A little old couple walked slowly into McDonald ’ s on one cold winter evening. It seemed that

they didn' t come to the right place with the young families and young couples eating that night.

The little old man walked right up to the cash register, placed his order with no hesitation and then paid for their meal. The couple took a table near the back wall and started taking food off the tray. There was one hamburger, one order of French fries and one drink. The little old man unwrapped the plain hamburger and carefully cut it in half. He placed one half in front of his wife. Then he carefully counted out the French fries, divided them in two piles and neatly placed one pile in front of his wife. He took a sip at the drink and then set the cup down between them.

As the man began to eat his few bites of hamburger, the crowd began to get restless. You could tell what they were thinking, “That poor old couple. All they can afford is one meal for the two of them. ”

As the man began to eat his French fries, one young man stood and came over to the old couple ’ s table. He politely offered to buy another meal for the old couple to eat. The old man replied that they were just fine. They were used to sharing everything.

As the little old man finished eating and was wiping his face neatly with a napkin,the young man could stand it no longer. Again he came over to their table and offered to buy some food.

After being politely refused again,he finally asked a question of the little old lady," Ma ’ am, why aren' t you eating? You said that you share everything. What is it that you are waiting for?"

She answered, "The teeth.,’

   According to the 1st paragraph, the old couple  .

A.  enjoyed the scene outside the McDonald' s

B.  didn, t look suitable for the surroundings

C.  loved being with young families and couples

D.  liked the food in McDonald' s

   The little old man cut the plain hamburger in half because  .

A.  he couldn' t finish eating it with one bite

B.  he was very careful with his food

C.  he ordered more than he could consume

D.  he wanted to share it with his wife

   The young man who offered to buy the old couple food was    .

A. impolite B. stubborn C. sympathetic  D. doubtful

   From the old lady' s answer, we know that   .

A. she was not interested in the food   B. the couple suffered a terrible toothache

C. the couple did share everything  D. she gave an irrelevant answer

  A little old couple walked slowly into McDonald’s one cold winter evening. They looked out of place among the young families and young couples eating there that night.

  Some of the customers looked admiringly at them. You could tell what the admirers were thinking. “ Look, there is a couple who has been through a lot together, probably for 60 years or more !”

  After paying for the meal, the couple took a table near the back wall and started taking food off the tray. There was one hamburger, one order of French fries and one drink. The little old man carefully cut the hamburger in half. He placed one half in front of his wife. Then he carefully counted out the French fries, divided them in two piles and neatly placed one pile in front of his wife. He took a sip of the drink, his wife took a sip and then set the cup down between them.

  As the man began to eat his few bites of hamburger the crowd began to get restless. Again you could tell what they were thinking, “ That poor old couple. All they can afford is one meal for the two Of them.”

  As the man began to eat his French fries one young man stood and came over to the old couple’s table. He politely offered to buy another meal for the old couple to eat. The old man replied that they were just fine. They were used to sharing everything.

  Then the crowd noticed that the little old lady hadn’t eaten a bite. She just sat there watching her husband eat and occasionally taking turns sipping the drink.

  Again the young man came over and begged them to let him buy them something to eat. This time the lady explained that, no, they were used to sharing everything together.

  As the little old man finished eating and was wiping his face neatly the young man could stand it no longer. Again he came over to their table and offered to buy some food.

  After being politely refused again, he finally asked a question of the little old lady. “ Ma’am, why aren’t you eating? You said that you shared everything. What is it that you are waiting for?” She answered, “The teeth”.

Why did some of the customers look at them with admiration when the old couple entered the McDonald’s?

  A. Because old people were rarely seen eating at McDonald’s.

  B . Because the couple ate out at McDonald’s though they were poor.

  C. Because the couple had been married for so many years.

  D. Because the couple liked to eat at McDonald’s at such an old age.

The underlined phrase “out of place” is closest in meaning to        .

  A. in the wrong direction  B. not suitable    C. everywhere     D. very untidy

What did the old lady mean at the end of the passage?

  A. She was growing new teeth.

  B. She was waiting for her husband to finish using the false teeth.

  C. She was waiting for someone to fetch her false teeth from home.

  D. She was suffering from toothache.

Which word can best describe the young man in the story?

