
III. Translate the sentences into English.

1.    聚会中有个小青年总缠着我,我甩不开他。(attach…to…)

2.    这种手机很快就会被淘汰。(on the way out)

3.    部队的服装和食品是免费供应的。(charge)

4.    他们往卡车上装了什么?(load)

5.    摆在我面前的选择之一是离开学校。(alternative)

6.    关爱环境是每个人的职责。(care for)

7.    我们很少有时间参加娱乐活动。(have little time to do…)

8.    我收到了他的来信还附带了一张照片。(with something done)

9.    那时,我遭到了班级的慢待。(reject)

10.        我想他是住在那里的,但是我不敢肯定。(for sure)



1. A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldn’t get rid of him.

2.This kind of mobile phone will soon be on the way out

3.Uniform and food are provided free of charge in the army.

4.What did they load onto the truck.

5.One of the alternatives open to me is to leave the school.

6.It’s everybody’s duty to care for the environment.

7.We have little time to take part in recreational activities.

8.I received his letter, with a photo attached.

9.I was rejected by the class then.

10.I think he lives there but I couldn’t say for sure.




As a palace, the Tower of London.was a great place to live.As a prison, it, wasn't so nice ——especially since so many prisoners lost their heads.Today tourists can explore 5the Tower in the

United Kingdom.Here are some reasons why the Tower was and still is a cool place.

Ravens(渡鸦) are like superheroes.

Well, sort of.Legend says if the ravens that live on the Tower grounds ever leave, the Tower will fall apart.No one knows when the ravens first showed up, but Charles II took the legend so seriously that in the 1670s he gave an official order that six ravens be kept there all the time.Today

there are still always six.

You might have lived at a zoo.

In 1204, King John kept a collection of animals, including lions and elephants.About 50 years later, King Henry III received a polar bear.the bear was kept on a piece of rope so it could fish from the Thames River that flows by the Tower.

       If you lived at the Tower today, your mom or dad might be in charge.

The 35 Yeoman Warders(伦敦塔卫士)and their families are among the few still allowed to live at the Tower.Established in 1509 a;? bodyguards! for the king, today they give tours and  manage the day-to-day details of the Tower.They're called "beefeaters," possibly because their job once allowed them to eat beef from the king's; table.

       You need a secret password at night.

Called the "Word," the password changes every 24 hours and is a must-have to enter the Tower

after hours.It's written on a piece of paper and delivered to the Yeoman on duty for, the night.

You could find buried gold.

       In 1662, a goldsmith(金匠) named John Barfcstead supposedly hid more than $40,000 worth of stolen gold somewhere on.the Tower grounds.Many have searched for the gold, but it has never

been found.

Charles II decided to keep six ravens in the Tower probably because ____,.         ;

       A.he loved animals a lot                 

       B.he believed ravens helped protect the Tower

       C.he wanted to train the ravens to watch the prisoners  

       D.he thought the Tower was a cool place for the ravens to live                        

According to the passage, the Yeoman Warders ______. 

       A.have to part from their families to work at the Tower            

       B.are  currently working as bodyguards for the king                                

       C.sometimes serve as tour guides          

       D.are fond of eating beef                            

Which of the following is TRUE about the Tower of London?   

       A.King Henry III kept lions and elephants in it.   

       B.It stands on the bank of the Thames River.

       C.Nobody is allowed to enter it at night.         

       D.It is also used as a prison nowadays.

III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.  Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
The first attempt of even the most talented artists, musicians, and writers is seldom a masterpiece, If you consider your drafts as dress rehearsals (彩排), or tryouts, revising will seem a natural part of the writing ___50___.
What is the purpose of the dress rehearsals and the out-of-town previews that many Broadway shows go through? The answer is adding, deleting, replacing, reordering, ___51___ revising. Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Phantom of the Opera underwent such a process.
When Lloyd Webber began writing in 1984, he had in mind a funny, exciting production. However, when Phantom opened in London in 1986, the audience saw a moving psychological love story set to music. The musical had. ___52___ several revisions due, in part, to problems with costuming and makeup (戏服和化妆). For instance, Lloyd Webber ___53___ some of the music because the Phantom's makeup prevented the actor from singing certain sounds.
When you revise, you change aspects of your work in ___54___ to your evolving purpose, or to include ___55___ ideas or newly discovered information.
Revision is not just an afterthought that gets only as much time as you have at the end of an assignment. ___56___, it is a major stage of the writing process, and writers revise every step of the way. Even your decision to ___57___. topics while prewriting is a type of revising. However. don't make the mistake of skipping the revision stage that follows ___58___. Always make time to become your own ___59___and view your dress rehearsal, so to speak. Reviewing your work in this way can give you ___60___ new ideas.
Revising involves ___61___ the effectiveness and appropriateness of all aspects of your writing, making your purpose more clearly, and refocusing or developing the facts and ideas you present. When you revise, ask yourself the following questions, keeping in mind the audience for whom you are writing: Is my main idea or purpose ___62___ throughout my draft? Do I ever lose sight of my purpose? Have I given my readers all of the ___63___ that is, facts, opinions, inferences --- that they need in order to understand my main idea? Finally, have I included too many ___64___ details that may confuse readers?
50. A. technique       B. style           C. process         D. career
51. A. in particular     B. as a result       C. for example     D. in other words
52. A. undergone       B. skipped        C. rejected         D. replaced
53. A. rewrote         B. released        C. recorded         D. reserved
54. A. addition         B. response       C. opposition        D. contrast
55. A. fixed           B. ambitious      C. familiar           D. fresh
56. A. However        B. Moreover      C. Instead           D. Therefore
57. A. discuss          B. switch         C. exhaust          D. cover
58. A. drafting         B. rearranging      C. performing      D. training
59. A. director         B. master          C. audience        D. visitor
60. A. personal         B. valuable        C. basic           D. delicate
61. A. mixing          B. weakening       C. maintaining     D. assessing
62. A. amazing         B. bright           C. unique         D. clear
63. A. angles          B. evidence         C. information     D. hints
64. A. unnecessary     B. uninteresting      C. concrete        D. final

III. 阅读(共两节,满分40分)



In Stockholm, the Swedish Academy has chosen the British author Doris Lessing for the 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature.

