
For my 22nd wedding anniversary, I determined that I would write my wife Sheila twenty-two ________ to describe my love to her. I also decided that I would have a unique ________ to give her a great surprise.

I started out months ________, writing poems and ________ with my wife’s friends and got their help in making cards for each of the twenty-two poems.

Had I known how ________ it was to make twenty-two cards for twenty-two poems, I might have ________ a different idea. ________, by the time I was about to ________, I was encouraged by our ________, so I kept on the task.

Some good friends ________ to host the party at their house. The question then was how to get my wife to the party without raising her ________. I told my wife for our anniversary I would make a(n) ________ at a nice restaurant, so she didn’t have to ________ anything. I had prearranged with the party host to call me before the party to say that she really needed to get back a ________ that I had borrowed. In my wife’s ________, I told him that we were heading out to dinner and could drop the book off on our way.

Finally, when we arrived at the ________, I suggested that perhaps Sheila should accompany me to the door and say a quick ________. We stepped into the house where the ________ happened. One at a time, twenty-one of Sheila’s friends presented her with a card and rose. Then, I ________ a poem titled “Pure Luck”. I wanted ________ to get it right—and I did!

That was five years ago, and I can still recited the whole poem by heart.

1.A. lettersB. poemsC. booksD. stories

2.A. partyB. mealC. programmeD. feeling

3.A. for instanceB. on purposeC. at mostD. in advance

4.A. arguingB. fightingC. dealingD. consulting

5.A. specialB. valuableC. difficultD. enjoyable

6.A. pay attention toB. looked forward to

C. come up withD. made up with

7.A. HoweverB. ThereforeC. OtherwiseD. Moreover

8.A. go onB. give upC. come outD. show up

9.A. lifeB. prideC. loveD. honesty

10.A. refusedB. hesitatedC. pretendedD. volunteered

11.A. wishesB. worriesC. doubtsD. enthusiasm

12.A. effortB. reservationC. decisionD. call

13.A. planB. shareC. missD. explain

14.A. bookB. cardC. bikeD. flower

15.A. performanceB. influenceC. presenceD. absence

16.A. dinnerB. houseC. meetingD. competition

17.A. goodbyeB. pityC. yesD. hello

18.A. accidentB. surpriseC. quarrelD. trouble

19.A. recitedB. readC. wroteD. sang

20.A. responsiblyB. thankfullyC. sensitivelyD. desperately


The other day I heard a few local musicians talking:

“I hate all the terrible pianos in this town. I hate that rubbish they play on the radio. They can’t even understand a bit of music.”

“I’m never playing in that club again. Too many drunks and nobody listens to us.”

But, one younger musician said, “There are a few clubs that book my band a few nights a month, and I’m trying to find other places to play. I’m also looking to book a few summer festivals this year.”

I’ve heard that you are the average of the five people whom you spend the most time with, or to put it another way, you are who your friends are.

Attitudes are important. Whether they’re positive or negative, they’re rubbing off on you. If you’re around people who complain about lack of work and about other musicians, or blame others, and you play the role of victim, chances are you will start to as well. So it’s time to take a look at the people you call “friends”.

This is an easy exercise: Make a list of the people who you hang out with, and simply stop spending time with the negative people on your list. Set a new standard for yourself and don’t become friends with people who fall below that standard.

Keep successful people around you and your own chances for success will be much better. Ask them how they do it. Ask if they will help you get the work you’re looking for, or maybe give you some advice to help you on your career path.

1.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed

B. How to make friendship last for ever

C. You are who your friends are

D. Friends are the most important in one’s success

2.The musicians’ words at the beginning are written mainly to show ________.

A. the musicians’ living conditions are quite poor

B. people have poor taste in music

C. people have different attitudes towards the same thing

D. young people have greater chances of succeeding

3.By taking the exercise mentioned in Paragraph 7(underlined), you can ________.

A. improve a lot in making more friends

B. come to the right way of making friends

C. develop a better relationship with your friends

D. arrange the time with your friends properly

4.The passage is mainly written for ________.

A. musicians B. managers

C. negative people D. people wanting to succeed

Don't have plenty of time for reading? If you are interested in non-fiction books, here are good choices for you.

A Room of One's Own

This essay by English writer Virginia Woolf is based on several lectures given to two woman's colleges at Cambridge University to 1928. In it, Woolf describes that it's circumstance not talent that allows men to be more successful at writing. Women, in other word, spend so much time cooking, cleaning, and tending to their children that they have no time left for art. To write well, therefore, a woman must have a "room of her own".

