
“It was a11 his own idea,”says Pat Peters,the 38-year-old wife of Palo Alto,California high school football coach Bob Peters,39.Bob had just drawn up a “motherhood contract”-a document(文件)stating that for 70 days this summer he would take over the care and feeding of the couplets four children,plus all household chores(杂务).Although he didn’t even know how to make coffee when he signed,he was quite confident.(He thought the experience would make a nice book.)

      After 40 of the 70 days,he was ready to give up.”I was beaten down,completely humbled” admits Peters.Three weeks later he spoke to the local press(also part of the bargain),stating,”Not only is motherhood a difficult task,not only is it never—ending,it is an impossible job for any normal human being.”

      Bob and Pat were high school sweethearts、After they got married i11 1 960,she worked as a secretary to help put him through university.Since then Bob has been the football and  wrestling coach at Palo Alto’s Cubberley high while Pat raised the kids.

     Then two years ago Pat went back to work as a secretary at Cubberley.”I had been around children so much,”she sighs(叹气).”I couldn’t talk to a grown—up.”She continued to run the household,however—until Bob signed the contract.Where upon she decided to relax and enjoy it .Although Peters had consulted with his school’s home economics teachers and‘he head of the cafeteria(食堂),his meals were sometimes a disaster.”I tried to slip the butter. I’d forgotten under the eggs after they were flying,”he says.For the last three weeks, the family ate out a lot——sometimes having Macdonald’s hamburgers for lunch and dinner.

    As for housekeeping.a home economics teacher had told Bob that a room always looks clean if the bed is made.”I found an easier way-I shut the doors,”he says.Soon the kids were wearing the same clothes for a week.”I made them wear their shirts inside out,and when we went to Dick up Pat at work they turned them right side out so they would look clean.”

    Now that Bob has publicly admitted he was wrong,he is routinely(日常地)sharing the child-raising and household tasks with Pat.The tentative(暂定的)title of his book about the summer is taken from something he shouted at the kids one day....

1.File couple signed the contract because      

  A.Pat complained a lot about her doing the housework all by herself

  B.Bob loved taking care of children and wanted his wife to have a good rest

  C.They agreed that husband and wife should share household tasks

  D.Bob thought it easy to take care of tile family and wanted the experience for a book

2.It was agreed that if Bob failed to keep to the contract.he would have to     

  A.pay a certain amount of money

  B.do all tile housework for years

  C.say sorry to his wife

  D. admit publicly he was wrong about motherhood

3.What call we 1earn about Pat Peters?

  A.She was hard—working and selfless.

  B.She was pretty and kind—hearted.

  C.She was tired of tile child.raising and household tasks.

  D.She did not love Bob any longer.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.Bob managed to keep the kids’ clothes clean.

  B.Bob tried to cook good meals for his children.

  C.Bob frequently took the kids out to eat because he was too busy at work.

  D.Bob taught the kids to make their beds every day.

5.Which of the following can best end tile story?

  A. “My experience of being a mother.”

  B.”I’ll proud of you all,my dear!”

  C.”Wait till your mother gets home!”

  D.”Motherhood:an impossible job for anyone。”


    A1 Smith,former governor of New York State,was a famous honest  politician.He was born very poor on the East side of New York City.He had little education.He worked very hard and won great success.

    One day,as governor,he was visiting the state prison at Sing Sing,which one of the largest prison in the United States.The head of the prison asked Mr.Smith to say something to the prisoners.

    Mr.Smith had never spoken to this kind of audience before.He did not know how to begin.

    Finally,he said,“My fellow citizens...’’It was followed by a burst of laughter.Then he remembered that when a man goes to prison he is no longer a citizen.He took a breath and corrected himself,“My fellow prisoners..’’That did not sound right,so he finally said:“WelI,anyway,I am giad to see so many of you here today.’’

Who was Al Smith          

    A.A man famous for his honesty

    B A very good speechmaker.

    C Former governor of New York City.

    D.Former governor of New York State

AI Smith succeeded        

  A.with his parents’help                      B.through his own efforts

   C.because he had had 1ittle education    D.because he was clever

When AI Smith said,“My fellow prisoners..”            

