
Take things ____ they are and you will enjoy every day of your life.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

Honesty comes in many forms. First there’s self-honesty. Is what people see the real article or do you appear through smoke and mirrors? I find that if I try to be something I’m not. I feel unsure of myself and take out a part from my PBA(personal bank account). I love how singer Judy Garland put it. “Always be a first-class version(版本) of yourself, instead of a second-class version of somebody else. ” Then there’s honesty in our actions. Are you honest at school, with your parents, and with your boss? If you’ve ever been dishonest, I think we all have, try being honest, and notice how whole it makes you feel. Remember, you can’t do wrong and feel right. This story by Jeff is a good example of that
In my second year of study, there were three kids in my math class who didn’t do well. I was really good at it. I would charge them three dollars for each test that I helped them pass. I’d write on a little piece of paper all the right answers, and hand them off. At first I felt like I was making money, kind of a nice job. I wasn’t thinking about how it could hurt all of us. After a while I realized I shouldn’t do that any more, because I wasn’t really helping them. They weren’t learning anything, and it would only get harder down the road. Cheating certainly wasn’t helping me.
It takes courage to be honest when people all around you are getting away with cheating on tests, lying to their parents, and stealing at work. But, remember, every act of honesty is a deposit(储蓄) into your PBA and will build strength.
【小题1】The underlined part “appear through smoke and mirrors” in the FIRST paragraph means________.

A.to be unrealB.to be honest
C.to become clearD.to come from an imagined world
【小题2】Which of the following can best explain Judy Garland’s words?
A.Don’t copy others or you can’t be the first class.
B.Be your true self rather than follow others.
C.Make efforts to be the first instead of the second.
D.Don’t learn from others unless they’re excellent.
【小题3】What does the author expect to show by Jeff’s story?
A.Honesty can be of great help.
B.A bad thing can be turned into a good one.
C.One should realize the wrong in his bad deeds.
D.Helping others cheat can do good to nobody.
【小题4】In the last paragraph the author mainly wants to express________.
A.one must be brave to be honest
B.it’s difficult to be honest when others are not
C.one should be honest when making a deposit
D.honesty in one’s actions can help him in the future

Decisions, decisions! Our lives are full of them, from the small ones to the life-changing. The right to choose is central to everyone. Yet sometimes we make bad decisions that leave us unhappy or full of regret. Can science help?
Most of us know little about the mental processes that lie behind our decisions. Luckily, what psychologists are finding may help us all make better choices. Here are some of their amazing discoveries to help you make up your mind.
Consider your emotions. You might think that emotions are the enemy of decision-making, but in fact they are a part of it. Whenever you make up your mind, your brain’s emotional centre is active. University of Southern California scientist, Antonio Damasia, has studied people with damage to only the emotional parts of their brains, and found that they were unable to make basic choices about what to wear or eat. Damasia thinks this may be because our brains store emotional memories of past choice, which we use to help the present decision-making.
However, making choices under the influence of an emotion can greatly affect the result. Take anger for example. A study by Nitika Garg of the University of Mississippi and other scientists found the angry shoppers were more likely to choose the first thing they were offered rather than considering other choices. It seems that anger can lead us to make quick decisions without much thinking.
All emotions affect our thinking and motivation,so it may be best to avoid making important decisions under their influence. Yet strangely there is one emotion that seems to help us make good choices. The American researchers found that sad people took time to consider the various choices on offer, and ended up making the best choices. In fact many studies show that people who feel unhappy have the most reasonable view of the world.
【小题1】What does the underlined word “central” mean?

A.in the middle B.easy to reachC.importantD.having power
【小题2】Damasia’s study suggests that ________.
A.emotions are the enemy of decision-making.
B.our brain has nothing to do with decision-making.
C.people with physical damage find it hard to make up their minds.
D.our emotional memories of past choices can affect present decisions.
【小题3】 According to the text, what may help us make better decisions?
A.To think about happy times.B.To make many decisions at a time.
C.To stop feeling regretful about the past. D.To learn about the process of decision-making.
【小题4】 Why are angry shoppers more likely to choose the first thing they are offered?
A.They often forget their past choices. B.They make decisions without much thinking.
C.They tend to save time when shopping.D.They are too angry to bargain.
【小题5】What do we learn from the text?
A.Emotions are a part of decision-making.
B.Sad people always make worse choices.
C.No emotion seems to help us make good choices.
D.Only sad feelings affect our thinking and motivation.

Still waiting for little green men to make contact? Don't hold your breath.
A leading astronomer has concluded there probably aren't any aliens out there – meaning we are absolutely alone in the universe.
Even though there may be tens of thousands of other distant planets similar in size to Earth, the conditions on them are likely to be too hard to support life-forms such as ET.
Dr Howard Smith, a senior astrophysicist at Harvard University, believes there is very little hope of discovering aliens and, even if we did, it would be almost impossible to make contact.
So far astronomers have discovered a total of 500 planets in distant solar systems – known as extrasolar systems – although they believe billions of others exist.
But Dr Smith points out that many of these planets are either too close to the sun or too far away, meaning their surface temperatures are so bad that they could not support life. Others have unusual orbits which cause vast temperature variations, making it impossible for water to exist – the most important thing for life.
Dr Smith said, "We have found that most other planets and solar systems are wildly different from our own. It means it is highly unlikely there are any planets with intelligent life close enough for us to make contact." But his suggestions contradict other leading scientists who have claimed aliens almost certainly exist.
Only last month Professor Stephen Hawking said the fact that there are billions of galaxies out there made it reasonable to think there were other life-forms in the universe.
Researchers from the University of London have recently suggested that aliens could be living on as many as 40,000 other planets. But Dr Smith said: "Any hope of contact has to be limited to a relatively tiny space around the Earth, reaching maybe 1,250 light years out from our planet, where aliens might be able to pick up our signals or send us their own. But communicating would still take decades or centuries."
【小题1】By saying "don’t hold your breath", the author advised the reader not to _____.