The Art of War

Written by Chinese warrior SunZi in the 5th century BC, The Art of War widely considered to be one of the best books about military strategy in human history. Containing of 13 chapters, each detailing a separate aspect of warfare, the book has been translated into every major language and has thousands of editions. For centuries, it has been cited (引用) and praised by world leaders both for its detailed study of military strategy (军事策略) and its phibsophical (哲学的)examination of strong, effective leadership.

Letter to My Daughter

This 2009 book of essays and poems by Maya Angelou,a respectable American poet, is written for the daughter never had—the millions of women, both young and old,that she considers to be her "family." From the viewpoint of a caring, older relative, this book contains lessons selected from her own life experiences, including the birth of her only child,a son,as well as the formation and loss of friendships,

A Brief History of Time

If you' re short on time,then why not read about,well,the creation of time? This 1998 from brilliant scientist and mathematician Stephen Hawking explores mind-bending question s about the creation of the universe, including if and when it will end,and if so, how? Despite heavy subject matter, Hawkimg addresses these questions in a way that's easy to understand, even for those who know little about physics.

1.What can we learns about the contents of the books?

A. A Room of One's Own talks about more than writing,

B. The Art of War also gives definition of philosophy.

C. Letter to My Daughter is actually a common family letter.

D. A Brief History of Time mainly focuses on the mailer of time.

2.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Woolf looks down, upon men in writing.

B. The book by SunZi is helpful in policy-making.

C. Mgya devotes herself to fighting for women's rights.

D. As a physicist, Hawking is equally famous in writing.

3.What is the purpose of the pasaage?

A. To promote of the four books.

B. To make comments on the four books,

C. To recommend the four books to readers.

D. To make comparisons between the four books.

Have you ever wondered when dogs first became “man’s best friend” and the world’s favourite pet? If you have then you’re not alone. When and where dogs first began living side-side with humans are questions that have stirred hot debate among scientists. There are a few hard facts that all agree on. These include that dogs were once wolves and they were the first animal to be domesticated(驯养) by humans. They came into lives some 15000 years ago, before the dawn of agriculture.

Beyond that, there is little agreement. The earliest bones found that are unquestionable dogs and not wolves date from 14,000 years ago. However, 30,000-year-old skulls have been discovered in France and Belgium that are not pure wolf and some scientists think could be dogs.

With such puzzling evidence, many scientists are now turning to DNA to find out when and where dogs were first domesticated. In one research project, tens of thousands of blood samples have been taken from street dogs around the world. The plan is to compare them with those of wolves. It’s even possible to analyse DNA from ancient bones. Tiny pieces of the 30,000-year-old skulls mentioned earlier are currently being studied, and another DNA study has already shown that ancient dogs preserved in the Alaskan ice-fields evolved from Asian wolves, not American ones.

Indeed, the ancient DNA may turn out to be more informative than the DNA of living dogs. Because dogs have accompanied humans around the world for thousands of years, their current distribution may tell us very little of their origins. This is why different groups of scientists believe that dogs variously originated in eastern Asia, Mongolia, Siberia, Europe or Africa.

But why were the animals domesticated in the first place? The most recent theory is that dogs domesticated themselves, initially living in and around our ancient villages to eat any food thrown out. Today, this is a way of life still shared by three -quarters of a billion unowned dogs worldwide.

1. Which is the only statement generally agreed on by scientists studying dogs?

A. They originally were used as farm animal

B. They evolved from wolves found in Europe

C. They helped the development of agriculture

D. They were the first animal to be kept as pets

2. Why does the writer first mention the 30,000-year-old animals skulls?

A. To show that dogs were much larger in the past

B. To prove that dogs developed from Asian wolves

C. To suggest that dogs may have evolved much earlier

D. To argue that dogs were first kept in France and Belgium

3. How did scientists determine the origins of the ancient dogs found in Alaska?

A. By examine the animals’ DNA

B. By analyzing the age of their bones

C. By studying the shape of their skulls

D. By comparing them with modern dogs

4. Why did dogs start living with humans?

A. Because they were attracted by food

B. Because they were trapped by humans

C. Because they couldn’t survive in the wild

D. Because they were trained to protect villages

When you use our university libraries there are different learning spaces available so you can decide what is best for your purpose.

Social learning area

We recognize that you can learn from your friends so we have provided social study areas in all our libraries. Here you can discuss your work with your friends without worrying about disturbing others as a reasonable level of noise is accepted, though we do ask that you’re considerate of other students and staff.

Group study rooms

There are bookable (可预订的) group study rooms of various sizes in the libraries. These rooms are well equipped so that you can easily work in groups or practice presentations.

