
On my first day of teaching,I found that I spent 85 per cent of my energy disciplining and 15 per cent teaching knowledge.Of course I had some wonderful,serious students who would do well wherever they were in life,but others worked hard to push themselves to the limit (限度).At night I went home exhausted,often near tears.What gave me the idea I wanted to teach?

And then there was Matthew.

After school Matthew would come into my classroom to dust erasers or empty the wastepaper basket.

“Why do you come in to visit me?” I asked him one night.

“Because at home no one listens to me,” was his reply.Later I found out that there were eleven children in his family,with Matthew near the middle.

One time when he came to see me,he said,“Miss Ausmus,the kids are saying that you and Mr D.like each other.”

“Matthew,Mr D.is a nice man and we both teach some of the same students.He is not my boyfriend,and it’s not something the children should be talking about anyway.”

Another time,he said,“Will you wait for me so I can marry you when I grow up?”

“Sorry,Matthew,but that won’t work,” I answered in a gentle way.

When my birthday arrived,his mother made me a cake.She delivered (递送) it after school,and as Matthew was carrying it up the school steps,he tripped (绊倒),dropping the cake.I found him in tears.I told him that bringing me a cake was very,very special,whether I was able to eat it or not.

After my second year of teaching,I said “goodbye” to Matthew and his family.

Years passed and in 1992,I went back to the little town to visit.Matthew’s parents still lived in the same house.His mother greeted me warmly.“Janet,”she said,“Thanks for all the time you spent encouraging Matthew.You taught him to believe in himself.You are the reason he went to college.”

I had made a difference in the life of a young boy.But I wonder...did Matthew ever know the difference he made in mine?

46.By saying “others worked hard to push themselves to the limit”,the author meant other students________.

A.were forced to challenge themselves

B.made efforts to challenge their classmates

C.needed to be encouraged to learn

D.did everything they could to do well

47.Why did Matthew visit the author after school?

A.Because he had less communication at home.

B.Because he wondered if she liked Mr D.

C.Because he decided to marry her when he grew up.

D.Because he was going to celebrate her birthday.

48.Under the influence of the author,Matthew became________.

A.honest                                                B.sincere

C.confident                                            D.hard­working

49.What difference did Matthew make to the author?

A.He encouraged her to win Mr D.’s love.

B.He made her become enthusiastic about disciplining.

C.He gave her the courage to continue teaching.

D.He got her to understand what was true love.

【语篇解读】 在“我”教学工作受挫的时候,马修的出现改变了我的想法……

46.D 句意理解题。根据第一段第二句中but可知,some wonderful,serious students who would do well wherever they were in life与后面的others worked hard to push themselves to the limit是相对的,由此可知其他的一些学生需要很努力才能做好,不像前面提到的那些好学生,故选D项。

47.A 细节理解题。根据马修的回答“Because at home no one listens to me”和该回答后面一句可知,马修家里人太多,没有人和他交流,故选A项。

48.C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中马修妈妈的话中的“You taught him to believe in himself”可知,作者使马修变得自信了。

49.C 推理判断题。文章的第一段中的What gave me the idea I wanted to teach?表明作者对自己教学选择的怀疑,再根据倒数第三段中的After my second year of teaching以及最后一段中的did Matthew ever know the difference he made in mine?可知,当时作者正对自己的教学感到沮丧,马修的出现以及后来他的天真行为,改变了作者对教学的看法,使得她继续坚持在教学岗位上,故选C项。



  Step into Pat Lundin's home and you'll be greeted by 500 smiling faces of dolls.Lundin, 82, describes herself as “doll crazy”.And she's not alone.

  As a member of Timeless Treasures Doll Club of Largo, she frequently meets with 25 other women who share her hobby.Once a month, they gather at the Palms of Largo to show off their latest finds and catch up on news in the world of doll collecting.

  On Saturday, the club will hold the Palms of Largo Fifth Annual Doll Show.The program will include 37 vendors(卖主)with both classic and contemporary dolls for sale.

  “Timeless Treasures is a club that's open to doll lovers regardless of the age of the doll,” said Judy Smith, president of the organization.“Some doll clubs require members have a certain number of antique dolls, but we don't.we make sure we are not terribly formal.”

  Smith, 71, is a retired schoolteacher who owns Judy's Doll Hospital, a part-time business she operates out of her home.She will have a table offering repair and appraisal(鉴定)services.

  Smith firs began studying and collecting dolls in her early 20s,in Glassboro, New Jersey, she does not know how many dolls she owns, or how many repairs she has made over the years.But she does know the age of her oldest doll.

  “She's 129,” Smith said.“It is a German-made doll that belonged to my grandmother, and it sits in my living room.”

  The show is for both the beginner as well as the experienced collector, said Anita Munson, one of the show's organizers.

  Over the years, Munson, 82, has learned how to identify a valuable doll.“Generally speaking porcelain(瓷制的)dolls are the most valuable,” she said.“But the porcelain will not be shiny.”

