
要求100词左右; 可适当增加细节以使行文连贯.
Dear Daniel,
    I'm very glad to hear from you.From your letter I know            

分析 这是一篇给出要点的提纲类作文,内容为给加拿大朋友Daniel回信,内容包括:建议Daniel留在秦皇岛;留在秦皇岛的好处;表达自己对朋友的美好祝福.时态为一般现在时,人称为第一人称.
wondern 徘徊,犹豫;
personally speaking个人而言
vigorously-developing 大力发展
For one reason…for another…一方面,另外一方面 
①it is also a vigorously-developing city where talented people are badly needed,so you can display your talents there as you like
where 引导一个定语从句修饰city;  as 引导方式状语从句
②I hope my suggestions will be of some help to you. 
固定句型 be+of+n.

解答 Dear Daniel,
         I'm very glad to hear from you.From your letter I know you arewonderingwhether to go back homeland or stay at Qinhuangdao city after graduation.(描写了朋友犹豫不决的状态) Personally speaking,(过渡词使用自然) I'd like you to stay.(表明立场)For one reason,(列举理由1)Qinhuangdao is in beautiful surroundings and①it is also a vigorously-developing city where talented people are badly needed,so you can display your talents there as you like.For another,(列举理由2)you can get preferential treatment given by the local government to the overseas graduates.Therefore,(总结) I think it's a good choice for you to take Qinhuangdao as your starting point.
       ②I hope my suggestions will be of some help to you.
        Best wishes.May you have good luck and a bright future.(表达美好祝愿)


点评 提纲类的作文,学生要根据所给题目及要点展开作文,可先从最基本的词汇入手,然后组词成句,学生需特别注意英语的表达习惯,及相应的连接词For one reason…for another…一方面,另外一方面,使文章看起来更有条理清晰.

20.Winning style
    Failure is unavoidable on one's way to success and should not be afraid of.If one wants to succeed,he should have a plan and stick to it.
    Experiencing failure is unavoidable on your journey to success.Every defeat is only a small part of victory.You'll find that the number of times you succeed is in direct proportion(成比例) to the number of times you fail and keep trying.
Failure is nothing but education,and nothing but the first step to something better.You can't be afraid to lose.It isn't enough to just want something.You're going to need a plan to get the things that you want.
The problem is learning how to bridge the gap which exists between where you are now and the goals that you want to reach.With a definite step-by-step plan you cannot fail because each step will carry you along to the next step like a track.All you need is the plan,the road map and the courage to move on to your destination.
Knowing where you're going is all you need to get there.You can't get lost on a straight road.

Ask any kid, and you'll likely hear that time spent with friends is the coolest and most important part of the school day. Educators, as well, acknowledge that making friends is one of the most valuable things children do as they learn and grow. But many parents are perplexed by their children’s social lives, wondering how to help their kids cope with the challenges, heartbreaks, and the joys of making friends, losing them, and making friends again.

“Friendships help children gradually learn to be independent, contributing members of a community and it’s just as important as their academic growth” notes Diane Levin, Ph.D., author of “Remote Control Childhood.” However, it’s a slow process. There are many social skills to learn, which advance with age and experience, trial and error, and experiencing the satisfaction that comes from contributing to an ongoing friendship.”

“Friendship starts as soon as children can crawl off their parents’ laps over to another child,” adds Michael Thompson, Ph.D., co-author of her life with you to her life with her friends. but who their friends are, how they interact with them, and how popular they are, is something parents have only limited control over.”

Experts on children’s behavior say that problems like jealousies, breakups, bullying and teasing account for a big part of what parents, kids and teachers talk about, and what parents worry about.

Get insights into how children’s friendships develop and how parents can help, if needed, and find ways to determine if your child is at risk for serious social problems or simply suffering from real (but common) social challenges.

1.While staying at school, kids usually feel that .

A. staying with friends is a good experience

B. making friends is the most important thing

C. communicating with friends is a great challenge

D. they can’t grow well without friends around them

2.What does the underlined word “perplexed” mean in Paragraph?

A. Encouraged

B. Touched

C. Attracted

D. Puzzled.

3.Why is the effect of friendships on children’s growth a slow process?

A. They have to focus on academic subjects.

B. They are too young to benefit from friendships.

C. They can’t master all social skills in one day.

D. They often make mistakes while making friends.

4.Which of the following suggests the beginning of friendship?

A. Children don’t stay on parents’ lap any longer.

B. Children get out of the control of their parents.

C. Children don’t share their stories with their parents.

D. Children leave their parents for other kids willing ly.

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