●Bookings are available to groups of 3 or more students

●Bookings can be made in hourly blocks up to a maximum of 2 hours per group per day

●Bookings can be made for the current week and the following week

●Contact the library’s Help Desk to book a room. Bookings are restricted to student use only.

Silent study spaces

We know that on occasion you may prefer to study on your own. To help you achieve this we have individual quiet or silent study areas.

In order to preserve the quiet study environment and to avoid disturbing other students, discussion about your course work or exams, or using mobile phones isn’t permitted anywhere in these areas.

Food, drink and phones

Cold snacks and drinks can be consumed in most areas of the libraries though we ask that you help keep the learning environment clean and pleasant for everyone by clearing rubbish into the bins provided.

Mobile phones can be used in the social learning areas and group study rooms but not in the silent study spaces or the hallways or stairs that lead to those areas. We ask that you switch your phone to silent mode when you come in the library.

1.What is the purpose of social learning area provided in the library?

A. To offer students access to library staff.

B. To help students learn to be considerate.

C. To keep students free from disturbance.

D. To enable students to learn from each other.

2.What can we know about bookings of group study rooms in the library?

A. They can be made by phone.

B. They are available only to students.

C. They can be made several weeks ahead.

D. They are available to groups of any size.

3.What should students pay attention to when using the library?

A. Taking rubbish out when leaving.

B. Avoiding having cold drinks and snakes.

C. Keeping their mobile phones silent all the time.

D. Using mobile phones only in the hallways or stairs.

4.What is the text mainly intended for?

A. Introducing additional regulations of a university library

B. Showing how to make use of a university library.

C. Recommending a university library the author visits.

D. Explaining why a university library is a good place for study.

My mom takes pride in the fact that I was talking in three and four word sentences before I was ten months old. Some say it’s a gift while others simply think I talk too much.

As my thirties came to a close, I found myself reflecting on my life. I’m very happy and have no significant regrets. However, when I looked back on those times of difficulty, I saw a clear common denominator(特征); I didn’t seem to know when to stop talking. Whether it was hurting someone’s feelings, or having carelessly told a secret, the incident could have been avoided had I closed my mouth sooner. So I decided to practice the power of quiet.

To take this step, I needed to understand how people could sit comfortably in a group and not talk. Why does my husband feel completely content to say nothing in a conversation? He’s highly intelligent and has wonderful opinions but he’ll sit quietly and just listen. Even when he’s asked a pointed question, he’ll answer with few words while still communicating effectively. What a talent!

Can you imagine being happy just listening? In surveying those I know who talk less than I do, I got two answers—they either didn’t feel confident enough to speak up, or they just didn’t feel the need to participate in the conversation. Of course there were other reasons for not talking, but these were the two most popular answers.

The first one didn’t work for me. I’m just fine letting people know what I think about them, and hopefully it will make the conversation much more interesting. The second one didn’t work either. I do feel the need to participate. I feel it physically like an electrical pulse through my body; sometimes it’s so strong that it causes me to behave badly in the form of interrupting or speaking in an unusually loud voice. I had to look further.

An interesting thing happened on this journey to the power of quiet. During my weekly yoga class, it came to me like an answer so clear that the words rang in my head like soft, heavenly bells.

I talked too much so people would know I cared about them. It was my way of taking care of those I love. I decided before my fortieth birthday, that from that day forward, those around me would know I loved them, and cared what they thought and felt, but I was going to practice the power of quiet.

As my forty-second birthday approaches, I can say that deciding to talk less has been more about focusing on quality rather than quantity. I’ve found that listening more shows those who I care about that I really do care how they feel. Now when I break in, it means more to them. Oh, sure, I still have my short periods of talking too much, but for the most part this has been one resolution that I can call a success.

1.In Paragraph 3 the writer mentions her husband mainly ________.

A. to show how one communicates effectively

B. to explain the reason for his silence in a conversation

C. to give her high opinion of his communication skills

D. to give an example of those who have the power of quiet

2.By “I had to look further”, the writer means she had to ________.

A. look into the future in order to succeed in practicing the power of quiet

B. try harder to prevent herself from talking too much

C. find out other reasons why she should talk less

D. survey people in other areas who talk little

3.Which of the following best describe the writer’s character?

A. Kind but pessimistic.

B. Selfless but proud.

C. Loving and active.

D. Stubborn and sensitive.

It’s an ordinary morning,like all the others.But instead of being woken up by the buzzing of an alarm clock, you’ll be roused by the smell of freshly made coffee,light entering your room as the curtains open automatically,and a gentle back massage(按摩)provided by your high-tech bed.

