

2. from

3. have been placed

4. which

5. both

6. closely

7.to relax





1.[解析] 过去分词作定语,表示被发现抽烟的司机

[答案] found

2.2[解析] 动词与介词的固定搭配,be banned from doing sth.意思是被禁止做

[答案] from

3.3[解析] 已经被放置,现在完成时态的被动语态。

[答案] have been placed

4.4[解析] which引导非限定性定语从句。

[答案] which

5.5[解析] 根据上下文的意义,这项运动是对司机和乘客双方都有好处的,所以填both

[答案] both

6.6[解析] 修饰动词monitor,用副词closely,表示接近地、严密地(监控)

[答案] closely

7.7[解析] 动词不定式作目的状语,许多出租车司机吸烟的目的是为了放松。

[答案] to relax

8.8[解析] it在这里充当admitted后面的宾语从句中的形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式to achieve a total smoke ban in a short time

[答案] it

9.9[解析] 不定冠词的用法,表示一个,一段

[答案] a

10.0[解析] 表示尽管,虽然

[答案] Despite


Barbara and Barry Zucker – Pinchoff, both doctors from New York City, took their three daughters on a walking safari(旅行)last year in Tanzania. Barbara told about their experience in Kinbero, “It is the most remote(遥远的)place we have ever been to,” camping with a few other Americans, two Tanzanian guides, and several Hadza(哈扎人)who had time to sit and chat because they had just killed a giraffe.

About 400 members of the Eastern Hadza tribe(部落)live in Tanzania today, the only hunter-gatherers who remain in Africa. The Hadza hunt game, gather edible plants and honey, and move from place to place whenever the weather changers. Every two weeks or so, they move to a new campsite.

At the Pinchoffs’ campsite, three Hadza men stopped by to visit and ended up staying three days. One of the guides gave the men a cigarette. They took out the tobacco, put it in a pipe, and lit the pipe with fire they started.

It takes less than two hours for Hadza women to build a new camp. They make huts(茅屋)by bending branches into round structures about six feet high, and then covering them with long, golden grass. If the weather is very wet, the women may choose a dry cave to set up a camp. Some rock caves have been used over thousands of years and are decorated(装饰)with ancient rock paintings. Whether they sleep in huts, caves or in the open, the Hadza cover themselves only with thin cloths and depend on fire to keep them warm.

The Hadza refuse to be “settled” into villages or to have the life of farmers. By 1979, almost all of them had returned to their old ways. They Hadza may be the only tribe in Africa the has never paid taxes.

The passage mainly tells up         .

A. one of the author’s travel experiences

B. the life of the Hadza tribe in Tanzania

C. Barbara’s walking safari in Tanzania

D. the efforts of the Hadza to keep their old ways

What does the underlined word “game” ( in Paragraph 2 ) probably refer to?

A. Part of a match.                                           B. Edible wild animals.        

C. An area of work.                                                 D. A children’s activity.

What do we know about the life of the Hadza?

A. They change their campsites regularly.           B. They live mainly on farming.

C. They keep warm using leaves at night.            D. It takes them a long time to set up a camp.

Where do the Hadza live in wet weather?