  Smith believes many people will attend to find out how much their dolls are worth.She wants them to know more.

  “Because the dolls reflect what the children were wearing and doing at a particular period of time, they can be a great history lesson for children now,” she said.


According to the passage, Timeless Treasures is _______.

[  ]


a club for doll lovers


a company selling dolls


a group of retired teachers


an organization repairing toys


We can infer that the show has been held _______.

[  ]




four times


six times


eight times


What can we learn about Smith?

[  ]


She owns the oldest doll in the world.


She has collected about five hundred dolls


She has studied dolls for about fifty years


She worked as a businesswoman before retirement


Smith wants people to know _______.

[  ]


porcelain dolls are not valuable


collecting dolls is a way to make money


dolls have nothing to do with tradition


dolls may help children learn about history


The passage is written mainly to _______.

[  ]


describe the colorful life of a group of elderly women


explain why some people like collecting old dolls


introduce a recent doll show and its host organization


offer knowledge and experience about doll collecting

America is growing older. Fifty years ago, only 4 out of every 100 people in the United States were 65 or older. Today, 10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65. The aging of the population will affect (影响) American society in many ways — education, medicine, and business. Quietly, the graying of America has made us a very different society— one in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior(行为)is suitable (合适)at various ages. A person's age no longer tells you anything about his/her social position, marriage or health. There's no longer a particular year in which one goes to school or goes to work or gets married or starts a family. The social clock that kept us on time and told us when to go to school ,get a job, or stop working isn't as strong as it used to be. It doesn't surprise us to hear of a 29-year-old university president or a 35-year-old grandmother, or a 70-year-old man who has become a father for the firs time. Public ideas are changing. Many people say, 'I am much younger than my mother - or my father - was at my age.' No one says ‘Act your age’ anymore. We've stopped looking with surprise at older people who act in youthful ways.

1.It can be learnt from the text that the aging of the population in America_________  .

A.has made people feel younger

B.has changed people's social position

C. has changed people's understanding of age

D. has slowed down the country's social development

2.The underlined word ‘one’ refers to_________.

A. a society        B. America                C. a place                 D. population

3.‘Act your age’ means people should_________.

A.be active when they are old

B.do the right thing at the right age

C. show respect for their parents young or old

D. take more physical exercise suitable to their age

4.If a 25-year-old man becomes general manager of a big firm, the writer of the text would most probably consider it ______.

A.normal            B.wonderful              C.unbelievable                   D.unreasonable


     Step into Pat Lundin's home and you'll be greeted by 500 smiling faces of dolls. Lundin, 82, describes
herself as "doll crazy". And she's not alone.
     As a member of Timeless Treasures Doll Club of Largo, she frequently meets with 25 other women who
share her hobby. Once a month, they gather at the Palms of Largo to show off their latest finds and catch
up on news in the world of doll collecting.
     On Saturday, the club will hold the Palms of Largo Fifth Annual Doll Show. The program will include 37
vendors (卖主) with both classic and contemporary dolls for sale.
     "Timeless Treasures is a club that's open to doll lovers regardless of the age of the doll," said Judy Smith,
president of the organization."Some doll clubs require members have a certain number of antique dolls, but we
don't. we make sure we are not terribly formal."
     Smith, 71, is a retired schoolteacher who owns Judy's Doll Hospital, a part-time business she operates out
of her home. She will have a table offering repair and appraisal (鉴定) services. Smith firs began studying and
collecting dolls in her early 20s,in Glassboro, New Jersey, she does not know how many dolls she owns, or
how many repairs she has made over the years. But she does know the age of her oldest doll.
     "She's 129," Smith said."It is a German-made doll that belonged to my grandmother, and it sits in my living
     The show is for both the beginner as well as the experienced collector, said Anita Munson, one of the
show's organizers.
      Over the years, Munson, 82, has learned how to identify a valuable doll. "Generally speaking porcelain
(瓷制的) dolls are the most valuable," she said. "But the porcelain will not be shiny."
     Smith believes many people will attend to find out how much their dolls are worth. She wants them to
know more.
     "Because the dolls reflect what the children were wearing and doing at a particular period of time, they can
be a great history lesson for children now," she said.
1. According to the passage, Timeless Treasures is _____.
A. a club for doll lovers
B. a company selling dolls
C. a group of retired teachers
D. an organization repairing toys
2. We can infer that the show has been held _____.
A. twice
B. four times
C. six times
D. eight times
3.What can we learn about Smith?
A. She owns the oldest doll in the world
B. She has collected about five hundred dolls
C. She has studied dolls for about fifty years
D. She worked as a businesswoman before retirement
4. Smith wants people to know _____.
A. porcelain dolls are not valuable
B. collecting dolls is a way to make money
C. dolls have nothing to do with tradition
D. dolls may help children learn about history
5. The passage is written mainly to _____.
A. describe the colorful life of a group of elderly women
B. explain why some people like collecting old dolls
C. introduce a recent doll show and its host organization
D. offer knowledge and experience about doll collecting

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