
For a while, my neighborhood was taken over by an army of joggers.(慢跑者). They were there all the time—early morning, noon, and evening. There were little old ladies in gray sweats, young couples in Adidas shoes, middle-aged men with red faces. “Come on!” My friend Alex encouraged me to join him as he jogged by my house every evening. “You'll feel great.”
Well, I had nothing against feeling great and if Alex could jog every day, anyone could. So I took up jogging seriously and gave it a good two months of my life, and not a day more. Based on my experience, jogging is the most overvalued form of exercise around, and judging from the number of the people who left our neighborhood jogging army. I'm not alone in my opinion.
First of all, jogging is very hard on the body. Your legs and feet a real pounding (沉重的脚步) running down a road for two or three miles. I developed foot, leg, and back problems. Then I read about a nationally famous jogger who died of a heart attack while jogging, and I had something else to worry about. Jogging doesn't kill hundreds of people, but if you have any physical weaknesses, jogging will surely bring them out, as they did with me.
Secondly, I got no enjoyment out of jogging. Putting one foot in front of the other for forty-five minutes isn't my idea of fun. Jogging is also a lonely pastime. Some joggers say, “I love being out there with just my thoughts.” Well, my thoughts began to bore me, and most of them were on how much my legs hurt.
And how could I enjoy something that brought me pain? And that wasn't just the first week: it was practically every day for two months. I never got past the pain level, and pain isn't fun. What a cruel way to do it! So many other exercises, including walking, lead to almost the same results painlessly, so why jog?
I don't jog any more, and I don't think I ever will. I'm walking two miles three times a week at a fast pace, and that feels good. I bicycle to work when the weather is good. I'm getting exercise, and I'm enjoying it at the same time. I could never say the same for jogging, and I've found a lot of better ways to stay in shape.
小题1:From the first paragraph, we learn that in the writer's neighborhood ________.
A.jogging became very popular
B.many people were encouraged to jog
C.Alex organized an army of joggers
D.jogging provided a chance to get together
小题2: The underlined word “them”(Paragraph 3) most probably refers to ________.
A.heart attacksB.Back problems
C.hundreds of peopleD.physical weaknesses
小题3: From the author's experience, we can conclude that ________.
A.jogging can help people keep fit
B.many physical problems result from jogging
C.not everyone enjoys jogging
D.jogging makes people feel great

In this modern world, we rush around all day, doing things, talking, sending and reading messages. We are always on, always connected, always thinking, always talking. There is no 36 for stillness.
And when we are 37 to be still because we’re in line for something, or waiting at a doctor’s appointment, or on a bus or train, we often  38 something to do. Some will play with mobile devices, other will read something. Being still isn’t something we’re 39.
This comes at a   40 : we lose that time for  41 , for observing and listening. We lose peace.
And   42 yet: sometimes too much action is worse than no action at all. You can run around crazily, but get  43 done.
Take a moment to think about  44 you spend your days. Are you constantly rushing around? Are you constantly reading and answering  45 checking on the news and the latest stream of information? Are you always  46 through your schedule?
Is this how you want to spend your  47 ? If so, peace be with you. If not, take a moment to be   48 . Don’t think about what you have to do, or what you’ve done already.   49 be in the moment.
Then after a minute or two of doing that, consider your life, and how you’d  50 it to be. See your life with less move anent, less doing, less rushing. See it with more stillness, more consideration, more  51 .
Then be that vision.
It’s pretty simple: all you have to do is sit still for a little bit each day.   52 you’re gotten used to that, try doing less each day. Breathe when you feel yourself moving too  53 . slow down. Be present. Find happiness now, in this moment, instead of   54 for it.
A.familiar withB.curious aboutC.used toD.interested in
A.everythingB.anythingC.nothing D.something
A.walkingB.rushingC.stepping D.going
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Imagine that Mom and Dad have friends over, and you have to talk to adults all evening.Say the wrong thing and the parents may get mad.But, say _50_, and they'll think you weren't friendly.So, _51_can you talk with adults?
It's _52_.Just ask them questions about themselves."Many of them like to talk about what they do for a living," suggests psychologist Tim Ursiny, author of The Confidence Plan.
Kids can also talk to grown-ups about _53_.Ask what the last good movie they saw was, because people at dinner parties "_54_" when the conversation turns to movies, Ursiny says.If a grown-up is _55_ Harry Potter, it's ok to talk about your love for Harry.It's a safe topic, one that both grown-ups and kids can enjoy, so go ahead and talk about whether Dumbledore is really dead.