A.keep silentB.give upC.expect soD.be afraid
【小题2】Dr Smith concludes there probably aren’t any aliens because other planets _____.
A.are too far away from the earth
B.are different from the Earth in size
C.don’t have rich natural resources
D.don’t have a suitable living environment
【小题3】Researchers from the University of London are mentioned to show that ______.
A.they have better explanations about aliens
B.aliens certainly exist on many planets
C.they disagree with Dr Smith’s suggestion
D.aliens can pick up signals from the earth
【小题4】What’s the main idea of the text?
A.There must be other life forms in the universe.
B.We can communicate with aliens in decades.
C.The chances of finding aliens are slight.
D.Many other planets are quite different from the Earth.

Jerry was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say.
One day, I went up to Jerry and asked him, “You can’t be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?” Jerry replied, “Every time someone complains to me, I can choose to accept his complaints or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.”
Several years later, I heard that Jerry was shot by three armed robbers. Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the hospital. Finally Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body. About six months after the accident, I saw him. I asked him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place.
“The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door,” Jerry replied. “Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live, or I could choose to die. I choose to live.”
“Weren’t you scared?”
Jerry continued, “The doctors and nurses were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read, ‘He’s a dead man.’ I knew I needed to take action.”
“What did you do?” I asked.
“Well, there was a big, strong nurse shouting questions at me,” said Jerry. “She asked if I was allergic to anything. ‘Yes’, I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled, ‘Bullets!’ Over their laughter, I told them, ‘I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.’”
Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully.
56. Which of the following words can be used to describe Jerry?
A. Impolite.             B. Concerned.               C. Stubborn.          D. Optimistic.
57. What did Jerry first think of when the robbery happened?
A. He might be shot by the armed robbers.   
B. He shouldn’t have left the back door unlocked.
C. How he could call the policemen.             
D. He might be robbed of many things.
58. From the expressions of the doctors and nurses, Jerry realized that _______.
A. they didn’t want to save his life            B. he wasn’t seriously wounded
C. they thought he had little chance to live     D. he was treated as a dead man

A TAXI driver taught me a million dollar lesson in customer satisfaction and expectation. Inspiring speakers charge thousands of dollars to give his kind of training to corporate directors and staff.  It cost me only a $12 taxi ride.
I had flown into Dallas just for the purpose of calling on a client. Time was important and my plan included a quick turn – around trip from and back to the airport. A clean taxi pulled up.
The driver rushed to open the passenger door for me and made sure I was comfortably seated before he closed the door. As be got in the driver’s seat, he mentioned that the neatly folded Wall Street Journal next to me for my use. He then showed me several tapes and asked me what type of music I would enjoy.
Well! I looked around for a “Candid Camera!” Wouldn’t you? I could not believe the service I was receiving! I took the opportunity to say, “Obviously you take great pride in you work. You must have a story to tell.”
“You bet,” he replied, “I used to be in Corporate America. But I got tired of thinking my best would never be good enough. I decided to find my right position in life, somewhere I could feel proud of being the best I could be.
I knew I would never be a rocket scientist, but I love driving cars, being of service and feeling like I have done a full day’s work and done it well. I evaluated my personal property and, I became a taxi driver!
One thing I know for sure, to be good in my business I jus have to meet the expectations of my passengers. But, to be GREAT in my business, I have to EXEED the customer’s expectations! I like the sound of being ‘great’ better than just being ‘average’. ”
Did I tip him big time? You bet!
The taxi driver taught me a great life lesson: Go an extra mile when providing any service to others. And there is no good or bad job you can make any job good.
【小题1】What lesson did the author learn from the taxi driver?

A.How to make the best use of time.
B.How to do better in the service business.
C.How to turn an interest into your career.
D.How to become a motivational speaker.
【小题2】Why did the author look around for a “Candid Camera”?
A.Because he was afraid he would be photographed in the cab.
B.Because he was worried what the driver could be up to.
C.Because he was amazed by the way the driver was treating him.
D.Because he wasn’t interested in the tapes offered by the driver
【小题3】It can be inferred from the story that          .
A.the taxi driver couldn’t accept just being average
B.the author was anxious to get back to meet a client
C.when the author waited for a taxi at the airport, he was not in a rush
D.the taxi driver loved to play his favorite music during rides
【小题4】According to the story, the taxi driver        .
A.was dissatisfied wit his present job
B.was once often rewarded for being a model worker
C.enjoyed offering his customers more than they expected
D.was forced to become a taxi driver to support his family

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