

Once upon a time in an old forest, there was a poor woodcutter 1. (cut) wood by the lake. One day, his axe斧子)fell into the lake 2. accident. The poor woodcutter didn’t know how to swim, 3. he could do nothing but pray to the lake goddess.

The lake goddess heard his prayer and appeared before him.

“Help me!” said the woodcutter, “I’m very poor,and I lost my only axe. If I don't get my axe back,my family will starve to 4. (dead),please help me!” He cried. After a while, the goddess brought out an axe 5. (make) of gold from the lake.

“Is this your axe,my good man? ” asked the goddess.

"No." Then the goddess brought out a silver axe, but the woodcutter said that wasn’t his axe again.

The 6. (three) time, she brought out the woodcutter’s axe. The woodcutter jumped up

7. (happy) and said,“This is my axe. Thank you very much!”

At the end of the story, the goddess was very pleased with the woodcutter’s honesty. He just wanted 8. he deserved So she decided 9. (give) both the gold and silver axe to him. The woodcutter sold the axes, and 10. (become) a rich man.

The moral of this story is that honesty is the best policy.



Is there clear boundary between science and the liberal arts as a major for college students? The question of whether our government should promote science and technology or the liberal arts in higher education is not an either / or proposition (命题), although the current emphasis on preparing young Americans for STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) -related fields can make it seem that way.

The latest congressional report acknowledges the critical importance of technical training, but also stresses that the study of the humanities (人文学科) and social sciences must remain central elements of America’s educational system at all levels. Both are critical to producing citizens who can participate effectively in our democratic society, become innovative (创新的) leaders, and benefit from the spiritual enrichment that the reflection on the great ideas of mankind over time provides.

Parents and students who have invested heavily in higher education worry about graduates’ job prospects (前景) as technological advances and changes in domestic and global markets transform professions in ways that reduce wages and cut jobs. Under this circumstances, it’s natural to look for what may appear to be the most “practical” way out of the problem. “Major in a subject designed to get you a job” seems the obvious answer to some, though this ignores the fact that many disciplines in the humanities characterized as “soft” often, in fact, lead to employment and success in the long run. Indeed, according to surveys, employers have expressed a preference for students who have received a broadly-based education that has taught them to write well, think critically, research creatively, and communicate easily.

Moreover, students should be prepared not just for their first job, but for their 4th and 5th jobs, as there is little reason to doubt that people entering the workforce today will be called upon to play many different roles over the course of their careers. The ones who will do the best in this new environment will be those whose educations have prepared them to be flexible. The ability to draw upon every available tool and insight - picked up from science, arts, and technology - to solve the problems of the future, and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves, will be helpful to them and the United States.

1.What does the latest congressional report suggest?

A. Higher education should be adjusted to the practical needs of society.

B. The liberal arts in higher education help enrich students’ spiritual life.

C. STEM-related subjects help students find jobs in the information society.

D. The humanities and STEM subjects should be given equal importance.

2.What does the author say about the so called soft subjects?

A. They are essential to students’ healthy growth.

B. They improve students’ communication skills.

C. They broaden students’ range of interests.

D. They benefit students in their future life.

3.What is the main concern of students when they choose a major?

A. The academic value of the courses.

B. Their interest in relevant subjects.

C. Their chances of getting a good job.

D. The quality of education to receive.

4.What advice does the author give to college students?

A. Try to take a variety of practical courses.

B. Prepare themselves for different job options.

C. Adopt a flexible approach to solving problems.

D. Seize opportunities to tap their potential.


As I walked past a store, I saw it, my dream coat. I’d been searching for the wonderful style that I’d first in a magazine. I tried it on. It fit . I wrapped the coat around myself like a (n) .

I knew that I shouldn’t buy myself a present at Christmas time. I’d the gifts for my family long before. Mom had me into buying a coat months ago. , I earned this by working all last summer. Still, I felt just a little . “It is more blessed (幸福的) to give than to receive”. Those haunted (萦绕) me all day. But I also wanted my dream coat.

The next morning, on the school bus, I my friend, Kate. I recognized her dress as the same one she’d yesterday and the day before.

At dinner, I asked my parents about Kate’s family.

“I hear that her mother worked at the factory that just and his father is an alcoholic. He probably drank up all the money his wife .”

That night I dreamed about Kate sitting beside a tree on Christmas morning, looking in our windows, when we opened gift after gift. When I awoke, I was of what I had to do.

At breakfast, I my plan to my family. It I wasn’t the only one who was thinking that way. I bought a basic but outfit (一套衣服) for Kate. We didn’t go to Kate’s until we were certain everyone would be in bed. Dad turned the car lights off I approached her house.

The first day back to school after Christmas , Kate was dressed in the clothes I’d given her. The outfit seemed to fit well.

It’s been many years now that Christmas Eve, and I have not forgotten it. I learned the of giving.