But _56_the topic of video games."Adults don't want to hear about your video game _57_they play it," Ursiny explains.
Adults also don't want to hear slang.Don't use language they don't _58_.Ursiny says kids should learn to speak to other people in their own language.
_59_,most adults aren't into slang, they do remember what it was like to be a kid.Ursiny recommends asking adults what school was like when they were your age."It might be a fun discussion if you _60_your
10th-grade experience with theirs."_61_you chat with your parents beforehand to find out which topics are
Also, don't chat about things that make your parents feel guilty.Don't mention _62_ stuff such as how Dad has been sleeping on the couch, Ursiny says.And don't complain that Mom has been late preparing breakfast.
Instead, Ursiny says, kids should try to put themselves in their parents' _63_.Learning how to _64_that type of understanding might help you out in the future."The most successful people, can develop a sympathetic feeling for others," he says.
A.look upB.light upC.make upD.keep up
A.Make sureB.Pay attentionC.Watch outD.Take care
On a BA flight from Johannesburg, a middle-aged South African lady found herself sitting next to a black man. She called the cabin crew attendant over to complain about her seating.
“What seems to be the problem, Madam?” Asked the attendant.
“Can’t you see?” She said, “You’ve sat me next to a black. I can’t possibly sit next to this dirty disgusting human. Find me another seat!”
“Please calm down, Madam,” the attendant replied, “The flight is very full today, but I’ll tell you what I’ll do—I’ll go and check to see if we have any seats available in club or first class.”
A few minutes later, the attendant returned with the good news, which she delivered to the lady, who cannot help but look at the people around her with a smug and self-satisfied grin.
“Madam, unfortunately, as I guessed, economy is full. I’ve spoken to the cabin services director, and club is also full. However, we do have one seat in first class.”
Before the lady had a chance to answer, the attendant continued.
“It’s most extraordinary to make this kind of upgrade, however, and I have had to get special permission from the captain. But, according to this special situation, the captain felt that it was unbelievable that someone should be forced to sit next to such an obnoxious(讨厌的) person.”
Having said that, the attendant turned to the black man sitting next to the lady, and said, “So if you’d like to get your things, sir, I have your seat ready for you.”
At that moment, the surrounding passengers stood and gave a long-lasting ovation (欢呼) while the black man walked up to the front of the plane…
小题1:What made the white South African lady angry?
A.She had to find the attendant to complain.
B.She couldn’t find another seat to sit down.
C.The passenger next to her is dirty.
D.She sat next to a black man.
小题2:Who will fly in first class?
A.The attendant. B.The white woman. C.The black man. D.The captain.
小题3:How many types of seats are there in the plane?
小题4: What was the “special situation” that the attendant mentioned in Paragraph 8?
A.The woman was obnoxious.
B.The black man was obnoxious.
C.The white woman can’t sit next to a black man.
D.The passengers around can’t stand the woman any longer.
小题5:From the passage, we can make a conclusion that __________.
A.people don’t like those who look down on others
B.the attendant aboard is unfriendly
C.the white lady was refused to go on the plane at last
D.many passengers aboard don’t like to sit next to the black man.
“Everybody in this city wants a car, and I’m no exception. A car brings with it the freedom to travel”, said a friend of mine while reading a car magazine. I might not agree with him, but no doubt he was speaking for a rapidly growing number of middle-class Chinese. While it is true that all the waiting, walking, being part of a crowd, and sweating, are somewhat unpleasant, there are many problems which can arise when our lives rely too much on this invention.
First of all, in terms of polluting the environment, driving a car is the worst act an average person can commit. Beijing now finds itself at the top of the list of the most polluted capital cities in the world with Mexico City in the second place. Research also shows that by 2010 around 90% of total pollutants in Shanghai have come from cars. These pollutions are extremely dangerous to our health. They can damage the lungs, cause cancer, and damage the brain.
Apart from environmental problems, relying too much on cars also creates social problems such as traffic jams, road accidents, and noise pollution. The jeeps that proudly drive through the Hutongs in Beijing as if they are in a race often annoy me, and to make it worse, these drivers seldom respect cyclists.
Of course, we cannot forget the convenience that cars bring us when we need to travel far, but I often find it faster to cycle from one place to another within the city of Beijing, especially with the growing traffic jams.
Since people travel further and more frequently than before, cars will certainly be important in the future. At the same time, however, let us work hard to make sure that this invention brings us a more convenient lifestyle rather than trouble and disease. Let us make good use of cars.