    A.it seemed that he was kind hearted

    B it seemed that he himself was one of the prisoners

    C it seemed that the prisoners were glad to see him

    D.it seemed that the prisoners welcomed him

What is the story mainly about?

    A.A humorous joke?    B A famous politician.

    C.An honest story D.A prison in the United States.

Was Princess Diana murdered? The verdict(判决)is no according to an inquiry(调查)held into the cause of her death over the last six months.
The big question was whether the deaths of Diana and her boyfriend Dodi A1 Fayed in a deadly car crash in 1997 had been accidental, or whether there was some kind of conspiracy(阴谋)to have them killed.
Dodi’s father Mohamed A1 Fayed, owner of London’s world-famous department store Harrods, has insisted for the last decade that the pair were murdered by spies of the British state who did not want them to marry. But his theories now look to have been blown out of the water.  The court found that Princess Diana and her boyfriend were not murdered but killed due to the “gross, carelessness” of her driver and the paparazzi(偷拍的摄影记者). Her driver was drunk at the time of the crash and the paparazzi had been running after their car.
So is this the end of the Diana story? British taxpayers may hope so. The inquiry has cost them about £10m(140m RMB). “Thank God it’s over”, was the headline in The Guardian newspaper. UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said it was time to “draw a line” under the death of the Princess. But Mohamed AI Fayed has refused to accept the judgment. He says the result will come as a “blow” to millions of his supporters around the world, and has not ruled out starting another investigation.
Whatever happens, next, the special place Princess Diana has in the hearts of people around the world is not likely to be forgotten.
1. According to the text, the inquiry focuses on _______.
A. what caused the deaths of Diana and her boyfriend   B. who were the paparazzi
C. how much British taxpayers paid for the case       D. whether the driver was drunk then.
2. By saying the underlined “his theories now look to have been blown out of the water”, the author means that ________.
A. Mohamed lacks confidence in the case   B. Mohamed feels disappointed at the result
C. Mohamed’s idea seems to be believable  D. Mohamed’s idea possibly proves to be wrong
3. Similar to The Guardian newspaper, UK Prime Minister ________.
A. felt sorry for the deadly car crash       B. questioned the purpose of Dodi’s father
C. stood for the court’s judgment         D. blamed the paparazzi for their bad behavior


Was Princess Diana murdered? The verdict(判决)is no according to an inquiry(调查)held into the cause of her death over the last six months.

The big question was whether the deaths of Diana and her boyfriend Dodi A1 Fayed in a deadly car crash in 1997 had been accidental, or whether there was some kind of conspiracy(阴谋)to have them killed.

Dodi’s father Mohamed A1 Fayed, owner of London’s world-famous department store Harrods, has insisted for the last decade that the pair were murdered by spies of the British state who did not want them to marry. But his theories now look to have been blown out of the water.  The court found that Princess Diana and her boyfriend were not murdered but killed due to the “gross, carelessness” of her driver and the paparazzi(偷拍的摄影记者). Her driver was drunk at the time of the crash and the paparazzi had been running after their car.

So is this the end of the Diana story? British taxpayers may hope so. The inquiry has cost them about £10m(140m RMB). “Thank God it’s over”, was the headline in The Guardian newspaper. UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said it was time to “draw a line” under the death of the Princess. But Mohamed AI Fayed has refused to accept the judgment. He says the result will come as a “blow” to millions of his supporters around the world, and has not ruled out starting another investigation.

Whatever happens, next, the special place Princess Diana has in the hearts of people around the world is not likely to be forgotten.

1. According to the text, the inquiry focuses on _______.

A. what caused the deaths of Diana and her boyfriend   B. who were the paparazzi

C. how much British taxpayers paid for the case       D. whether the driver was drunk then.

2. By saying the underlined “his theories now look to have been blown out of the water”, the author means that ________.

A. Mohamed lacks confidence in the case   B. Mohamed feels disappointed at the result

C. Mohamed’s idea seems to be believable  D. Mohamed’s idea possibly proves to be wrong

3. Similar to The Guardian newspaper, UK Prime Minister ________.

A. felt sorry for the deadly car crash       B. questioned the purpose of Dodi’s father

C. stood for the court’s judgment         D. blamed the paparazzi for their bad behavior




Was Princess Diana murdered? The verdict(判决) is no. according to an inquiry(调查) held into the cause of her death over the last six months.