1.A.realized B. seen C. judged D. expected

2.A. similarly B. personally C. perfectly D. generally

3.A. model B. copy C. example D. sample

4.A. bought B. prepared C. made D. exchanged

5.A.forced B. persuaded C. suggested D. told

6.A. Besides B. Thus C. However D. Therefore

7.A.proud B. selfish C. cold D. confident

8.A.words B. goals C. items D. tasks

9.A.found B. watched C. knew D. noticed

10.A.purchased B. covered C. worn D. received

11.A. went away B. broke out C. closed down D. gave up

12.A.took B. earned C. handed D.pulled

13.A.certain B. free C. careful D. particular

14.A. announced B. recommended C. insisted D. expressed

15.A. came out B. turned out C. put out D. set out

16.A. warm B. bright C. good D. beautiful

17.A.because B. as C. once D. though

18.A. break B. effort C. event D. scene

19.A. for B. since C. at D. in

20.A. joy B. chance C. gift D. luck


It’s reported that a male waiter recently poured boiling water over a female customer at a hot pot restaurant after the woman was caught complaining about the waiter’s bad service online. 1.

The female victim,surnamed Lin,reportedly got into an argument with the waiter,surnamed Zhu,when Zhu refused her repeated request for additional soup for her pot.Lin was rushed to hospital and was diagnosed with severe bums on up to 40%of her body. 2.

Many netizens criticized the waiter for being too impulsive and ignoring the possible consequences,but some also accused Lin of being too picky.Meanwhile,some came up with a question worthy of discussion:3.

Many tragedies are caused by arguments and if the victim can control his or her anger and try to reach a compmmise,the tragedies could possibly be avoided.Sometimes so-called“cowardliness”can be a form of self-protection,especially when you are faced with strangers and you know little about their personalities.

4. When they calm down afterwards,they would regret their“ridiculous”behavior and have to pay the price for the consequences·

In May,a male driver in the southwestern city of Chengdu was captured on film intercepting a woman’s car and dragging her out of her seat,throwing her on the ground,before cruelly kicking her several times on the head,simply because the woman suddenly changed lanes in front of his car.

5. Forgive others’mistakes and avoid fueling others’anger.Accordingly,you may be less likely to suffer from unexpected troubles.

A.Will the situation be out of control because of your anger?

B.Intolerance has contributed to lots of violent incidents.

C.How to keep ourselves safe when we argue with others?

D.The waiter has been arrested for further investigation and trial.

E.This incident caused an outcry among netizens and opinion leaders.

F.But it is difficult to control our anger when we have conflict with others.

G.So next time you deal with conflict,it is more advisable to control your temper and say“sorry”with a smile.

If you are looking for the place that has everything, there is only one place to visit, and that’s New York. It’s a whole world in a city.

The World of Theater: All of New York is a stage. And it begins with Broadway. Where else can you find so many hit shows in one place? Only in New York!

The World of Music: Spend an evening with Beethoven at Lincoln Center. Swing to the great jazz of Greenwich Village. Or rock yourself silly at the hottest dance spots found anywhere.

The World of Art: From Rembrandt to Picasso. From Egyptian tombs to Indian teepees. Whatever kind of art you like, you will find it in New York.

The World of Fine Dining: Whether it’s roast Beijing duck in Chinatown, lasagna in little Italy, or the finest French coq au vin found everywhere, there is world of great taste waiting for you in New York.

The World of Sights: What other city has a Statue (雕塑) of Liberty? A Rockefeller Center? Or a Bronx Zoo? Where else can you take a horse-drawn carriage through Central Park ? Only in New York !

1.From the text we know that “Rembrandt” is most likely to be the name of a famous .

A. actor B. musician C. cook D. painter

2.Which of the following can visitors do only in New York?

A. To see the Statue of Liberty.

B. To taste the finest French coq au vin.

C. To enjoy a Beethoven concert.

D. To eat Roast Beijing Duck.

3.This passage may be taken from .

A. a handbook for English learners

B. a guidebook for foreign travellers

C. a pocketbook for businessmen

D. a storybook for local readers

Pure Yoga (菩尔瑜伽)is devoted to serving the yoga community in Asia and beyond,offering a wide variety of classes such as Hatha Yoga,Hot Yoga,Yin Yoga Vinyasa,etc. Our yoga classes are offered and taught by nearly 200 professional yoga teachers. Private Yoga is also available for learners of all levels. Pure Yoga constantly invites world-known teachers to lead guest teacher workshops.

Class Booking

Class bookings can be made 2 days in advance of the class. It is important that you book your class in advance since some classes are more heavily attended than others.

We also limit our class sizes so that they are not overcrowded. If a class you wish to take is full, we will place you on the wait list and inform you of an opening as soon as possible. To create the best experience for yourself and others,please follow these guidelines:

No talking

The yoga studio is a silent room. Please do not talk while in the studio and studio corridors(走廊).

No eating

Do not eat in the studio.

No shoes

Remove your shoes before entering the practice rooms. Keep your shoes in your locker (寄存柜).Shoe lockers are also available for rental.

No mobile phones

Turn your mobile phones off or to “vibrate”(震动)mode. Do not take phones into the practice rooms.

Personal Belongings

Daily lockers are not for overnight use. Locks from any daily lockers that are kept overnight will be cut.

1.Who will teach general learners yoga?

A. favorite yoga teacher.

B. professional yoga teacher.

C. world-known yoga teacher.

D. private yoga teacher.

2.When should you book your class?

A.One month ahead of time.

B.Two months ahead of time.

C.Two days ahead of time.

D. One day ahead of time.

3.In the practicing room,you can .

A.keep your shoes in the locker

B.wear any shoes you like

eat some snacks if you are hungry

C.talk with your friends on the phone

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