  A. impatient             B. rude          C. impolite           D. Warm-hearted

“What is the most important thing you’ve done in your life?”The question was put to me during a presentation I gave to a group of lawyers.
The answer came to me in an instant. It’s not the one I gave, because the situation was not right. As a lawyer in the entertainment industry, I knew the audience wanted to hear some amusing stories about my work with well-known people. but here’s the true answer:
The most important thing I’ve ever done occurred on October 8,1990. I began the day playing tennis with an old friend I hadn’t seen for a while. Between points we talked about what had been happening in each other’s lives. He and his wife had just had a baby boy, who was keeping them up at night.
While we were playing, a car came screaming up the road toward the courts. It was my friend’s father, who shouted to my friend that his baby had stopped breathing and was being rushed to the hospital. In a flash my friend was in the car and gone, disappearing in a cloud of dust.
For a moment I just stood there, paralyzed(呆若木鸡). Then I tried to figure out what I should do. Follow my friend to the hospital? There was nothing I could accomplish there, I convinced myself. My friend’s son was in the care of doctors and nurses, and nothing I could do or say would affect the outcome. Be there for moral support? Well, maybe. But my friend and his wife both had large families, and I knew they’d be surrounded by relatives who would provide more than enough comfort and support, whatever happened. All I could do at the hospital, I decided, was to get in the way. Also, I had planned a full day with my family, who were waiting for me to get home. So I decided to head back to my house and check in my friend later.
As I started my car, I realized that my friend had left his truck and keys at the courts. I now faced another problem. I couldn’t leave the keys in the truck. So I decided to go to the hospital and give him the keys.
When I arrived, I was directed to a room where my friend and his wife were waiting. As I had thought, the room was filled with family members silently watching my friend comfort his wife. I went in and stood by the door, trying to decide what to do next. Soon a doctor appeared. He approached my friend and his wife, and in a quiet voice told them that their son had died.
For a long time the two held each other and cried, unaware of the rest of us standing around in pained silence. After they had calmed themselves, the doctor suggested they spend a few moments with their son.
My friend and his wife stood up and walked past their families. When they reached the door, my friend saw me standing in the corner. He came over and hugged me and started to cry. My friend’s wife hugged me, too, and said , “Thanks for being here.”
For the rest of that morning, I sat in the emergency room of that hospital and watched my friend and his wife hold the body of their infant son, and say goodbye.
It’s the most important thing I have ever done.
The experience taught me two lessons.
First: The most important thing I’ve ever done happened when I was completely helpless. None of the things I had learned in university, in three years of law school or in six years of legal practice were of any use in that situation. Something terrible was happening to people I cared about, and I was powerless to change the outcome. All I could do was standing by and watching it happen. And yet it was critical that I do just that--- just be there when someone needed me.
Second: The most important thing I’ve done almost didn’t happen because of things I had learned in classroom and professional life. Law school taught me how to take a set of facts, break them down and organized them. These skills are critical for lawyers. When people come to us for help, they’re often stressed out and depend on a lawyer to think logically. But while learning to think, I almost forget how to feel. Today I have no doubt that I should have leapt into my car without hesitation and followed my friend to the hospital.
From that one experience I learned that the most important thing in life isn’t the money you make, the status you attain or the honors you achieve. The most important thing in life is the kids team you coach or the poem you write----or the time when youre just somebodys friend.
【小题1】When he was asked about the most important thing he had done in life at a presentation, the author __________.
A felt it was not an interesting question           
B. thought for a while and spoke his mind
C. gave an answer from a lawyer’s point of view   
D. didn’t give the real answer
【小题2】When he saw his friend rush to the hospital, the author could not decide whether to follow mainly because he thought _________.

A.He had to stay with his familyB.His friend did not need his help.
C.He would not be of much helpD.the baby would be in the doctor’s care
【小题3】What can we infer from the author’s description of the scene at the hospital?
A.He found out that he was in the way.
B.He would have felt guilty if he had not been there.
C.He regretted that he went too later.
D.His friend would have felt better if he had not been there.
【小题4】Which of the following is conveyed in this story?
A.Family and relatives can not take the place of friends.
B.More people are a great comfort when one is in trouble.
C.It is best to be here when someone needs you.
D.You can certainly help a friend if you want to.
【小题5】The author learned from his own experience that_______.
A.what is taught in school is usually of no use.
B.a lawyer cannot learn much in classrooms
C.a lawyer should know people’s feeling first
D.he needs to be able to feel as well as think logically
【小题6】The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests that the author_______.
A.is fond of writing poems
B.is going to coach the kid’s team
C.is determined to make friends with everybody
D.is fully aware of the importance of being helpful to those in need

“What is the most important thing you’ve done in your life?”The question was put to me during a presentation I gave to a group of lawyers.

     The answer came to me in an instant. It’s not the one I gave, because the situation was not right. As a lawyer in the entertainment industry, I knew the audience wanted to hear some amusing stories about my work with well-known people. but here’s the true answer:

     The most important thing I’ve ever done occurred on October 8,1990. I began the day playing tennis with an old friend I hadn’t seen for a while. Between points we talked about what had been happening in each other’s lives. He and his wife had just had a baby boy, who was keeping them up at night.

     While we were playing, a car came screaming up the road toward the courts. It was my friend’s father, who shouted to my friend that his baby had stopped breathing and was being rushed to the hospital. In a flash my friend was in the car and gone, disappearing in a cloud of dust.

     For a moment I just stood there, paralyzed(呆若木鸡). Then I tried to figure out what I should do. Follow my friend to the hospital? There was nothing I could accomplish there, I convinced myself. My friend’s son was in the care of doctors and nurses, and nothing I could do or say would affect the outcome. Be there for moral support? Well, maybe. But my friend and his wife both had large families, and I knew they’d be surrounded by relatives who would provide more than enough comfort and support, whatever happened. All I could do at the hospital, I decided, was to get in the way. Also, I had planned a full day with my family, who were waiting for me to get home. So I decided to head back to my house and check in my friend later.