A. On the farm.            B. In huts.             C. In caves.           D. In the open.

 Many different tribes live in the Ituri rain forest of Africa, but the Pygmies are the most unusual. Most of the men are not much more than four feet tall. They weigh only about eighty pounds. The women are even smaller and thinner. But in spite of the fact that they are small, these people are perfectly formed men and women.
It is an exciting experience to visit a Pygmy encampment for the first time. Before you go, you must send word ahead that you are coming. Some friendly native or trader must take the message to the Tiki-Tikis. Otherwise the whole tribe will disappear into the depths of the jungle long before you have come close enough to be welcomed.
The great Ituri rain forest seems cut off from the rest of the earth. There are living, dead, and dying trees on every side. Except where a clearing has been burned and chopped out, a man may live his whole life in the Ituri and never see farther than twenty yards.
It takes sharp eyes to discover the almost hidden path to the Pygmy camp. The path is no wider than a small man’s foot. No sound breaks the silence in this part of the forest. There are no signs of people.
The stranger must walk carefully. What appears to be a bent branch may prove to be a deadly snake. A spotted gold patch of sunlight may be a crouching leopard(豹).
Even the Pygmy camp comes as a surprise. The leafy shelters in which the little people live are hardly three feet high. They look so much like the surrounding undergrowth that they might easily be passed by. These houses contain no furniture of any sort. The beds are merely plantain leaves spread out on the earth floor. There are no cooking pots: food is eaten raw or smoked over a fire. Spears, bows and arrows are the only possessions of these people. When the tribe moves to a new camp there is nothing to carry except these weapons and babies too small to walk.
【小题1】According to the passage, we can conclude _____.

A.the Pygmies are the shortest tribe worldwide
B.the Pygmies are short but normal in mentality
C.most of the Pygmy men are more than four feet
D.the Pygmies live in the forest of America
【小题2】Paragraph 2 mainly suggests that the Pygmies ______.
A.are unwilling to communicate with people outside
B.are very cruel and they will kill you with the spears
C.are friendly to the tourists visiting them for the first time
D.move so fast and often that can’t be caught up with easily
【小题3】 Which of the following word can describe the life of Pygmy?
A.Quiet.B.Active. C.Hard.D.Busy.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE of the Pygmy?
A.Their houses can’t be easily found in the hurt rain forest.
B.Their houses, which are three feet high, are made of wood.
C.Weapons and cooking pots are their most valuable possessions.
D.They are living in harmony with dangerous animals around.

In the Ituri forest of America live many tribes,one of which is Pygmy. Most of the Pygmies in the tribe are not taller than four feet. They weigh only about eighty pounds each.
In spite of their small size, they are the best hunters among all the jungle people. Even the great elephant can be caught by them.
Since they do not plant any crops, Pygmies are constantly moving around. They seldom sleep in one camp for more than a few days. In their camps there is not furniture at all except for some weapons such as spears, bows and arrows. There are no cooking pots either. Food is eaten uncooked or smoked over a lire. So when the tribe moves to a new camp there is nothing to carry except these weapons and babies too small to walk.
Pymies can move on the tree tops almost as skillfully as monkeys. Often they travel great distances through the branches without touching the ground.
One of the surprising facts about these small men and women is their great appetite(食欲). A Pygmy can eat up sixty bananas at a single meal besides quantities of meat. After eating, they will lie on their hard earth bed and groan(呻吟)in all night. But in the morning, they are ready to eat the same amount of food or fight among themselves.
【小题1】Pygmies are small in size, but they are brave in ______.

A.huntingB.shootingC.eatingD.fighting with their enemies
【小题2】Pygmies are so skillful that _____.
A.they never walk on the groundB.they can move on the top of trees
C.they always walk with sticksD.they can hang from the branches
【小题3】The writer wrote this article so as to ______
A.ask people to learn from Pygmies
B.help Pygmies go out of the forests
C.let us know the local condition and customs of the Pygmies
D.tell us the world is big and wide
【小题4】Why do Pygmies move from place to place continuously? The main reason is that _____.
A.that want to look after wild animalsB.they always walk with sticks
C.they plant no cropsD.they don’t sleep in one camp

 Many different tribes live in the Ituri rain forest of Africa, but the Pygmies are the most unusual. Most of the men are not much more than four feet tall. They weigh only about eighty pounds. The women are even smaller and thinner. But in spite of the fact that they are small, these people are perfectly formed men and women.

      It is an exciting experience to visit a Pygmy encampment for the first time. Before you go, you must send word ahead that you are coming. Some friendly native or trader must take the message to the Tiki-Tikis. Otherwise the whole tribe will disappear into the depths of the jungle long before you have come close enough to be welcomed.

      The great Ituri rain forest seems cut off from the rest of the earth. There are living, dead, and dying trees on every side. Except where a clearing has been burned and chopped out, a man may live his whole life in the Ituri and never see farther than twenty yards.

