

Questions you should ask yourself when you fail

The more new things we try the more failure we are likely to have. 【1】 . Experiencing failure can be a learning experience and an opportunity for a fresh start. A good way to begin this process is by asking yourself some tough questions.

1. What can I learn from this?

Take responsibility for what went wrong. OK, so it was not all your fault—but some of it was. Successful people don’t make excuses or blame others. 2 So you should look at the experience objectively(客观地).

2. Do I need to acquire or improve some skills?

Did the problem reveal some lack of skill on your part? How could you learn or improve those skills? Perhaps there are books or courses or people you could turn to. 3 __

3. Who can I learn from?

Is there someone to whom you can turn for advice? Did a boss, colleague or friend see what happened? 4 . Most people do not ask for help because they believe it to be a sign of weakness rather than strength. It’s not. It shows that you are ready to learn and change.

4. What will I do next?

Now draw up an action plan. Will you try something similar or something different? Revisit your goals. Failure doesn’t mean you have to give up; maybe you just need to change it in another way. 5___

A. You can now reset your sights on your destination and plan a new course.

B. Make them step stones to future success.

C. They take responsibility for the failure.

D. In fact the only way to avoid failure is to do nothing new.

E. The important thing is how we deal with failure.

F. Make a self-development plan to acquire the skills and experience you need.

G. If they are constructive and supportive then ask them for some feedback (反馈) and guidance.
















The Happiest Cities On Earth

If you’re looking for a cheery destination for your next vacation, consider these four spots and get ready to take notes on how to really live the good life.


With one of the highest population densities(密度)in the world and residents known for being workaholics, it’s hard to imagine the city-state of Singapore having one of the happiest populations on earth.And yet in a recent survey, 95% of them said they were either very happy or quite happy.

They give their city high marks for cleanliness and safety—subways are pristine(洁净的and unfailingly arrive on time, and police are seen as helpful and good at their jobs.What’s more, they feel they can count on their neighbours—all 5.1 million of them.

Arhus, Denmark

The residents of Arhus cheerfully part with 68% of their income in taxes, knowing that in return they will be guaranteed free healthcare, free daycare, and a top-notch(第一流的)education for their children.

An energetic city of 300,000 with a lively cultural scene and a diverse number of religions represented, the sense of equality(the range in incomes is narrow), as well as easy access to the nearby sea and surrounding countryside, make Arhus seem more like a small town.

San Luis Obispo, CA

According to a 2008 Gallup-Healthways study, people who live in San Luis Obispo are more likely than residents of other U.S.cities to smile and experience joy and are less likely to experience pain or depression.About 64,000 of the 260,000 people in the greater metropolitan area(都市区), located halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco, volunteer at over 11,000 non-profit organizations.

Few journeys to work are longer than 10 minutes (one reason its members rank in the upper third for job satisfaction), so “it’s easy to be involved,” resident Pierre Rademaker said.Business signs are unobtrusive(不显眼的)by law, fewer than 11% of residents smoke—the lower rate in the U.S.—there are lots of bike lanes, and the city’s plaza draws crowds of people for free concerts on summer Fridays.What’s not to love?

Monterrey, Mexico

The people of Monterrey don’t enjoy high household incomes or access to good healthcare.Instead, there’s a profound sense of gratitude for the new political freedom enjoyed since the oppressive Institutional Revolutionary Party lost power in 2000—the first time in nearly a century—as well as an emphasis on social life over work.

Another reason Monterrey residents may be so happy is their faith in God and family, and their ability to tough it out through bad times.

“We laugh at sickness, poverty and even death,” says Basanez, a political scientist who lives in Monterrey.“We even have a holiday to celebrate death.November 2, the Day of the Dead, is one of the biggest holidays of the year.”

【1】According to the passage, what do the residents in the four cities have in common?

A.All the residents can make great fortunes by working hard.

B.The residents there are mostly educators.

C.All the residents enjoy enough material wealth.

D.The majority of the residents are satisfied with their current life.

【2】According to the passage, we can infer that _______.

A.the people of Singapore expect their neighbours to come to their help when necessary

B.the people of Monterrey even observe one’s death on a special day of a year

C.the residents of Arhus happily pay 68% of their income for their children’s education fee

D.the people who live in San Luis Obispo have job satisfaction because they can enjoy good working conditions

【3】According to the passage which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A.The people of Monterrey didn’t enjoy political freedom until 2000.