This is what a typical(典型的) person's life will be like two decades from now,according to The Guardian. Want to know more?

After you get up, your apartment will be like an electronic orchestra with you as the conductor. With simple moves of your hand and spoken instructions, you’ll be able to control your apartment’s temperature, humidity, music and lighting. You’ll be able to look through the day’s news on translucent screens while your breakfast waits for you in the automatic oven.

As you move into your kitchen, you might accidentally hit your toe on a cupboard. If you do, you’ll grab your cell phone and open the diagnostics(诊断) app. Inside your phone there will be a tiny microchip(芯片) that uses X-ray waves to scan your body. The scan will tell whether your toe is bruised or broken.

After breakfast, your driverless car will take you to work. While you “drive”, your central computer system will suggest a list of chores(家务事) that your housekeeping robots can do that day and it will also remind you to buy a gift for your mother’s upcoming birthday.

As you can see, with the help of advanced technology, our lives will be more efficient(有效率的). Technology will mitigate our forgetfulness and free us of many small burdens that distract us, such as buying a ticket. Our brain will therefore be able to focus on more important things like preparing for a presentation or doing “deep thinking”.

However, the development of technology might have some disadvantages as well. By 2036, we’ll be relying heavily on the virtual(虚拟的) world, which will mean that all of our data will be stored in the cloud, a remote digital storage system with near limitless capacity(容量). That will increase the possibility of someone else accessing, sharing or manipulating(操控) our personal information.

1.What might be the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To stress the importance of developing technology.

B. To remind people not to depend too much on computers.

C. To introduce one new invention that will benefit our future lives.

D. To describe how advanced technologies will affect our future lives.

2.According to the text, in two decades, ________.

A. you’ll be able to rely on an electronic orchestra to wake you up instead of an alarm clock

B. a tiny microchip in your phone will treat you when you are sick

C. you will be able to adjust the conditions of your apartment via oral instructions or simple hand gestures

D. technology will be smart enough to help us with important things like preparing for a presentation

3.What does the underlined word “mitigate” in Paragraph 6 mean?

A. Make up for. B. Worsen. C. Cure. D. Take advantage of.

World leaders from nearly 200 countries have signed an important historic agreement to fight global climate change. The agreement came after two weeks of talks between the leaders at the 21st Conference in Paris, France.

As part of the Paris agreement, countries said they would cut down on pollution However, according to the terms of the deal, countries that don’t do this will not be punished, or fined. Instead,the document is meant to show that governments around the world take climate change seriously and are willing to work together to fight global warming.

World leaders have met many times to discuss climate change. But, the 21st Conference of Parties, or COP21, which began on November 30 in Paris, was the first time they agreed on a global, legal pact (协定).

Before the conference, each nation was asked to create plans on how to reach the shared goal. The pact that was signed allows countries to decide the best way to cut down their gas pollution. No matter how they decide to go green, each country must report honestly on all of their efforts. Every five years, nations must look at the work they’ve done and submit new plans on how they will improve over the next five years.

In the pact, the countries pledge(承诺)to limit the amount of greenhouse gases emitted(排放) by human activity to the levels that trees,soil and oceans can absorb naturally. It urges countries to spend trillions of dollars on creating new energy sources, like solar and wind power. It also requires countries to raise at least $ 100 billion each year to help developing countries.

However, critics of the pact say it is not detailed enough, and doesn’t include specifics about how the plan will be enforced and how improvements will be measured. The pact does include one large, specific goal: how countries will aim to keep global temperatures from rising more than 3. 60℉(20℃) by 2100.

Nonetheless,the agreement is considered by many world leaders to be a major victory. The U. N. has been working more than two decades to convince governments to work together to reduce man-made emissions.

“History will remember this day,” U. N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said. “The Paris agreement on climate change is a monumental success for the planet and its people.”

1.When was the legal pact probably passed?

A. On November 30. B. On December 4.

C. On December 8. D. On December 12.

2.According to the agreement, countries_________ .

A. have to give a yearly report about their work

B. will be published if they fail to reduce pollution

C. are required to ensure investment in fighting pollution

D. should try to reach the agreed standard in five years

3.What is each country required to do before the Paris conference?

A. Provide a work plan. B. Give an oral explanation.

C. Provide a large amount of money. D. Give a written assessment.

4.The pact is thought to be imperfect because_______.

A. it doesn’t consider developing countries

B. it is not detailed enough

C. it is not attractive to all countries

D. it only benefits some countries

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