The selection of Doris Lessing for a Nobel was popular among the hundreds of journalists gathered for the announcement in Stockholm.

Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy Horace Engdahl said with skepticism, fire and visionary power Lessing has subjected a divided civilization to scrutiny.

Doris Lessing was born in 1919 in Persia - modern-day Iran - to British parents, moving as a child with her family to southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, where she stayed in school only to the age of 14.

A year after moving to London, she published her first novel in 1950. The Grass is Singing examines unbridgeable racial conflict in colonial Africa through the eyes of a white farmer's wife and her black servant.

A member of the British Communist Party during the 1950s and a campaigner against nuclear arms and South African apartheid, Lessing was for years banned from that country and from Rhodesia.

Her literary breakthrough came in 1962 with publication of The Golden Notebook, seen by many, though not necessarily Lessing, as a pioneering work of modern feminism. A disjointed study of the mind of the main character, Anna Wulf, the novel explores her thoughts about Africa, politics and communism, relationships with men and sex, and Jungian analysis and dream interpretation.

Lessing's themes shifted to psychology in her works from the 1960s, and by the 1970s she was fascinated with the Islamic mystic tradition of Sufism. Her turn toward science fiction with the Canopus series in the early 1980s was not warmly received by traditionalist critics, but she has continued to win new readers and numerous literary awards, including the David Cohen British Literary Prize and the Companion of Honour from the Royal Society of Literature, both in 2001.

Following the announcement, the Horace Engdahl told VOA why he was personally so pleased with Lessing's selection.

"She is one of the truly great writers - of novels, short stories, fiction and non-fiction," Engdahl said. "She is one of the few writers who have had the courage to uphold the principle of equality between the male and female experience, and she has given the impulse to numbers of other women writers. And she is really the mother of a school that is one of the most important in our contemporary literature."

At 87, Doris lessing is the oldest Nobel Literature laureate since the first prizes were awarded in 1901. Each Nobel Prize is this year accompanied by a check for approximately $1.4 million.

41. How old was Doris Lessing when she published her first novel?

A. 14            B. 26           C. 31                D. 50

42. Which of the following about The Grass is Singing is true?

A. It is mainly about racial conflict between the whites and the blacks in the US.

B. The main characters are a white farmer’s wife and her black servant.

C. It was published in Africa.

D. It was Doris Lessing’s most famous novel.

43. We can infer from the passage that __________.

A. Journalists are very interested in the election of Doris Lessing’s for Nobel Prize.

B. Doris Lessing regard The Golden Notes as a pioneering work of feminism.

C. Doris Lessing has written about many different subjects.

D. Many writers have the courage to stick to the equality between the male and female experience.

44. The underlined word school in the last paragraph but one means________.

A. institution for educating children

B. college or university

C. department of a university 

D. group of writers, thinkers

45. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?

A. Doris Lessing wins Nobel Prize for literature

B. The greatest British female writer

C. The oldest Nobel Prize winner

D. 2007 Nobel Prize announced in Stockholm




阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从36~55各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项

  I recently worked with some other Chinese professors to carry out a survey in the neighborhood in the US. It’s about the parents taking care of the children. And through the survey we know that in the past, most American mothers were at home to take care of their children during the day. Now, _36____,, many mothers are working. More than half of the American women____37_young children have ___38_outside their homes.

  American families settle the child care___39_ in different ways. Some parents permit____40_children to stay at home alone after school. The parents___41_ be sure that the children, usually not younger than 10 years old, understand the ___42_rules and can deal with emergencies (紧急情况). Other parents say they will ____43_ permit their children to be at home alone. They usually ___44_ someone to take care of the ___45_.

  Some parents in the US find their own way to ____46_ the cost of child care. They join child care___47_. Each person in the group ___48_ for the children of other group __49_at different times. Some parents ask local___50_, schools and social organizations to help ___51_ activities to the children. These child care choices often cost___52_ or no money. Many American parents , however, still ___53__with the problem of ___54 _ good child care at a ___55_price.

36. A. therefore     B. otherwise     C. thus         D. however

37.A. like          B. as           C. with         D. from

38.A. children      B. jobs          C. houses       D. money

39.A. problem      B. question       C. chance       D. choice

40.A.older        B. younger       C. sticker       D. happier

41.A. can          B. must          C. may        D. ought

42.A. dangerous      B. safety     C. funny         D. true

43.A. rather         B. certainly    C. always       D. never

44.A. send          B. stop        C. pay         D. invite

45.A. houses        B. neighbors     C. old        D. children

46.A. protect        B. end          C. reduce     D. increase

47.A. schools        B. groups       C. clubs      D. hospitals

48.A. cares          B. sends       C. asks        D. pays

49.A. strangers       B. members     C. officials   D. teachers

50.A.shops          B. markets      C. churches    D. restaurants

51.A.equip          B. offer        C. play       D. join

52.A.much          B. little         C. enough    D. more

53.A.enjoy          B. discuss       C. quarrel    D. struggle

54.A.taking         B. finding        C. losing    D. suffering

55.A.high          B. low           C. reasonable  D. real


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