      It takes sharp eyes to discover the almost hidden path to the Pygmy camp. The path is no wider than a small man’s foot. No sound breaks the silence in this part of the forest. There are no signs of people.

      The stranger must walk carefully. What appears to be a bent branch may prove to be a deadly snake. A spotted gold patch of sunlight may be a crouching leopard(豹).

Even the Pygmy camp comes as a surprise. The leafy shelters in which the little people live are hardly three feet high. They look so much like the surrounding undergrowth that they might easily be passed by. These houses contain no furniture of any sort. The beds are merely plantain leaves spread out on the earth floor. There are no cooking pots: food is eaten raw or smoked over a fire. Spears, bows and arrows are the only possessions of these people. When the tribe moves to a new camp there is nothing to carry except these weapons and babies too small to walk.

1.According to the passage, we can conclude _____.

    A. the Pygmies are the shortest tribe worldwide

    B. the Pygmies are short but normal in mentality

    C. most of the Pygmy men are more than four feet

    D. the Pygmies live in the forest of America

2.Paragraph 2 mainly suggests that the Pygmies ______.

    A. are unwilling to communicate with people outside

    B. are very cruel and they will kill you with the spears

    C. are friendly to the tourists visiting them for the first time

    D. move so fast and often that can’t be caught up with easily

3. Which of the following word can describe the life of Pygmy?

    A. Quiet.        B. Active.     C. Hard.        D. Busy.

4.Which of the following is TRUE of the Pygmy?

    A. Their houses can’t be easily found in the hurt rain forest.

    B. Their houses, which are three feet high, are made of wood.

    C. Weapons and cooking pots are their most valuable possessions.

D. They are living in harmony with dangerous animals around.


Barbara and Barry Zucker – Pinchoff, both doctors from New York City, took their three daughters on a walking safari(旅行)last year in Tanzania. Barbara told about their experience in Kinbero, “It is the most remote(遥远的)place we have ever been to,” camping with a few other Americans, two Tanzanian guides, and several Hadza(哈扎人)who had time to sit and chat because they had just killed a giraffe.

About 400 members of the Eastern Hadza tribe(部落)live in Tanzania today, the only hunter-gatherers who remain in Africa. The Hadza hunt game, gather edible plants and honey, and move from place to place whenever the weather changers. Every two weeks or so, they move to a new campsite.

At the Pinchoffs’ campsite, three Hadza men stopped by to visit and ended up staying three days. One of the guides gave the men a cigarette. They took out the tobacco, put it in a pipe, and lit the pipe with fire they started.

It takes less than two hours for Hadza women to build a new camp. They make huts(茅屋)by bending branches into round structures about six feet high, and then covering them with long, golden grass. If the weather is very wet, the women may choose a dry cave to set up a camp. Some rock caves have been used over thousands of years and are decorated(装饰)with ancient rock paintings. Whether they sleep in huts, caves or in the open, the Hadza cover themselves only with thin cloths and depend on fire to keep them warm.

The Hadza refuse to be “settled” into villages or to have the life of farmers. By 1979, almost all of them had returned to their old ways. They Hadza may be the only tribe in Africa the has never paid taxes.

1. The passage mainly tells up         .

A. one of the author’s travel experiences

B. the life of the Hadza tribe in Tanzania

C. Barbara’s walking safari in Tanzania

D. the efforts of the Hadza to keep their old ways

2.What does the underlined word “game” ( in Paragraph 2 ) probably refer to?

A. Part of a match.                                           B. Edible wild animals.        

C. An area of work.                                                 D. A children’s activity.

3.What do we know about the life of the Hadza?

A. They change their campsites regularly.           B. They live mainly on farming.

C. They keep warm using leaves at night.            D. It takes them a long time to set up a camp.

4.Where do the Hadza live in wet weather?

A. On the farm.            B. In huts.             C. In caves.           D. In the open.


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