B.The residents in Singapore feel happy because of its low population density.

C.The people of San Luis Obispo can enjoy free concerts in summer.

D.Arhus is handy to the seaside and countryside.

【4】What can we learn from the underlined part the sense of equality”?

A.The residents of Arhus have no racial discrimination.

B.Arhus is considered as a family sharing everything with each other.

C.There is no wide gap between the rich and the poor in Arhus.

D.The residents of Arhus can depend on their neighbours to help.

【题目】The tallest building in the United States, the One World Trade Center, opened on November 3, 2014 in New York. The building is 1,776 feet tall, making it the 3rd tallest building in the world. It has 104 floors. The building stands in the area where the twin towers of the World Trade Center once stood. On September 11, 2001, a group of terrorists destroyed these twin towers and killed nearly 3,000 people. It took 8 years to build the new One World Trade Center. Does the height of the building in feet reminds you of something in history? The number is the year when the United States declared(宣布) its independence(独立) from Great Britain.

One problem with such a tall building is how to clean the windows. Well, a platform(平台) hangs from ropes, and workers on the platform clean windows. On November 12, while two men were busy cleaning windows, a rope of the platform broke near the 68th floor. The two men were saved by cutting a hole in the glass window.

The two tallest buildings in the world are the BurjKhalifa in Dubai, UAE and the Makkah Royal Clock Tower in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

【1】When did the One World Trade Center open?

A. September 11, 2001.B. September 11, 2011.

C. November 3, 2006.D. November 3, 2014.

【2】Who destroyed the twin towers of the World Trade Center?

A. A group of young men.B. A group of terrorists.

C. A group of workers.D. A group of soldiers.

【3】“The number” in the first paragraph refers to________.

A. 8B. 104C. 1,776 D. 3,000

【4】How were the workers on the platform saved when a rope broke?

A. By calling for help.

B. By using a new rope.

C. By jumping off the platform.

D. By cutting a hole in the glass window.

【题目】Hello! The University of Hawaii is located just outside of downtown Honolulu in green Manoa valleyWe invite you to visit and want to let you know about our learning programs, the richness of our culture, the beauty of our environment, the spirit of our students and teachers, advanced equipment and modern buildingsWe look forward to seeing you comeThe following information is given so that your visit will be as easy as possible

You should get in touch with us ahead of timeYou may directly contact the office of the College to schedule appointment service at 1--877-447-3233. To arrange a campus tour, please hand in a request through our Online Campus Visit Request Form

Tours are on weekdays:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

9:00a.m.--9:30a.m.: Meet with a University Representative(代表)

9:30a.m.--11:30a.m.: General Campus Tour with a UHM The University of Hawaii Manoa student

Tuesday & Thursday

1:00p.m.--l:30p.m.: Meet with a University Representative

l:30p.m.--3:30p.m.: General Campus Tour with a UHM student

You also can get in touch with us by:

Phone Number: 1 877 447-3233, or 1 808 956-6524

E-mail: visituhm@hawaiiedu

How do you get to UHM?

It is in Honolulu less than 3 miles away from Waikiki and about 9 miles from Honolul International Airport

By car: From Waikiki and from Honolulu International Airport

Taxi: Taxi fare to UHM is about $2500, except baggage charges and a tip of 10 to 15percent

Public bus: Luggage is allowed on city buses. Bus stops are on the second floor of the airport.A one-way fare is $2.00in exact change.

【1】About the University of Hawaii, all is true except_______

AIt has advanced equipment and modern buildings

BIt offers visitors thoughtful campus tour.

CIt is located in the center of Honolulu

DYour visit there can be accompanied by a UHM student

【2】If you are only free in the afternoon, you can visit the campus _______

Aat l:00p.m.on Mondays

Bat l:30p.m.on Tuesdays

Cat 2:00p.m.on Wednesdays

Dat 4:00p.m.on Thursdays

【3】What can we learn from the passage?

AYou need to contact them in advance.

BTaxi fare to UHM is about $ 25.00, including a tip

COnly by car and bus can you get to UHM.

DYou can visit the campus both on weekdays and weekends

【4】The purpose of writing the passage is _______

Ato know how to apply for entrance to the university

Bto introduce the University of Hawaii

Cto make your visit to the campus as easy as possible

Dto show the rich culture of their university

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