     As I started my car, I realized that my friend had left his truck and keys at the courts. I now faced another problem. I couldn’t leave the keys in the truck. So I decided to go to the hospital and give him the keys.

     When I arrived, I was directed to a room where my friend and his wife were waiting. As I had thought, the room was filled with family members silently watching my friend comfort his wife. I went in and stood by the door, trying to decide what to do next. Soon a doctor appeared. He approached my friend and his wife, and in a quiet voice told them that their son had died.

     For a long time the two held each other and cried, unaware of the rest of us standing around in pained silence. After they had calmed themselves, the doctor suggested they spend a few moments with their son.

     My friend and his wife stood up and walked past their families. When they reached the door, my friend saw me standing in the corner. He came over and hugged me and started to cry. My friend’s wife hugged me, too, and said , “Thanks for being here.”

     For the rest of that morning, I sat in the emergency room of that hospital and watched my friend and his wife hold the body of their infant son, and say goodbye.

     It’s the most important thing I have ever done.

     The experience taught me two lessons.

     First: The most important thing I’ve ever done happened when I was completely helpless. None of the things I had learned in university, in three years of law school or in six years of legal practice were of any use in that situation. Something terrible was happening to people I cared about, and I was powerless to change the outcome. All I could do was standing by and watching it happen. And yet it was critical that I do just that--- just be there when someone needed me.

     Second: The most important thing I’ve done almost didn’t happen because of things I had learned in classroom and professional life. Law school taught me how to take a set of facts, break them down and organized them. These skills are critical for lawyers. When people come to us for help, they’re often stressed out and depend on a lawyer to think logically. But while learning to think, I almost forget how to feel. Today I have no doubt that I should have leapt into my car without hesitation and followed my friend to the hospital.

     From that one experience I learned that the most important thing in life isn’t the money you make, the status you attain or the honors you achieve. The most important thing in life is the kids team you coach or the poem you write----or the time when youre just somebodys friend.

1.When he was asked about the most important thing he had done in life at a presentation, the author __________.

A felt it was not an interesting question           

B. thought for a while and spoke his mind

C. gave an answer from a lawyer’s point of view   

D. didn’t give the real answer

2.When he saw his friend rush to the hospital, the author could not decide whether to follow mainly because he thought _________.

A. He had to stay with his family             B. His friend did not need his help.

C. He would not be of much help                 D. the baby would be in the doctor’s care

3.What can we infer from the author’s description of the scene at the hospital?

A. He found out that he was in the way.             

B. He would have felt guilty if he had not been there.

C. He regretted that he went too later.

D. His friend would have felt better if he had not been there.

4.Which of the following is conveyed in this story?

A.Family and relatives can not take the place of friends.

B.More people are a great comfort when one is in trouble.

C.It is best to be here when someone needs you.

D.You can certainly help a friend if you want to.

5.The author learned from his own experience that_______.

A.what is taught in school is usually of no use.

B.a lawyer cannot learn much in classrooms

C.a lawyer should know people’s feeling first

D.he needs to be able to feel as well as think logically

6.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests that the author_______.

A.is fond of writing poems

B.is going to coach the kid’s team

C.is determined to make friends with everybody

D.is fully aware of the importance of being helpful to those in need


A little old couple walked slowly into McDonald ’ s on one cold winter evening. It seemed that

they didn' t come to the right place with the young families and young couples eating that night.

The little old man walked right up to the cash register, placed his order with no hesitation and then paid for their meal. The couple took a table near the back wall and started taking food off the tray. There was one hamburger, one order of French fries and one drink. The little old man unwrapped the plain hamburger and carefully cut it in half. He placed one half in front of his wife. Then he carefully counted out the French fries, divided them in two piles and neatly placed one pile in front of his wife. He took a sip at the drink and then set the cup down between them.

As the man began to eat his few bites of hamburger, the crowd began to get restless. You could tell what they were thinking, “That poor old couple. All they can afford is one meal for the two of them. ”

As the man began to eat his French fries, one young man stood and came over to the old couple ’ s table. He politely offered to buy another meal for the old couple to eat. The old man replied that they were just fine. They were used to sharing everything.

As the little old man finished eating and was wiping his face neatly with a napkin,the young man could stand it no longer. Again he came over to their table and offered to buy some food.

After being politely refused again,he finally asked a question of the little old lady," Ma ’ am, why aren' t you eating? You said that you share everything. What is it that you are waiting for?"

She answered, "The teeth.,’

1.  According to the 1st paragraph, the old couple  .

A.  enjoyed the scene outside the McDonald' s

B.  didn, t look suitable for the surroundings

C.  loved being with young families and couples

D.  liked the food in McDonald' s

2.  The little old man cut the plain hamburger in half because  .

A.  he couldn' t finish eating it with one bite

B.  he was very careful with his food

C.  he ordered more than he could consume

D.  he wanted to share it with his wife

3.  The young man who offered to buy the old couple food was    .

A. impolite B. stubborn C. sympathetic  D. doubtful

4.  From the old lady' s answer, we know that   .

A. she was not interested in the food   B. the couple suffered a terrible toothache

C. the couple did share everything  D. she gave an irrelevant answer



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