小题1:What is this passage mainly about?
A.Environmental problems.
B.Traffic jams in Beijing.
C.Problems brought about by cars.
D.Benefits of using cars.
小题2: The underlined word commit in Paragraph 2 has the close meaning as ____ .
A.do something right or legal
B.do something wrong or illegal
C.do something good and meaningful
D.do something bad and meaningless
小题3:What do we know about the author?
A.The author doesn’t want a car.
B.The author agrees that a car offers freedom to travel.
C.The author suggests that we should rely on bicycles.
D.The author thinks that the invention of cars leads to many problems.
小题4:In Paragraph 3, what does the author mean by saying “The jeeps… often annoy me”?
A.The author is troubled by the way jeeps are driven in the Hutongs of Beijing.
B.The author thinks that Hutongs are too narrow for jeeps to drive through.
C.The author thinks that the jeeps are too noisy.
D.The author is worried that more accidents are caused by jeeps than any other cars.
小题5:What is the author’s idea in Paragraphs 4 and 5 ?
A.Cars are only convenient for people traveling far.
B.We should all give up cars and ride bicycles.
C.Cars have brought us more convenience than troubles.
D.We should choose between the car and the bicycle according to the situation.
The fiddler crab (蟹) is a living clock. It shows the time of day by the colour of its skin, which is dark by day and pale by night. The crab’s changing colour follows a regular twenty—four hour plan that exactly matches the daily rhythm of the sun.
Does the crab actually keep time, or does its skin simply answer to the sun’s rays, changing colour according to the amount of light strikes it? To find out, biologists kept crabs in a dark room for two months. Even without daylight, the crab’s skin colour continued to change exactly on time.
This characteristic probably developed gradually in answer to the daily rising and setting of the sun, to help protect the crab from sunlight and enemies. After millions of years it has become completely regulated (受控制) inside the living body of the crab.
The biologists noticed that once each day the colour of the fiddler crab is especially dark, and that each day this happens fifty minutes later than on the day before. From this they discovered that each crab follows not only the rhythm of the sun but also that of the tides (潮水). The crab’s period of greatest darkening is exactly the time of low tide on the beach where it was caught!
小题1:The fiddler crab is like a clock because it changes colour ______.
A in a regular 24—hour rhythm              B. in answer to the sun’s rays
C. at low tide                            D. every fifty minutes
小题2:The crab’s changing colour ______.
A.tells the crab what time it isB.protects the crab from the sunlight and enemies
C.keeps the crab warmD.is of no real use
小题3: When the fiddler crabs were kept in the dark , they ______.
A.did not change colourB.changed colour more quickly
C.changed colour more slowlyD.changed colour on the same timetable
小题4:The crab’s colour—changing ability was probably developed ______.
A.in the process of evolution (进化)B.over millions of years
C.by the work of biologistsD.both A and B
小题5:The best title for this selection would be ______.
A.The Sun and the TidesB.Discoveries in Biology
C.A scientific StudyD.A Living Clock
Soon Tommy’s parents, who had recently separated, would arrive for a conference on his failing schoolwork and bad behavior. Neither parent knew that I had called the other.
Tommy, an only child, had always been happy, cooperative and an excellent student. How could I convince his father and mother that his recent failing grades represented a broken-hearted child’s reaction to his parents’ separation and pending (即将发生的) divorce?
Tommy’s mother entered and took one of the chairs. Soon the father arrived. Good! At least they were concerned enough to be here in time. They ignored each other.
As I gave a detailed account of Tommy’s behavior and schoolwork, I prayed for the right words to bring these two together to help them see what they were doing to their son. But somehow the words wouldn’t come. Perhaps if they saw one of his dirty, carelessly done papers?
I found a sheet in the back of his desk. Writing covered both sides: not the assignment, but a single sentence scribbled (潦草地写) over and over.
Silently I gave it to Tommy’s mother. She read it and then handed it to her husband. Then his face softened.
At last he folded the paper carefully, placed it in his pocket, and reached for his wife’s hand. She wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled up at him. He helped her with her coat and they left together.
In his own way God had given me the words to reunite that family. He had guided me to the sheet of yellow copy paper covered with the pain out pouring of a small boy’s troubled heart.
The words are “Dear Mom…Dear Daddy… I love you…”
小题1:The author called Tommy’s parents in order to ________.