The big question was whether the deaths of Diana and her boyfriend Dodi A1 Fayed in a deadly car crash in 1997 had been accidental, or whether there was some kind of conspiracy(阴谋) to have them killed. 

Dodi’s father Mohamed A1 Fayed, owner of London’s world-famous department store Harrods, has insisted for the last decade that the pair were murdered by spies of the British state who did not want them to marry. But his theories now look to have been blown out of the water.  The court found that Princess Diana and her boyfriend were not murdered but killed due to the “gross, carelessness” of her driver and the paparazzi(偷拍的摄影记者). Her driver was drunk at the time of the crash and the paparazzi had been running after their car.

So is this the end of the Diana story? British taxpayers may hope so. The inquiry has cost them about £10m (140m RMB). “Thank God it’s over”, was the headline in The Guardian newspaper. UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said it was time to “draw a line” under the death of the Princess. But Mohamed AI Fayed has refused to accept the judgment. He says the result will come as a “blow” to millions of his supporters around the world, and has not ruled out starting another investigation.

Whatever happens, next, the special place Princess Diana has in the hearts of people around the world is not likely to be forgotten.

56. According to the text, the inquiry focuses on _______.

      A. what caused the deaths of Diana and her boyfriend

      B. who were the paparazzi

      C. how much British taxpayers paid for the case

       D. whether the driver was drunk then .

57. By saying the underlined “his theories now look to have been blown out of the water”, the author means that ________.

      A. Mohamed lacks confidence in the case

      B. Mohamed feels disappointed at the result

      C. Mohamed’s idea seems to be believable

       D. Mohamed’s idea possibly proves to be wrong

58. Similar to The Guardian newspaper, UK Prime Minister ________.

      A. felt sorry for the deadly car crash     B. questioned the purpose of Dodi’s father

      C. stood for the court’s judgment        D. blamed the paparazzi for their bad behavior

Was Princess Diana murdered? The verdict(判决)is no according to an inquiry(调查)held into the cause of her death over the last six months.

The big question was whether the deaths of Diana and her boyfriend Dodi A1 Fayed in a deadly car crash in 1997 had been accidental, or whether there was some kind of conspiracy(阴谋)to have them killed.

Dodi’s father Mohamed A1 Fayed, owner of London’s world-famous department store Harrods, has insisted for the last decade that the pair were murdered by spies of the British state who did not want them to marry. But his theories now look to have been blown out of the water.  The court found that Princess Diana and her boyfriend were not murdered but killed due to the “gross, carelessness” of her driver and the paparazzi(偷拍的摄影记者). Her driver was drunk at the time of the crash and the paparazzi had been running after their car.

So is this the end of the Diana story? British taxpayers may hope so. The inquiry has cost them about £10m(140m RMB). “Thank God it’s over”, was the headline in The Guardian newspaper. UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said it was time to “draw a line” under the death of the Princess. But Mohamed AI Fayed has refused to accept the judgment. He says the result will come as a “blow” to millions of his supporters around the world, and has not ruled out starting another investigation.

Whatever happens, next, the special place Princess Diana has in the hearts of people around the world is not likely to be forgotten.

1. According to the text, the inquiry focuses on _______.

A. what caused the deaths of Diana and her boyfriend   B. who were the paparazzi

C. how much British taxpayers paid for the case       D. whether the driver was drunk then.

2. By saying the underlined “his theories now look to have been blown out of the water”, the author means that ________.

A. Mohamed lacks confidence in the case   B. Mohamed feels disappointed at the result

C. Mohamed’s idea seems to be believable  D. Mohamed’s idea possibly proves to be wrong

3. Similar to The Guardian newspaper, UK Prime Minister ________.

A. felt sorry for the deadly car crash       B. questioned the purpose of Dodi’s father

C. stood for the court’s judgment         D. blamed the paparazzi for their bad behavior

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