A.solve the couple’s problem
B.scold them for their divorce
C.help them realize their influence on Tommy
D.blame Tommy for his failing grades
小题2:This passage is most probably written by _________.
A.a teacherB.a journalistC.a lawyerD.a doctor
小题3:How did Tommy’s parents feel after seeing the words?
小题4: We can learn from the passage that _______.
A.the author knew Tommy often wrote to his parents
B.the author said a lot to make Tommy’s parents reunite
C.Tommy hated his parents divorcing
D.Tommy was greatly influenced by his parents
小题5: What would be the best title for this passage?
A.A separate familyB.Tommy’s essay
C.Never divorceD.A good teacher
Many young people want to be pop stars. Pop stars are rich. Many people think they are leading a happy and easy life. In fact, they have very hard lives. They spend much of their time on travel. Sometimes the travel is interesting, but in most time it is boring to pop stars. The following chart is a day’s life of a pop star.
Feb. 10, 2007
Woke up and had breakfast in the hotel, packed bags. Took taxi to airport.
Plane took off half an hour later than usual for the bad weather.
Plane landed. Waited for luggage for half an hour. Signed for fans at the airport.
Arrived at the hotel and had a short rest.
Started out to attend the meeting with fans and gave an interview to the local reporters.
Went to radio station to attend the live show.
Had lunch with local producer.
Went to theatre and prepared for the night’s show. The lighting of the theatre was good, but the band did poorly.
Back to hotel. Tried to have a rest. Still worried about the band.
Had supper, but ate little.
Went to theatre again and got ready for show.
Sang very well, and audience gave a warm welcome. The band improved a little.
Show was over. Very tired from it.
Back to hotel. Took a bath. Too excited to sleep, so watched TV
Fell asleep, with TV on.
小题1:According to the chart, the pop star was a ________.
A.singerB.dancer C.playerD.pianist.
小题2:According to his plan, his plane should have taken off at _______.
A.6:30B.7:00 C.7:30D.:8:00
小题3: At the radio station, the pop star ________.
A.showed fans how to become famousB.gave a performance on the air
C.met fans and signed for themD.told people how he lived his life
小题4:From this passage we get to know that ________.
A.not all people like pop starsB.pop stars have their own bands
C.fans are troublesome for pop starsD.to be a pop star is not all fun
When you are little, it’s not hard to believe you can change the world. I remember my enthusiasm when, at the age of 12, I addressed(向……演讲) the people at the Rio Earth Summit. “ I am only a child,” I told them.” Yet I know that if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place this world would be. At school you teach us not to fight with others, to work things out, to respect others, to clean up our mess, not to hurt other creatures, to share, not to be greedy. Then why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do. You grown-ups say you love us, but I challenge you, please, to make your actions reflect your words.”
I spoke for six minutes and received a standing ovation. Some of the people even cried. I thought that maybe I had reached some of them, that my speech might actually spur(刺激)action. Now, ten years from Rio, after I’ve sat through many more conferences, I’m not sure what has been achieved. My confidence in the people in power and in the power of an individual’s voice to reach them has been deeply shaken.
When I was little, the world was simple. But as a young adult, I’m learning that as we have to make choices—educa-tion, career, lifestyle—life gets more and more complicated. We are beginning to feel pressure to produce and be successful. We are taught that economic growth is progress, but we aren’t taught how to seek a happy, healthy way of living. And we are learning that what we wanted for the future when we were 12 was idealistic and naive(天真的).
Today I’m no longer a child, but I’m worried about what kind of environment my children will grow up in. I know change is possible, because I am changing, still figuring out what I think. I am still deciding how to live my life. The challenges are great, but if we accept individual responsibility and make choices, we will rise to the challenges, and we will become part of the positive tide of the change. I hope this goal will be met through our common efforts. Thank you all.
小题1:The purpose of what the speaker said at the age of 12 was to     .
A.end poverty and make schools beautiful
B.find environmental answers and show off
C.focus people’s attention on some social problems
D.find a wonderful place and clean it up
小题2:What does the underlined word “ovation”in the second paragraph refer to?
A.A long period of laughing.B.A cold and unfriendly welcome.
C.An expression used for greeting.
D.Great applause or cheering.
小题3:The information in the text is presented mainly through      .
A.question and answerB.a personal lecture
C.cause and effectD.listing steps in a process
小题4:Which of the following best describes the speaker?
A.He is an experienced educator.
B.He is an impolite man.
C.He is a man of great worries.
D.He is a man of social responsibility.

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